Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 283: Dark Lord


The fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground was silent, and people could even hear people swallowing saliva. Countless people stared at Xiao Lang dumbfounded, and couldn't believe their ears.

Xiao Lang, also killed the mid-Era Realm Venerable?

Not like it!

He has never shown martial arts level moves, why should he kill the mid-era venerable?

Many people frowned.

But suddenly, they were in awe.


It is true that Xiao Lang did not show martial arts level moves in the arena, but no one has ever pushed his limit. There is no way to prove whether he has ever killed the mid-era venerable!

It is possible!

If Xiao Lang's combat power in the ring is only the tip of the iceberg of his full strength.

But in this way, new problems have emerged.

Wasn't Xiao Lang banned by Blood Essence before, where did he behead the mid-Era Realm Venerable?

Xiao Lang, are you lying?

Various speculations arose. At the same time, they clearly saw that the red trainer who stood up from the volcano rudder master and walked towards the No.6 ring suddenly stopped in shape and stagnated, although he soon recovered. The previous rhythm and indifference, but everyone can see, there was a shock in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter."

"Anyway, it is you that I am going to kill this time."

Chi Lian's voice is dull, like Hong Zhong, extremely calm. However, any warrior who saw his footsteps was slightly stagnant just now couldn't help but breed a trace of suspicion in his heart.

Is Chi Lian really as calm as he is now?

In case Xiao Lang didn't lie...

Thinking of this, many people's eyes lit up, they looked at Xiao Lang in admiration, and secretly thumbed up.

"Good strategy!"

"Whether it was killed or not, for the time being. But when the wild wolf said these words, Chi Lian would definitely be a little bit jealous in his heart, and he didn't even dare to use his full strength!

"This is the purpose of the wild wolf."

"And now, it is obvious that he has reached it. Chi Lian must be jealous. Although he is suppressed now, if the two fight fiercely, when the battle becomes fierce, this fear will definitely erupt and affect Chi Lian's judgment. Don't dare to fight for your life with a choice!"

"So courageous! Good strategy!"

If Xiao Lang knew what these venerables were thinking, he would be helpless.

Of course he was not lying, nor was he trying to frighten Chi Lian because of this, but he really killed the mid-Era Realm Venerable. Mu Ming is the true mid-Era Realm Venerable, but he was a badly wounded body at that time, but this is considered to have been killed, right?

Xiao Lang looked directly at Chi Lian and stepped onto the ring. What was surprising was that this time Xiao Lang did not choose to directly launch a surprise attack when Chi Lian took the first step, and he still stood in place.

Everyone was surprised.

This is not Xiao Lang's style!

Xiao Lang, is this going to give Chi Lian a fair chance to fight?

"It's over."

"The wild wolf did not seize the first opportunity. Once he practiced in red, he would not have any chance to fight back. He was defeated in this ring battle."

"I once saw someone attacking desperately to seize the opportunity, just to seize the first chance in front of Chi Lian, and get the quarter of an hour to beg for mercy, but the result was a little mistake. Instead, Chi Lian found the opportunity and killed him with one move. If you didn’t seize the opportunity at the beginning, the wolf would never have a chance."

Someone shook his head to comment, which was reasonable and convincing, and immediately caused everyone around to second.

However, they are not Xiao Lang.

How is Xiao Lang the kind of person who entrusts his grandeur? In particular, Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng also shared their spirits to inform them of Chi Lian's strength and past achievements.

Xiao Lang had been preparing to shoot, and it started when Chi Lian walked towards the ring. But when Chi Lian really took the step to the ring, Xiao Lang was about to make a move, and suddenly felt a great crisis coming from his heart, making his heart cold and difficult to make a move.


The sixth sense told him that once he shot, he would definitely die!

Xiao Lang fumbled and crawled all the way to this day, of course he believed in his sixth sense very much, and forcibly suppressed the urge to shoot.

Chi Lian stepped onto the ring, seemingly curious that Xiao Lang didn't even make a direct shot, grinning openly:

"It's worth seeing the true self, but also very sensible."

"Congratulations, you successfully escaped a life. But in this battle, you still have to die!"

Face to face at close range, Xiao Lang discovered that Chilian's eye pupils were pure, even more pure than most people in the Demon Blood Trial Ground, and there was no trace of Blood Fiend's invasion deep in the center of his brows.

How pure is Chilian's eyes?

There is only one attitude--


To kill is to kill!

Cold, ruthless, and cruel, like the ice of thousands of years, the warriors in the early stages of the Ordinary Era Realm would be timid just seeing it, and their combat power went directly to 30%, becoming a living target for Chi Lian.

Of course Xiao Lang's will is not that fragile.

Lost the opportunity?

It doesn't matter!

Losing the opportunity does not mean that this battle will be lost, even if there are not many people who are optimistic about him.


Chi Lian was very direct, Xiao Lang was even more straightforward, a word popped out of his mouth and never spoke again, just staring at Chi Lian in front of him, alert and cautious.

This battle is very likely to be the most dangerous battle since my practice!

The killer is only born to kill.

Chi Lian is a pure killer!

No need to say more at the beginning of the confrontation. It seems that Xiao Lang's firm will also surprised Chi Lian, his eyes flashed, but he was absolutely confident in his own strength or the means of killing, he shot directly in an instant.


The low roar spread, Chi Lien's figure instantly disappeared in a pitch black mist, it seems that his whole person has turned into this mist, the power of the avenue evaporates, and the mist quickly diffuses. In just an instant, he approached Xiao Lang's body. To cover the entire ring.

"Dark Heaven!"

The moment Chi Lian's figure disappeared and the black mist became apparent, Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly. It wasn't until the moment Chi Lian shot that he knew that the opponent's cultivation turned out to be Dark Heaven!

"One of the strongest ways of heaven is not among the five elements, opposed to the light, dark and cunning, killing people in the invisible, and the most adept at sneak attacks. The inner path-dark elements, hidden attacks, insidious erosion, shadows..."

For a moment, all kinds of messages about the Dark Heavenly Dao flashed through Xiao Lang's mind, and his fear went up again.

But on a level, the Dark Heaven Dao is even above the Thunder Heaven Dao!

But Xiao Lang's response naturally did not hesitate.

The master's tricks can set life and death in a flash!

"Darkness? Then I will use light to break it!"

"Lei Guang!"


Prompted by the power of the great road, Xiao Lang's body surface immediately surrounded a layer of lightning and thunder, and the thunder was fierce. then……

There's no after that.

This is also the last time the Venerable on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground saw Xiao Lang's figure before the end of the battle. The thunder light roared and splashed, but did not tear the dense black mist on the ring at all. For a moment, Xiao Lang's figure was shrouded in it and disappeared.

"It's over!"

"The arena has become the home of Chi training, and the wild wolf is completely over."

"Hey, he is too big. I don’t know how many venerables choose to avoid and not fight when they are going to participate in the trial. They are afraid of meeting him, even if they cannot avoid it, they will spend a lot of time. Years or even decades to find a way to target Chi Lian, not to kill the opponent, just to protect yourself, but even so, no one can even retreat in front of Chi Lian and even survive. No, the wolf is fine. Without any preparation, he dared to challenge Chi Lian... He deserves it!"

In the hearts of many venerables, Xiao Lang's destiny seemed to be doomed.

Not only them, but even Li Qingshan and Li Xueya in the box, and Zhao Feng, who was still standing among the gamblers, looked sad.

Xiao Lang's hope of surviving was not great.


The fact is, it does.

Just when he wanted to get rid of the black mist around his body by controlling the thunder light, Xiao Lang was shocked to find that his thunder light had been imprisoned!

Can light be imprisoned?


What can imprison light is darkness!

Even if Xiao Lang tried his best to spur the power of the Great Dao, he could only clearly see his entire body within ten feet of a radius. No matter how deep he was, it was still pitch black. If he fell into a different space, he was no longer in the arena of the trial field.


Suppression from the beginning!

This is not just because the Dark Heaven Dao has a higher level than the Thunder Heaven Dao.

"His understanding of the dark element is deeper than mine!"

Xiao Lang realized the gap.

I also understood the strength of Chi Lian compared to other venerables in the early era. Before so many opponents he met, at most they only understood one or two avenues, and the methods were lacking and single, but this battle with Chilian has just begun, and Chilian has already shown two dark avenues——

Dark elements.


"No, there are three!"

Xiao Lang urged the power of the avenue to keep the thunder light shining, only feeling that the power of his avenue was going crazy, especially at the edge of contact with the transpiring black mist, such as a big river bursting its bank and pouring crazily.

"Insidious erosion!"

Chi Lian had time to use all three dark avenues, and they cooperated so perfectly!

Xiao Lang's heart was shaking, but he didn't rush back. He just stood there, watching the surroundings vigilantly. He can't move around, at least can't mess around with himself until he finds Chi Lien's true body, otherwise, the power of his great power will escape more seriously!


Xiao Lang held his breath, the power of the soul spread out, and wanted to explore the real body of Chi Lien, but when his power of the soul was beyond the range covered by thunder, he immediately felt the same feeling as the power of the great road, and the craziness passed by. , There is also a kind of yin and cold interfering with his soul source all the time.

Insidious erosion is not only effective for the body, but also effective for the soul!


Xiao Lang's face was gloomy, but his expression was not wilting. On the contrary, his eyes flickered and his fighting spirit was high.


Xiao Lang is not afraid!

"Everyone is in the early stage of the Era Realm. Both the power of the great power and the power of the soul are similar. I only use one power of the great power, and you use three at full. The consumption must be greater than mine. !"

Xiao Lang knew that the real crisis had not yet come.

He is waiting for Chi to practice Liangjian!

The fight between life and death is still close combat, and Chi Lian will definitely show up. And the moment Chi Lian appeared, it was his own opportunity!

Xiao Lang was very stable.

More stable than any previous battle. Because he knew that if he was careless in this battle, he would die with hatred.



There was no sound around him, darkness shrouded, and Xiao Lang could even clearly hear the beating of his heart when the end of the world had come. Finally, just between the two beatings of his heart, Xiao Lang's heart suddenly shuddered, and his eyes were full of thunder.


He felt a wave of fluctuations, facing Yuanyuan's back direction!

Chi Lian, shot!

Xiao Lang was not shocked and rejoiced, and turned around suddenly. At the same time, he fisted the thunder, surrounded by thunder, and burst into steam, rushing into the thunder!

"Got you!"


Fighting life and death, Xiao Lang's reaction was not unpleasant. He turned around when he sensed the fluctuations, but in an instant, when Xiao Lang turned around, before he could swing his fist in the future, only a black light had penetrated his charity. Layers of lightning, crossing a distance of ten feet, came to his eyes!

It's a dagger, a dark dagger!

Xiao Lang was shocked when he saw this.

What surprised him, of course, was not this dagger, but the strong power of the great avenue covered by its surface——

Hidden assault!

Chi Lian did not master three dark avenues, he mastered four!

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