Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 282: What a coincidence, I also killed

The volcano rudder master was crippled, and those behind him, both in strength and status, were far inferior to his Demon Flame Palace. Naturally, they did not dare to say a word.

The name of Chi Lian, shaking the demonic blood trial field, at least the demonic blood trial field below the fourth floor, the name of fierce evil is all piled up with dead bones, how dare they speak?

Let others dare, this is the greatest prestige!

Chi Lian is a killer.

If you want to say murder, it is better to invite him to the Fourth Invincible.

If the fourth-tier invincible encounters another fourth-tier invincibility, the outcome is still two, let alone killing, killing is even harder! However, Chi Lian can kill!

There was a top ancestor who accidentally said that Chi Lian, if he is expected to be among the top ranks, the top ancestors will put everyone at risk. It's a pity that the ancestor also said that Chi Lian basically has no hope, too many distracting thoughts and too heavy fetters!

This is a well-known secret in the Demon Blood City. Chilian has a younger sister, a younger sister who has never been seen before, who is born inadequate and needs a huge amount of natural resources to survive.

Most of the points earned by Chi Lian were spent on his sister, otherwise, he might have broken through the mid-era realm long ago.

For a while, the magic cultivators on the side of the Demon Flame Palace fell into silence one after another, which made the other venerables on the fourth floor notice a little weird, but when they turned their heads, they found nothing.

Chi Lian had put on his cloak again, concealing his appearance.


Everyone is waiting.

Waiting for Xiao Lang to end the battle, calling for the next opponent.


Xiao Lang is still the focus.

And as everyone expected, Xiao Lang was still winning streak, as long as he encountered Demon Xiu, he would be merciless, beheading directly, winning ten games in a row, and still not being pushed to the limit.

But even so, everyone discovered that Xiao Lang is definitely stronger than yesterday!

"Yesterday, when he fought to the end, he needed a series of means to kill his opponent, but today, so far, all opponents have been punched!"

"He has improved again!"

"Could it be that he has the support of the Li family?"

The few hours that Xiao Lang disappeared were spent in Li Qingshan's box. This can't hide from the eyes of the caring people, and they will inevitably make such a guess.

But no matter whether the guess is correct or not, it can be clearly seen that Xiao Lang has become stronger.


"I really want to see where his limits are."

Someone is looking forward to it.

But he also knew that today is unlikely.

Xiao Lang's current strength might be able to rank among the superpowers. Even if he won another 20 games in a row today, plus yesterday's record, he only won forty games in a row, which is not enough to see a fourth-tier superpower.

"I'm afraid it will be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

As he spoke, Xiao Lang's fists didn't stop, and in just half an hour, the number of demons who died under Xiao Lang's fists had already reached sixteen.

Xiao Lang hasn't stopped.

"Twenty consecutive victories again?"

"According to the true self, he has great control over his own strength. It is very likely that he will continue to rest after 20 consecutive victories. He will fight again tomorrow without squeezing himself."

Someone makes a guess.

In fact, Xiao Lang originally thought so, but after talking with the three of Li Qingshan yesterday, Xiao Lang has changed his mind.

Fight to the end!

Fight to the limit!

Anyway, he has Smoky Crystal and Wood Spirit Soul, so he doesn't need to worry about consumption. As long as he is not seriously injured, he will recover after an hour's consumption.

Fight to the limit, learn more!

Without squeezing potential, how can we stimulate potential?

Xiao Lang has no limit on the number of times of today's ring fight, when he will end up when he is exhausted, go back to rest and enlighten, and once he recovers, he will do it again!

"I don't believe that the Devil Blood Pavilion is blind, and I can't see my potential!"

Xiao Lang clenched his teeth and insisted, also to make the Demon Blood Pavilion notice. The title of Samsung member is really important to him, he must get it!


With one punch settled, Xiao Lang opened the air with one punch, and a full sixteen nodes burst out. The white marks were exaggerated, and his fists were even more exaggerated. Even if his opponent's magic repair was completely prepared and dealt with, he was still punched. Blow!

Twenty wins today!

Forty consecutive victories!

Is it over?

The venerables were startled, thinking that Xiao Lang would step down from the ring after the killing. On the spectator seat, the volcano rudder master also sighed.

"It seems that if you want revenge, you have to wait for tomorrow."

Chi Lian's name has not yet appeared.

But at this moment--

"Next, the conditions remain the same!"

Xiao Lang's cold voice sounded on the fourth floor, and even the white-haired old man on the registration desk was dumbfounded, and then he reacted, beckoning, and the light curtain changed.

Xiao Lang will fight again!

He wants to continue!

The fourth floor of the trial field was boiling again, including the gamblers gathered by Zhao Feng.

"Hahaha, the record is going to be broken!"

"Who is the next unlucky ghost? I will score 20,000 points and the wolf will win!"

Zhao Feng smiled and made a bet directly, without even looking at the name manifested on the light screen. The gamblers around were crying, and some even gritted their teeth and looked at Zhao Feng angrily.

The 20,000 points were won by Zhao Feng from them just now, and now Zhao Feng is the first to crush them. With 20,000 points, they can only choose to crush Xiao Lang's opponent, but...

How could Xiao Lang's opponent win?

"Let's go, let's not press down! God knows which bad luck is going to be slaughtered, anyway it's not my business..."

Someone scolded his companion and was about to leave. He accidentally saw the last name left on the light curtain. Suddenly, the whole person was stunned.

"That is……"

People suddenly stopped leaving, and immediately aroused scolding from others:

"What's the matter with your kid, you..."

This person also looked towards the light curtain subconsciously, and the whole person was stunned for an instant...

Do not.

Not only them, but everyone on the fourth floor of the entire trial field was stunned, because the two characters on the light curtain were really magical.

"Chi Lian?"

"Who is this, why is everyone so surprised?"

Someone had a hangover and was confused for a while and was talking righteously. Suddenly, the whole person had a meal, his face flushed, and his alcohol suddenly disappeared. He looked at the light curtain in disbelief, and couldn't believe his eyes.

"Chi Lian!"

"The King of Darkness, the King of Killers, the dagger in the dark, Chi Lian!"

Chi Lian's gimmicks are too many, countless, and each of them is deafening and embarrassing. This is the recognition of his strength!

Zhao Feng was also dumbfounded.

"It turned out to be him?!"

"It's over, Brother Wild Wolf!"

Unexpectedly, what Zhao Feng first thought of was not the 20,000 points he had already bet on, but the life of Xiao Lang. The gamblers around Zhao Feng were awakened and went crazy one by one.

"Hahahahaha, I didn't expect it to be Chi Lian! Come on, Young Master Zhao, I will score 7,836 points. All my worth is worth! Chi Lian will definitely win!"


A large group of gamblers gathered around and placed their bets. The chips they won during the red practice became more and more accumulated. In just a few moments, they exceeded a million!


Even if Zhao Feng is the most distinguished son of the Zhao family, he has never seen this battle. He was shocked, but he didn't care anymore, because if he lost, he would only lose 20,000 points. Xiang Li Qingshan's box.

In the box, Li Qingshan and Li Xueya were surprised that Xiao Lang had chosen to continue fighting after 20 consecutive victories. When they suddenly saw Chi Lien's name, they stood up from their seats almost at the same time.


"Something happened!"

Chi Lian, even the mid-Era Realm venerable can obliterate the existence, how can Xiao Lang survive against him? !

"How could he pick Chi Lian?"

Li Qingshan suddenly thought of two words--


In fact, Chi Lian did not have many battles in the Demon Blood Trial Ground. He spent most of his time hunting blood beasts outside to accumulate money. In the Demon Blood Trial Ground, the speed of earning money is too slow.

Most of his battles are strictly required by the trial field.

But his record, there is no water at all!

"Life, red training."

"Record, one hundred and forty-five games. Kill, one hundred and forty-five people!"

"Properties, casual repair, killer!"

Kill one person at a time, without missing one!

Chi Lian killed people in the ring, not for money, not for other reasons, and not for points. Only because, only by killing, can he buy enough time to kill blood beasts outside the city to earn money, the most cost-effective.

Only this time, Demon Flame City offered a high price of 10,000 points, just for an arena battle, of course he had to agree.

As a killer, cost performance is king!

"Brother Wild Wolf, quickly refuse to fight!"

In the arena, Xiao Lang was still waiting for his opponent in the next match to take the stage as before. Suddenly, Li Qingshan's voice blew in his ears, full of tension, and even a hint of... fear, Xiao Lang was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at the registration desk. On the light curtain, I just saw the two words on the light curtain, instantly bright red, like blood!

Chi Lian, challenge!

"It's late, it's still too late!"

Li Qingshan's eyes were momentarily devoid of God, and he seemed to have seen the scene of Xiao Lang's tragic death on the ring, but in an instant, he recovered his clarity, and nervous words came out one after another:

"Brother Wild Wolf, be careful, be careful!"

"Chi Lian, is the most terrifying killer in the Devil Blood City. He once killed the Venerable Mid-Era Realm! He knows the darkness, and the ghosts and charms are invincible. You must hold on, and you can give up after a quarter of an hour!"

The scariest killer in Devil Blood City?

Xiao Lang happened to see Chi Lian's message, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

One hundred percent of the kills!

Attributes, in addition to casual repair, there is also the word killer. What does this mean?

It shows that even the existence of Mingming in the demonic blood trial field is convinced of Chilian's achievements in assassination!

Chi Lian, who are you?

At this moment, on the spectator seat, a middle-sized figure stood up, took off the cloak on his head, revealing an ordinary and inky black face, and the bright white eyes are the most eye-catching, but like a sign, let People instantly recognized his identity.

"Chi Lian!"

Countless people whispered these two words in their hearts.

At the same time, Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, Li Xueya and others even saw the volcano rudder master next to Chi Lian, smiling very happily, even their mouths were crooked.

Although it was not him who caused the fourth floor of the trial field to burst, but Chi Li, he was still very happy because Xiao Lang was dying!


"The old man must take a good look, the miserable and terrifying before you die!"

The volcano rudder looked at Xiao Lang, but couldn't help being taken aback.


Why didn't Xiao Lang's face be surprised or scared?

Hasn't he heard of Chi Lian?


It must be so!

He only broke the ban from the blood essence yesterday, and he must be so calm because he had never heard of the name Chi Lian!

The volcano rudder master forcibly comforted himself, and the other venerables on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground also thought so.

"It's true that those who don't know are not afraid, the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

In their hearts, Xiao Lang was already dead. When they saw Chi Lian appearing next to the volcano rudder master, they already understood what had happened.

With Chi Lian, how could Xiao Lang still survive?

The only astonishment is probably only Li Qingshan, Li Xueya, and Zhao Feng, because the three of them knew that Li Qingshan had already told Xiao Lang about the red training, didn't Xiao Lang understand it?

He really doesn't know what fear is?

And when everyone on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground was singing bad news for Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang, who was standing on the sixth ring, smiled softly, facing the red training, like a spring breeze, warmly said:

"You are not a magic repair?"


"I heard that you killed the mid-Era Realm Venerable? What a coincidence, I also killed one."


On the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground, when Xiao Lang's words were rippling through, many venerables felt as if they were struck by nine days of lightning, their minds trembling, and they were instantly stunned.


Xiao Lang also killed the mid-Era Realm Venerable? !

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