Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 225: Thirty interest

In the wolf family, Lang Yunfeng ranks fifth and has only one brother.

But there is only one who can let him utter the word willingly as soon as he meets him—

Wolf Yunfeng!

It's him.

At this moment, I saw a young man wrapped in golden light, holding a golden knife, standing between Xiao Lang, Ning Fu'er and Lang Yunfeng like a **** of war, who is not Lang Yunli?

Lang Yunli was as cold as ever, with a cold complexion, and his falcon-like eyes stared at the terrified Lang Yunfeng. There was no emotional fluctuation in his eyes, as if it was not him who swung the knife just now, but someone else.

Why is Lang Yunli here?

And, did he still attack Lang Yunfeng?

Not only Lang Yunfeng, but Xiao Lang was shocked. It was really surprising that Lang Yunli appeared at this moment.

Of course, it was Lang Yunfeng who couldn't understand this scene.

What did he see?

The eldest brother who took care of me since he was a child actually did something to me?

"Brother, what are you doing!"

Lang Yunfeng yelled, not asking, but as before, he got into trouble and Lang Yunli wiped his **** as shamelessly. He has become accustomed and even dependent on this way of getting along between the two, and it has been the same until now.


Two consecutive shouts connected with blood came into his ears, even if Lang Yunli was mentally tough, he couldn't help but tremble at this time. For Lang Yunfeng, everything in the past has become a habit, so why not for him?

Unfortunately, the past is the past, not the present!

Lang Yunli closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, he really didn't even have the slightest emotional touch. There was only tenacity and killing intent deep in his eyes.

Lang Yunli did not look back, but his voice was clearly addressed to Xiao Lang.

"Thirty breaths."

"I can block their thirty breath time at most."

Xiao Lang's eyes trembled when he heard this, and finally determined that Lang Yunli was here to help him. Lang Yunli is only the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm. In the face of more than a dozen demon puppets of the same level, insisting on 30 breaths is already the limit he can reach!

Besides that, Lang Yunli didn't say anything, the next moment, the golden long knife in his hand was already raised again. This time, he seemed to finally answer Lang Yunfeng's question just now.

"Because I am a human, and you are a demon!"


Before the sound falls, the knife is out!

Lang Yun's sharp long sword swung, and the golden light flashed, and dozens of sword lights appeared at the same time, like a stormy sea, rushing towards Lang Yunfeng and the dozen demon puppets behind him.

Ten in one gear!

Lang Yun did not move sternly, and he was already prepared for a desperate battle, with great momentum!

"Brother, you..."

Even though Lang Yunfeng had received the answer, he still could not accept the facts in front of him. Just as he was about to say something, the light of the knife that Lang Yunli had swung was in front of him. The moment the puppet and Lang Yunli's sword light touched, Lang Yunfeng's expression suddenly changed.


The demon puppet's arm burst instantly, and even though the sword energy dissipated for most of it, the remaining power was still there, leaving a deep knife mark on the demon puppet's chest, and the breastbone shattered. If it were to change to the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the ordinary world realm, I am afraid that it would only be Lang Yun's sharp attack, and the opponent would die, and it would be no problem to make a single cut. Fortunately, he is a demon puppet and can barely block it.

Lang Yunfeng's face changed at this moment, and the eyes that looked at Lang Yunli were full of disbelief and resentment, but the next moment, they all turned into resentment, and he shouted:

"Lang Yunli, you really want to kill me!"

"You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

Lang Yunfeng roared and roared, and facing his question, Lang Yun was stern and expressionless, but once again issued a knife in response and attitude!

Lang Yunfeng went crazy immediately.


In his opinion, Lang Yunli, who had taken care of him in various ways in the past, chose to do something to himself at this time. What is this not betrayal?

He did not consider the other.

As for the magic way and the right way, it is not important to him at all. All he wanted was Ning Fu'er hiding behind Lang Yunli! Therefore, his mentality exploded in an instant.

"Kill! Kill him for me!"

Brothers against each other must be a **** battle.

Behind Lang Yunli, Ning Fu'er curled up in Xiao Lang's arms and stared at this scene dumbfounded. She couldn't believe that Lang Yunli had brought the turn of events.

She didn't understand, but Xiao Lang did.

To be honest, Lang Yun appeared suddenly and drew his sword at Lang Yunfeng, which was really beyond Xiao Lang's expectation, but when Lang Yunli said the reason, he immediately understood.

Nothing else, just because of the faction!

Of course, if you change to any other person, I am afraid that you will not be as decisive as Lang Yunli and directly turn your back. But in Xiao Lang's view, Lang Yunli's actions at this time were the most sensible.

Because he is a Jinjia disciple of Tianfu Temple.

When Xiao Lang first entered Tianfu Palace, Lang Yunli was already a disciple of the Jin family of Tianfu Palace. He must have known about the battle between righteous and demons. Even in these years, he might have been chased by demons and demons. kill!

It is precisely because of this that he knows the attitude of Tianfu Temple towards the Demon Sect under Heaven——


Kill them all, uproot them!

Not only the magic gate, but also the families related to the magic gate.

In fact, Tianfu Palace did the same. Over the years, all the families found to be related to the magic door, one is indispensable, have been destroyed!

This is what the Tianfu Palace does, and even the Tianfu Palace exists because of this concept. Of course, Lang Yunli can imagine what Tianfu Palace would do if Tianfu Palace knew what happened on Yanlang Star today, and what would happen to him.

Wolf E and Lang Yunfeng are bound to die!

The wolf family must be destroyed!

As for the Ning Family, perhaps because of Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er, the Ning Family will only be subject to the most stringent investigation and will not be destroyed, but the Wolf Family will definitely not exist.

Lang Yun knew that all of this would happen, but how could he ignore it?

Lang Yunli knew that his life or death didn't matter, but if so many people in the wolf family were all implicated because of Lang Yunfeng...

He must stand up to show his innocence!

Only in this way can Tianfu Palace allow everyone in the wolf family to undergo strict scrutiny. Such a review is cruel, but it is also a hope for survival, isn't it?

Lang Yunli shot it for the wolf family and for himself!

Xiao Lang understood this quite quickly.

Only, thirty breath...

Lang Yunli only said thirty breaths, saying short is not short, saying long is not long. If it is used to escape, he can definitely be thousands of miles away from Lang Yunfeng and the others. After that, if Lang Yunfeng and others want to catch up with them, it will probably take an hour or more.

Live for an hour, or use these 30 breaths to recover briefly and fight to the death to find a way out?

The question is about life and death, and it’s hard to tell, but Xiao Lang only took a moment to make a decision. He lowered his head and smiled softly at Ning Fu'er in his arms, and said softly: "Fu'er get up for the time being. Slightly recovered and destroyed them!"

Ning Fu'er got up quickly when she heard the words and didn't disturb Xiao Lang, but she didn't see. Lang Yun standing between them and Lang Yunfeng and the demon puppets shuddered sharply when she heard the words, and suddenly her body became even taller and her hands The long knife is also swung more frequently, such as storms, lightning and thunder!


The selection has been made.

However, Xiao Lang still had no idea whether he could open up the situation after recovery.

After all, the enemy is too strong!

Twelve demon puppets comparable to the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm were shot together. It was too terrible. Looking at the miserable appearance of Lang Yunli at this time, you can know that Lang Yunfeng really had a murderous heart for the big brother who took care of him since childhood. , Greeted the demon puppet's waves of offensive, Lang Yunli did not even have a chance to breathe.

If you add yourself...

At the third breath, Xiao Lang shook his head.

Not desirable.

Even if he used these short thirty breaths to restore his peak, and joined forces with Lang Yunli, he would end up dying with hatred. What's more, in just 30 breaths, I was seriously injured just now, how can I restore my peak?

Therefore, Xiao Lang completely dispelled the thought in his heart at the third breath, lowered his head, and his gaze fell on the palm of his free will.

Still have to use the Dao Spirit Body!

If you want to have a miracle, you have to go slant!

Xiao Lang was never an opportunity fighter. If he had hope and time to make preparations, Xiao Lang would of course want to be as stable as possible.

"Since it is a miracle, let it be more."

At the fifth breath, Xiao Lang would make a decision, starting with the Dao Spirit Body.

"It has huge potential, but how do you mobilize it? I'm exhausted now, all power is almost exhausted, but why is it still not moving? Could it be necessary to attract it?"

This is the hardest question-

How to activate the deeper potential of the Dao Spirit Body!

Xiao Lang thought about this question for fifteen breaths, motionless, and there was no divine power fluctuation on her body. During this time, Ning Fuer was a little confused and didn't know what Xiao Lang was doing, but after all, she was fully devoted. Those who believe in Xiao Lang dare not disturb.

Lang Yunli was already anxious here. He alone took control of the twelve magic puppets. His body's divine power dropped sharply. From the beginning of the battle, he didn't know how many pills he swallowed. His body was dripping with blood, scars all over his body, and bones were deeply visible. . He had been staring at Xiao Lang while he was fighting, and when he found that he had not reacted, he was naturally anxious.

what are you doing!

Not to recover soon?

Want us all to die here?

Finally, when he almost couldn't help but open his mouth and roar, Xiao Lang moved, suddenly raised his head to look at Ning Fuer, and whispered:

"Do you have a knife?"

Is Xiao Lang finally going to do it?

Ning Fu'er trembled when she heard the words, and nodded quickly, unsuspecting that he was there, and took out a jade-engraved dagger from the storage ring and handed it to Xiao Lang, still confused.

I haven't heard that Xiao Lang still uses magic weapons.

At this moment, at the twentieth breath after 30 breaths of Lang Yunli's words, Xiao Lang holding the dagger moved again, but with his wrist flipped, the sharp dagger pierced directly into his heart!

"Big Brother Xiao!"

Nymph was shocked when she saw this, and subconsciously stepped forward to stop her.

Xiao Lang, want to commit suicide?

No, of course not. Is Xiao Lang the kind of person who accepts his fate?

He pondered for more than ten breaths, and finally confirmed that the potential of the Dao Spirit Body is no longer recovering, which is probably related to his not dying, in other words, he has not reached the true limit.


The dagger entered, blood spattered, Xiao Lang still smiling on his face.

Since you want to make me worse, then I will give you the real limit!

At the twenty-first breath, Xiao Lang clearly sensed that the dagger was only a few minutes away from his heart, and it could be pierced in an instant. At this moment, Xiao Lang finally saw that a thick purple light rose from his heart and turned into one. The barrier, stopped in front of the dagger.

Dadao Spirit Body has finally recovered!

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