Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 305: Invincible


The moment he saw Li Qingshan's body rising from Zhou Qingmang, Li Xueya realized that something was wrong, but this guess was so amazing that he couldn't be sure, until the Void Thunder went out of control and turned into a long sword, Li Xueya finally Sure, Li Qingshan actually mastered the sword intent!


Even if he had stood on a high place and was only one step away from the world's top powerhouse in the Demon Blood World, Li Xueya could hardly control his facial expressions at this time, with a look of horror.

He was really scared.

I was shocked by Li Qingshan, who was his junior.

Sword intent, meaning as its word, is the true meaning of kendo. But the sword intent that each swordsman condenses is different. Some people are good at taking a sharp edge, making a sword, and everything will be destroyed and destroyed.

Some people are good at flying swords, and take the top of the world.

Some people are good at epee swords, and they can realize the strength together, and they can open mountains and crack rocks, arrogant and fierce.

Sword intent is indeed different from person to person, but all those who condense sword intent have one thing in common-

They are pure sword repairs.

And immersed in kendo for many years, in order to comprehend his sword intent.

The addition of sword intent, the promotion of a swordsman is not a little bit, but a real qualitative change. With a sword in hand, I have the world!

This is also the difference between Jian Xiu and ordinary Venerables.

No matter how strong the will of the ordinary venerables, I am afraid that they will not be able to understand the true meaning of the great way, unless they integrate the heavenly way and achieve extraordinary achievements.

In other words, the ordinary Venerables control the power of the Great Dao, it is really only pure control. The avenue is there, they just have to walk up.

And once Jian Xiu comprehended his sword intent, it was equivalent to that they had created a avenue, which only belonged to them!

When Li Xueya was at his peak, he had seen many strong men, some of whom had condensed sword intent. But they are usually only at the peak of the Era Realm to gain insight into their hearts and touch the level of sword intent. Once they control it, they can become the top venerables and break through the Era Realm Small Perfection level!

And Li Qingshan...

He is only in the early period of Era Realm!

"A talent against the sky!"

"No wonder the ancestor is so optimistic about him."

It took a long time for Li Xueya to wake up from the shock and look at Li Qingshan, which was suspended in thousands of sword lights, like a king over the world, suddenly feeling ashamed.

"The posterity is terrible."

"Could it be that I am really old?"

Li Xueya couldn't help but fell into doubt about herself. And this is also in the cultivation world, why some geniuses are always aloof. That's not because they hold talents and pride, but because they are strong enough in their hearts to suffer such violent attacks one after another. The longer they stay with these geniuses, the more likely they are to doubt themselves.

How to understand the Dao if the Taoist heart is unstable?

Li Xueya knew this for a long time, but he didn't expect that this kind of situation would happen to him.

"I think back then, I was also a genius..."

Li Xueya sighed secretly, and in the room, Xiao Lang was already horrified, like a big enemy.

"Sword Intent?"

Xiao Lang was suspicious when he heard Li Xueya's exclaim.

He had never heard of these two words, and had no idea what it meant, nor did he know that Li Qingshan was actually opening up his own avenue, but from Li Qingshan, he could feel a strong threat!

Deadly threat!

"It's such an anti-theft method that can actually seize the power of others' great powers for your own use!"

Xiao Lang was shocked, but his mind was still clear.

He knew that ordinary means alone could no longer pose a threat to Li Qingshan. Even the power of the great road can be taken away, but also a fart?

"The last resort!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed brightly, without hesitation. He also wanted to continue to discuss with Li Qingshan and try to see if he could make a breakthrough under such pressure, but obviously, Li Qingshan did not give him this opportunity.

"Ben Lei!"


Xiao Lang roared, the palms of both hands immediately burst into thunder. The moment the thunder light appeared, Xiao Lang immediately sensed it, as if an invisible force pounced from Li Qingshan, trying to pour into the thunder light in his palm, **** them away, and turn it into a thunder sword. Lang hurriedly abide by his heart, bless the power of the true spirit, and stabilize the two thunder lights.

next moment--


The Mark of the Avenue Fusion!

Outside the room, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Li Qingshan, for no other reason, but because Li Qingshan was so dazzling at this time. Li Qingshan was immersed in his own world and couldn't help himself, smiling.

This was also the first time he showed his sword intent to the outside world.

This feeling is good.

But at this moment, Li Qingshan suddenly felt like needles, cold in his heart, and a great sense of threat came from his heart. His transpiration went straight up, making him instantly discolored. He raised his head subconsciously and saw the thunder on Xiao Lang's fist.

Raging Thunder Light!

"Take me a punch!"

Xiao Lang clenched his teeth, resisting the erosion of Li Qingshan's sword intent, while controlling the power of the violent and chaotic Thunder Avenue, Xiao Lang really worked hard.

But he persisted.

Just like the end of every previous ring battle, a punch is blasted out, and the thunder is shining!


Thunder, exploded!

Turning into a purple brilliance, it is coming!

The moment Xiao Lang shook his fist, the faces of Zhao Feng and Chi Lian at the door changed drastically. From Xiao Lang's fist, they felt a fatal threat!

It is normal for Chi Lian to feel this way, because he is a killer and he is not good at defense, but it is not right for Zhao Feng to feel this way. You know, he is an invincible powerhouse!

"Could it be that the punch of the wild wolf is enough to threaten me?"

Zhao Feng was shocked, and watched the purple thunder light break into the thousands of sword lights that enveloped Li Qingshan with invincibility.

"Sword tide!"

It was the same trick, but when Li Qingshan performed this trick under the blessing of sword intent, the power was very different from before. In the entire room, one of them counted as one, whether it was the sword light he distributed before, or turned into a sword. The power of the powerful Thunder Avenue shook together at this moment, greeted Xiao Lang's punch!



Li Qingshan used the sword tide again, and his power was twice as powerful as before! But even so, a shocking scene happened—


Xiao Lang's fist hit Huanglong. Under the purple thunder, the sword light instantly collapsed. No matter how much it came, it completely disintegrated at the moment it touched it, and there was no way to stop it!


"This punch is Xiao Lang's unique skill created by his epiphany in a day's time, and it is also the one he used to swing against the wall and shake the treasure box!"

Li Qingshan instantly realized that, looking at the thunder light that Zongxian Wubi was about to descend on his body, his eyes were suddenly calm, like a stream of autumn water, calm.

Accept fate?

Li Qingshan certainly did not admit his fate.


Draw the sword!


Jianming, whisper!

A dazzling white light suddenly burst from Li Qingshan's waist, like a white rainbow circling the sun, and hit Xiao Lang's strongest punch!

"Be careful!"

Xiao Lang regretted it with a punch, because his punch was stronger than the one he tried before. Li Qingshan’s sword tide was fierce. This was Xiao Lang’s instinctive reaction after he felt the death crisis. In one punch, he poured 60% of his body’s power, plus his previous consumption. The whole body is weak and difficult to support, so he can only draw wildly from the smoky crystal.

At the same time, he was more worried about Li Qingshan's safety. Because Li Qingshan's physical strength is not as strong as him, he can't stop the explosion of the fusion of the marks of the great road, how can Li Qingshan be able to hold it?

At this moment, he saw the white rainbow on the waist of Li Qingshan.

"He finally drew his sword!"

Perhaps because of excessive consumption and exhaustion, Xiao Lang's five senses have risen to a new level at this moment. The moment Li Qingshan's long sword was pulled out, he did not see the long sword body, only the touch. Bai Hong suddenly felt lonely in his heart, feeling frozen in a hundred million miles.



Yes, this is the real feeling that Li Qingshan’s sword brought to Xiao Lang. It seemed that he had returned to Magnolia City in an instant. After the battle, he learned that the spirit body of his Great Dao had collapsed, his true spirit had collapsed, and he had fallen into the abyss of Huadao. that moment.

Do not.

It feels stronger than then!

The crisis of Huadao is just boiling the frog in warm water, making him slide into the abyss step by step, and Li Qingshan's sword seems to directly defeat the opponent's Dao heart!

"This is the strength of the fourth-tier invincible swordsman?"

When Xiao Lang saw his true self, he could empathize with him. In fact, he was not affected and fluctuated too much emotionally, but was amazed at the power of Li Qingshan's sword.


Thunder burst!

Xiao Lang watched his strongest punch split in front of Li Qingshan, like a firework, blooming brightly, the power of thunder violently tumbling, impacting every inch of the room, endlessly.

Xiao Lang did not continue to attack.

Because this is originally a competition, why bother to win?

His goal has been achieved and he has thrown the strongest punch. The only thing he looks forward to is Li Qingshan's comment on his punch. Of course, seeing his strongest punch smashed to pieces by Li Qingshan's sword, Xiao Lang felt a little disappointed.

"Does my punch have not yet reached the fourth-level invincible level? Otherwise, how can I be smashed by Li Qingshan with a single sword?"

Finally, the thunder light dissipated, revealing their true faces.

Because it was just a discussion, there was no life-and-death fight at close range, the two of them were completely dressed, but their faces were a little pale, which obviously exhausted a lot of energy.

"Brother Qingshan, please advise."

Xiao Lang took the initiative to ask for advice, and did not wait for Li Qingshan to speak. Suddenly, Zhao Feng jumped in, unable to hide his surprise, and shouted:

"Qingshan, did you have a sword?"

Zhao Feng stared at Li Qingshan's hand holding the long sword for a long time, suddenly turned his head to look towards Xiao Lang, his eyes burning, and firmly said:

"Brother Wild Wolf, congratulations! That punch you just now definitely reached the four-layer invincible level! It is enough to make Qingshan draw the long sword!"

Xiao Lang was dumbfounded.

When Li Qingshan draws his sword, does it mean that his punch has reached the fourth level of invincibility?

Xiao Lang didn't dare to believe what Zhao Feng said, and then looked at Li Qingshan. I saw Li Qingshan's expression still indifferent, but under Zhao Feng's surprised gaze, he slowly shook his head.

Zhao Feng was taken aback, feeling incredible.

"I'm not right?"

Li Qingshan nodded silently:


"If it was me before, if you forced me to use the sword, it would naturally be equivalent to reaching the fourth level of invincibility. But now..."

Li Qingshan glanced at Xiao Lang deeply, with complicated eyes:

"I have mastered the true meaning."

"This sword is called Xiefan. Although under my deliberate suppression, it can only be considered a half-step martial arts, but with the blessing of the sword intent, it can easily kill the general four-layer invincibility."

"You didn't just reach the fourth invincible level, but..."

In fact, at this point, everyone has understood what Li Qingshan meant. Each one was dumbfounded, looking at Xiao Lang in a daze, listening to Li Qingshan's voice echoing in his ears:

"You can already kill a master who has just reached the fourth level of invincibility!"

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