Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 241: Illusory hope

Venerable Wuxiang realized what had happened to him in an instant, and he almost did not hesitate or hesitate, and bowed his head:

"No phase, see Master!"

He was pulled back to the hall by the Lord Blue Moon.

"Get up."

Lord Blue Moon's deep voice sounded:

"Do you still blame me in your heart?"


Venerable Wuxiang suddenly trembled, his head lowered, and said, "The disciple dare not."

I dare not.

Instead of nothing!

Venerable Wuxiang still cherished resentment for his direct rejection of his master, Blue Moon Monarch. It's just that he knows that he is in the venerable state, and in front of the immortal monarchs like the Blue Moon monarch, he is not qualified to express this emotion!

Saying dare not, it is quite disrespectful.


Sovereign Blue Moon smiled in a low voice, seeming to see through the inner thoughts of Venerable Wuxiang. No... not like it!

"True affection, worthy of being an old man's apprentice."

Hearing nothing, his eyes suddenly burst, and he immediately fell to his knees, "Master, I..."

I didn't see any movement of the Lord Blue Moon hidden in the azure water mist, the Venerable Wuxiang knelt halfway and suddenly stopped, and could no longer kneel.

"Kneeling what?"

"Do you think the old man will punish you for your emotions?"

Sovereign Blue Moon snorted coldly, but Venerable Wuxiang finally relaxed after hearing this.

No blame!

This made him think again of Lord Blue Moon's sentence on Xiao Lang's destiny just now, and he was bold enough to ask again, but before he could say a word, it seemed that his mind could be seen through again.

"As for this new apprentice you have, don't worry too much."

The words of Lord Blue Moon directly shattered all the longing and hope in the heart of Venerable Wuxiang. Venerable Wuxiang only felt a pair of cold eyes pierced through the azure blue water mist, and fell on himself, extremely cold.

"Is there really no hope?"

Lord Blue Moon seemed to have long thought that Venerable Wuxiang would not give up so easily, and quickly replied:

"you can say so."

"The divine veins are shattered and the spirit body is exhausted. You must also know how difficult this kind of injury is to recover. The more you rank, the more complex the physique, the more difficult it is to recover. As we all know, the shattered spirit is publicized. The body revived, the highest grade, was the dead leaf 730,000 years ago, and his Yin Mu spirit body ranked 315th among the 100,000 spirit bodies, and it took more than two hundred years. It only recovered and consumed a lot of money, and almost brought down a top giant!"

"The Yin Mu spirit body is only ranked 315th, and the Dao spirit body is ranked third."

Lord Blue Moon's voice was cold, without the slightest emotion. Venerable Wuxiang immediately trembled when he heard the words, his face was shocked.

He finally understood why Lord Blue Moon thought it was impossible.

But what he didn't know was that this was just the beginning--

"What's more, he was on the verge of death, and he took the risk to arouse the power of the great road, and even succeeded...This is the last straw that overwhelms him!"

The voice of the Lord Blue Moon continued to sound, full of despair:

"The way of heaven is noble, and the avenue is dangerous!"

"Venerable Era Realm, you can perceive the scars of the Great Dao, continue your strength, and work hard to master a complete Great Dao as soon as possible. But the process is extremely dangerous, even if the background is profound, there are often people who fall into the devil's way, fall into the devil's way, and hard to bear What's more, what's more, he is only a small world?"

"He was too reckless."

"The disintegration of divine power is not important. It is the transformation of Tao that worries the old man the most."


Wuxiang heard the words for a moment, was shocked, and even forgot where he was, shouting:

"Master, what did you say?"

"Xiao Lang is transforming Dao?!"

Lord Blue Moon seemed to understand Wuxiang's inner horror, and didn't care about his yelling, only his voice was slightly stagnant before it continued:

"Yes, Huadao."

"So the old man advises you that his destiny is set, so you still don't want to mix it up. If he says that his Great Dao Spirit Body is broken, the survival rate is still one in ten thousand. May break through the cage, but the two add up..."

One in 10,000!

One in ten million!

One in a billion?

Venerable Wuxiang shook his heart for a long time. He couldn't help himself for a long time. He didn't even hear what the Lord Blue Moon was saying. Only these numbers and the two words were left in his mind.


This is not a good thing. For the warriors at the pinnacle of the Great Perfection in the world, these two words are even more terrifying than death!

Huadao, as its name implies-one with Tao!

This is not a good word.

Once the World Realm Dzogchen pinnacle powerhouse is promoted to the Era Realm, they can touch the edge of the mark of the great avenue, and they can try to comprehend. When they fully master this great avenue, they can naturally enter a new, brand-new realm. Therefore, for Venerable Era Realm, the most important practice on weekdays is to comprehend the Dao and reach the level of control.

This is also a kind of unity with Tao.

It is people-oriented, and talents are in control.

But Huadao is different, extremely dangerous!

The power of Tao is not controlled at will by the world’s Dzogchen peak powers, especially the first time you understand the mark of the dao, you must be careful, like walking on thin ice, ordinary people's vague perception is good, if you try to control it, you will definitely be controlled by the dao Injured, it will disappear in smoke, and at light it will melt away! But no matter what kind, for the martial artist, the result is one death.

The warrior cannot stop the invasion of the power of the Dao, and the foundation of the martial arts collapses! This is the rough outline of the entire long process of huadao. To put it simply, when Xiao Lang forcibly simulated that Thunder Scar to kill Ning Huo, Thunder Avenue had already left a deep and heavy wound in his body!

And, with the development of time, this trauma will become more and more serious! Until one day, Xiao Lang couldn't even maintain his own will, his soul was broken, and his death disappeared!

Who can accept such unity with the Tao?

Venerable Wuxiang cannot accept it either.

Transformation is almost equal to death!

In fact, in the cultivation world, there are many warriors who have rashly used the power of the Great Dao to step onto the ramp. Every year, many similar things are reported, and 99% of them, or even close to 100%, are dead. Occasionally, someone who survives is a miracle!

In the past, Venerable Wuxiang also carefully collected information in this area before he became a powerful person in the Era Realm.

Those who survived must be supported by powerful forces behind them! And the way they can do it is simple, but also dangerous—

Uprooting to encourage growth!

Don't you have insufficient martial arts realm and can't withstand the attack of the power of Dao?


Use resources to smash you up!

The speed at which you can comprehend the avenue exceeds the speed at which the power of the avenue brings you an invasion! One day, the two will remain at the same level, and after that, they will naturally stop breaking through.


Is this suitable for Xiao Lang?

Thinking of Xiao Lang, Venerable Wuxiang couldn't help but look dark.

Not suitable at all!

Xiao Lang can't do it!

This method is only suitable for Venerable Era Realm, and Xiao Lang is only a world realm. Even after a few years, his body's divine power is lost, his power source collapses, and even the world realm can't be maintained!

In this way, how can he surpass the speed of Huadao's insight into the Dao?

No solution!

The shattering of the spirit body on Xiao Lang Avenue completely cut off his hope of rebirth!

At this moment, Venerable Wuxiang finally understood why his master, Sovereign Lanyue, would say that the possibility of Xiao Lang's recovery was infinitely close to zero.

This is simply impossible!


The hope in Venerable Wuxiang's heart was completely shattered, and he staggered and almost fell directly to the ground.

A lot of persistence is turned into nothingness, and this kind of frustration is not something anyone can bear.

Sovereign Blue Moon was in a high position, and when he saw the appearance of Venerable Wuxiang, he couldn't help but sighed, and his deep voice rang in the hall that was dozens of miles long and wide:

"Hey, don't be too sad. Everyone has his own life and cannot be forced."

"The world is not without miracles. As for breaking the path and fate, the old man still knows a few ways, but they are too dangerous, and hope that they are equally illusory. If you still don't want to give up, tell him, let him make a desperate move and try."

Lord Blue Moon has a way?

But the way to make him not hopeful?

Hearing the words, the Venerable Wuxiang suddenly fell into awe, grateful, and quickly thanked:

"Thank you Master for perfection!"

Upon hearing this, Lord Blue Moon snorted coldly:


"The old man is not perfecting him, but perfecting you!"

"Don't worry about Xiao Lang's affairs, you can take care of it, but if you spend too much time, the old man will not forgive you! Do you know that the situation in Lihuo Continent is becoming more and more unstable now, and the next battle between righteous and demons It may start at any time, so you should take care of yourself and focus on this important event!"

Is the devil war?

Venerable Wuxiang suddenly trembled when he heard this, and looked at the misty mist ahead in horror.

"How long is it?"

Lord Blue Moon replied:

"With the current trend, it's no more than a hundred years at most!"

"From today, don’t stay at the Tianfu Palace headquarters and go to the Western Regions as a guardian! The old man has received 16 disciples for thousands of years. So far, everyone is at the pinnacle of the Era Realm, but no one has achieved immortality and nothingness. You are the most promising from the old man's eyes. This time guarding the Western Regions, I hope you can temper yourself more and don't let your teacher down."

"The eruption of the magic path may begin at any time. Before that, you only have this time. As for whether you will finally fish over the dragon gate, achieve immortality, or fall into obscurity, it depends on your good fortune."

Western Regions?

The most dangerous, and also the most complex and brutal Western Regions of the Demon Dao forces?

When Venerable Wuxiang heard this, his scalp suddenly numb, but soon, he gritted his teeth and nodded:

"The disciples take the command!"

"Disciple strives not to disappoint Master!"

Lord Blue Moon seemed very satisfied with the performance of Venerable Wuxiang, saying:


"Tomorrow, pass this information to your disciple Xiao Lang, and you can set out. I hope I see you next time, you have achieved immortality!"


Before the words of the Lord Blue Moon fell, Venerable Wuxiang only felt his soul tremble, and a large amount of information poured into his mind. There were various legends about the transformation of the Tao and the recovery of the spirit body.

Venerable Wuxiang couldn't help thinking of Xiao Lang, his eyes blurred and out of focus, and he sighed:

"You and I, my master and apprentice, have we split up like this?"

"It's just that I have a place for the master to give instructions. Where can you go if you leave this place?"

Unconsciously, the mind of the Venerable Wuxiang has drifted away, like a rootless duckweed, drifting away...

Will Xiao Lang, who is burdened with broken body and transformed into two huge dangers, die lonely in another place?

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