Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 230: Earth spirit into my arms

Xiao Lang just glanced at the direction of the veins that Lang Yunli had said, then retracted his gaze, stretched his ape arms, and picked her up in the girl's exclamation.

Lang Yunli was immediately startled when he saw Xiao Lang's movements.

Even if Xiao Lang hadn't even left, he could see that Xiao Lang was going to find that place!

What did Xiao Lang go to find the veins for?

Earth veins are naturally raised and cannot be taken away.

Lang Yunli knew that the earth veins could meet the enemy. If one of the earth veins is used as the magic circle, the power that can erupt can even threaten the Venerable Era Realm!


This is not a legend, but a reality.

It’s just that there have not been many such battles, and the reason is simple—

Earth veins are too difficult to control!

Even if you are proficient in the magic circle, you can't say that you have 100% control of the ground veins. What's more, the earth veins are dead, and the Venerable Era Realm is alive and much more flexible.

When you mobilize the power of the earth pulse to try to kill the latter, the latter does not know how far it has run.

Such restrictions have caused many sects and families to rely on the ground veins to build, which can ensure the concentration of divine power around the mansion and is equivalent to an extra hole card.

Of course, the Ning family doesn't need it anymore, because the Ning family originally had the Venerable Era Realm, if the earth veins were used by someone with a heart, and suddenly broke out, that would be the real gain not worth the loss.

What did Xiao Lang go to find the veins for?

Lang Yunli was quite curious. He had heard Lang Yunfeng say that Xiao Lang once used earth veins to kill enemies. How can you kill Magnolia City, which is tens of thousands of miles away, Keninghuo and Wolf E?

Although Lang Yunli saw Xiao Lang's plan, he couldn't figure it out. He watched Xiao Lang pick up Ning Fu'er and fly away. He stood there and hesitated, until Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er were about to be seen from behind. Disappeared, and then he gritted his teeth and also pulled up.

Go check it out!

Since Xiao Lang is determined to return to Magnolia City, he must have something to rely on!


"If you lose, you have nothing! But if you win..."

Lang Yun was gambling.

He is betting that Xiao Lang can win!

If Xiao Lang wins, it will be easier for him to clear his suspicions when Tianfu Palace investigates what happened on Yanlang Star today, and even part of the credit will be given!

Fighting warrior!

"Running is also a bet, and not running is a bet. Why not beat the big with small?"

Lang Yunli thought of this, the light in his eyes became firmer, and his speed skyrocketed for a while, and he quickly relaxed alongside Xiao Lang with Nymph.

Xiao Lang glanced at Lang Yunli unexpectedly, but didn't say anything.

He could see through Lang Yunli's plan, but he didn't expect the latter to be so courageous.

What can be thought of and what can be done are two completely different realms!

Xiao Lang concentrated on rushing, but in fact he was quite nervous, feeling the purple mist in his body slowly dissipating, and he was very anxious.

In the previous war, I was replaced by another world realm Dzogchen pinnacle powerhouse. No matter how deep the foundation of martial arts, I’m afraid it’s impossible to stick to it. It’s impossible to increase it three or five times, but Xiao Lang persisted, and until the end, He is still in perfect condition.

At least in the eyes of Lang Yunli.

This is of course for a reason, it is the purple mist in his body.

The resilience of the purple mist is amazing!

It's even more effective than any spar or pill that Xiao Lang has ever seen, and he can instantly restore the lack without even being prompted by him. The strength is rich and the source is mysterious. Xiao Lang as the master can't see through it, only knows its source. From one's own Dao spirit body.

Not only that, Xiao Lang also discovered another characteristic of it——


Ziwu's banning ability is extremely strong!

At the time of the attack, Xiao Lang did not subconsciously retain these purple mists, trying to swallow the divine power of the void and subsidize the deficit. In this way, he would naturally retain more purple mist and he was more confident. At this time, he discovered that Ling He was surprised--

Purple mist accepted all, and did not penetrate at all!

Even if the heaven and earth divine power he swallowed had surpassed the peak at Consummation, the extra divine power never overflowed, all trapped in the body, swelling up to the pain of the meridians.

It was precisely because he discovered this characteristic of Ziwu that Xiao Lang's heart suddenly had the idea of ​​going to Magnolia City.

"Doesn't this mean that as long as I have enough strength in my body, I can even pose a certain threat to Era Realm Venerable?!"

At a thought, it can no longer be contained.

Ninghuo and Wolf E will kill!

If they were to kill Ning Yuan and Ning Guanghe, knowing that Lang Yunfeng had died in their own hands, they would definitely not give up, let alone Ning Fu'er still in their own hands. Since Lang Yunfeng knew Ning Fu'er's secret, Ning Huo and Lang Wu must also know!

After only thinking about it for a while, Xiao Lang realized that he might have his only chance now.

Can't wait for Ninghuo and Langwu to recover! If they wait for them to return to the top, they will definitely find themselves the first time. In case you find...

"Can't wait."

Xiao Lang's eyes were brilliant and fearless.

"My second player doesn't know when they will arrive. If they come later, I'm afraid there is really no chance to survive. I must seize this opportunity!"

This was the main reason that prompted Xiao Lang to decide to find the veins.


He didn't need to look for the veins, Lang Yunli knew where the veins were, and he did a great favor to Xiao Lang.

"I have accumulated strength, and I will never reach the level I expect in a short period of time, but it is different with the help of the earth pulse."

Time is running out.

Because Xiao Lang knew that if the purple mist in his body was completely dissipated, he wouldn't even have the qualifications to challenge Ning Huo and Lang Wu at all!



Although Lang Yunli still didn't know what Xiao Lang was doing looking for the veins, but seeing the gloom on the latter's face, he didn't dare to ask any more, and he dared not say anything other than leading the way along the way.

Finally, just a quarter of an hour later--


Following the words of Lang Yun's stern relief, a valley surrounded by mountains appeared at the end of the three people's vision, with green shades all over the fields, exuding vigorous vitality, but behind the woods, there was a vigorous breath looming and sharp. Exposed.

this is……

Xiao Lang opened his eyes wide and heard Lang Yunli's introduction.

"This is the Golden Leaf Valley. It should be regarded as the largest ground vein near Magnolia City. It is surrounded by gold gas and full of wood. According to... According to Langwu, there should be two major ground veins hidden under this valley. And metallic. Normally, the Ning family is heavily guarded, but now..."

Of course no one is there anymore.

Xiao Lang can see from a high altitude, there are overturned tents and hurriedly messy footprints in the mountains and forests. Obviously, the Ning Jia powerhouse guarding this place also sensed the turmoil in Magnolia City, and fled or went to Magnolia City for rescue.

Two choices, two results.

Either live or die.

But of course all this has nothing to do with Xiao Lang. Perceiving the mighty aura from the depths of the ground veins, the expression on Xiao Lang's face finally changed for the first time after leaving Magnolia City.



Xiao Lang flew upside down and landed quickly. While putting Ning Fu'er aside, his spirit manifested, and a misty array was clearly displayed in front of Ning Fu'er and Lang Yunli.


"You all come to help!"

Although Ning Fu'er and Lang Yunli both studied magic circles, they could tell for a while what kind of mystery was hidden in the magic circles that Xiao Lang manifested, but it was not important, as long as they could do something.

Immediately, the three of them got busy, centering on the formation eye selected by Xiao Lang, they began to portray the formation, extremely fast and extremely detailed. Because although they didn't know why Xiao Lang portrayed the magic formation, they could guess that this must have something to do with his return to the battlefield of Magnolia City. How could they dare to be negligent?

All three of them have the world realm cultivation base, even the lowest Ning Fuer is in the middle world realm. The speed of the formation is naturally very fast. In just one cup of tea, the ground of hundreds of square meters has been densely marked by the law formation. Flooded.


"Next, don't come down no matter what happens, just leave it to me."

Xiao Lang chased away the guests and moved quickly, because he felt the purple mist in his body dissipate faster and faster, but even so, he gave Ning Fu'er a gentle look and said with relief:

"Don't worry, I will be fine. Wait a moment, I will take you home!"

Ning Fu'er was not the kind of indecisive and weak woman. When Xiao Lang said that, she just nodded to the latter, her beautiful eyes were full of trust in her own man, and she didn't even need to say anything from Xiao Lang, turning around and rushing into the valley.

Lang Yunli did what he said, standing on the edge of the valley, looking down, and asked Ning Fuer next to him:

"What is he doing?"

Nymph bitten her lower lip and shook her head silently, but her beautiful eyes were worried.

Not to worry is of course fake.

But Xiao Lang would do it, she would never stop it!

Nymph was silent for a moment, and then she seemed to say to herself: "No matter what he does, I believe he can do it!"

Lang Yun was surprised, and looked sideways at what Ning Fuer was about to say, suddenly—


The earth is shaking!

Lang Yunli only felt the earth sway under his body, and the sun and moon disappeared instantly. The dazzling brilliance transpired from the depths of the valley. Even though Lang Yunli was already the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm, he still felt double. His eyes pierced and it was difficult to see everything that happened in the valley, but he could feel that the mighty force of a tsunami rose in the valley for an instant, like wolf smoke, billowing.

Lang Yunli subconsciously leaned back and was about to retreat. Of course, when he retreated, he did not forget the Ning Fuer beside him and pulled her back together.

This force is too violent!

The power of the veins, like the waves like the sea!

In front of this power, Lang Yunli felt like a flat boat in the sea, as long as a random wind wave, he would fall into the sea with no possibility of surviving!

This is enough to cause a fatal threat to the world realm Dzogchen pinnacle powerhouse, even enough to kill hundreds of times, how can Lang Yunli not be afraid?

But at this moment, only a crisp sound suddenly sounded in the valley, and even crushed over the rock, the roar of power--

"The essence of the forest rises, the spirit of the earth enters my arms!"


Lang Yun swiftly saw that there was another gleam of light gushing out of the valley, like a shackle, trapping all the power of transpiration, and like a big hand, holding it in the palm of his hand fiercely, holding it with his backhand and taking it all in. The central vortex, and in the vortex, a familiar and unfamiliar figure slowly floated out, who was it if it wasn't Xiao Lang?

At this moment, seeing this scene, Lang Yunli realized that he could no longer close his mouth—

Xiao Lang actually swallowed all the power of the earth veins!

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