Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 242: Suffocating hard

"Go ahead."

"Arrange everything, and you will set off as soon as possible. You also know the importance of West Desert, even more important than the other three domains. There is nothing to lose."

In the misty blue water mist, Lord Blue Moon's dull and heavy voice sounded again, awakening the Venerable Wuxiang who had fallen into his own world of thought.

Venerable Wuxiang bowed his hands and responded:

"is teacher."

Before he finished his words, Venerable Wuxiang only felt that his whole body was trembling in the void, and there was a strong force coming. The next moment, he had already left the hall and returned to the real world. Seeing everything that was empty around him, there was no longer Xiao Lang's figure, Venerable Wuxiang couldn't help but sighed heavily, worry and melancholy deep in his eyes.


Once Xiao Lang passed this experience, he was naturally extremely worried.

If Xiao Lang could still maintain his peak state, he would not be so sad. With Xiao Lang's martial arts cultivation at the pinnacle of Dzogchen's World Realm, coupled with his certain understanding of Dao Marks, even if he encounters a Venerable New Era Realm, he is able to protect himself.

But now...


"There is no way. There is nothing I can do now."

Venerable Wuxiang flipped his wrist, and a blue stone appeared in the palm of his hand.

Sound Transmission Stone!

Venerable Wuxiang injected the many messages he had received from his teacher, Lord Lanyue, and then transmitted it, and withdrew the sound transmission stone. His expression finally calmed down a bit, and he turned his head and looked behind him deeply, as if looking for nowhere. Sovereign Blue Moon, there was disappointment in his eyes, but no anger.

As a strong man, he knew nothing more about the psychology of his teacher, Lord Lanyue.

The fallen genius is no longer a genius!

Xiao Lang could definitely be called a genius before. Whether it was the speed of his promotion, the touch of the edge of the avenue, and the tyrannical combat power, it was enough to prove his potential. If there were no accidents, Xiao Lang would definitely be able to enter the realm of the venerable within decades. With the support of the Tianfu Palace headquarters, the peak of the era realm of Dzogchen is not an illusory goal. The role of the mainstay.

But now, the accident has happened.

As Sovereign Lanyue said, the battle between the Righteous and Demons may break out again within a hundred years, and they have no time to rescue Xiao Lang and fight for that glimmer of hope.

What if Xiao Lang can recover to the peak?

Too late.

Once the battle of right and devil breaks out, even the venerable of the era will fall, and it will be difficult to control his own destiny! Even if Xiao Lang can really create miracles, how much value can he find? How much weight can he raise against the Zhengmo war?

not worth it.

What's more, this is not a question of being saved.

Xiao Lang is so injured, who would dare to say that he is 100% sure that the rescue will be successful?


Venerable Wuxiang thought of this, especially when he thought of the battle between Orthodoxy and Demons about to break out. Even the peak Venerable Great Perfection in his era could not help but feel the great pressure on him, like being trapped.

"I hope I can hear the good news from him again."

"Before I leave, I have to settle down well and they are."

Venerable Wuxiang always remembered his promise to Xiao Lang, and he did not change because of his future whereabouts. With his brain running rapidly, he finally disappeared in a flash to fulfill his promise to Xiao Lang.


at the same time.

Doug Star.

Xiao Lang was walking aimlessly on the street, looking like a ghost.




No matter how proud he was in front of Venerable Wuxiang, Xiao Lang's inner suffering was only known to him. When no one was around, he finally showed it.

Xiao Lang did not despair of the future.

However, the problems before him at this time made him have to fall into a decision.

"Where are we going?"

This is a big problem!

When Xiao Lang was tangled, suddenly, the storage was shaking, and Xiao Lang flipped his wrist, and a blue stone appeared in his palm. It was undoubtedly the sound transmission stone. When Xiao Lang subconsciously sank into his soul, he immediately felt endless information like The tide rushed in and poured into his sea of ​​consciousness, his eyes lit up suddenly.

"The teacher got me information!"


What he received was the information and intelligence that the Sovereign Blue Moon gave to Venerable Wuxiang, which was quite huge, even with Xiao Lang's spiritual knowledge, he would not even want to read it in a day.

After Xiao Lang accepted it, he didn't immediately study, but found an inn to live in, and then he began to study carefully. This enlightenment is three days!


The fourth day.


Xiao Lang woke up, exhaled a suffocating breath, opened his eyes, and his spirits shot, but there was another layer of dead air that could not be covered and could not be dispelled.

"good stuff!"

"The monarch knows more than we know."

From these messages, Xiao Lang already knew that they were given to the Venerable Wuxiang by the Lord of Blue Moon. The records in it are all what happened in the Great World of Lihuo over the years. After the transformation of the Tao or the spiritual body, some people’s Treatment method.

Someone succeeded.

Some people also fail.

Of course, most of the losers.

"These messages record a full 37 million years of history from the Great World of Fire. There are so many broken and damaged spiritual bodies, exceeding one billion!"

Xiao Lang exclaimed.

He is not amazed by this number.

With a history of 37 million years, more than a billion warriors’ spirits are broken, which is normal, and only more than 300 are recorded every year. Although there are few special spirit bodies, how old is it from the Fire Empire? There are hundreds of millions of stars, more than three hundred are very few, there must be a huge number of warriors lost.

What Xiao Lang marveled at was the ability of the Tianfu Temple to coordinate and record!

Too tough!

It is amazing to be able to record all these information in the book.

This is the bottom line.

Tianfu Temple can become the foundation of the No. 1 power in the Lihuo World! It is absolutely impossible to change to other forces!

"There are more than a billion examples, and there are many successes. Some people are even worse than me. Not to mention the rupture of the body, even the meridians are broken, but they have returned to normal, even more than before. The degree of injury is comparable to mine. , There are about 10,000 cases."

Xiao Lang screened carefully, frowning involuntarily.

"However, my Dao Spirit Body is different from them."

"For these successful examples, their spirit bodies are not ranked high on the list of spirit bodies in the world, and the top one is only about 400. Between 400 and 500, a total of more There are only three hundred cases, which can be successful in the end..."

"Thirteen cases!"

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly burst.

Thirteen successful cases!

This probability is really scary, one in a billion is possible!

And according to the words of Venerable Wuxiang and Lord Blue Moon, the rank of his Dao Spirit Body is high and scary, and the probability of success is even lower!

"Could it be that the possibility of my spiritual body's recovery is infinitely close to zero?"

When he thought of it, Xiao Lang immediately cleared his mind.

Can't think about it anymore!

Maybe before I can come up with a reason, I can't bear the huge pressure!

"What about near zero? As long as it is not zero, there is hope!"

Xiao Lang lifted his spirits.

"What's more, I don't care about success and failure. Even if these examples are successful, it does not prove that I will succeed. What I am looking for is just a method!"

Xiao Lang carefully examined the thirteen successful examples in history, repeated them, and even extended them to others. Because, as he said, he needs to understand the method, not the result.

It took a long time for Xiao Lang to wake up again from entering concentration.


"Sure enough!"

Xiao Lang summed up the method of resuscitating the spiritual body——

"Massive resources and power of heaven and earth are needed! Gradually warming up takes at least several decades. The longest time, even more than three thousand years of effort, is really long enough. Even a hundred years is quite powerful. The resources consumed are enough to bring down a big family! For example, the Ning Family and the Wolf Family on Yanlang Star may be just barely qualified."

Xiao Lang frowned.

The massive resources are indeed a big trouble!

What's more, his Dao Spirit Body is higher than other peculiar physiques. If he wants to recover, he will definitely need more resources, dozens or even hundreds of times as many as those people!

But soon, Xiao Lang's brows opened.

"Compared with them, I also have a big advantage, that is, my Great Dao Spirit Body is revived, and there is no limit to the divine power attribute!"

This is an advantage!

Xiao Lang's Great Dao Spirit Body originally had no difference in attributes. Unlike other warriors, what attributes it owns can only absorb the power that swallows this attribute, and the same is true for the treasures of heaven, material and earth. In this way, the restrictions are great.

Xiao Lang had no such worries.

"But this amount..."

The resources needed are so great that even Xiao Lang couldn't help but scratch his head.


"I'm afraid that even Tianfu Palace can't produce so many resources for a time? What's more, I am only a world realm Dzogchen, not even a Venerable. If it goes well, relying on so many resources, Tianfu Palace is enough to cultivate several I am a venerable person, and I will never waste it on me."

"With so many resources, I must save it hard!"

Xiao Lang felt pressure again, his brows furrowed, but he was not immersed in this difficulty, because he knew that compared to the recovery of the Dao spirit body, the injury of the Dao in his body was more difficult to resolve!

"This is called Huadao?"

Xiao Lang knew nothing about Huadao. He had just learned from the information provided by Venerable Wuxiang, and immediately sank into it and began to study. But this didn't matter, Xiao Lang's brows instantly frowned, his eyes opened suddenly, and there was thunder shining within:

"The success rate of immortality is so low?"

"One thousandth... three?"

Three thousandths.

It sounds like it has a higher success rate than the spiritual body resuscitation. You know, the success rate of the latter is only one in a hundred thousand. But Xiao Lang knew that the two were not simply compared numerically.

The broken spirit body is normal in the practice world. As long as the body is damaged by a special spirit body, it will be recorded in the book. However, how many people can be qualified to become Taoists?

For more than 30 million years, in the entire Lihuo Great World, there were only 107 people who transformed into Taoism!

Successfully survived——


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