Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 278: Gift points.

Twenty consecutive victories in one day!

In the Demon Blood Trial Ground, how many people can achieve such a record?


It's too little.

And all those who did this step were covered by blood essence to supplement the lack of battle. Because they had never participated in a ring battle in the Demon Blood Trial Ground, the opponents selected at the beginning were relatively weak to do this kind of thing.

But this kind of thing usually only happens on the second floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground.

On the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground, all battles are at the level of the Venerable Era Realm. Xiao Lang can do this step. He has fought 20 times in a row and won the final victory. No one dares to say, but no one has ever said it. Come, it is inevitable!

"Twenty consecutive victories, really strong!"

"In the beginning, his control of the power of the thunder was very immature, but in the last few games, he had obviously deliberately controlled it, and he immediately reached the level of reaching out to the finger. It was amazing! It was amazing to see the real self. And, until the final battle, his true spirit and the power of the great avenue were almost consumed, but still no one can push his limit, this is the most terrifying!"

What is Xiao Lang's limit?

No one knows.

It is precisely because of this that, in the eyes of many venerables, Xiao Lang, who has not been able to push his limit for 20 battles in a row, is even more precious. His jealous and enmity temperament also makes those who hesitated before, once again Thinking of soliciting towards Xiao Lang, his eyes flashed with eagerness to try, and he moved towards the eighteenth ring.

Xiao Lang is indeed ready to end his challenge today.


The power of the great power is almost exhausted, and the true spirit is seriously worn out.

He can continue to fight.

Because today's opponents are really weak.

But Xiao Lang also knew that even if he continued to fight, there would be no progress. After 20 games in a row, he finally digested all the strength that he had soared because of his perception and seeing the true self, and his foundation was solid to the extreme.


Today's harvest has been enough.

Xiao Lang stepped out of the ring and just landed the first step. Suddenly, a token flew towards him. It is his demonic blood trial field token.

"Congratulations, little friend."

"Little friends fight for 20 games in a row. In the early stage of the Era Realm, you can get 100 points for victory. If you kill the opponent, your points will double. If you win in a row, you will get points bonus."

"Twenty consecutive victories can increase points by 20%. So the total points that the little friend got today is... 4,800 points!"

It is the voice of the white-haired old man.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang smiled at the white-haired old man and nodded slightly to show his knowledge.

He actually didn't care at all about the points he got, 4,800 points, and he didn't know whether the number was big or small. All he enjoys is fighting.

What Xiao Lang cared about was just listening to the tests that Chaohou left him.

Therefore, whether it was the threat of the volcano rudder master of the Demon Flame Palace, or the invitation of these people in front of him at this time, Xiao Lang didn't care, just felt a little annoying. =

In his heart, this Fang Xiaotiandi was just a trial ground, how could he join any family?

"Like a fly, so annoying."

Xiao Lang frowned, without saying a word, climbing up the steps, and finally stood in front of Li Xueya, Li Qingshan, and Zhao Feng. Yes, the three of them are still standing here and did not return to the box.

Not unwilling, but forgetting.

When Xiao Lang ushered in his first battle, it was because he was concerned about his life and death. The three of them did not leave. Later, as Xiao Lang defeated his opponents time and time again, he constantly refreshed everyone's strength against him. Cognition, until now, the eyes of the three of them were full of surprises, until Xiao Lang walked in front of them, Zhao Feng, Li Qingshan, and Li Xueya reacted.

"Brother Wild Wolf, congratulations!"

"Unexpectedly, the wolf brothers have already seen the true self. No wonder we are so confident. We were worried for nothing before."

Li Qingshan is as before, gentle and elegant, but not without a sharp edge. Zhao Feng was much more happy than him.

"I'm so envious of seeing the real me!"

"Brother Wild Wolf, do you want to teach me how to see the real me? I also want the blood to be invaded!"

Li Xueya's face changed slightly when he heard this, and quickly interrupted:

"Zhao Feng has such a character, don't blame the little friend, he is joking."

With that said, Li Xueya glared at Zhao Feng and said:

"Control your mouth, stop talking!"

Li Xueya is Li Qingshan's elder, and Li Qingshan naturally respects him. Zhao Feng is not so respectful in his heart, but he also knows that this time he is indeed outspoken and will lose much of his tongue.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang smiled lightly, not paying attention.

"It's okay."

"If I know it, it's okay to say it. It's a pity that even I am a little confused, so I felt so confused..."

Li Qingshan, Li Xueya, and Zhao Feng were speechless.

Xiao Lang immediately looked at Li Xueya and said:

"The juniors came this time to redeem their previous promises."

committed to?

Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng were confused when they heard the words.

What promise?

Is there any agreement between Xiao Lang and Li Xueya?

The two looked at Li Xueya together, only to see that the latter was also covered in circles, suddenly as if thinking of something, they were shocked and quickly said:

"Little friends, don't be joking."

"I was just a joke before, how can I take it seriously?"

Xiao Lang shook his head when he heard the words:

"You have no jokes."

"Since the juniors have said that, if you want to give all the points you got on the first day to your seniors, then naturally you have to do the same."

With that, Xiao Lang handed out his own token and said:

"Senior, please count."

"The juniors competed in 20 games today, totaling 4,800 points. It's all here. Please accept them."


Xiao Lang promised to give all the points he got today to Li Xueya?

What type of situation is this? !

This is four thousand eight hundred points! Xiao Lang just gave it away? Doesn't he know how many points are in the trial field? That is the hardest currency in this world!

Everyone around, including Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng, was dumbfounded.

Li Xueya smiled bitterly and waved his hand:

"No way, it's too expensive."

"I thought it was all right for the little friend to win the next game. How could I think that the little friend could win so much? Four thousand eight hundred points are too much, I can't afford it. Besides, a requiem Dan, how can it be worth so much?"

Just because of a Requiem Pill, Xiao Lang would give Li Xueya so many points?

Everyone was even more horrified and dumbfounded.

Xiao Lang noticed the looks of the people around him, and then he realized:

"So the trial field points are so expensive?"

However, this did not change his mind, and the token that extended out remained firm, saying:

"Senior should accept it. Could it be that Senior wants to let the younger generation destroy his promise by himself?"

Li Xueya was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Xiao Lang's firm eyes, and finally sighed helplessly, took the token from Xiao Lang's hand, and said:

"Well, in that case, I will accept it."

"But if you need points to redeem something, just tell me and I'll give it to you."

Of course Li Xueya knew the importance of a promise to the martial artist, enough to affect Dao Xin, and this was the reason he accepted it. When he heard these words, Xiao Lang smiled and said in disapproval:

"No need to."

"I have a lot of points like this."

"Until now, I still owe more than one hundred and twenty rounds to the Demon Blood Proving Grounds. They must be played within ten days, so I can definitely create a lot of points."


As soon as Xiao Lang said this, everyone in the audience was really everyone on the fourth floor of the trial field, including those who listened to the conversation between Xiao Lang and Li Xueya in the distance. They couldn't help being stunned. Astonished, his eyes were full of vibrations.

There are more than one hundred and twenty ring battles? !

You know, Xiao Lang has won 20 games today!

Doesn't that mean that he owes more than 140 trials to the trial field? !

Even if they knew that the blood essence ban, the warriors who broke the ban would definitely owe the demon blood trial field challenge, Xiao Lang would definitely be the same, but the number of one hundred and forty games still shocked them.

Too much!

On the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground, with more than fifty battles, no matter the victory or defeat, he is already a master on his own. After all, a fight, regardless of victory or defeat, as long as you survive, there will be at least five hundred years of peace. There is no need to worry about life and death. Fifty fights will be a full 25,000 years!

One hundred games is fifty thousand years!

How strong is the Pre-Era Realm Venerable who is more than 50,000 years old and is still on the fourth floor of the Proving Ground?

Too strong!

It is invincible in the early era!

In fact it is the same.

On the fourth floor, if there are more than 50 battles, it is considered a super master, and if there are more than 100 battles, it is invincible on the fourth floor!

And Xiao Lang owes more than one hundred and forty trials of the Demon Blood Trial Ground, and he has to complete all of them within ten days. Doesn’t it mean that when the seventh or eighth day comes, he must be invincible with the fourth The opponent fought?


Thinking of this, everyone around couldn't help but feel a toothache, especially the people who followed Xiao Lang and kept throwing olive branches at him just now. The crowd rioted directly, and some people left quickly.

Can't afford to invite...

In a few days, Xiao Lang is about to fight against the four-layer invincible level master...How could he survive?

Unless everyone gives him face.

But... Magic repair is impossible to give him face!

If Xiao Lang encountered the invincible powerhouse on the fourth floor of the Demon Sect, he would definitely die!

Even if you understand the real self?

The most important thing for a dead person who understands and sees the true self is that he is just a mortal...

Is a dead person still worth the investment?

This question can be understood from the crowd behind Xiao Lang. After a while, the crowd behind him like flies have gone completely clean, and there is not even one left!


It can also be said that they recognize reality.

The other venerables on the fourth floor of the proving ground looked at Xiao Lang with more sympathy. Some people laughed and seemed to feel that Xiao Lang was dead. As for the Volcano Rudder Lord and the others in the Demon Flame Palace, they had already laughed.

There were many demon repairs who died in Xiao Lang's 20 consecutive victories just now. There were three others in the Demon Flame Palace besides Sun Jie. They had hated Xiao Lang a long time ago. How could they not laugh at this time?


From the changes in the expressions of the people around, Xiao Lang also sensed a lot of things. While he was suspicious, he saw Li Xueya, Li Qingshan, and even the usual dignified Zhao Feng, his expression became especially dignified. In the end, Li Qingshan broke the calm:

"Brother Wild Wolf, you have to be careful."

"Fourth-tier invincible master is not so easy to deal with!"

Four layers of invincibility?

When Xiao Lang heard these four words, he couldn't help but shudder.

These four words sound more domineering!

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