Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 302: Body shaping

The Five Elements Avenue is the original source, and the avenues are added to reshape the spiritual body of the avenue!

Xiao Lang had planned such a plan a long time ago. When he saw the large road scroll on the ceiling of Ting Chaohou Mansion, the mark of the colorful lotus flower appeared on the true spirit, he had this idea.

This is not just to repair the Dao spirit body.

It is a further improvement and refinement.

It is inevitable to comprehend the Five Elements Avenue, and to this day, Xiao Lang finally put it on the agenda.

The reason why I didn't continue to choose Thunder Body Tempering is because, while Thunder and Thunder can make the physical body tougher, the improvement is really limited, far not as direct as the Five Elements Body Refining.

After all, his true spirit was carved with the mark of the origin of the five elements.

"Choose one."

Xiao Lang looked at himself, condensed the five petals of the multicolored lotus flower of different colors on the source of the true spirit, and his eyes flashed brightly for a time. Xiao Lang knew that he wanted to reshape the Dao Spirit Body, and the Dao Spirit Body after being promoted and transformed in the future would definitely be stronger than the previous ones. Not only could the Dao Spirit Body be transformed into each other under various characteristics of the Spirit Body, it was incomparably wonderful and brought thousands of changes. Can be easily integrated into the power of various avenues.

But now, because he has not yet assembled the real Dao spirit body origin, and time is limited, he does not have time to comprehend the Five Elements Dao and try to condense the real Dao Spirit body origin of the Five Elements.

Only one can be selected.

Golden wood water fire earth.

The multicolored transpiration in Xiao Lang's eyes was lost in thought.

Which one is best?

What Xiao Lang thought of for the first time was actually the Dao of the Earth System.

Because of Hu Tian.

Hu Tian is the Earth-type Venerable. In today’s battle, his defensive power is really too strong. His body blends perfectly with the power of the Earth-type avenue. I’m afraid he stands still on the spot. The novice veteran should not even want to hurt him with the scars of the half-dangling road.

"But I don't need defense, but physical strength!"

Xiao Lang was not paralyzed by the temptation in front of him, but still firmly remembered his purpose. He strengthened his physical body in order to use the move of fusion of the marks of the great road, that's all!



Xiao Lang thought deeply.

He must choose the most suitable one according to his current conditions and needs. Although this is a very difficult question for people with choice difficulties, it was only a quarter of an hour later that Xiao Lang, after thorough consideration, had his own answer——


"Just choose wood!"

"Although it is not as strong as the metal Dao body, and not as heavy as the system Dao body, in terms of flexibility, it is not as good as the water system Dao body, in terms of explosion, not as good as the fire system Dao body, but it also has its own characteristics-toughness!"

"Sturdy, it is strong enough to rank second in the five elements, and it is more resilient. It is what I need most at the moment. It can neutralize and buffer the tearing caused by the power of Thunder Avenue. It is most suitable for me."

"What's more, I have wood spirit spirit. Once the wood body is condensed, the benefits of wood spirit spirit can be better digested. In the process of tempering the body, wood spirit spirit can also play a very important role. Enough to make me do more with less!"

Wooden Taoist body, comprehensively selected.

"That's it!"

Xiao Lang has always been decisive. Once he chooses, he will definitely no longer hesitate. He sits cross-legged and flips his hands. Mo Jing appears in his palm, closing his eyes and sinking directly into his comprehension of the Wood Element Avenue.

Wood is Heavenly Way and Thunder Heavenly Way, which belong to completely different heavenly ways.

For ordinary Venerables, there will definitely be conflicts in enlightenment at the same time. After all, come first, come later, and those who come later will definitely be affected by the first comers and even go astray as a result.

But Xiao Lang is a Taoist, and more importantly, he has seen the true self and has a firm will. In an instant, he has thrown away all the distracting thoughts in his heart, and his soul is submerged in the black crystal, and immediately——


The world was changing, and Thunder was not there. What appeared in front of Xiao Lang was a lush jungle. There are huge trees standing upright in the sky, soft mosses sticking to the ground, thorny bushes, and vines crawling up and spreading along the branches of other trees in an attempt to get more sunlight.

The flowers bloom, colorful, delicate and beautiful.

But there is also a small grass under the stone, with its thin body, abruptly supporting a stubborn stone, and showing it to the world.


This is the ocean of wood!

At the moment when he entered this world, Xiao Lang suddenly felt that his true spirit was madly dissipating, and in a moment, he had already sensed the existence of several wood series avenues——



Keep going!

Etc., etc.

The five elements of heaven, each of which has nine avenues. At the moment of entering this world, He Mu understood six of the wood heavenly ways!

There are two more than the first time he sank into the sea of ​​thunder!

This is of course not because Xiao Lang's talent for Thunder Heavenly Dao is weaker than his talent for comprehending Wood Elementary Heavenly Dao. Xiao Lang has a special physique, and coupled with his being a Taoist, in fact, his understanding of every power of the Great Dao is the same, there is no difference.

The reason for this is that there are so many things that Xiao Lang can refer to when he is in the woods. It can be said that since his birth, Xiao Lang has lived in the most intuitive world of the five elements.

He has seen these trees!

He has seen these characteristics too!

Although he hadn't had any promotion or other influences before, this influence was subtle and existed in his life. I don't know how long it has accumulated, and the result of accumulation is naturally strong.


While absorbing the power in the smoky crystal, Xiao Lang dispelled other thoughts in his heart, fixed his gaze on the vines climbing on the arbor tree trunk, concentrated and focused, began to realize the perception and tried to control.

Wood's toughness!

This feature is undoubtedly the strongest performance on vines, and it shows incisively and vividly.


"Full of resilience!"

"The vine itself is not a dime related to solidity, but it can attach to a powerful existence and use their power to climb up step by step. As long as you don’t give up, it will eventually become a stronger existence. !"

At this moment, Xiao Lang felt that he had become such a vine, taking root in the soil. When he was still weak, when he looked up, everything was much taller than him, but even so, it never panicked. Make every effort to absorb all the nutrients that can be obtained, draw new branches, and steam them up.

One height a day.

He climbed higher and higher, and finally, wrapped around the crown of the tallest tree, seeing the vast scenery that can only be enjoyed at the highest point!

Every time a new branch is removed, it is a growth for him.

"Perseverance is from the heart, and at every step, how similar is this to our martial arts road?"

The similarities of different things collided in Xiao Lang's heart, bursting out bright sparks. At the same time, his understanding of Wood's tenacity became deeper and deeper, and finally, he touched the existence of the trace of the avenue.

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

"Away, enter my body!"


Along with Xiao Lang's heart scream, immediately, the real world, around him, rippling green light, blending into his palm along his fingers.

Enter the body!

This is far less exaggerated than condensing the origin of the Five Elements, which is also the origin of the spiritual body of the Great Dao, but it is also the first step for Xiao Lang to reshape the spiritual body of the Dao.

The first step is always the hardest.

Just when Xiao Lang was surprised to think that he was about to start successfully, suddenly--


The skin of Xiao Lang's entire palm splits instantly, his fascia is shattered, and severe pain strikes. Xiao Lang frowns, but his brow stops the process of entering the body, just stimulating the wood spirit, and surging vitality.

"The flesh is too weak!"

Xiao Lang couldn't help sighing.

The battle in Magnolia City caused a devastating blow to both his body and spirit. The true spirit is okay, Xiao Lang luckily found the Smoky Crystal, and can make it up at any time.

But his Dao spirit body is really useless.

Now I am afraid that even the World Realm Dzogchen martial artist is inferior.

This is also the reason why he hasn't used the Holy Thunder Body at all recently.

"However, these will all end today!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were firm and tenacious. While restoring his palms with Wood Spirit, he continued to draw the power of the avenue into his body, completely disregarding the meridian fragmentation wherever he passed, and spraying blood.

Not afraid!

There is a wood spirit, if it breaks, it will be repaired!

Xiao Lang didn't regard this process as a tribulation at all. On the contrary, he was immersed in it, enjoying it, seeing himself as a vine that relaxes the branches, growing in the pain of withdrawal, and the speed at which he absorbed the power of the great power into the body increased. The faster, the scars on his body are getting more and more scary!


This whole process lasted a full day!


Xiao Lang tempered himself, and it took a day to complete. As for how much hardship he experienced during this process, only he knew it. Anyway, his feet were completely covered with blood. Fortunately, Mu Jingpo supplemented the vitality, and he was able to keep going.

But as that sentence says--

The more you give, the more you gain!

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly opened his eyes from the silence, his eyes were full of spirits, fighting spirit surging, confident, and he waved his hand suddenly——

call out!

Twenty-seven long whips are condensed out of thin air, dancing in the void, tightly fitting, it can be said that water does not enter, and the green awns flow around, forming an earth prison like Hu Tian on the ring yesterday, only with Hu Tian's methods In comparison, the long whip in Xiao Lang's hands is more lethal!

Of course, the ability to besiege and exterminate is also stronger!

"With this hand alone, I should also be able to stand firm among the fourth-tier super strong. If I encounter a slightly weaker one, I can directly kill even if I don't use the Thunder Heavenly Dao!"

Xiao Lang's face was full of confidence.

This is the trick he created by sinking into the tenacity of the wood, observing and even incarnation of the vines. Although still weak now, Xiao Lang believes that with his understanding of the road of wood, this trick will be used in the future. Will become stronger and stronger, and even become his signature move!

However, this is only a small part of Xiao Lang's progress this day.

His biggest gain is--

The body of the avenue of wood system, finally practiced!


Xiao Lang stood up from the ground, his figure did not change, but he gave people a more slender feeling, like a long bamboo standing in the wind, letting the wind blow, standing still, a blue light flashed from his body surface , But there was no trace of injuries on his body.

It's done!

"It's time to try again!"

Xiao Lang's eyes shone brightly. The reason why he has comprehended the Five Elements and tempered his body is to master the power of fusing the marks of the Great Dao. Now that he has finally achieved his body, how can he give up?


With a thought in his heart, two groups of purple thunder light appeared on his two palms. Like the first time, Xiao Lang chose to slowly approach. He failed the first time because of lack of energy, but this time—


With the sour grinding sound, the two groups of Lei Mans were squeezed together by Xiao Lang abruptly!


At the moment when they completely converged, suddenly, a terrifying and full of endless destruction aura suddenly evaporated, as if to burn the world and destroy the spirit!

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