Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 279: Devil Blood Pavilion

Four floors.

Obviously referring to the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Trial Ground.


These two words are more refreshing.

Invincible, fearless, this is invincible! This means that at this level, they are not afraid of anyone, no matter who they encounter, they can fight a battle and guarantee that they will not die!

The meaning is simple, but it is difficult to do this!

Do you want to meet such a strong person?

To be honest, when he heard the news at first, Xiao Lang couldn't help but sink his mind and felt tremendous pressure. But immediately, he was relieved.

Of course the pressure is still there.

But Xiao Lang no longer entangled this matter.

Encountered when encountered.

It must be encountered anyway.

"Tell me."

Xiao Lang looked calm and asked. Seeing his calm face, the faces of Li Qingshan, Li Xueya, and Zhao Feng were surprised, but Li Qingshan did not immediately answer, inviting:

"Go to my box and talk about it. There are so many people here."

Xiao Lang of course had no opinion on hearing this, and followed Li Qingshan, Li Xueya, and Zhao Feng into the box.

The boxes are exquisite.

When Li Qingshan, who was the owner of this box, activated the magic circle above, Xiao Lang discovered that he could not penetrate even with his spirit. Obviously, the box was very private and a treasure.

Xiao Lang didn't waste too much attention on the box. He looked at Li Qingshan and said nothing. Li Qingshan already knew what he wanted to ask, so he sighed secretly and said:

"On the fourth floor of the proving ground, there are also strong and weak divisions..."

Li Qingshan first introduced Xiao Lang to the division of strengths and weaknesses on the fourth floor of the trial field, and said:

"Brother Wild Wolf, you can comprehend the six traces of the avenues of Thunder Avenue. Although each of them has not reached the top of the early stage of the Era Realm, it is also an extraordinary combat power when you cooperate. At the level of the four super strong, you can overcome or even kill the weak when you encounter the weak, but it is still very stressful to meet the best."

"Of course, this is also the reason why you didn't show your full strength, Brother Wild Wolf. If you show all your strength, Brother Wild Wolf... I would be hard to judge."

Li Qingshan's inquiries like this might not mean that he had a bottom line.

Xiao Lang heard it, but didn't answer directly, saying:


"Four-layer invincible, how much better than them?"

Li Qingshan's expression immediately became serious:

"Much stronger."

"It can be said that the fourth-tier invincible encounters a super strong, it must be crushed, and it can be broken with one move! As for whether the super strong can survive, it depends on his own luck. As for persisting for a quarter of an hour..."

Before Li Qingshan finished speaking, he shook his head and sighed, the meaning of which was already very clear.

The super strong will be invincible against the fourth floor and will die!

"Why are they so strong? Could it be..."

Xiao Lang frowned, vaguely judged.

Zhao Qingshan nodded upon hearing this:

"Yes, they have already created or realized martial arts level moves!"

Martial arts!

Xiao Lang's heart trembled upon hearing this.

This is a sign of the mid-era realm!

"They were not promoted?"

Li Qingshan shook his head and said: "In the Demon Blood Trial Ground, no one will be promoted so simply, or that no one dares to do so. Because once you are promoted, you will go to the fifth floor. On the fourth floor, you It is invincible on the fourth floor, no one can shake your position and threaten your life, but on the fifth floor, there are mid-era martial arts everywhere. If you just comprehend a martial arts level move, even if you go , It’s only the bottom, it is possible to be killed at any time."

"If you were the wolf brother, how would you choose?"

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, and remained silent.

He will also choose to accumulate thick hair!

At least he will be promoted after he has the ability to protect himself on the fifth floor.

Li Qingshan continued:

"Fourth-level invincible, at least one martial arts-level move has been studied, and some people have even realized the second and third. They are still invisible, just to accumulate strength. Therefore, they waited on the fourth level. For so long, the number of battles is quite astonishing. Generally speaking, if there is no special means, there is a limit of 100 games, and the above is four levels of invincibility."

"Brother Wild Wolf, you have to plan early."

As soon as Li Qingshan spoke out, it felt unsuitable.


How early can it be?

There are still at most six or seven days before Xiao Lang will face four levels of invincible powerhouses! Time is tight!

Xiao Lang looked serious.


"It seems that Ah Fu's judgment on this place is wrong. With my current strength, if I face the invincible powerhouse of the upper four levels, there is almost no hope of surviving!"

Xiao Lang knew his strength.

Although he won 20 consecutive victories today and did not reach his limit, Xiao Lang knew how far he was from the mid-Era Realm.

Before, during the middle and later stages of the Era Realm, they were comprehending the marks of the Great Dao. Take the Raikage he comprehended as an example, and an afterimage appeared. This was a barely entry, and he was the weakest Venerable.

Manifestation of a hundred dao, a hundred shadows, this is the level of martial arts that can be promoted to the middle of the era!

Thousand Ways, Thousand Shadows, is the method, the late era of the realm.

Controlling the Avenue of Thunder Shadows can transform thousands of afterimages. This is the epoch realm small perfection. As for the top Venerables at the Dzogchen level in the Era Realm, what manifests is not the afterimage, but the real incarnation. It's just that level, Xiao Lang can only look forward to now, it is difficult to guess the great supernatural powers contained therein.

In today's ring battle, Xiao Lang manifested eight afterimages. In fact, he has mastered sixteen! But even so, the distance from Hundred Double Shadows is far too much!

"Ben Lei is the same, the gap is huge."

"I have mastered sixteen thunder rushes, one hundred and twenty-eight thunder rushes that turned into martial arts, so much difference!"

Xiao Lang sighed secretly, his eyes flickering.

He can only pin his hopes on the cultivation of the next few days. However, there are only four or five days, and some time needs to be wasted in the ring battle. Four or five days, is it really enough?

Li Qingshan seemed to see the trouble in Xiao Lang's heart, and suddenly stretched out three fingers, saying:

"The wild wolf brothers are facing such a situation, and Qingshan privately believes that there are three ways to solve it."

Xiao Lang raised his head in surprise.

Li Qingshan has a way?

And there are three?

"Brother Qingshan, talk about it."

Xiao Lang knew that Li Qingshan was helping himself, and couldn't help getting closer. Li Qingshan heard this and smiled:

"In fact, these three methods all require you to practice hard in a short period of time, so that you can obtain the strength and combat power to match the four-tier invincible power. The three methods I mentioned are just methods. If you can do it, it depends on how much you can grow, Brother Wild Wolf."

"The most important feature of the arena battle in the Demon Blood Proving Ground is fairness and fairness. Even the top veterans cannot intervene, let alone help you, before the outcome and life or death are decided. So at this point, you must not Take it lightly."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words to show that he knew, but did not speak, because he knew that Li Qingshan hadn't finished speaking.


Li Qingshan's eyes flashed, and finally he bent a finger to tell the truth:

"The first type, the wild wolf brothers can choose a top family to join. Once you join these families, you must see the talent of the true self, the wild wolf brother, it is very simple to get the martial arts suitable for the mid-epoch realm. You can master one of them within four or five days, and protect yourself from the fourth floor of invincibility. It shouldn't be a problem, at least you can guarantee your life."

"If you can comprehend two sects, that would be even better. In the face of some four-tier invincibility, you may even win!"

"But there is a downside to this method. The martial arts learned is not your own after all, and it cannot fit perfectly with the Dao of your own comprehension. After all, you should also know that the same Dao, but different people have learned the martial arts. There are also differences."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this.

In the inheritance left to me by Ting Chaohou, there are the experiences of the Venerables in the middle of the Era realm to enlighten the martial arts, and there are also a lot of enlightenment to the Lei Ying, but some people focus on speed, some people focus on agility, although both are related to speed It's related, but the martial arts that was created is certainly biased.

It is impossible to learn the martial arts of others and to fit 100%, unless you understand it yourself.

Xiao Lang was unwilling to choose this one.

Because once you choose, you will not only need to modify the martial arts in the future, it will consume a lot of time and experience, and it will even affect your understanding of the Dao. For him, who is bound to become a top venerable, this is a matter of losing the watermelon and picking up sesame seeds, and Xiao Lang can naturally distinguish the good from the bad.

Li Qingshan showed such a look as expected, and put away his second finger:

"The second type is related to the Demon Blood Pavilion in our Demon Blood Trial Ground."

Devil Blood Pavilion?

Xiao Lang was surprised.

This was another force he had never heard of.

Li Qingshan seemed to have known that Xiao Lang would not know it for a long time. Without stopping, he said directly: "The Demon Blood Pavilion is a force created by the 24 top giants in our Demon Blood Trial Ground. All the top giants are in it. The creator, is Twenty-four top sages, they have at least comprehended a complete road!"

Li Qingshan said, with a look of longing and yearning in his eyes.

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard this.

From Li Qingshan’s words, he got another extremely crucial message——

"In this Xiaotiandi, the strongest person is only Era Realm Xiaoyun? The so-called Top Venerable is different from the outside world?"

"Is it related to the way of heaven in this small world?"

Xiao Lang guessed the truth at once.

Since this small world was created by listening to the tide, the changes in the heavens here are naturally also a means of listening to the tide. The so-called frame is the same. It is impossible for all the people in it to break through to the Great Perfection of the Era Realm, because Ting Chaohou did not set this at all!

"It's really sad."

Xiao Lang sighed in his heart, but did not interrupt, because when he wanted to come, since this place was "created" by the tide, it was definitely not a real world, but a simulated trial field, although he could not judge with his own strength. Virtual and reality are out, but it is certainly false.

Therefore, Xiao Lang did not say much, listening to Li Qingshan continue to say:

"Every year, the Demon Blood Pavilion will dig out some geniuses from the Demon Blood Trial Ground and become a member of the Demon Blood Pavilion. Although you have only won 20 consecutive victories, Brother Wild Wolf, you must take care of the true self. Pay attention to the blood pavilion. It is very likely that they will come today or tomorrow and invite you to join. You must agree to it then!"

"Once you join the Demon Blood Pavilion, you can redeem too many things for the trial ground points, which ordinary people can't redeem at all, including the treasures of heaven and earth that are conducive to enlightenment. This is also your hope!"

Join the Demon Blood Pavilion and exchange for the treasures of heaven and earth?

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this.

But even if Xiao Lang wanted to choose this method, he had to look at the meaning of the Demon Blood Pavilion first... Xiao Lang didn't think much about it, and directly asked the last method.

"Another one?"

Li Qingshan smiled mysteriously when he heard the words. This time his fingers did not curl up, but pointed to the surrounding wall, and said:

"The third method is the box next to us."


Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

When he came in, Xiao Lang discovered that this box was a treasure. But I didn't expect that it could help myself to understand the Dao as soon as possible and create martial arts?

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