Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 226: Fall and break!

At the moment when Xiao Lang held a dagger into his heart, Lang Yun shook his body sharply. If it weren't for the demon puppet's offensive in front of him, he could not help but want to turn his head and curse.

What's up?

The enemy is now, and I have done my best to spare you 20 to 30 breaths of time. You actually want to spend this time on suicide?

Lang Yun wanted to curse harshly.

Ning Fuer's Huarong's complexion changed instantly, and she immediately rushed to stop Xiao Lang, but at this moment, a rich purple brilliance transpired from the latter's heart and turned into clouds and mist, which looked like water vapor, but in fact There was tenacity in it, and Nymph could not even get close and was pushed away directly.

this is……

Ning Fu'er opened her mouth wide in surprise, Lang Yunli was also surprised, and immediately overjoyed.

He didn't know what happened in Xiao Lang's body, but from the steaming purple mist, he felt a strong vitality. Xiao Lang's breath was like billowing smoke, rapidly growing!

This recovery speed was so fast that Lang Yunli had never heard of it before. He couldn't help but open his mouth wide. The whole person was stunned, almost forgetting the danger in front of him. The demon puppet is just a puppet, so it is naturally impossible to have any special feelings about the changes in Xiao Lang's body. The offensive remains the same, the devil's claw strikes, piercing the long knife in Lang Yunli's hand, if it were not for Lang Yunli's sudden awakening at the last moment, I'm afraid that this claw cut him off.

Lang Yunli quickly converged his mind and focused on the current battle, but with more joy on his face and hope in his eyes.


Lang Yunli urged Xiao Lang, and also urged the long knife in his hand.

He waited for Xiao Lang to recover.

The two joined forces, and Xiao Lang suddenly realized that, in his opinion, the demon puppets in front of him might not be able to kill them.


Here, Lang Yunli's heart was fierce, and Xiao Lang sank into an inexplicable state. The purple mist around him not only appeared around his body, but also appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, enveloping the soul of the soul, and his state quickly recovered.

what is this?

Xiao Lang became curious.

He recognized that this purple mist was definitely not divine power. If it was really to be qualitative, it was like amniotic fluid in the placenta. Although the power contained in it was not strong, it brought him rich life essence.

Just restored?

No, far from it.

Xiao Lang faintly felt that at the end of the purple mist, there was something good. That was the real secret of the Dao Spirit Body. If he can see through, he can definitely get surprising benefits.

Unfortunately, there is no time.

If it is normal, chances come, Xiao Lang will definitely retreat and enlighten, and will not retreat if he does not participate. But now, the danger is still in front of him, how can he have this skill?

Even if he knew that this opportunity was fleeting, Xiao Lang couldn't care about it.

"I don't have time to comprehend, it's a pity that this opportunity. But fortunately, this time the Dao Spirit Body is activated, and there are three breaths... not enough!"

Xiao Lang knew that the result of this battle could not be changed by the state of complete victory, unless... he could maintain his heyday forever!

"Always...unrealistic. But as long as it can last for a quarter of an hour, that's enough!"

Xiao Lang thought of this, an astonishing thought immediately appeared in his mind. There was no time to think about it, and when his heart moved, the powerful soul power immediately turned into a big hand and grabbed it towards the misty purple mist that filled his body.

"All into me!"


The purple mist was transpiring, and Xiao Lang was forcibly fettered and trapped in the dantian. The smoothness was beyond imagination. However, when the purple mist entered his body, Xiao Lang clearly felt that something suddenly disappeared from his body. A sense of deficit spontaneously arises.

this is……

Xiao Lang was taken aback, his expression serious.

If the state of divine assistance is greatly declining, Xiao Lang perceives everything that is happening in his body, and an ominous premonition surges into his heart:

"Is there no way for me now to arouse all the potential of the Dao Spirit Body, forcibly drawing its power, which is harmful to me?"

Xiao Lang felt that he should have guessed the truth, but the action of devouring the purple mist frantically did not stop.


so what?

Even if from today onwards, one's own great spirit body is completely damaged and can no longer be used, so what?

Live! This is the most important thing at the moment. If you can't even be alive, what's the use of this great spirit body?

"Come all over to me!"

Xiao Lang was cruel and swallowed all the purple mist around his body and in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. For a moment, his state immediately reached its peak, but suddenly, he came back suddenly—


Xiao Lang felt that the connection between himself and the spirit body of the Dao was suddenly broken, like drawing a salary from the bottom of a cauldron, and the purple mist that he had captured was the bridge connecting the spirit body of the Dao. As soon as the bridge was broken, Xiao Lang's breath suddenly stagnated, and he fell sharply. In an instant, he had fallen from the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm and returned to the pinnacle of the Small Perfection World Realm.

Again, this is his normal martial arts cultivation.


In front of him, Lang Yunfeng had been paying attention to everything that happened to Xiao Lang's body. When he noticed the sudden change in the latter's aura, his expression was hard to look at.

Something went wrong?

Sudden changes occurred, but Xiao Lang did not see a trace of fluctuations on his face, and his expression remained calm. In fact, when he was making guesses about the purple clouds and mists around him, Xiao Lang realized that this scene would happen, which was really not unexpected at all. After all, the reason why he was able to show the martial arts cultivation at the peak of the World Realm Dzogchen was originally the result of the support of the Dao Spirit Body.

When the Dao Spirit Body is not there, it is normal to fall.

Since it was predicted, how can Xiao Lang not have a solution?

"Fall? Then go up again!"


As soon as his thoughts came out, Xiao Lang, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes. The spirits inside him overflowed, and the space around his body exploded, like thunder roaring, with more space trembling, as if at this moment in Xiao Lang's body. The hidden power is enough to affect the surrounding void.

The fact is also true.

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Lang roared low, the sound was thunderous, and as he stood up tall and tall, a mighty and mighty breath suddenly rose from him, soaring like a tide, as powerful as a mountain.

Today, on Yanlang Star, beside Magnolia City.

Xiao Lang fell to the peak with one thought, and then reached the peak again!

The peak of Dzogchen in the world!

Although it was not the first time that Xiao Lang had ascended to this realm, he could have already reached this level with the help of Dao Spirit Body, but this time, Xiao Lang felt completely different from before.

Be practical!


It's not a so-called psychological change, but a transformation of true strength, the kind of steadiness that is solid on the foundation, and the whole body is infused with divine power, if there is divine help.

No, it's not as if there is divine help.


I am God!

"Big Brother Xiao?"

Ning Fu'er looked at Xiao Lang in surprise. Even though she was low-level, she could see that Xiao Lang is really different now from before. It's just that the specifics are different but can't be said. She was about to ask, but she heard Xiao Lang calm. 'S voice rang in my ears:

"wait me back."

"Next, leave it to me."

Xiao Lang said the first sentence to Ning Fuer, but the latter sentence was harsh to Lang Yun. Before he could finish his words, his whole person flashed past Lang Yunli's side, and Lang Yunli was taken aback.

Go up alone?

Isn't this looking for death!

Even if you break through the border first and then enter the country, this encounter has never been heard before, you can't be so big, right? !

Lang Yunli was about to stop, but Xiao Lang had already turned into a purple lightning and rushed away, and slammed into a demon puppet who was waving his claws!


The collision of fists and feet is more ferocious than the confrontation with the hand-held magic weapon. The fist reaches the flesh, and the sound is stronger. Like thunder, Lang Yunli was almost close to the eardrums by the sound. What shocked him even more was the result of Xiao Lang's blow. ——


Amidst the thunder, the cracking sound rang unconcealed. Under Lang Yun's stern gaze, Xiao Lang surrounded by thunderously appeared like a thunder god, punching out, thunder rushing, the moment when the purple fists collided with the claws——


The magic claws shattered instantly, thinner than dross.

After the collision, Xiao Lang's punch continued to castrate, as fierce as ever, and slammed on the demon puppet's heavenly spirit cover.


The head of the demon puppet was like a big watermelon hit by a sledgehammer, bursting instantly, and the red and white slurry splashed for a while, which was more brilliant than fireworks!

In the rear, Lang Yunli was completely dumbfounded.

what is this?

He persisted hard for 30 breaths, was hit by a dozen times, and was seriously injured, let alone killed. There are not enough injured puppets. Xiao Lang is not good. Just one attack, just kill one?

The gap in combat power!

However, this only killed one.

When Xiao Lang slammed and killed a demon puppet, other demon puppets had already besieged from all directions. The devil's claws were waving, and the wind was strong, and the heavy armor could be broken!

"Be careful!"

Lang Yun was shocked, subconsciously warned, holding a long knife to rescue, but shortly afterwards, his movements froze suddenly. This is not because he does not want to save, but...

No need!


But seeing Xiao Lang looking at the demon puppets from around him, there was no trace of fear on his face? Instead, the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc, his temperament changed drastically, and his whole body changed the same.

"I said, there must be thunder!"

Xiao Lang groaned in the air, without seeing any other movements. Suddenly, the blue electric light around his body seemed to be excited, thousands of thunder shining in the void, a radius of tens of miles, except for the place where Lang Yunli and Ning Fu'er stood. The place was immediately flooded with thunder, like a sea of ​​thunder, and thunderclouds emerged from Xiao Lang's body, slowly turning into a long robe, illusory and engraved with purple patterns.

Upon seeing this, Lang Yunli, who had been familiar with divine skills since childhood, saw this scene, his eyes widened again, and he couldn't help exclaiming:

"Holy Thunder Body is small and perfect, Lei Yi add body!"

Not bad.

It is the realm of Saint Lei's small perfection, Lei Yi added himself.

Isn't Xiao Lang only luck? This magical skill is his capital! From then on, there will be one more person in this world!

Lang Yunli saw that Xiao Lang turned slightly, his thundercloth swelled against the storm, and merged with the surrounding thunder, not like a mountain, but a sea of ​​thunder, falling on the left and right of every demon puppet around him, immediately--


The golem froze.

Thunder, the world's most powerful force. The demon puppet, the power of qi and blood at the core, is refined by the secret technique of Yin Sha, which is originally extremely Yin, and was restrained by thunder innately, and this restraint is even more vivid at this moment——

Wear thunderclothes, and suppress demons!

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