Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 240: Proud


The words of Lord Blue Moon were also the only three words spoken in Xiao Lang's mind continuously, like a thunder shaking, roaring endlessly.

Like a verdict!

If there is still a glimmer of hope in Xiao Lang's heart before coming, then the three words spoken by Lord Blue Moon are like a giant hammer, defeating the only glimmer of hope in his heart!

At this moment, Xiao Lang felt as if he had been sentenced, saying that his heart was ashamed and it was light.

Xiao Lang, dumbfounded!

"Could it be that my road of martial arts ended like this?"

Xiao Lang frowned deeply, biting his lower lip tightly, preventing the despair in his heart from appearing on his face, his firmness was abnormal.

"Not satisfied!"

"I have even realized the mark of the great road, how can I be hit by such a frustration?"

In an instant, Xiao Lang abandoned the distracting thoughts in his heart, his eyes became firm again, and the speed completely exceeded the expectations of the Venerable Wuxiang who was trying to comfort him in various ways.

"Xiao Lang, you..."

The Venerable Wuxiang was stunned.

He had no idea that Xiao Lang could cheer up so quickly.

What a tough mind!

Venerable Wuxiang's heart trembled.

Not to mention the martial artist of the world realm, even the nobles of the era realm, there are very few people with this kind of disposition, and each of them is a great ability to guard one side, with extraordinary means, comparable to the nobles of the extraordinary era realm, more There are a few who can be called the ultimate in Era Realm, invincible Venerable!

"Could it be that Xiao Lang has the potential to become a Venerable Era Realm in the future?"

When Venerable Wuxiang thought of this, instead of being excited and excited, his face was even more ugly.

Xiao Lang absolutely has endless potential!

The Dao Spirit Body is the top ten strongest body, with infinite mystery, not a complete summary in a word. Xiao Lang possesses the Great Dao Spirit Body, which shows that he has extraordinary talents for cultivation and unlimited potential!

And his willpower is so amazing, adding the two...

Venerable Wuxiang dare not even comment on Xiao Lang's future achievements!

However, there is no need to think about it now.

Xiao Lang has been abandoned!


This is the most helpless answer. Obviously, Sovereign Blue Moon knew that Xiao Lang was a talent, and it was really unwilling to watch such a talent fall.

Sovereign Blue Moon said these three words, indicating that he had nothing to do with Xiao Lang's injuries!

Who can break the wounds that even the monarch is powerless to solve?

Venerable Wuxiang was about to break his heart, closed his eyes and did not want to look at Xiao Lang.

Could not bear.


Such a genius was set a life-long fate in front of him, he could not bear it!

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Lang smiled slightly, bowed his hand to the Venerable Wuxiang, and said:

"Anyway, I would like to thank senior. If it weren't for senior's action, junior would probably have died in Magnolia City a long time ago. It's not bad to live."


When Venerable Wuxiang heard this, his heart trembled suddenly, and his eyes were filled with anger when he looked at Xiao Lang, but the anger was not directed at Xiao Lang, but at himself.

"Alive, not enough!"

"You should have a better future!"

"Being able to comprehend the marks of the Great Dao, you have already touched the threshold of the Era Realm! You will become a sage within a hundred years, but now you have become like this, how can you!"

The Venerable Wuxiang was very angry, venting the grievances and unwillingness in his heart. During the whole process, Xiao Lang just looked at him quietly, without answering, neither angry nor sad.

Venerable Wuxiang cursed a few words, and the emotions in his heart were almost vented, and finally calmed down. Looking at Xiao Lang's plain eyes, he couldn't help sighing, his eyes were sad:

"Could it be that you just admit your fate?"

Xiao Lang shook his head when he heard this, and smiled:

"Accept fate? Of course impossible."

"I will continue to work hard. Since it is an injury, I think there must be people and things in the world that can solve it, and I will look for it."

Xiao Lang's words were plain, but when they reached the ears of Venerable Wuxiang, he was stunned and he took a deep look at the former.


Xiao Lang is not so easy to give up!

His previous judgment was correct, Xiao Lang did not accept his fate. Even if even Lord Blue Moon had almost pronounced his fateful end, his Dao Xin was not affected by it!

"This persistence..."

Xiao Lang's determination again shocked Venerable Wuxiang, and couldn't help asking:

"Find? How to find? Where to find?"

Xiao Lang smiled and said:

"This still needs seniors to help me. After all, I have a low status in the Tianfu Palace, and I can't see too many Xin Mi. I think, in history, there must be someone who has the same experience as me?"

"I want to know how they survived. Or, how they died."

other people?

Venerable Wuxiang heard this and immediately understood Xiao Lang's plan--

Learn from, confirm!

But did not give up!

"Okay! It's my responsibility!"

Venerable Wuxiang didn't even think about it, and he agreed directly, because he felt that he owed Xiao Lang this. If it weren't his carelessness, he didn't care too much about Xiao Lang's letter, and he didn't use the breaking stone. Will you end up in such a situation?

Of course, now Xiao Lang was seriously injured and it was too late to say anything.

But Venerable Wuxiang felt guilty in his heart after all. How could he not meet Xiao Lang's request?

"I'll check it for you when I go back!"

"During this time, you will live with me at the Tianfu Palace headquarters. I know a lot of Venerables, and a few have made small achievements on the alchemy. Maybe they can alleviate your current troubles."

Venerable Wuxiang said naturally, in his opinion, his arrangement is of course the best for Xiao Lang. But what he didn't expect was--


Xiao Lang shook his head, smiled at Venerable Wuxiang, and said:

"Senior, I'm just a **** now. What qualifications do I have to get these blessings? I don't want it, let alone let others gossiping."

Xiao Lang actually refused?

Venerable Wuxiang frowned when he heard this, and he didn't understand, but when he heard Xiao Lang's words and saw the latter's firm eyes, he immediately understood——


This is Xiao Lang's persistence and his pride!

Send it under the fence?

He doesn't want it!

Venerable Wuxiang understood that Xiao Lang had seen through his plan.

Of course, he didn't want Xiao Lang to stay in the Tianfu Palace headquarters temporarily, but wanted to take care of him all the time to relieve the guilt in his heart. But Xiao Lang saw through, and directly chose to refuse!


Venerable Wuxiang didn't know how to dissuade him for a while, and for a while, Xiao Lang smiled when he saw it and said:

"I know Senior wants to be nice to me."

"But, as a warrior, how can you be trapped in the present? Senior, let the younger generation go on their own. If it is destined, we will definitely meet again."

Venerable Wuxiang heard the words, pondered for a moment, and finally sighed secretly, and chose to give up and continue.

"Well, since you have made such a choice, I won't say much. If I find out anything, I will tell you through the sound transmission stone as soon as possible."

Xiao Lang laughed deeper when he heard this.

"Thank you senior."

Venerable Wuxiang waved his hand, his face slightly cold:

"I promised you this, but you have to promise me one thing."

"I said before that as long as you pass the golden armor test at the Tianfu Palace headquarters, you can become my personal disciple. The old man must do his best to help you in your practice. Although the time has not come, and things are unexpected, since the old man has done it. Once you have decided, you will never change it again!"

"From today, you Xiao Lang, the thirty-sixth disciple of My Venerable Wuxiang, enjoy the treatment of the core disciple of Tianfu Palace!"

With that, Venerable Wuxiang took out a token from his arms, handed it to Xiao Lang, and said:

"Take it!"

"This is the proof of my apprenticeship, and I must be a useful place to walk around the world in the future."

Accept disciples?

Core disciple treatment?

When Xiao Lang heard the words, looking at the solemn expression of Venerable Wuxiang, his heart trembled and was touched. He once again thought of the appearance of Venerable Wuxiang on the ground just now, seeking a ray of life for himself, with an indescribable warmth. The mind grew up in his heart. In an instant, he gave up his intention to refuse, took the token, folded his hands, and bowed respectfully:

"Apprentice Xiao Lang, thank you Master!"


Venerable Wuxiang raised his head and laughed. There were tears flickering in his eyes, but he concealed it well, without being seen by Xiao Lang. When he lowered his head again, his face had returned to normal.

"Good apprentice!"

"I believe that I will see you again as a teacher!"

Xiao Lang resisted the excitement in his heart and smiled confidently:

"Well, I believe it too!"

Venerable Wuxiang saw the confidence in Xiao Lang's eyes and couldn't help but feel the ripples in his heart again. He was infected by such confidence. At this moment, he even doubted his Master Lan Yue's sentence, and was even more surprised by Xiao Lang's judgment. Calm down.

Before he could say anything, Xiao Lang frowned slightly, as if he had suddenly thought of something, and said:

"Master, if you can, if you can, the resource treatment, the disciples don’t need it. Please Master help me transfer it to Ning Fuer. In the Eastern Sky Floating Palace, there are a few of my brothers, and I hope I’m not here. Time, Master can help me take care of one or two."

"As for my leaving..."

When Xiao Lang said this, there was finally a trace of hesitation in his words, but he quickly became firm:

"One generation, two brothers. If I come back alive, I will explain everything to them. But before that, please ask Master to help me conceal it for the time being."


Venerable Wuxiang nodded when he heard that, there was not much change on his face.

He understood Xiao Lang's temperament, and probably guessed the latter's decision.

From the bottom of his heart, Xiao Lang was still a proud man.

Don't want people to worry about him.

Don't want people to worry about him.

"I promise you."

"When they become Jinjia disciples, I will find a way to get them to the Tianfu Palace headquarters, so that when you come back, you can see them as soon as possible."

Xiao Lang smiled slightly when he heard the words.

Venerable Wuxiang just to let himself see them for the first time?

of course not.

This is Venerable Wuxiang's guarantee to himself.

Even if they are gone one day, Ning Fuer and the others must be doing well!

"Thank you, Master."

Xiao Lang bowed and saluted again, and then smiled:

"In that case, the kid will take a step first."


If he left, Xiao Lang was clean and tidy. Without waiting for Venerable Wuxiang to respond, he turned around. Even if he did not take the initiative to mobilize the divine power, the physical body of the world realm is also powerful. After a few steps, he has disappeared from the vision of Venerable Wireless. The end of...

He didn't look back until he disappeared.

Only the Venerable Wuxiang stood there for a long time, his eyes blurred, and he suddenly sighed:

"I am a talented person, I am proud!"

"I don't know..."

The Venerable Wuxiang was about to sigh, but before he could finish his sentence, suddenly--


The whole body space collapsed suddenly, Venerable Wuxiang didn't even react at all, and the whole person had fallen into it. Only one piece of azure blue water is magnificent...

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