Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 229: Break a thousand armors in one go

The death of Lang Yunfeng didn't seem to have much effect on Lang Yunli. Obviously, he had already had such a psychological preparation in his heart before he came.

When Lang Yunli heard Xiao Lang’s question, he turned his head and glanced at Ning Fu'er, who was standing beside him with lonely and godless eyes. He sighed deeply, no doubt that he was there, thinking that Xiao Lang was caring about Ning Fu'er. I was also concerned about the safety of Nymph’s parents and answered truthfully:

"The four of them should be on par."

"If it's normal, Ning Yuan, who can reach the middle of the Era Realm with just one kick, is of course the strongest. If he has broken through, even if Langwu and Ninghuo join forces, I am afraid that they are not the opponents of Ning Yuan alone. In the early, middle and late stages, the gap is even greater."

"It's just that now, Ning Yuan hasn't broken through, and Ninghuo has been poisoned, and his state has declined severely, and the situation is worrying."

"But they won't lose too fast."

Lang Yunli turned his head and glanced at the direction of Magnolia City. Even if they were thousands of miles apart, he could still faintly feel the violent power coming from the center of Magnolia City. Obviously, the battle between the four of Ning Yuan was still going on.

"We did not decide life and death in an instant, presumably the battle in Magnolia City has become a protracted battle. Ning Yuan's personal combat power is the strongest, but the key to the final victory of this battle is not in Ningyuan, but in Ning Guanghe. ."

"Ning Guanghe has a magic circle like the Dao, and the five elements of the prison is unparalleled in the world, and it is invulnerable. Ning Huo's failure to kill him at the moment of shot should leave Ning Guanghe with a glimmer of life. If I can't guess If it is wrong, the current situation in Magnolia City should be quite complicated. Ning Guanghe has the power of a magic circle and cooperates with Ning Yuan. Maybe he can't beat Lang E and Ning Huo, but he will definitely not die so easily."

"Now Ning Guanghe should have used the five elements to suppress the prison, trying his best to resist the crazy offensive of Langwu and Ninghuo. According to my wolf family's evaluation of Ning Guanghe, he can at least hold on to the five elements of prison with one hand. Three hours of time. However, the magic circle is the strongest, and there is also a time limit. If you insist on at most four or five hours, he will definitely die of exhaustion."

"As for the current Magnolia City... it should be almost in ruins. Who can escape? The martial arts cultivation is still the second, mainly depends on his luck and good fortune."

Lang Yunli analyzed carefully and talked from the perspective of the onlooker, but at the end of the speech, he still had a certain tendency.

He did not recommend Xiao Lang to return to Magnolia City to try to save Nymph's parents.

too dangerous!

Even if he didn’t know how Xiao Lang managed to kill fourteen demon puppets at the pinnacle of Dzogchen World Realm in a row, they could still maintain their breath peak, but obviously, this unreasonable scene must be because Xiao Lang paid a great price. , Does not last.

Going back is just looking for death.

God knows how many demon puppets are still in Magnolia City, and Lang Yunli can't estimate the number of demon puppets, but he is certain that it must be more than eighteen!

There are many magic puppets?

Xiao Lang smiled slightly and didn't take it seriously, and said: "If it is already a confrontation, even if the Venerable Era Realm, there will be more combat power left? It is rumored that the Venerable Era Realm is one person, and the vision between the raised hands is heavenly. I don't know how much stronger you and me are?"

Lang Yun frowned slightly when he heard the words. He was not stupid. He heard something in Xiao Lang's words, but he didn't think much about the deep meaning. After all, the conjecture was really scary.

Wolf Yun said sternly: "One person is not false, but it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that the vision between raising hands is natural. Even in the Era Realm, not everyone can do it. Legend has it that there are only those with extraordinary talents. The era of perfection can only be achieved by a strong person who is on the way to the transformation. The world knows very little about the era. It is estimated that after reading a few rumors, it is rumored. About these, there are also ancient records in the treasure pavilion of the Eastern Tianfu Palace. , If Brother Xiao is free, I can introduce a few to you."

Lang Yunli's current attitude towards Xiao Lang was obviously very different from before.

The change in identity caused by what happened today is the second, the most important thing is the combat power that Xiao Lang demonstrated in the battle just now.



Lang Yunli couldn't even help comparing himself with Xiao Lang. If the two held one side and life and death faced each other, what would the end result be? Every time he thought about it, he couldn't help but sigh in a cold sweat.

"My name as the second golden armour of the Eastern Sky Floating Palace is completely absent."

Just thinking about it, Lang Yunli quickly retracted his thoughts and continued to answer Xiao Lang's last question, saying:

"As for the comparison of the combat power between the world realm and the era realm, the world has long been curious, but there are few cross-border fights after all. It is not a life-and-death battle, and there is no one. No one knows the specific gap, but it is currently recognized that Ruo Yidong Let’s talk about the blue-clad puppets on Wuping in Luanshan, even the most powerful world realm Dzogchen can only break 300 armors in one stroke. And even the weakest Era realm venerable can break through with a single blow. Go to Thousand Armor!"

Xiao Lang's pupils condensed when he heard this.

Three hundred Jia!

A thousand Jia!

Three times the extra gap is naturally very big, especially in the battle of life and death, even a cent difference may become the winner of the outcome of the war, let alone the gap is three times!

And, one is the strongest, the other is just a casual blow...

Xiao Lang pondered.

Dongluan Mountain Wuping knows that it is a strange place in the Eastern Regions, and it is a good place with grace and beauty. It was originally a mountain range, uncontested with the world, and there were at most a dozen sects around it. Since they are warriors, especially young and energetic warriors, they must be eager to win each other. This is why Dongluanshan Wuping came to establish a formation, and Qingjia is the foundation. It is to evaluate in this bloodless way. Over time, Dongluanshan Wuping became famous for this peaceful way, and even became one of the few places in the Eastern Region where a large number of warriors could gather to discuss whether there was a martial art. Xiao Lang had long heard of it.

"Doesn't that mean that if my combat power can reach more than a thousand miles in one go, I can also participate in that battle?"

As soon as Xiao Lang said this, Lang Yun shivered with fright and almost jumped from the ground.

If he heard this, Lang Yunli still couldn't hear what Xiao Lang wanted to do, he wasn't worthy to raise his martial arts cultivation to this level.

"You still want to get involved in the war between them? You are crazy!"

Lang Yunli looked at Xiao Lang in disbelief, and roared loudly. Only halfway through his words, his voice suddenly lowered, and subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the direction of Magnolia City, as if he was afraid of being confronted by the wolf Wu and Ning in the center of Magnolia City. Huo and others heard it.

Of course they couldn't hear it at such a distance.

But it can also be seen from this that even if it is Lang Yunli at the pinnacle of the World Realm Dzogchen, when talking about the Era Realm Venerable, how awe he is in his heart.

"You don't want to die!"

Lang Yunli opened his eyes wide, and shouted at Xiao Lang: "They can kill you with a single blow! What's more, the Venerable Era Realm has a first sense of heaven and earth, contains the heavens, and a blow is more mysterious, and non-Era Realm can resist. , You can only die!"

To die?

Xiao Lang smiled slightly and didn't care about it, but the coldness in his eyes was instantly cold and spring water, and said:


"Can you escape?"

"Since Langwu and Ninghuo started, it means that they are already prepared. Otherwise, why don't they bear it? A wolf Yunfeng is worth more than their lives, right? Do you think Ningyuan was poisoned by accident? You think you Apart from Wolf E, the wolf family has no other magic repairs? Do you think, where can you escape?"

For several times in a row, you thought that Xiao Lang's voice was not loud, but every word resounded like thunder in Lang Yunfeng's ears, making his face pale and white, and there was no more blood in an instant. Staring at Xiao Lang, his eyes were full Unbelievable, his lips moved:

", it's not true."

"Our wolf family..."

Halfway through Lang Yun's harsh words, he could no longer speak.

Even if he was clever and clever, he had to admit that what Xiao Lang said was true!

He thought that the wolf family, thousands of miles away, was as clear as water, but in reality, this was obviously unrealistic. The wolf family may have been prepared long ago, and even, they are probably already on the way when they came, and only wait for the battle of Magnolia City to end, they will come to collect everything from the Ning family.

By then, the entire Yanlang Star will turn into a magic star!


Lang Yunli's thoughts collapsed.

It can be said unceremoniously that the only thing that supports him now is the wolf family. Helping Xiao Lang and killing Lang Yunfeng was for himself, and even more to leave a ray of life to the wolf family!

And now, all hope is broken.

Xiao Lang frowned as he looked at the gray-faced Wolf Yun, and finally heaved a sigh of relief because of his rescue efforts.

"Of course, you don't need to be so desperate, I'm just talking about the worst case."

"Perhaps your wolf family also has internal troubles. You are in the midst of a fight. Some people are insisting, and some have been enchanted. This is all possible. If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one knows what is going on.

When Lang Yun heard the words, his spirits shrank, his eyes finally gained a little more brilliance, and he kept saying:

"Yes, yes, it's possible!"

"You are right, I can't give up!"

Lang Yunfeng struggled, as if a drowning man caught the last straw, and looked at Xiao Lang eagerly. Xiao Lang looked at him too, but there was no pity on his face, he was still cold.

Lang Yunfeng can be full of energy because of this hope, but he can't.

Prepare for the worst!

Make the most comprehensive preparation!

"Now, you can tell me, what veins are there nearby?"

Ground vein?

What did Xiao Lang ask this for?

Lang Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, but seeing Xiao Lang's serious look, before asking, he quickly replied, "I know this!"

As the saying goes, the one who knows you best is always your enemy. Just as the Lang Family had already studied the Magnolia City to the Ning Family, the whole story of Magnolia City had already been studied. Of course, Lang Yunli knew about it and quickly told the truth.

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he immediately turned his head to look in the direction Lang Yunli was pointing, and there was a ray of luminosity in the depths of his eyes that was shining like stars. Feeling the faint signs of collapse of the purple mist in his body, Xiao Lang's lips clenched:

"It's up to you to survive this time!"

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