Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 239: Pity

Venerable Wuxiang and Xiao Lang are gone.

No farewell.

Xiao Lang originally wanted to say goodbye to Nymph, but after thinking about it, he chose to give up.

My troubles haven't been solved yet, and I told Nymph so much, didn't it make her worry for nothing?

In the end, Xiao Lang only left a note.

Ning Fu'er and Lang Yunfeng waited for a long time outside the door. When night fell outside, Wan Lai was silent, and there was no sound in the bedroom. They finally couldn't help but buttoned the door, and then pushed in without a response. When I found it was empty, I naturally saw the piece of paper.

After reading it-

"What? Did Xiao Lang go to Tianfu Palace headquarters with Wuxiang Patriarch? Healed?"

Lang Yunli exclaimed, and Ning Fuer was also surprised.

There was very little information on the note left by Xiao Lang, and Lang Yunli's last sentence could be fully summarized. As for whether to heal or what to do, it was just Lang Yunli's conjecture.

Did not write the return date.

Did not write the reason.

Nymph's heart trembled and it was difficult to accept. Upon seeing this, Lang Yunli could only justify:

"Don't worry. They are in such a hurry. There must be something important. I will help you when I turn around. Venerable Wuxiang is one of the eighteen elders of Tianfu Palace. He is the Venerable Peak of Era Realm. Xiao Lang must be fine."

"When the matter in Magnolia City is completely resolved, I will go with you!"

Ning Fuer could only nod her head when she heard the words, and forcibly diverted her attention from the note in her hand and fell to the present. Now, the settlement of Magnolia City is also a big problem!

The thousand-year-old city was destroyed once.

But fortunately, Ning Yuan found it. He was stunned by the blast of air that day, was poisonous, and fainted. He was not found until the day, and he had regained consciousness.

With him in charge, even if the Ning family loses a lot, it will not fall apart.

Also, Nymph's parents were also found.

They are not dead!

Although the Ning family who guarded them were all almost dead, they actually survived. I have to say that this is also a huge miracle!

The matter of Magnolia City was still small. On the other side of Yanlang Star, at the same time, the wolf family also experienced shock and subversion. The wolf family’s demons were not the only one from the wolf family, there were two others, and they killed the other two ancestors of the wolf family, causing a war even more fierce than Magnolia City.

Fortunately, Venerable Wuxiang arrived, suppressed and cleared it by means of thunderbolt, and had summoned Tianfu Temple warriors to clean up the funeral. Yanlangxing, the magic way has been eliminated, but for Lang Yunli and Ning Fu'er, the trouble has just begun.

In this case, Xiao Lang's matter can only be put aside. In other words, since Xiao Lang had been taken away by Venerable Wuxiang, they could not intervene and could only pray silently in their hearts.


Gathering stars.

Venerable Wuxiang and Xiao Lang are waiting for everyone in front of them to prepare the teleportation array.

Venerable Wuxiang has an extremely high position in the Tianfu Palace, and is one of the 18th Venerables. Naturally, he does not need to line up to use the teleportation array. Xiao Lang is also convenient for a while.

But he is not in the mood to enjoy this now.

Xiao Lang looked at the Venerable Wuxiang beside him, thinking to himself:

"The Venerable Wuxiang is one of the eighteen great Venerables of the Tianfu Palace, and the martial arts cultivation is at the peak of the Great Perfection in the Age of Age Realm. Then, what level should his master be?"

"Could it be... the immortal monarch?!"

Xiao Lang was shocked.

Above the Void True God is the World Realm, above the World Realm is the Era Realm Venerable, after the Era Realm Venerable is the Immortal Realm, this type of power has a specific name——


Immortal, immortal, never decay!

The immortal monarch, but the existence with the same life span as the heaven and the earth, even if Xiao Lang's heart is higher than the sky, the thought of the immortal monarch can't help but his heart trembled.

"Venerable Wuxiang still has this background?!"

"I just don't know whether the teacher of Venerable Wuxiang is the towering and immortal monarch of the legendary Tianfu Palace, the Great Emperor Tianfu!"

Xiao Lang honestly followed behind Venerable Wuxiang, muttering to himself.

In fact, based on his understanding of this period, he also thinks it is impossible.

"The Tianfu Palace is so big, and it rules such a large area. It shouldn't be possible to have only one immortal monarch, right?"

After thinking for a while, Xiao Lang restrained his distracting thoughts.

It's just thoughts.

The most important thing for him at this time is his own physical problem!

Can the immortal monarch solve his physical troubles?



It's another transmission.

In just one day, Xiao Lang had no idea how many teleports he had experienced.


Because following the Venerable Wuxiang, there is no need to wait at all.

Along the way, Venerable Wuxiang didn’t talk much, his expression was very serious, and his footsteps were quick. Xiao Lang naturally couldn’t speak easily. He just followed, and finally—

"The Blue Emperor Star is here!"

"The legendary planet where the Lord Blue Moon was born, his homeland, this time I will definitely have to take a good stroll, if I get something, I can become immortal in the future!"

Xiao Lang's spirits were shaken by the sound of discussion.


The Master of Venerable Wuxiang, is this Lord of Blue Moon?


This time, Venerable Wuxiang didn't take him to the next teleportation formation, and flew directly outside the city. He flew halfway, and saw that there was no one around, then Venerable Wuxiang stopped and looked at Xiao Lang seriously:

"After you go in, don't talk, it's all up to me, remember?"

"Although my master has a good temper in the immortal monarch, it is for his own person. For you, it may not be so kind. If he is angry with you, you must hold back."

not talking?

Xiao Lang nodded in response.


How many of the true powers are temperless?

Seeing Xiao Lang nodding obediently, Venerable Wuxiang breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, bringing Xiao Lang to see his master, he was much more nervous than Xiao Lang!

"Of course, you don't have to be too cautious. He doesn't necessarily get angry at you."

Venerable Wuxiang relieved Xiao Lang, and then suddenly flipped his wrist, and a azure blue bead appeared on the palm of his hand, crushed with two fingers, immediately--


Xiao Lang only felt an indescribable force suddenly exploded in front of him, but did not produce the slightest impact on him, but the space in front of him suddenly cracked!

A blue portal takes shape.


Venerable Wuxiang transmitted the voice of divine consciousness, Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't hesitate, and entered immediately. And when he just raised his head, he was shocked by everything in front of him——

The main hall!

Passing through the portal, he saw not a piece of heaven and earth, but a big hall, a huge palace!

How old is it?

At least a hundred miles away!

The reason why it is said to be at least, it is because the blue blue mist surrounds the main hall, which obscures the sight. With Xiao Lang's eyesight, he can see at most a hundred miles away, but this is also big enough!

Even if he achieved the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the world, Xiao Lang had never seen such a big palace!

"where is this?"

"It shouldn't be on this planet, or else, how can you hide it from some people's exploration?"

Xiao Lang was a little flustered.

He had to look forward subconsciously, and saw a high protrusion in front of him, step by step, and in the end Xiao Lang had to raise his head to ensure that his vision was not blocked by the high stairs.

Azure water mist!

What caught the eye was still the blue mist, Xiao Lang couldn't see through it at all. Just as he wondered if there was anyone inside, suddenly--

"Kneel down!"

The Venerable Wuxiang suddenly blasted in his ears with a low growl, and he himself was the first to kneel down on the ground, as if he did not dare to look up. At the same time, Xiao Lang felt a strong force coming from behind. Before he could resist, he was already lying on the ground.

"The disciple has no appearance, see the master!"

"Master, please have mercy and save my disciple!"

There was no sound everywhere, only the voice of Venerable Wuxiang rang around for a long time, but it would eventually dissipate, but until the voice settled, there was no sound from the azure blue water mist.

Xiao Lang frowned, and Venerable Wuxiang was even more worried.

Xiao Lang's newborn calf was not afraid of tigers and didn't know the power of the monarch, but he was different. He has become a disciple of Lord Blue Moon since he entered the Era Realm. Although he has not seen many people, he has lingering fears about the power of the Lord.

But even so, he gritted his teeth and his voice was higher:

"Master, I know that I'm not happy to disturb you, but I'm pretty good. If I'm not a genius, I don't dare to come forward and even use a blue moon pearl."

"Just yesterday, with his cultivation at the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the World Realm, he brought the earth veins into his body and killed two Era Realm demon heads. The battle was spectacular and even more tragic. He was wounded by the Great Avenue. Grief!"

"Besides, my descendant has a great spirit body, which is quite extraordinary. It is one of the top ten spirit bodies in the world. It's a pity that I haven't shown the edge, and the divine orifice is shattered. I hope that the master will help him and save him! My son is willing to show respect for Master and serve respectfully! I only hope Master will take action!"

As soon as Venerable Wuxiang said this, the stone wall of the main hall trembles, the true feelings are revealed, the world can learn from!

Xiao Lang knelt behind him, hearing these words thunderously, he couldn't help his heart trembling wildly, and his body trembled.

Venerable Wuxiang is a true lover!

Otherwise, as the Eighteenth Venerable of Tianfu Palace, he would not meet him personally when he first met him, and said that he would accept himself as a disciple.

Accepting disciples, this is a big deal!

Which might not accept disciples without all kinds of tests and experience will make the final decision?

Venerable Wuxiang really wanted to cultivate himself, otherwise, he would not bring himself here today to meet Lord Blue Moon!

Such kindness is as heavy as Mount Tai!

Although Xiao Lang entered the Tao with affection, he was also a person of true affection, but because of this, he was the least able to trust others.

People are complicated, especially human nature.

To tell the truth, he had doubts that the Venerable Wuxiang had to accept himself as a disciple. Until now, the words of the Venerable Wuxiang have been heard, and there is no doubt in his heart!

"You treat me with sincere affection, and I will repay you!"

Xiao Lang's five fingers clasped the ground, his heart tense, waiting for the verdict of fate.

Lord Blue Moon, how would he choose?

Save or not? !

One breath...two breaths...

Xiao Lang was waiting, and Venerable Wuxiang was also waiting. To them, every second was as long as a year, and was suffering extremely. Finally, they heard it from a distance, and the dull voice seemed to come from the endless void:

"Oh, what a pity."


What does it mean?

Xiao Lang's eyes widened suddenly, but before he raised his head, he only felt a strong force coming. When he recovered, he had already returned to the unmanned jungle before, the same stunned Venerable Wuxiang Just around.

They were driven out? !

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