Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 255: Confrontation

The Venerable who appeared in rage was of course Mu Ming.


After waiting for more than six hundred years, just today, he finally waited until the eight-treasure land lotus matured. When I saw the last leaf of the Babao Dilian quietly unfolding, Mu Ming's mood was complicated.

He once again thought of the moment when he was sneak attacked by Lord Mu Rong more than 600 years ago. He was so desperate that he had found this immature Babao land lotus, almost fate, and saw the hope of surviving, and even more revenge. Hope!

He thought of these six hundred years, every day, he did not dare to close his eyes and fall asleep, even to absorb the vitality of the wood system around him, for fear of affecting the growth and maturity of the Eight Treasure Land Lotus.

He even thought of the scene where the eight-treasure land lotus matured, he would devour it and refine it, return to the peak of martial arts, and even go one step further, returning to the Mu Family, and nailing Mu Rong Jun to the pillar of shame. It is the strongest obsession in his heart, like a demon!

However, what he never expected was that at the moment when the Eight Treasure Land Lotus matured, the latter decisively exploded a leaf, rushing through the magic circle he carefully laid out, and at the same time detonating all the woods in the place. Because of the power of life, a huge explosion occurred, and the Babao Dilian took the opportunity to escape!

As a spiritual grass, the Eight Treasure Land Lotus would escape?

This situation is not uncommon.

Everything is anim.

Especially the eight-treasure land lotus, which is a sacred object, is even more strange. It may be inferior to some gods, which can have their own intelligence when they are mature. It can be used as a sacred object. It is quite common to have the instinct to avoid misfortune when it matures.

It's just that Mu Ming is careless.

Although Mu Ming's current state was worrying, he was Venerable Era Realm after all, and the explosion didn't have much impact on him, so he immediately chased him in a rage.

And as soon as he swept up in the air, towards the direction of the Babaodilian escaping, Mu Ming saw Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang exuding a true spirit.

Mu Ming was taken aback.

He also didn't expect to see people in the abandoned mining area, but in an instant, he had already made up for Xiao Lang's identity, and shouted:

"The boy in front, stop it for me!"

"The old man is the old man, and he will have a great reward afterwards!"

Mu Ming regarded Xiao Lang as the guard of the Hungu mining area. In fact, he subconsciously thinks that it is not unreasonable. After all, the Hungu mining area is the Mujia mine. It can appear in the mine, and it is also the abandoned mining area deeper in the outer mining area. Who is not his family?

But what Mu Ming never expected was that Xiao Lang was really not a family with him!

In Mu Ming’s eyes, Xiao Lang seemed to be stunned. Just as he was so irritated and angry at Xiao Lang’s non-cooperation, when he was about to threaten him with life and death, he saw that Xiao Lang seemed to have finally reacted, and a hungry tiger fell from the sky. Down, slid towards the trajectory of the Babaodilian fled.

Mu Ming's eyes lit up suddenly.

The opportunity is here!

Of course he didn't think Xiao Lang could hold the Eight Treasure Land Lotus in his hands as a true god. If a true **** could do it, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Xiao Lang just blocked it.

Eight-treasure land lotus must avoid it, and as long as it evades and the speed drops, he will be able to hold it in his hands! For dozens of miles, it was just a thought to the Venerable.

When Mu Ming asked Xiao Lang to take action, he was actually afraid that the Eight Treasure Land Lotus would go outside the abandoned mining area. In that case, it would be troublesome to find it, no doubt finding a needle in a haystack.

"It's done!"

Seeing Xiao Lang rushing towards the Eight Treasure Land Lotus, Mu Ming's mood immediately deflected 180 degrees, and he was very excited. But what he never expected was that the accident happened again before he reflected the joy in his heart on his face.


Babaodilian, was caught!

Mu Ming saw from a distance that Xiao Lang was just a swoop, and the eight-treasure land lotus seemed to have no spirituality. He didn't even evade. He went straight into Xiao Lang's arms and was taken into the storage ring by him!

Mu Ming was stunned.

This is being slapped!

But in an instant he reacted, stepping out to Xiao Lang with an urgent expression in his eyes:

"Bring it!"

"Boy, your luck is not small. Help the old man once today. When the old man vacates time, he will definitely give you enough rewards, even at the peak of the Dzogchen World Realm!"

Mu Ming stretched out his hand, looking like he was about to ask Xiao Lang for the Eight Treasure Land Lotus. In Mu Ming's eyes, the young man in front of him was just a true god, and he did not dare to disobey him. Moreover, the temptation of the peak of the Dzogchen World Realm was already great enough, after all, he had revealed his identity just now.

The elders of the wooden family are determined to be Venerable!

Sure enough, the young man in front of him seemed to be really heart-stricken as soon as he said this, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to be about to take out the eight-treasure lotus from the storage ring. The wooden name saw it, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. There was a sharp light flashing across the depths of the eyes.

Kill Nian!

He was murderous!

"Hehe, sorry."

"Before I return to the Mu family, no one can see my face and know the news that I am still alive. If you meet me, you will be unlucky. If you are not afraid that you will ruin the Babaodilian, I should not lie to you ?"


He wants to kill Xiao Lang!

For the foolproof of their own plans!

Mu Ming only waited for Xiao Lang to take out the Eight Treasure Land Lotus from the storage ring and hand it to his hand, he would immediately take action to destroy the corpse and wipe out the accident today. However, he was full of self-confidence with evil thoughts, how did he know that Xiao Lang was not a true **** at all!

Moreover, Xiao Lang had already seen his mind clearly!

Even at the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm, don't even think about seeing that a Venerable has evil thoughts in his heart, because they can't perceive the existence of the great power. However, Xiao Lang can.

His current state is indeed a bit strange.

If he is the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the World Realm, he can use the power of the Great Dao. This can only be done by a powerful person at the level of the Venerable Era Realm. It can be said to be the sign and characteristic of the Venerable Era Realm.

But let's say he is Venerable Era Realm...

His body hasn't changed, and the divine power in his body is also at the pinnacle level of the Dzogchen World Realm.

This is the weird state of Huadao.

However, these are not important. The important thing is that just when Mu Ming stepped towards him, Xiao Lang felt the power of Mu Ming lingering in the five fingers, clearly incomparably.

"He wants to kill me?"

Xiao Lang didn't startled and laughed instead. Mu Ming didn't see it. Xiao Lang pretending to lower his head and search for something from the storage ring, the corner of his mouth raised a wicked smile, and the light in his eyes was as cold as frost.

Mu Ming continued to approach, and soon approached Xiao Lang's Baizhang position. Looking at Xiao Lang, who was still looking down as if looking for something from storage, he finally felt a little strange in his heart.

"Not found yet?"

Mu Ming was puzzled, but did not think too much.

A true **** is not enough to make him jealous. As a venerable person, even if he stands motionless, even if a true **** bursts out with all his strength, he will not be able to break his body protection light.


Mu Ming stepped out again, approaching Xiao Lang's distance of fifty feet, the red light under his eyes became apparent. He can't wait, can't bear it anymore, but at this moment, suddenly—

"Ha ha."

"What a coincidence."

Xiao Lang raised his head, and the evil smile on his face immediately caught Mu Ming's eyes, making him startled.


What a coincidence?

Mu Ming began to wonder subconsciously. Suddenly, a sense of frosty crisis grew in his heart, but in an instant, he went straight up the cerebral cortex along his spine. At the same time, Mu Ming shivered fiercely, his face suddenly changed wildly.

He had this feeling before!

More than six hundred years ago, the day he was secretly attacked by Lord Mu Rong and buried deep underground! And now, it has appeared again!

"My life is in danger?"

The Venerable's extraordinary sixth sense made Mu Ming react at once, but he still felt incredible, because there was only Xiao Lang in front of him.

"A true **** can kill me?"

Mu Ming felt ridiculous at his guess, but the next moment, he couldn't laugh anymore——


There was a loud bang, a thunderbolt, and Mu Ming was shocked to see that Xiao Lang stepped forward against him, raised his fists, and during the blast, the thunderbolt flickered, and at the same time a dazzling thunder light rushed towards his face, a mighty and equally mysterious breath came from him The "True God Realm" youth in front of him who hadn't caught his attention at all was steaming up from him——

The power of the avenue!


Like him, Xiao Lang is also a Venerable!


For an instant, Mu Ming was like a cat with blown up fur, and was stunned. Hiding in this abandoned mine for hundreds of years, the first person I saw turned out to be an enemy. Why didn't Mu Ming think too much?

Especially the words Xiao Lang just said--


"Is he from Mu Rongjun?"

"Jun Mu Rong knew that I was not dead! He sent someone to kill me! He was prepared!"

In the beginning, Mu Ming was just a guess, but later, he has determined that this is the truth!

"The killer is already there, where is Mu Rongjun?"

"Is he here too?!"

First, he was shocked by the sudden burst of power from Xiao Lang who seemed to be in the realm of the true gods, and then he fell into a conspiracy theory for himself. If it was normal, Mu Ming would be fine, but now, However, he directly missed the opportunity to escape Xiao Lang's punch-


Punch, hit!

Xiao Lang fisted Lei and pointed directly at Mu Ming's eyebrows. If it is true, Mu Ming's head will burst and his soul will be annihilated. Fortunately, as a Venerable, his instinct saves him again, with one arm raised to block him, and The consequence of this collision was that one of Mu Ming's arm shattered directly, and the thunder and flickers turned into powder!


Mu Ming was in pain, and the whole person finally recovered from the fragmentation of his left arm, and the killing intent in his eyes poured out:

"do not care!"

"Kill him first! If Mu Rongjun is there, I can only admit my fate!"

"I want to see who is killing who this time!"

In a desperate situation, the trapped beasts were still fighting. The magical barrier in his heart caused Mu Ming to lose an arm under Xiao Lang's punch. It also allowed him to finally regain his spirit and set his mind. Seeing Xiao Lang's punch again, Mu Ming immediately fisted. Pinyin Jue, five fingers fluttered, and a roar swept the audience:

"Thousands of trees are growing!"


The bursting drink has not fallen, the power of the avenue is tumbling. Obviously, when Mu Ming made a move, it was also an Era Realm Venerable Grade magical skill!

The war is about to start!

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