Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 303: Learn from

Thunder Heaven is already extremely good at destroying.

Each has its own strengths.

The fire system burns, the water system is nourished, the wood system is strong, the soil system is thick, and the gold system is sharp...

Thunder, a symbol of destruction!

Therefore, when some extremely evil people commit terrible disasters, it is extremely easy to attract thunder and robbery, and that is a **** punishment!

When the two clusters of thunder in the palms of the palms gathered together, even Xiao Lang couldn't help but feel a huge threat with the powerful destructive power that burst out.

You know, this is his own power!

But at this moment, it seems to be out of his control, about to burst!

Do not.

It doesn't seem to be, but it's really going to burst into chaos!

"So rebellious?"

"I don't believe it anymore. You are transformed by Laozi, so you can go against the sky?"

His hands were fine, and the results of one day's cultivation were remarkable. Under the impact of such a powerful force, Xiao Lang's hands didn't explode immediately, but even so, he didn't feel good. For example, his hands seemed to be soaked in water for several days and in the scorching sun. The porcelain bottle that had been exposed to the sun for a day was full of cracks and blood was dripping out.

Xiao Lang looked bad.

He can't hold it anymore!

Two interest.

At two breaths at most, he can't suppress the violent power of the palm of his hand, even if his physical body, especially his hands, has been tempered to a very strong level, but once the thunder light in his palm erupts, if he continues to persist, his hands will be fixed. Turn to ashes!

"Fuck your mother!"

For ordinary warriors, controlling two breaths is enough.

After all, the battle between life and death occurs in an instant, especially with such a huge force. It must be the hole card sacrificed between life and death. It is impossible to hold it in the hand forever. Once it is cast, it must be sacrificed, otherwise it will be extremely easy to cause yourself. Backlash.

Xiao Lang also knew this truth, so he just let go of his obsession to completely control this power, and hit the void in front of him with a punch!



The void bursts, the space shakes!

The thunder burst, like an arrow from the string, but I don't know how many times it was violent than the arrow from the string, and it didn't manifest in any appearance. It still cut through the air in the form of pure power and slammed on the wall of this room.



The thunder exploded, exploding the square inch of the ground, and the strong wind and aftermath that rolled back, even Xiao Lang couldn't help but raise his brows, and quickly summoned Thunder Ocean to protect him.

Fortunately, this could be considered his strength. It came from the same origin. Xiao Lang's impact was not great, but he clearly felt the strong vibration from under his feet.

"Even the treasure box was shaken?"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

He has been tracking the power of this blow.

"Should surpass the full blow of the top superpower!"

Xiao Lang was sure, and did not exaggerate. It was because he and Chi Lian had been fighting here before, and they had played for a full day, but no matter how fierce the fight between them was, they had never shaken the ground under their feet.

At that time, Xiao Lang still sighed in his heart, the treasure-class box was really easy to use, carrying the aftermath of the battle between him and Chi Lian without any reaction.

But I never thought that this was only a day, and I was broken by myself.

Seeing the thunderous light bursting wildly in front of him and gradually disappearing into the void, Xiao Lang finally raised his mouth.


Quite satisfied!

The time of this day was not wasted!

It's just that Xiao Lang didn't know whether this blow could shake the Fourth Invincible. Because so far, he has not seen any four-layer invincible shots yet.

"Don't expect to be able to kill with a punch, as long as it can shake a serious injury!"

"I have Wood Spirit, no need to worry about consumption, one punch is badly injured, one punch is killed, perfect!"

Xiao Lang originally thought that if this punch could shake the Fourth Invincible, with the support of Smoky Crystal and Wood Spirit, he could press the Fourth Invincible to fight indefinitely and directly consume his opponent.

But when he lowered his head and saw the trembling of his hands, Xiao Lang couldn't help taking a breath.


The hands look fine, but in fact, the fascia is broken and the meridians are broken. Even if the wood essence continuously provides vitality, it can't be repaired for a while.

One more punch at most!

Do not.

"It's two punches."

"If I don't insist on taking control of this power, once it is sacrificed, I will shoot it directly. With the least load, I should be able to swing about three punches."


"If he can block three consecutive punches, then I have to admit my fate."

Although Xiao Lang was saying this, but the depths of his eyes flickered, how could there be the slightest sign of resignation?

"Anyway, as long as one blow can't kill me, I'm a Xiaoqiang who can't kill me. It depends on who consumes the energy to the end!"

Xiao Lang was excited in his heart, standing in place and counting his harvest, thinking about the future battle. And just as he was immersed in the evolution of various ring battles, the other people in the box were not so calm.

At the moment of the great earthquake, one of the other people in the box, Li Qingshan, Li Xueya, Zhao Feng, and Chi Lian, opened their eyes for the first time and looked at Xiao Lang's closed room in amazement.

They felt the vibration under their feet!

"what happened?"

"Brother Wild Wolf retreats and improves, are you crazy?"

"What power can actually shake the entire treasure-class box?"


Before he could think about it, Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, and Chi Lian immediately left the room. When they came to the lobby, they saw Li Xueya also look dignified, standing at the door of Xiao Lang's room. Seeing the three people came, Li Xueya did not hesitate to move. Raise your hand and knock on the door.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Little friend Wild Wolf, are you okay? Open the door!"

They can't worry about Xiao Lang.

Because the power that even shakes the entire Treasure Class box is so powerful that they have to guard against it. What's more, the source of it is Xiao Lang's room, which makes them even more tempted to think about it.

Under the threat and pressure of the Fourth Invincible, Xiao Lang finally couldn't bear it?

For a time, everyone thought about it.

In the room, Xiao Lang, who was immersed in the battle of evolution, was awakened by the sound coming from outside the room. As the owner of this treasure-class box, he immediately detected the scene outside the door. At the same time, he realized that all this was caused. The culprit is myself.

The retreat was interrupted, Xiao Lang was not angry, and walked straight to the door, opened the door, and did not wait for Li Xueya and others to inquire, and smiled:

"It's just a little bit, so everyone is worried."

A slight gain?

Li Xueya looked at Xiao Lang, whose temperament was obviously different, with surprise. Before that, even if they didn't pay special attention, they could see that Xiao Lang's physical quality was really not good, and it seemed that he had suffered severe injuries.

"Could it be that the wild wolf was banned with blood essence by the elders of the family because of the physical damage?

This is also the previous guess of Li Xueya and others.

However, Xiao Lang didn't talk about this kind of short-sighted matter, and of course they couldn't ask directly. But now, Xiao Lang gave them a different feeling.


In just one day, Xiao Lang's physical body has improved by more than one level!

"On this day, the wild wolves are improving their physical bodies? But how did they make such a powerful blow?"

After Xiao Lang opened the door, Li Xueya and the four immediately felt the violent thunderous breath in the room. The four of them are strong, and each has its own unique vision. Through these subtle details, although it is impossible to truly sense how powerful Xiao Lang's strike just now is, it can be judged 70% to 80%.

But just this 70% to 80% is enough to make them surprised.

Especially when they saw that the entire wall behind Xiao Lang had turned black, he was slowly recovering under the urging of the box circle, and the recovery was very slow.

Zhao Feng couldn't stand his temper the most, and said in surprise:

"You created a four-layer invincible level of martial arts moves?"

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

The reason why he opened the door is to verify his strength and progress through the unique vision of the four people in front of him. Zhao Feng's words naturally made him very happy.

However, before he waited for an answer, suddenly Li Qingshan replied:

"Not a martial arts move."

"It should be regarded as the secret method of pressing the bottom of the box. Compared with the four-layer invincible, this trick may be enough, but it is not round enough. It seems to be caused by insufficient control."

Li Qingshan's exquisite comment, almost every sentence fell on Xiao Lang's heart.


Li Qingshan is worthy of being a powerhouse of the four invincible levels. He is indeed strong enough and has a deep vision.

Xiao Lang suppressed his excitement and couldn't help asking:

"So with this blow, I really reached the fourth level of invincibility?"

Li Qingshan nodded and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise and shock. He never expected that Xiao Lang would have made such a big improvement after only one day of retreat, and his answer was naturally unambiguous.

"It should be about the same, and the power must have been achieved. The fourth-tier invincible just created martial-level moves in the direction in which he is best. In fact, some of the fourth-tier invincible, their moves are not strong, and they should not be as good as you just now. That trick."

"But because I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I can't accurately judge what level it can reach the fourth level of invincibility. But the fourth level of invincibility has indeed reached it."

"It's just that it's powerful, but it's not necessarily hit. I don't know how you performed this trick, Brother Wild Wolf, but the four-layer invincible, almost all have realized the linkage of the great road, this is not a high-level skill. As long as they have been immersed for many years, many venerables can do it. The same is true for the four-tier invincibility, which is linked with mystery, even without using martial arts-level moves, it can crush ninety-nine percent of the super powers, one by one is very cunning. "

"So, you must be careful! I'm afraid, these moves are not a small load on your body, right? So when using this move, be careful!"

At Li Qingshan's kind reminder, Xiao Lang's eyes shrank.


Can't inflate!

To become the four-layer invincible, there must be quite a means, otherwise it would be impossible to convince the crowd. According to Li Qingshan, now I only have the qualifications to challenge the fourth-tier invincible. As for who wins and who loses...

Own odds of winning are very low!

Moreover, he is not good at defense. Once he loses, he is very likely to die!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help being tangled. Even though Li Qingshan had said so much, he still didn't know much about the combat power of the four invincible levels.

"It would be great if I could find a four-tier invincible master now, and I would try my own strength."

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Xiao Lang's pupils couldn't help but light up, and his eyes fell on the four people in front of him.

Right now, isn't there just a suitable one?

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly became eager, and he circulated repeatedly on Zhao Feng and Li Qingshan, and laughed:

"Two four-layer invincibles, do you want to discuss it now?"


Hearing Xiao Lang's request, Li Qingshan was not surprised at all. He had expected it when Xiao Lang's eyes were gloomy, but what surprised him was how did Xiao Lang know that Zhao Feng was also invincible in the fourth floor?

Could it be that in the past few days, someone had told him that it was impossible?

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