Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 227: Kill all

The thunderclouds are gorgeous and dazzling. They surround the body of the eighteen demon puppets and the wolf Yunfeng. They are like trapped in a cage, and they can hardly struggle for a while!

Seeing this scene, Lang Yun was stunned.

To be honest, he had almost confessed his fate before, especially when he saw Xiao Lang sitting still in place for a full twenty breaths, his heart felt cold.

He originally thought that even if Xiao Lang recovered his own state in a short period of time, the two might be able to break out of the encirclement together, but it was simply unrealistic to kill all the demon puppets in front of him!

Lang Yunli had foreseen that moment when he arrived. The reason why Xiao Lang was allowed to rest and fight him was for the ray of life, and also for the spread of everything that happened in Magnolia City in Japan today. The Tianfu Palace in the Eastern Region even Da Neng at the Tianfu Palace headquarters found here, traced its origin, and was able to find out what he had done, leaving a ray of life for the wolf family.

But what he never expected was that Xiao Lang wouldn't make a move, and it turned out to be such a shock!

Just as he was astonished, suddenly—

"What are you doing in a daze!"


Xiao Lang roared lowly and dullly, before his words fell, the whole person had turned into a ball of dazzling electric light and entered the crowd. Between his fists, he could see the phantom of the dragon, like a holy lord.

Only then did Lang Yunli see that the demon puppet trapped in the thundercloud started to struggle violently, violently, and wanted to break free from the shackles around him. Only then did Lang Yunli understand that Xiao Lang could use a thunder garment. Suppressing these demon puppets was not without effort. On the contrary, Xiao Lang paid a lot!

Time is short and must be seized!

In an instant, Lang Yunli dared to hesitate a little bit, holding a long knife to catch up, and Jinmang was raging, two demon puppets were immediately beheaded by him, bursting the gods!


A brief killing began.

The long sword in Lang Yunli's hand opened and closed, and each sword smashed into the devil's heavenly spirit cover. That was the only weakness of the devil's body. If only their torso or limbs were chopped up, they would not be killed.

The source of their strength lies in the heavenly spirit cover!

Xiao Lang is stronger!

As the dragon and elephant followed, there was an invincible aura lingering around him, which made people tremble.

The two world realm Dzogchen pinnacle powerhouses shot together, and the result of the battle must be amazing. In an instant, four demon puppets burst under Xiao Lang's fist and the golden long sword in the hands of Lang Yunli.

But at this moment, I don't know whether it was the influence of the power of vitality and blood caused by the explosion of those demon puppets, or whether their struggle finally took effect, the thundercloud shook and rolled, and the remaining ten demon puppets finally regained their freedom!

The sudden change made Lang Yunfeng a big jump. The first time he got rid of the shackles of the surrounding thunderclouds, he actually chose to shrink back and shrank behind the ten demon puppets, fearful, pale face, and looked like a demon god. Xiao Lang was born with trepidation.

But at the time of life and death, although Lang Yunfeng felt timid in his heart, in the end resentment prevailed and he roared bitterly:


"Kill them!"

"They can't hold on for long! Blew me up!"

Lang Yunfeng was almost frightened, and never dared to do it anymore. Even if he risked being punished by Wolf E and Ning Huo later, he urged all the puppets to step forward, exploding and swearing to kill Xiao Lang and Lang Yun. Li.


Immediately, the two demon puppets exploded. Between the qi and blood and the demon energy, even the surrounding thunderclouds were defeated a bit. The powerful sun and sage's sense of oppression was not there, and the remaining eight demon puppets were instantly powerful. Soaring, and divided into two teams, Qi Qi rushed towards Lang Yunli and Xiao Lang.

Upon seeing this, Lang Yunli instantly paled.

Four demon puppets?

Can't beat it!

He previously helped Xiao Lang and Ningfuler resist the successive offensives of the eighteen demon puppets, and the state was almost exhausted. Just now he swung four knives one after another to kill the four demon puppets, and his state and strength were infinitely close to the limit. .

If it is one or two demon puppets, he is still sure to entangle for a while. But four... this number has exceeded the limit he can handle!

"It's hard to escape death after all?"

Lang Yun was unwilling.

Just saw hope, but suddenly fell into despair, this kind of blow is not something anyone can bear. And just as his fighting spirit plummeted, suddenly--

"Protect Fuer. Give them to me!"

Xiao Lang's divine soul came through, but before his words fell, Lang Yun was surprised to see that facing the eight demon puppets coming in such a wave, Xiao Lang was going retrograde, like the bridge of the Hengjiang River, he stepped up and walked through. The wind and thunder are surging, violent and howling, and the eight demon puppets are shrouded in it!

Lang Yun's eyes shrank sharply, and his heart trembled.

Is Xiao Lang looking for death? !

In his opinion, Xiao Lang's move was really no different from seeking death. You must know that his enemies are not ordinary goods, but full of eight demon puppets, even if they have exploded part of their blood before, but the combat power of each will not be weaker than any world-level Dzogchen peak powerhouse. Coupled with their unafraid of life and death, it is even more difficult!

He could block the eighteen demon puppets by skill, not a head-on confrontation. If it were just positive, he would have died long ago!

Besides, even if Xiao Lang could stop it, would the divine power storage in his body support him to do so?

Just as Lang Yun was terrified, Xiao Lang was already confronting the first demon puppet. His right fist fell like a Thor's hammer, and the first demon puppet that collided with him suddenly shattered. Xiao Lang's fist went unabated, and directly hit the latter's Tianling cover!


Another demon puppet burst and died!

But Lang Yunli's expression didn't get any better because of it, but it got worse.


Xiao Lang chose to fight head-on!

Killing a demon puppet in a one-on-one instant, Lang Yunli admits that he can do it, but what about the follow-up? Such a thunderous blow to kill a demon puppet, the state will definitely be greatly affected!

Lang Yunfeng, who was hiding on the edge of the battlefield, also saw this scene. Thinking of this, he laughed wildly:

"Hahahaha! You want to be a hero, well, I will give you this opportunity!"

Lang Yunfeng had already pinched the seal order, and rushed up at the moment when Xiao Lang's state was greatly reduced, and drowned him with magic claws, but at this moment, a scene that caused the two Lang Family brothers in different arrays to be frightened and frightened happened.


Just after the last punch was settled, Xiao Lang turned around, and then smashed it down with another punch. A demon puppet who had just deceived him and hadn't pierced its claws even failed to respond. He had already smashed the sky spirit cover. on!

the second!

Another demon puppet is dead!

However, this is not the most shocking, but—

The rippling divine power and aura on Xiao Lang's body did not even decay at all. From beginning to end, they maintained their absolute peaks, even if they could see that Xiao Lang did use his full strength when he punched, and it consumes a lot of money, but...

"what happened?"

"How can this be?!"

Lang Yunfeng finally noticed the strangeness of Xiao Lang's body, and suddenly panicked in his heart:

"How can he stay in perfect condition forever?! This is impossible!"

However, this is the fact. At the moment he exclaimed, Xiao Lang shot again one after another, and the dragon elephant printed frequently, and directly slapped the two demon puppets who wanted to pass by his side to the ground, also bursting to death with their heads.

After that, Xiao Lang's offensive became more violent. He drove through the void alone. The six demon puppets left in front of him lost the command of the terrified Lang Yunfeng. They could only attack by instinct and unite. But there were so many loopholes, there was no cooperation at all, and Xiao Lang caught the gap again, turning his wrists, and then killed four more!

Only two left!

At this time, Lang Yunfeng finally woke up from the panic and panicked completely.

"Lunatic! You desperate lunatic! I won't fight you!"

Lang Yunfeng manipulated the last remaining two demon puppets to escape, because he knew that with his martial arts cultivation and speed, it was absolutely impossible to escape Xiao Lang's pursuit.

The two demon puppets can't take him with them. Only if they explode the demon puppets on the road and delay for a while, can they escape to Magnolia City.

"Just escape to Magnolia City! In Magnolia City, he will never kill me!"

Lang Yunfeng was frightened by Xiao Lang. He thought that Xiao Lang was using a secret technique to burn the foundation of martial arts in his body and the source of life. Otherwise, he really couldn't think of other ways to keep Xiao Lang in full bloom. .

And just when he wanted to run away, suddenly--

"Want to escape?"


Xiao Lang stepped out, the first sentence was still far away, but the second sentence was already close at hand. Lang Yunfeng was amazed to see that Xiao Lang's figure flashed like a steel knife, stopping him and Between two demon puppets.

Similarly, this steel knife also cut off his only hope of survival!

"Do not!"

"Xiao Lang, you can't kill me! If you kill me, my ancestor will definitely not let you go! Next, you will endure the chase of the era realm every day!"

Lang Yunfeng panicked and did not hesitate to speak, and immediately chose what he was best at-threat. However, Xiao Lang seemed as if he hadn't even heard anything he said, two punches blasted out, and the two remaining demon puppets burst and died immediately, leaving only the rain of blood pouring, shocking.

It is hard to imagine that in just three or five breaths of time, all the eighteen demon puppets who looked at the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the world were all dead.

The four were killed by Lang Yunli's sword.

The remaining fourteen were all killed by Xiao Lang!

Not only Lang Yunfeng was frightened, but also Lang Yunli was shocked. After watching Xiao Lang on the void after killing the last two demon puppets, he turned and walked towards Lang Yunfeng step by step. Yun Li was awakened, unable to suppress the shock in his heart, his eyes flickering.

In the past ten years, his most beloved brother is about to die?

Seeing Xiao Lang raised his hand and was about to start, Lang Yunfeng immediately trembled in his heart, and the ghost could not help taking a step forward, catching up with Xiao Lang said:

"Brother Xiao, wait!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang paused immediately before frowning.

At the last moment, Lang Yunli suddenly hesitated?

He wanted to beg himself to let Lang Yunfeng go?

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