Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 340: Walk with the shortage

One hundred thousand sages!

When seeing this number, Xiao Lang immediately saw this scene in his mind——

Under his control, one hundred thousand sages swept across the entire West Desert Star Sea, looking for resources, and concentrated all of them in his hands. Gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddhas block and kill the Buddhas.

With the help of so many resources, his martial arts cultivation base has traveled thousands of miles a day, and in just a few years he rushed to the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the Era Realm, controlled the heavens, and survived the crisis of the transformation.

Of course, this is just imagination.

If it were before entering the world of demon blood and before seeing the remnant soul of Ting Chaohou, Xiao Lang would really think that he would be invincible under the control of 100,000 sages.

But in fact, things are far from as simple as he imagined.

"Do not."

"The power of Tianfu Palace should be much stronger than mine."

Xiao Lang suddenly got a shock and woke up from a trance.

A hundred thousand sages can control the entire West Desert Star Sea?


Absolutely impossible!

Although the Tianfu Palace announced to the outside world that they have eighteen top venerables, such as Venerable Wuxiang is one of them, but in fact, these announcements are only for ordinary people.

As the strongest force in the Lihuo Great World, how could there be so few top venerables in Tianfu Palace?

Controlling the Eastern Region of Lihuo World for so long, even if it is piled up with resources, it is enough to pile up more than a hundred times this number of top venerables!

You know, there are millions of stars in the Eastern Region of the Great World of Fire alone. Although there are many deserted stars, there are more than one hundred thousand sages... definitely more!

not to mention--

"The monarch plays chess..."

Xiao Lang had already heard many things from listening to Chaohou's fine words. For ordinary warriors, the battle of the demon may be to defend the homeland and fight to protect the homeland, but in fact, it may have a deeper meaning, which involves the immortal monarch!


This is the deepest hidden power from the world of fire.

Their level is really too high. Ordinary Venerables do not even have the qualifications to hear. Xiao Lang is also a coincidence. Following Venerable Wuxiang, he has seen Lord Blue Moon once, and he has not seen the true face before knowing that he is In this world, there are really immortal powerhouses, and there should be a lot of them!

Compared with the immortal realm powerhouse, the one hundred thousand sages that he owns are nothing at all.

For a top venerable, killing the late venerable of the era is as simple as killing a chicken and slaughtering a sheep. Then the immortal monarch and the top veteran are completely different from each other by a big realm. What is the difference in combat power between them?


Even Xiao Lang didn't dare to continue thinking.

It is impossible to sweep the sea of ​​stars in West Desert!

You must know that even the power of the immortal monarch level will enter the various relics in the West Desert Star Sea, if you accidentally encounter the five-star ruins... even the immortal monarch may fall!

In the West Desert Sea of ​​Stars, it is not that such a thing has never happened.


Xiao Lang took a deep breath, calmed his excitement and calmed down.

"Too bloated!"

"There is so much progress these days. Even I almost couldn't stabilize Dao Xin. Fortunately, I stopped in time, otherwise I would really suffer."

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly, taking care of his true self and discarding distracting thoughts in his mind. Ah Fu was still transformed into the appearance of a child, and he had come to Xiao Lang's face a long time ago. Seeing Xiao Lang's red eyes, he was calm again, and he couldn't help but worry:

"Master, are you okay?"

Xiao Lang smiled and said:

"I'm fine."

Ah Fu was obviously uneasy. He repeatedly looked at Xiao Lang and found that there was indeed nothing wrong with him. Then his eyes fell on the scarlet token in Xiao Lang's hand, and he became excited again:

"Congratulations to the master for getting the trial ground token and the old master's approval!"

Xiao Lang was also relaxed and happy when he heard this. He was about to say thank you. Suddenly, hearing Ah Fu's voice changed, he said:

"However, this also means that the master is leaving here."

"The old master once said that as long as you have completed the test, even if you are the real master of Chaohou Mansion, you must leave. You can only come in and take over everything when you become the top venerable."

Forcing me to go again?

Xiao Lang's eyes straightened when he heard this.


Am I the master here? How come the Devil Blood World repels me, and you drive me away? !

Ah Fu saw Xiao Lang's mood swings, and immediately apologized:

"Sorry, master, this is all the old master's arrangement, and I can only do it."

"But the old master also left you a lot of good things."

As Ah Fu said, he did not directly offer a storage ring as Xiao Lang imagined. Instead, he looked around the grotto, a tangled light flashed in his eyes, but he finally settled down:

"The old master said, these...mojing, the master can take away."

Smoky crystal?

After hearing this, Xiao Lang's expression finally improved a lot.


Not a special pit.

"Listening to Chaohou is still a bit human."

Xiao Lang reluctantly began to move. In fact, if he chooses by himself, he would rather stay here forever. Anyway, he can use these smoky crystals if he stays here, and there is a road map scroll above his head for him to learn about his practice, and the speed of improvement will definitely be rapid.

Unfortunately, he did not have this opportunity.

Xiao Lang took away every smoky crystal like revenge, leaving no one behind. At the same time, he also vaguely sensed the repulsive force coming from this cave.

Xiao Lang glared at Ah Fu, and Ah Fu immediately showed an innocent expression——

It has nothing to do with me...

Xiao Lang also knew that all this had nothing to do with Ah Fu, so he looked at the cave with nostalgia, especially the two portals on the stone wall that he was not qualified to open now.

Next time he comes, he must be the top venerable.

"Next time, I must turn on another one!"

After the trials of the Devil Blood World, Xiao Lang has basically understood the rhythm of listening to the tides of honing the descendants. In these two portals, there must be greater challenges and more benefits!

Xiao Lang was looking forward to it, and his heart was full of motivation.

And just as he waved his hand and wanted to leave directly, Suddenly, Ah Furu thought of something and said:

"Right, master."

"According to the old master's instructions, Huang will walk with you and take care of your safety!"


Xiao Lang's footsteps stagnated, his brows frowned slightly, only then did he remember who Huang was.

The metal being watching the door outside?

Are you listening to Chaohou's arrangement again?

Xiao Lang nodded helplessly when he heard the words. He was used to it, and he didn't even want to refute, because refuting was useless. The door opened, Xiao Lang stepped out, and then the door fell. Xiao Lang looked up, just to see a pair of metallic eyes looking at him, filled with joy.

"Master, you are finally out!"

"I can wait for you here for nine days, seven hours, zero..., no, I should say, I should have waited for you and there are many people. Before you, I was the first one to come here. Two days..."

Huang's continuous voice sounded, and Xiao Lang became even more helpless.

Damn it, tuberculosis!

"Stop it!"

"Don't say it, it's useless."

"Just tell me what you are good at."

Xiao Lang quickly accepted the reality that Huang had to go with him, because this was the arrangement of Chaohou, and he had to do it. Obviously, Huang also remembered this in his consciousness.

They come, the security.

Now that I have accepted it, of course we must make better arrangements.

"What is your martial arts cultivation?"

Xiao Lang asked directly.

This is very important, after all, no one wants multiple burdens around him?

Huang was taken aback, and quickly replied: "I am Huang, I am best at...eating! I like to eat all kinds of ores, especially rare ores. If the owner can give me some rare ores every day, then Huang will Happier."

Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard this...

Immediately gritted his teeth:

"I'm asking about your specialty, uncle!"

Huang was taken aback, looked at Xiao Lang like a fool, and said:

"I said, I am the best at eating, eating all kinds of minerals, my favorite is..."

Xiao Lang suddenly felt his head explode.


"Okay, I know what you are best at. But, can you tell me your martial art state?"

Huang's eyes were the same as before, looking at Xiao Lang, but this time it was different from last time. He directly expressed his own voice:

"Master, are you stupid? I told you, I am wild!"


Isn't Huang your name!

Xiao Lang thought that his qi training level was quite good, but after the exchanges with Huang, Huang's answer to the question really broke his mentality.


Xiao Lang was violent, just about to raise his tone and continue to scream, suddenly, he realized a key problem——

Is Huang really sloppy?

Not necessarily!

Perhaps this is the arrangement of listening to Chaohou, not letting oneself inquire about the famine?

So, I said the problem, but when I heard it in Huang's ears, it became another problem.

Give it a try!

Xiao Lang calmed down and continued to ask:

"Then what's your name?"

Sure enough, it seemed that it was exactly what Xiao Lang thought. Huang's eyes became even more strange, even a little helpless. He was sure that he had really met a fool master, and said helplessly:

"Desolation! I am desolation!"

This time it was Huang's turn to be depressed, and Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

it is as expected!

"When I asked about his martial arts cultivation, the question he heard should be the name I asked him. That's why this strange conversation..."

"Forget it, I won't ask."

Since this was listening to Chaohou's arrangement, Xiao Lang no longer thought about it. Can a person who has been dead for so many years still use a puppet to harm himself?

As for what secrets are hidden in Huang's body, sooner or later it will come to light.

"Go out first."

Xiao Lang raised his head and looked towards the sky. There was only a tiny bit of light on the huge corridor. Xiao Lang let out a long breath and began to climb. I don't know what's going on, staying here, there is a faint feeling of dullness in my chest, and the longer I stay here, the deeper this feeling becomes.

Is listening to Chaohou's little moves again?

Xiao Lang guessed that way.

Sure enough, when he climbed onto the ground, Long Yangxing's dry but endless Gobi immediately made Xiao Lang feel relieved and relieved, but it was still a little bit...

Xiao Lang always felt a little awkward in his heart, but when he looked at himself internally, but didn't know where the awkwardness came from, just when he stepped aside and let Huang also have space to stand on, suddenly--


There was a low sound from the storage ring, and Xiao Lang subconsciously flipped his hand, and a blue stone appeared on the palm of his hand.

Sound transmission stone.

"Who is transmitting to me?"

Xiao Lang immediately penetrated his divine mind into the sound transmission stone, and when he saw the trembling soul mark, Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly, and he could no longer be peaceful.

Because this mark belongs to Nymph!

"Fur had something wrong?"

Xiao Lang panicked, and immediately probed into the true spirit, catching his news...

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