Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 256: bloody battle


The first punch did not directly hit Mu Ming to kill him. Although he also broke his arm, Xiao Lang was still surprised and realized the difficulty of this battle.

Mu Ming's current state is not very good, just look at his current physique, and if the ordinary Venerable is hit by his punch, his arm will never break. But even so, he still saved his life with the instincts of the Venerable Realm at the cost of paying an arm. It is enough to see that he has definitely experienced a lot of battles and is not a weak one!

More importantly, even if Mu Ming is in a worrying state, he seems to be much better than himself!


The moment Mu Ming's body power exploded, Xiao Lang felt like duckweed rolling with the waves in the sea, and his movements became sluggish. For a while, as if the world was changing, a piece of emerald green came into view, bearing the brunt. It is a big tree that cannot be embraced by seven or eight adults.


Xiao Lang punched again, with great force, and steadily slammed on the huge tree that suddenly appeared in front of him. Suddenly, the huge tree collapsed instantly, the sawdust poured out, and the leaves fell on the ground.

Mu Ming's offensive was smashed with a punch, but Xiao Lang's face did not show the slightest joy. Instead, his brows were furrowed and his face was dark. Xiao Lang didn't punch again, and looked around sternly.


There are big trees all around!

The abandoned mining area with five fingers out there is no longer, as if the world has changed, I have left the abandoned mining area, surrounded by an unfamiliar jungle, the sky and trees are straight into the sky, covering the sky, and it is even more frightening. Yes, these big trees are all exactly the same!

"Illusory Realm?"

"What he is good at turned out to be fantasy?"

Xiao Lang's heart was heavy.


It can be said that this is the enemy Xiao Lang is most unwilling to face. Because his current state is quite poor, even though Smoky Crystal has supplemented the consumed true spirit for him, the Dao Spirit Body is still in ban, and the power he can sacrifice for a while is extremely limited.

If it were in a normal state, Xiao Lang could slay the Quartet without fear, force the opponent out of position, and force him to show up. But now, Xiao Lang is not good at protracted fighting at all.

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Lang no longer punches, but instead chooses not to move.

The enemy won't move, I won't move!

It seems stupid, but in fact, this is the best way to deal with it.

"As long as you want to kill me, you must do it! Just wait for you to show up!"

Xiao Lang seemed to be motionless, but in fact his eyes flashed brightly. He kept observing every bit of wind and grass within thousands of feet of his body, secretly accumulating strength, and the purple thunder kept flowing between his fingers.

"I want to see, who of us consumes energy!"

Xiao Lang was quite calm.

In fact, he really chose the right one.

Outside the woods, Mu Ming's face was gloomy and ugly, and he cursed bitterly, "Damn it!"

"Forget that he is a killer!"

Mu Ming still regarded Xiao Lang as the killer Mu Rongjun sent to kill him. Wan Mu is clustered, this is indeed his martial arts at the bottom of the box, it is an illusion, so it also has the same characteristics as other illusion martial arts——

Very expensive!

Ordinary killer moves, the power of great power used is limited. Just like Xiao Lang, he blasted the thunder with a single blow, and he probably only consumed less than one percent of the power of the Great Dao.

The power of the avenue needed to maintain the illusion is amazing.

After all, the illusion is not motionless, if it is dead, is it still called the illusion? Xiao Lang felt that every turmoil was created by Mu Ming through his control of the illusion, which contained murderous intent. It's a pity that Xiao Lang was too vigilant, and he couldn't find a suitable opportunity to shoot for a while.

If it were the wooden name of the heyday, as the mid-Arabic Venerable, maintaining a three-to-five hour easily, but now, his true spirit is damaged, and his control of the power of the great road is not as perfect as before, at least 50% wasted. The power of the avenue can maintain the integrity of the magic array.

He can't hold on for long.

Especially when he suddenly thought of Xiao Lang's identity as a killer.

He knows that some killers have great patience, let alone sitting motionless for three to five days, even hiding a target for three to five years!

How can he consume less energy than Xiao Lang?

"Damn it!"

Mu Ming has experienced many battles and is decisive. When he finds that he has made a mistake, he immediately changes and yells. The illusion that has consumed 30% of his supernatural power collapses instantly, but at the moment of collapse, there are hundreds of giant trees in the jungle. From the ground, the body shrank suddenly, the branches and leaves flew, and finally turned into a hundred sharp spears. On the spear tips that shimmered in green, the power of the great avenue flowed, but the introverted was more fierce!

"go with!"

"A hundred trees like rain!"

If you can't get stuck, just kill it!

If you want to decide life and death, you must face it!

Mu Ming's decision was quick, and Xiao Lang reacted at the moment when the illusion collapsed, and he saw hundreds of spears tearing from his head, wanting to penetrate his body and destroy his soul.

"Oh, the reaction is very fast."

Xiao Lang sneered, disappointed in his heart. He originally thought that Mu Ming could continue the illusion for a period of time, and he wasted his power, but now it seems that Mu Ming is not stupid.

Although Xiao Lang ridiculed his words, he did not dare to look down upon the hundreds of wooden spears that had fallen from the sky. He jumped up into the air, and the thunder light flickered under his feet. , And hit the spear sturdily!

Xiao Lang didn't dare to stay where he was.

Hundreds of wooden spears, each handle contains the power of the great road, this is a killer move! If he were hit by a hundred wooden spears at the same time, he would be unable to stop the resurrection of the spirit body, and would instantly be smashed into dregs!

To deal with it, you can only fight!


Xiao Lang blasted out with thunder, and a wooden spear that deceived his body immediately collapsed and flew, colliding with divine power, stirring the void, with the help of this shocking force, Xiao Lang tried his best to adjust his figure and suppress the restless and boiling blood in his body. , Insist on approaching in the direction of Kina.

Mu Ming must die!

If he does not die, he will always be trapped by these hundred wooden spears, and his power will be exhausted, and he will die!

"Fifty feet!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and he estimated the distance.

Fifty zhang is enough, enough to move to Mu Ming. He hasn't used love space, he must have never thought that he can pass the space!

Xiao Lang was very confident.

"As long as I break through fifty feet, he will die!"

Xiao Lang's self-confidence is of course not aimless, on the contrary, this is a firm judgment made by him in a brief confrontation with Mu Ming——

"His body is dead!"

"Not as good as me!"

"Otherwise, his arm can't be broken. At the moment when the illusion broke, he has taken control of the opportunity. If he has a little confidence in his physical body, he will not use the wooden spear to attack remotely. A melee raid is undoubtedly He didn't dare to be the fastest way to solve the battle. It shows that his body is very fragile and he doesn't even dare to fight in close quarters!"

Xiao Lang analyzed it, his eyes were bright and he saw hope.

However, he can judge Mu Ming's current state based on his analysis. How can Mu Ming not know his shortcomings after he has experienced many battles?

When Xiao Lang swung his figure, he judged Xiao Lang's intentions.

"Want to get close to me, close combat?"

"Haha, wishful thinking!"

call out!

Just when Xiao Lang fisted and flew a wooden spear to bully Mu Ming, suddenly two wooden spears broke through the air, blocking every road in his direction.


Both fists flew together, and the wooden spear was knocked into the air again, but Xiao Lang's figure was also forced to stop, the opportunity to bully him was fleeting, and Xiao Lang's face sank.

"Found it!"


Xiao Lang felt Mu Ming's difficulty again. It was a disaster to fight against such an opponent. Mu Ming was too careful. Not only did he not let himself deceive him within fifty meters, he even dared not even dare!

"Can only smash them abruptly?"

Xiao Lang's gaze fell on the hundreds of wooden spears surrounding him, his expression gloomy.

It seems that this is the only hope.

Xiao Lang felt even more that Mu Ming's breath was weak, because he had gathered almost all the power of the Great Dao he could control into the hundred wooden spears. As long as he broke it, Mu Ming would no longer be able to fight.

But my own consumption is also very serious!

As soon as Xiao Lang gritted his teeth, the fist watch thunder became more dazzling, and he slammed the deceiving wooden spear fiercely. The wooden spear flew in response to the sound, and there were more cracks on the surface, but it did not break immediately.

"Fuck you! Kill!"

Xiao Lang was fierce.

Since the end of the battle, the winner must be divided, why bother to think about other things?

Kill it!


The next battle between Xiao Lang and Mu Ming was really not beautiful, it was very boring. Mu Ming was suspended in the void, and he remotely controlled a hundred wooden spears to encircle Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang waved his fists and collided with the wooden spears. The power of the Great Dao vibrated crazily, roared in the void, dull and tragic, whether it was for Mu Ming or Xiao Lang.

Wooden name is also very expensive.

He is not good at attacking head-on, remotely controlling hundreds of spears is already the limit, and he dare not use a spear to continuously collide with Xiao Lang, if it is crushed, he will definitely suffer severe damage, whether it is for mental strength or for repairing wooden spears. The power of the great avenue is being consumed crazily.

Xiao Lang is even more so.

With both fists smashed down like a gust of wind and rain, he now seems to be a bit trapped and fighting. If you don't struggle, you will definitely die! More importantly, his consumption is comparable to Mu Ming, but his background is far inferior to Mu Ming!

The power of the avenue is consumed too much!

Xiao Lang could clearly sense that his true spirit was quickly escaping!

"Not broken?"

Xiao Lang's face was savage, his heart was fierce, his fists were full, but he watched a wooden spear touch him instantly, the new spear rushed to him, the offensive continued, Xiao Lang was finally angry.

"Fuck away!"


Xiao Lang stepped out in one step, and finally no longer just dodged. He rushed forward and directly caught up with the spear that had just been smashed by himself, and he was settled again!



The spear that had already taken Xiao Lang's punch forcibly, the spear with cracks on its body finally couldn't hold it, and it shattered in an instant. After it burst, it was burned out by the power of thunder from Xiao Lang's fist watch and turned into fly ash!

The first wooden spear, broken!

Mu Ming never expected that Xiao Lang would suddenly become so cruel. Without checking it for a while, the wooden spear that was connected to him had been torn apart, and he was immediately affected.


Mu Ming spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person suddenly became a little bit weak, and the true spirit was torn a bit abruptly. This was really uncomfortable, and his face was pale as paper.

However, it seemed that this blow was the advantage of Xiao Lang, but it was not the case. Xiao Lang gave up avoiding and was immediately pierced through his thigh by a wooden spear. The blood was sprayed like a shower. If he did not hide in time, I am afraid that this The spear directly penetrated his dantian.

"Dare to be presumptuous?"

Xiao Lang's long hair was loose, and his body bathed in blood, like a demon god, the probe grabbed the wooden spear in his hand, and the other fist was raised high and fell crazily.

Bang bang bang!

After three consecutive punches, another spear was overwhelmed and shattered. Mu Ming's face was paler, but it was also crazier.


"I'll be with you!"


For a time, the remaining ninety-eight real spears fell like a torrential rain, and they wanted to string Xiao Lang into a hornet's nest. Of course, Xiao Lang would not be stupid enough to resist, but while evading, he forcibly captured a wooden spear with three punches After being smashed, he was pierced once again, blood on his shoulders.

Exchange blood with blood!

The life-and-death battle between Mu Ming and Xiao Lang has become intense.

You do not die, I die!

But the key is--

Who will die first?

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