Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 304: Li Qingshan's sword

"How do you know that I am invincible on the fourth floor?"

Zhao Feng, who couldn't stand his temper, asked himself, his face also full of surprise.

"Someone told you?"

Xiao Lang smiled mysteriously: "No."

"Since Brother Li is fourth-tier invincible, of course it is impossible for him to make his brother an ordinary venerable?"

This reason...

When Zhao Feng heard the words, his face flushed suddenly, and Li Qingshan also smiled and looked at Zhao Feng. At this moment, Zhao Feng finally couldn't bear it, raised his head and shouted:

"What do you look at! Didn't it just pester you for a while, just like how much I owe you."

"I won't go if someone asks me to discuss it. It's to give you face..."

As Zhao Feng said, his voice was getting weaker and weaker. Even with such a thick-skinned face, he was no longer embarrassed to say anything. Yu Guang swept across to Xiao Lang who was on the opposite side, and quickly changed the topic:

"Come on, you guys have a fight, I'll be a judge!"

Zhao Feng finally brought the topic to the main topic. Li Qingshan looked at Xiao Lang when he heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he nodded gently:

"it is good!"

Li Qingshan agreed!

Of course, he didn't agree with Zhao Feng's face, but because of his skills.

It can be said that he, Li Xueya, and Zhao Feng witnessed Xiao Lang's growth to this level in just a few days. Especially in the past few days, Xiao Lang must win every battle, winning more than 60 consecutively. During the battle, Li Qingshan saw in his eyes, he was also aroused by the passion and fighting spirit in his heart.

He had long wanted to fight Xiao Lang.

It's just that Xiao Lang before today was too weak to stand up to the fight, but Xiao Lang now is clearly qualified.

"Hope you can let me pull out the sword in my hand."

Li Qingshan put his right hand on the scabbard around his waist, his eyes were full of confidence, said softly, and then walked to the corner of the room. When Zhao Feng saw Xiao Lang for a moment, he quickly explained:

"Brother Wild Wolf, be careful, the sword of Qingshan must see blood, you should not underestimate it! Don't think he is just conceited."

Xiao Lang returned to his senses, smiled and glanced at Zhao Feng, nodding to show that he knew, and he was constantly sighing in his heart:

"Zhao Feng's encounter with Li Qingshan is really a blessing. If Li Qingshan did not have Zhao Feng, even if he was the Li family, I am afraid that he would have provoke countless enemies in the Demon Blood Trial Ground."

Li Qingshan's emotional intelligence is very low.

It is what he said just now. If it is heard by outsiders, it is easy to cause misunderstanding, thinking that Li Qingshan looks down on him, but in fact, Li Qingshan is only for motivation.

Zhao Feng knew him best, and he hurriedly explained it for fear of misunderstanding Li Qingshan.

"Innocent heart."

Xiao Lang looked at Li Qingshan, who stopped in the corner of the room, and couldn't help feeling deeply.

Born swordsman, innocent heart!

According to Xiao Lang's observation, Li Qingshan is not far from seeing the real me, and by then, his strength will surely advance by leaps and bounds, and it is not difficult even to directly rule the roost among the mid-era realm.


Chang Shu sighed, and Xiao Lang discarded all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and walked to the other corner of the room to stand still.

The war is coming!

Li Xueya, Zhao Feng, and Chi Lian all retreated outside the door, but still opened the door, opening enough space for Xiao Lang and Li Qingshan to fight.

"You first."

Li Qingshan's face was calm, with a sword guard in one hand, no power flowing around him, full of confidence. Xiao Lang would certainly not be polite when he heard this, saying it was a challenge, but it was actually a challenge.

Xiao Lang launched the first battle against the fourth floor of Invincible!

"it is good!"

With a clear and clear response, Xiao Lang stepped out, turning into 64 afterimages, thundering like electricity under his feet, and the ocean of mystical thunder rippling, like a beautiful picture scroll, beautiful, but hidden murderous intent, directly towards Li Qingshan swept away.

Avenue linkage!

The Dao Linkage, which was previously rated as the top four-tier Super Venerable by Hu Tian, ​​was recognized by Hu Tian as the ultimate non-four-tier invincible in the early Era Realm!

But this time, when Xiao Langshi unfolded, there were changes again——


More fierce!

Even the three bystanders, Zhao Feng, Li Xueya, and Chi Lian, can find that he is different from yesterday's at the moment Xiao Lang moves, which can be called a metamorphosis!


The violent thunder swept out, to wrap Li Qingshan layer by layer, gather and strangle!

"Brother Wild Wolf is stronger again!"

"The physical body, because of the transformation of his physical strength, the power of manipulating the avenue is more skillful, and the power has naturally increased!"

Zhao Feng watched this scene in surprise.

Xiao Lang is really like the incarnation of a miracle. It seems that when he sees it once a day, he can feel his growth, and this kind of improvement is quite huge, comparable to the centuries or even thousands of years of penance by ordinary venerables!

Li Xueya nodded upon hearing this and added:

"Also, he has a deeper understanding of Thunder Avenue, and he is only one step away from the peak of the early era. But how can such a method play the blow that shakes the treasure-class box?"

Zhao Feng and Chi Lian were also confused.

But they did not think much about this issue.

As bystanders, they just need to watch.


The thunder was surging, as if it were coming to the world. Just when the thousands of thunders descended, Li Qingshan's eyes lit up, and he clearly discovered the changes in Xiao Lang's foundation after a day of retreat, and his eyes became more wary.


He drew out... the scabbard hanging around his waist!


"Sword tide!"


The moment Li Qingshan pulled out the scabbard at his waist, Xiao Lang suddenly discovered that Li Qingshan had changed. He saw the green light shining all over his body. It was a sharp sword light, like a tide like a sea, swept by steam, and The picture scroll formed by the linkage of the self-evolving Thunder Avenue smashed together!


There is no jumble of other avenues, only sword light, but it contains the surging power of the avenue. It is shocking to hear that it seems to see the end-time scene of thousands of sword light flying away in the sky and destroying all things.


"Li Qingshan turned out to be the purest kendo!"

Xiao Lang trembled and admired more.

There are many people who use swords, but for most swordsmen, the sword in their hands is just their weapon against the enemy. Just like Xiao Lang’s fist, it doesn’t mean anything else. It is a tool to use other great powers. .

But Li Qingshan is not. He is a pure sword repairer, walking the path of breaking through all laws with strength, with only a sword in his hand and nothing else.


"He is sincere in his heart, and naturally it is impossible for him to enter other avenues. For his natural sword repairman, he has a sword in his hand, which is enough."

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up, and his fighting spirit became stronger.

Jian Xiu.

Known as invincible at the same level!

The sword is originally a weapon of killing, but pure sword repair is actually the way of killing. The ability to attack and kill is definitely not under the thunder of heaven, and even stronger!

Xiao Lang couldn't help but feel eager to compete.

"Look at your sharp sword, or my thunder and fierceness!"

Xiao Lang didn't hide his clumsiness. For a time, thunder surged, and his combat power was fully deployed. The billowing thunderbolt fell from the sky, hit Li Qingshan, and collided with the mighty sword tide!


Suddenly, the power of the great avenue splashed, and the three people standing at the door watching the battle, Li Xueya and Zhao Feng were okay, and their feet were firm. As for the red training, he was originally injured, and at this time he was affected by the aura of the battle before him. , Immediately turned pale, couldn't help taking a step back, and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.

So strong!

Xiao Lang has grown a lot!

Chi Lian remembered that when he and Xiao Lang fought three days ago, Xiao Lang could only rely on the treasures of heaven and earth to continue his life to deal with him, and now--

"Just this trick, he can kill me!"

Chi Lian feels his mouth is dry...

Xiao Lang's progress is too fast!

"What's the point of staying with him?"

Chi Lian even doubted himself a little bit, and naturally other people didn't know the thoughts in his heart. Li Xueya and Zhao Feng frowned when they saw the two people colliding violently in the room.

"Qingshan was actually suppressed?"


Judging from the scene, Li Qingshan was being beaten by Xiao Lang, his sword light was like a tide, but he could only support ten feet away in front of him.

"Because the little wolf friend is strong enough."

Although Li Xueya has become a useless person, his eyesight is still there and he can see through the truth at a glance:

"The physique of the little wolf is stronger than that of Qingshan, and his background is deep. Naturally, he has more power in his control. In terms of killing, there is no difference between thunder and kendo. This is just a comparison of strength. Qingshan naturally does not have any Cheap."

"However, Qingshan will not lose."

"Qingshan has been galloping on the fourth floor for so long, how can strength be the most dependent?"

Zhao Feng nodded when he heard the words, obviously he was convinced, but immediately, he looked at Li Xueya beside him in surprise.

Li Xueya knows the advantages and disadvantages of Li Qingshan?

Doesn't this mean that Li Xueya has been paying attention to Li Qingshan all these years?

Li Xueya also found Zhao Feng's surprise, smiled slightly, and said indifferently:

"The old man is also the elder of the Li family anyway. It is not too much to pay attention to the genius of the Li family, right?"

Zhao Feng waved his hand again and again, "Not too much, not too much."

Li Xueya cast his gaze back on the battle in the room, saying:

"It's also time for Qing Shan to show his rosyness."

Zhao Feng was taken aback, before he could think about what Li Xueya's words meant in the battle before him or something else, he just listened to Li Qingshan laughing freely:

"it is good!"

"You have broken the border for several days, and I am afraid that your foundation is unstable. It seems that I have been worrying too much. The wolf brother is a good method. If this is the case, you will try another sword!"

As he said, Li Qingshan clasped the sword with one hand, but still did not pull it out this time. He looked at the sky that had been covered by sword light and thunder, and chuckled softly:

"I have a ambition to use everything as a sword!"

Li Qingshan's voice was not loud, but it overwhelmed the surrounding thunder and roar, sword light roared. He was able to support it for so long, and it was far beyond Xiao Lang's surprise. You must know that the combat power he has displayed now is his strongest state besides Fusion Avenue, but it is still easily blocked by Li Qingshan.

The fourth floor is invincible, and it's really good!

At this moment, Xiao Lang finally understood why Hu Tiangan said so surely that he was definitely not an invincible opponent of the Fourth Layer.

My self that day was indeed inferior.

What's more, he is different from yesterday and he has transformed again.

When Li Qingshan praised him, Xiao Lang was already vigilant, and when the current person whispered, Xiao Lang suddenly discovered that Li Qingshan's temperament changed again--


A layer of indifferent blue light rose from his body and expanded rapidly. Xiao Lang didn't know what this layer of blue light was, and immediately manipulated the power of Thunder Avenue to bombard it wildly, but passed through it, unable to stop it.

what is this?

When Xiao Lang was surprised, the green light rising from Li Qingshan's body had successfully enveloped this room. If it were outside, it would be the entire arena, because Xiao Lang's room was the same size as the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground.

Silently, nothing seemed to happen.

However, when Xiao Lang subconsciously urged Thunder Avenue again, he suddenly lost his color. He saw that the power of the Thunder Avenue that he had violently blasted out before had a faint tendency to get rid of his own control, and the thunder mans struggled before his eyes. The appearance of the slowly condensing growth sword...

What is this method?

Xiao Lang was shocked, and everything that happened before his eyes was beyond his imagination. And he was not the only one who changed, and Li Xueya, who was originally calm and composed at the door, changed her face in shock and couldn't help exclaiming:

"Sword Intent?!"

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