Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 280: Buy life

"This box can actually help to understand the Dao and create martial arts?"

Xiao Lang asked in surprise.

Li Qingshan laughed and shook his head:

"Of course this box of mine can't. It's just the lowest box sold in the Demon Blood Pavilion. You can buy it with two thousand points. It can help me isolate the blood evil spirit and not be disturbed by the blood evil spirit when I practice."

Can't this?

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

That means that some can!

Li Qingshan saw Xiao Lang's eyes brightened, and immediately knew that the latter had realized it, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Brother Wild Wolf is so savvy! Yes, this box of mine can't do it, but there are better boxes above my ordinary box."

"The boxes produced by the Moxue Pavilion are divided into ordinary boxes, high-class boxes, treasure-class boxes, and top-level avenue boxes from low to high. Among them, the ordinary boxes, as I said, have only the function of isolating the blood evil and covering the breath. The advanced box can help the martial artist to understand the mark of the avenue, which is simulated by the heart, and is quite agile. The treasure class box is more valuable, and can help the venerable to simulate the martial arts and check the lack of it. It is a good thing. Avenue box... that thing is too scarce, and the entire Demon Blood Proving Ground has only 24 seats, owned by the top veterans. As for its functions, it is even more impossible for us to know."

Li Qingshan shook his head, his words full of sorrow.

Top Venerable, but the greatest vision of every warrior, Li Qingshan is no exception.

When he heard the effects of various boxes, Xiao Lang was already very excited.

good stuff!

This is definitely a good thing!

"If I want to learn about creating martial arts... I must have at least one advanced box?"

Li Qingshan nodded upon hearing this:

"At least it's a high-level box."

"If it's a treasure box, that would be even better."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this, and continued to ask, "What price?"

Li Qingshan's expression became weird:

"The price... It's expensive!"

"Like a boulevard box, you really don't need a price. As long as you reach the top venerable level, the Demon Blood Pavilion will naturally create a boulevard box for you for free, and you don't even need to spend a penny."

"Like other boxes, it would be ridiculously expensive."

"For example, my ordinary box, because I had some special opportunities at that time, so I got the quota to buy ordinary box. Even so, it cost me as much as two thousand points. At that time, it was heartache. ."

Li Qingshan seemed to think of the pain of buying a box again, and sighed again and again.

"But don’t worry about this, Brother Wild Wolf. If the Demon Blood Pavilion finds you, you will definitely have a place to buy ordinary boxes. But the premium boxes are more expensive. The original price is 40,000 points. If you join the Demon Blood Pavilion, Becoming an ordinary member, you can get a 10% discount, which is 36,000 points. If you are a member of Catcher, you can get a 20% discount, which is 32,000 points."

"Generally speaking, Grade 4 invincibility plus other opportunities can only become ordinary members of the Demon Blood Pavilion. Although the Wild Wolf brothers have realized that the real self, and the Demon Blood Pavilion actively invited, it is estimated that it is unlikely to be a one-star member. It’s up to the position...Oh, it’s a pity that Brother Wild Wolf is straightforward, and directly tells the fact that you still owe more than one hundred and twenty ring battles. Otherwise, I guess the identity of a Samsung member, the Demon Blood Pavilion would dare to give it! "

"To buy a treasure-level box, you need to be a member of at least three stars."

Do you need these restrictions to buy a box?

Xiao Lang frowned when he heard the words.


The best, of course, is the treasure box, because the Dadao box itself is impossible to get. But if you want to buy a treasure-level box, you must at least become a Samsung member of the Demon Blood Pavilion...

This depends entirely on the Demon Blood Pavilion's evaluation of himself.

The higher the evaluation, the greater the chance of course.

If the Demon Blood Pavilion doesn't evaluate itself as Samsung, it will be even more troublesome. High-class boxes can hardly meet their own needs!

As for points...

Based on my own understanding of the Great Dao, the super power in the early stage of the War Era Realm has a winning rate of about 50%, and he will definitely not die. But the winning streak may end.

"Another fifty consecutive victories, seventy consecutive victories, one hundred and fifty points per match, seven thousand five hundred points for fifty matches, plus the 70% bonus for winning streaks, which is Less than 13,000 points..."

"In addition, the 50% winning rate of the super powers in the early stage of the Era Realm is calculated, and only one or two thousand points are the limit. Since then, a total of 15,000 points...Even if I become a member of the Demon Blood Pavilion three stars , I can't afford a treasure-level box..."

This calculation made Xiao Lang's head bigger.

Star rating is the problem.

Points are also a big problem!

"It's hard to get points!"

Xiao Lang sighed. He was very angry before, and gave Li Xueya four thousand eight hundred points. Now he finally encountered a problem.

Li Qingshan smiled upon hearing this.

"Brother Wild Wolf don't have to worry so much. In fact, for the strong, it's not too difficult to get things like points."

Not too difficult?

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up: "Brother Qingshan has a way?"

Li Qingshan smiled and nodded, but looked at Zhao Feng on one side:

"In this respect, Zhao Feng is more experienced than me. It can be said that he is the originator of that method."


Xiao Lang looked at Zhao Feng in surprise. When Zhao Feng saw Li Qingshan talking about himself, he raised his head and smiled triumphantly, saying:

"it's actually really easy."

"Buy life!"

With two simple words, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up. He understands!

In the arena battle, only the victory and defeat, but also life and death!

Don't want to die?


Take points to buy life!

However, the old problem was solved, and the new problem came again.

"How to trade?"

"They wouldn't be so obedient, would they?"

Zhao Feng heard this and smiled:

"Can they just make a blood oath? Of course, I have never worried about this. My grandfather is the head of the Zhao family. I am not afraid of others' repayment or revenge. But if you want to do this, Brother Wild Wolf, you will be out of evil blood. The gate of the trial field, you have to be careful."

"Outside, it's not as fair as our Demon Blood Proving Ground."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, his eyes bright.

Not fair outside?

It doesn't matter!

As long as the points are enough!

I don't want to go out. As long as I complete 144 battles in the Demon Blood Trial Ground, my mission is over and I can leave freely.

The idea of ​​buying life is really good!

However, it is limited to the strong. If it is too weak, even if you win one or two games and don't get many points, you will be killed.

Xiao Lang gratefully looked at Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng in front of him, and said:

"Thank you for your advice!"

Upon seeing this, Li Qingshan smiled deeper, and waved his hand: "It's nothing, just a little experience. Even if we don't say it, the wolf brothers will know it sooner or later."

Xiao Lang didn't think so.

Knowing it sooner or later, knowing it early and knowing it late is very different for myself. Because his time is too important now, a little delay, it may be forever. The guidance of Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng is so important!

But Xiao Lang did not say these words.

There are some things that don’t need to be said.

Just like Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng choose to help themselves, of course they are not free. They definitely hope that they can survive this killing. After that, they will not be so easily recruited. With the present kindness, everything It's easy to say.

What's more, Xiao Lang is not an ungrateful person.

Xiao Lang nodded, did not speak, and focused on those three methods again.

"Becoming a member of the Demon Blood Pavilion three stars is the most important thing!"

Li Qingshan also nodded;

"Not bad."

"But it depends on chance. The wild wolf brothers see the true self. This is the biggest reliance. If someone at the top of the Demon Blood Pavilion wants to help you, there may be hope. But if you want to make people think about helping you, the The important thing is that you have to show sufficient strength and combat power."

"Although the Demon Blood Pavilion was jointly created by twenty-four ancestors, its interior is not monolithic. As far as I know, there are many who hate Demon Gate and Demon Flame Palace."

Those who hate the Demon Gate and Demon Flame Palace?

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he looked at Li Qingshan in surprise.

This message is really important!

"Thank you Brother Qingshan for reminding!"

Xiao Lang Mingwu.

The more Demon Gates he kills, the more likely it is to be recognized by some senior members of the Demon Blood Pavilion, and the more likely someone will help him! This is the most important point Li Qingshan reminded!

Although Xiao Lang would be even more hated by the Demon Sect in doing so, but now...

"I can't care about it!"

"Getting everyone's help is nothing extravagant. But if it's only part of it, we must fight for it! The real benefit is the benefit that can be obtained!"

Xiao Lang felt cruel in his heart.

"Next, I have to cultivate Thunder Heaven Dao more focused!"

Seeing Xiao Lang's thoughtful look, Li Qingshan knew that he had realized the key to it, and immediately smiled slightly with a little arm.


The inside of the box suddenly collapsed, forming a quiet room.

"Brother Wild Wolf is here to retreat and rest. No one will bother you. Take a good night's rest and look forward to a better performance from Brother Wild Wolf tomorrow."

Li Qingshan's kindness, Xiao Lang did not refuse, nodded and walked into the quiet room, the door was immediately closed, Xiao Lang sat cross-legged, thunder ocean circling around, holding Mo Jing in his hand, and immediately sank into a state of cultivation.

Seize the minute to practice!

The current situation does not allow him the slightest delay.

The true spirit quickly returned to Consummation.

And Xiao Lang was surprised to discover that perhaps because of his 20 consecutive battles today, all the previous comprehensions were integrated, the Thunder System Avenue had faint signs of breaking through again, which made him shocked and confident.


"Tomorrow, we will kill more!"


Quiet outside, inside the box.

Seeing Xiao Lang closing the door to practice, Zhao Feng looked at Li Qingshan in surprise. He and Li Qingshan were too familiar with each other. Knowing the latter’s temperament, he was very cold. In ordinary times, don’t talk to people on the initiative. That is even more common. Today's Li Qingshan is obviously a bit different.

"You are so optimistic about him?"

Of course Li Qingshan knew what Zhao Feng was asking. He smiled softly and said:

"Very optimistic."

"But I'm not sure, whether he can survive more than 120 battles, the probability of his fall is very high."

Zhao Feng is even more curious.

"Then you still help him like that?"

Li Qingshan smiled even more:

"It's just a hand, what have I lost? But if he really carries it over, you and I will get more than just this."

With that said, Li Qingshan glanced at Li Xueya beside him, his eyes flashed, and said:

"There is another more important reason. This person has a pure heart and can be relied on. It is pleasing to my eyes."

Pleasing to the eye?

This is also a reason?

Zhao Feng was about to curl his lips to express his disdain, thinking of the scene where Xiao Lang fulfilled his promise and donated 4,700 points to Li Xueya, but he couldn't laugh again.

In this world, there are really few warriors with such a mind.

"No wonder he can see the real me!"

What Zhao Feng thought was trivial, but Li Qingshan was different. He thought about the next few days. Li Qingshan looked at the ring outside the box, a ray of light flashed across his eyes.

"Let me see how many miracles you can bring us!"

What Li Qingshan, who just put his sight on the arena of the Demon Blood Trial Ground, didn't know that in the future, Xiao Lang would bring him more miracles than he thought!

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