Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 339: Recognized


"Will you go out with me for a while?"

Although Xiao Lang didn't name them by name, his eyes were clearly on them. Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng immediately stopped breathing, feeling ecstatic, and even a little gaffe.

Li Xueya was not much better than the two of them, her eyes shrank slightly, and she subconsciously looked at the ancestor of the Li family next to her.

In Li Xueya's bones, the family is still the big one. Otherwise, it would not be possible to fight so hard in the battle tens of thousands of years ago.

He subconsciously looked at the ancestors of the Li family, which was proof.

The ancestors of the Li family and the others also trembled. In fact, when they heard Xiao Lang say that he could take people out, but there was a quota limit, they were tempted, but they didn't expect that Xiao Lang's decision came so quickly.

Xiao Lang did not choose them.

The ancestors of the Li family and others would of course feel disappointed, but they changed their mentality in just a moment.

"Go ahead."

The ancestor of the Li family nodded to Li Xueya.

"Go out and have a look, and come back to tell us what the outside world is like."

The eyes of the ancestors of the Li family and others were filled with hope and yearning. Li Xueya looked hesitant, and her lips moved as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, just nodded.

Anyone who grew up in the Demon Blood World could not refuse the temptation brought by Xiao Lang's words.


Devil Blood World is a besieged city, everyone wants to go out, and Li Xueya is no exception.

"We are willing!"

Zhao Feng was the first to reply, and it was also the common reply of the three of them. Xiao Lang smiled upon hearing this.

But at this moment, the ancestor of the Li family frowned slightly and realized a problem:

"Qingshan and Zhao Feng are both at the beginning of the Era Realm, this..."

The ancestor of the Li family looked at Xiao Lang.

Didn't Xiao Lang say that there is only one quota for each small level?

Xiao Lang explained: "The quota is exchangeable."

Xiao Lang told everyone about the rules about quota exchange that Chaohou told him, and they realized that the quotas could also be changed.

Their expressions immediately became excited.

Although Xiao Lang has already selected Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, and Li Xueya, this also means that Xiao Lang can choose a few more people! Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng also occupied the place of a mid-era venerable.

"Little friend, are you still planning to choose someone?"

The ancestor of the Li family couldn't help asking.

He had to fight for such an opportunity, even if their Li family had determined that two of them would leave with Xiao Lang.


Xiao Lang frowned and shook his head subconsciously.

He has no such idea.

The reason why I chose Li Xueya, Li Qingshan, and Zhao Feng is because they are familiar enough with these three. In this short time, they have brought a lot of help to themselves.

It can be said that if it were not for Li Qingshan and Li Xueya's guidance, it would never have been possible for him to successfully complete the experience of Ting Chaohou in this magic blood world.

It is giving and repaying.

But other people have no meaning to Xiao Lang.

Just as Xiao Lang subconsciously refused, suddenly--

"There is also Chi training!"

Zhao Feng shouted, Xiao Lang was awakened, his eyes lit up.


I almost forgot about Chi Lian.

Chi Lian was not dead yet, he was just knocked out and left in a wasteland. The Flame Demon Lord didn't kill him, because he used Chilian's soul blood to control himself, and once Chilian died, his secret technique could not be used.

Xiao Lang took control of the Demon Blood World, and within a short while, a figure flew from a distance, his eyes widened, his mouth was stunned, struggling, but he couldn't break free from the strong restraints around him.

When he saw Xiao Lang and others, Chi Lian finally calmed down. It was only when Zhao Yue talked about Xiao Lang's identity and the idea of ​​taking him out of this world, Chi Lian was stunned.

He had been in a coma before, and until now, after hearing Zhao Feng's explanation, he understood what happened during the time he was in a coma.

"Master, you are the one in the legend?"

The relationship between Chi Lian and Xiao Lang was different from that of others. He gave his soul blood to Xiao Lang, and he was regarded as Xiao Lang's servant. Can't help being horrified, Chi Lian told this fact again, as if he finally accepted it.

Seeing Xiao Lang nodding, his eyes widened suddenly as if thinking of something:

"My sister!"

"Master, do you still have a place? If I leave and leave my sister here, I don't worry!"

Chilian's sister?

Xiao Lang was startled, then he suddenly remembered the incident and nodded gently:

"it is good."

"As long as your sister is not Xiao Wanwan in the Era Realm, it's fine."

With the addition of Chi Lian, Xiao Lang still has a second-stage Era Realm quota, which can be replaced with a two-stage mid-Era Realm or four pre-Era Realm quota, which is very generous.

Chi Lian heard this and immediately said excitedly:

"It's okay, my sister is just the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm."

Chi Lian was excited because Xiao Lang had agreed to his request, and what he said surprised everyone around him.

The peak of Dzogchen in the world!

You know, Chi Lian has always protected his sister. He has never come out to fight, and even the Demon Blood Trial Ground has never been in the future. The martial arts cultivation level has reached the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the World Realm. This talent can be described as sky-defying. what!

Xiao Lang was also very surprised and didn't hesitate. Then, under Chi Lian's guidance, he perceives an extremely perfect cave hidden in a corner of the Demon Blood Sea, and perceives a pure and holy power in it. Human, his face was shocked again.

But he didn't explain anything, and soon sent Chilian's younger sister using the rules of the Devil Blood Heaven and Earth and the power of heaven and earth.

Chilian's sister is very small.

It looks like an eight or nine-year-old child, with white skin like jade, red lips like fire, long black hair hanging down to the ankle position, the mark is lovely, especially her big eyes, it is more agile, although the appearance is not counted. The most beautiful, but also the best choice. When she came, everyone in the audience was taken aback and understood why Xiao Lang was surprised just now.

Chi Lian really doesn't look like his sister. If you just talk about looks, it's a heaven and an underground.

Are these two really parents?

When Sister Chilian came, she didn't cry. This is the most strange thing. You know, there are hundreds of thousands of miles from the Devil Blood Sea to here!

And with so many people here, she is not afraid of life?

On the contrary, from her pair of pure eyes, Xiao Lang suddenly felt absolute peace and light, especially when she saw Xiao Lang, the girl's smile bloomed, even the sky was bright.

Seeing everyone's suspicion and confusion, Chi Lian took his younger sister in his hands, and smiled in a rare, stern:

"My sister has no blood relationship with me. I found her in the Devil Blood Sea."

Wasn't she my sister? !

Seeing the pampering look on Chi Lian's overflowing face, Xiao Lang's heart moved, and the look in his eyes changed.

"This guy, won't be a sister-in-law!"

Xiao Lang shook his head, threw distracting thoughts into his mind, and smiled:

"Okay, then it's settled."

"At least five or six days, and as many as ten days, I will take you out. You should be prepared for these days."

As soon as Xiao Lang said this, everyone was startled again.

Xiao Lang is leaving?


But this was not because Xiao Lang deliberately wanted to leave, but the longer he stayed here, he felt that this Fang Tiandi seemed to have begun to oppress and repel his theoretical master.

Obviously, this is also the arrangement of listening to the tide.

For Xiao Lang, the first time he entered the Shura Field, it was for experience. Now that he has completed his experience, listening to Chaohou obviously does not want him to stay here for too long, just to prevent him from indulging in it.

After all, it's really wonderful to control the world.

If you meet someone with a weak mind, I'm afraid you will stay here forever, even forget to go out.

Xiao Lang was also helpless for the arrangement and formulation of Ting Chaohou, so he had to leave marks on Li Qingshan, Li Xueya, Zhao Feng, Chi Lian and his sister Chi Guoguo.

Before becoming the top venerable, it is impossible for him to come in again.

This is also the rule of listening to the tide.

But he was still able to take them out through the induction between him and Shura Field.

It was just at this moment that another thing that surprised Xiao Lang happened, that is, when he left a mark on Chi Guoguo, he failed for the first time!

When Xiao Lang dropped a quota from the beginning of Era Realm on Chi Guoguo, he was actually rejected.

The same is true for the mid-era realm quota.

It was not until Xiao Lang granted a quota for the late Era Realm that he finally succeeded.

"what happened?"

"Is there any other secret in Chi Guoguo?"

Xiao Lang realized this, but at this time he had no time to think about how this happened. The devil's blood heaven and earth had already reached a very strong level of repulsion. In the end, Xiao Lang even had no time to think about it. Waved


He was actually saying goodbye to the ancestors of the Li family and the others, but in the eyes of the ancestors of the Li family and the others, the space in front of him suddenly exploded when Xiao Lang waved his hand, revealing a portal that only allowed one person to pass through. The next moment, Xiao Lang had already stepped into it and disappeared, leaving only the horrified and inexplicable people who stood there for a long time.

After a long time, they finally realized that Xiao Lang had really left.

The ancestors of the Li family took the lead to come back to their senses, and their eyes fell on Li Xueya several people, saying:

"Let's go."

"Since the little friend said that he will be back soon, he will definitely not break his promise. Take advantage of these few days, you have to prepare more. After you go out, it may not be as peaceful as we thought."


In the Demon Blood World, the Li Family Patriarch and others began to make various preparations for Li Xueya and other first candidates who were qualified to leave this world. Outside, Xiao Lang had already broken through the air, dizzy, and when he opened again His eyes suddenly realized that he had returned to Ting Chaohou Mansion.

"Master! You are back!"

Ah Fu immediately rushed forward. Xiao Lang smiled and was about to greet him. Suddenly, the closed stone wall behind him suddenly shattered. Under Xiao Lang's surprised gaze, a blood-colored token broke out of it and fell on it. The palm of his hand.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of familiarity and fit came into his mind, even if he was outside, he could still clearly perceive everything that happened in the Demon Blood World.

"Devil Blood World has actually been in this small token?"

Xiao Lang was shocked.

Xumi space!

This is definitely an amazing method!

Moreover, Xiao Lang discovered that the token could be changed in size freely, and it would be no problem to become as small as gravel, such as the familiarity with extended fingers and blood and water.

Feeling all this, Xiao Lang looked at the simple and simple listening to Chaohou Mansion, with a clear understanding:

"Perhaps until now, I really got the approval of Ting Chaohou."

This is a good thing.

Xiao Lang held the token and sensed everything in it. When judging the many evil people in the Demon Blood World, his perception of the Demon Blood World was very limited. Until then, he discovered many more things——

One hundred thousand sages!

In the entire Demon Blood World, there are as many as 100,000 powerful people who have reached the level of the venerable!

This number suddenly frightened Xiao Lang.

"I'm afraid there are not so many sages in the entire Tianfu Palace!"

The power in my hand is even comparable to Tianfu Palace?

For a moment, Xiao Lang was almost overwhelmed by this sudden surprise.

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