Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 341: Harmony of Man and Nature

Since coming to the Sea of ​​Stars in West Desert, there are three people at the forefront of who Xiao Lang cares about in the Lihuo Great World.




Xiaodao and Dulong are better, because this is not the first time they have separated, and their own temperament Xiaodao and Dulong have long been known. Although they left without saying goodbye and had no news, this is not a bad thing. They have their own self-development.

But Nymph is different.

It was in Magnolia City, when the two of them had just confirmed their relationship, that big event happened, and the Ning family was almost destroyed, and the blow to Ning Fuer was not small.

Although he had asked the Venerable Wuxiang for the funeral before leaving, the Venerable Wuxiang was an outsider after all.

Xiao Lang also felt that what he had done that day was not good enough.

"Don't be wrong."


Xiao Lang hurriedly opened the sound transmission stone, but before that, the cold killing intent had already dispersed, causing Huang who followed him to frown.

Xiao Lang did not realize that his mood swings were more violent than he had imagined!

Finally, a familiar voice came:

"Big Brother Xiao, are you okay?"

The first sentence immediately caused Xiao Lang's heart to fall again.

Nymph is not in danger!

But the feeling of longing in it still made Xiao Lang couldn't help but sink into it——

"I am worried about you."

"Knife and Dulong are also worried about you."

Ning Fuer murmured, as if talking to herself, and as if embarrassed, added the names of the knife and the poisonous dragon.

"They miss you a lot, so I asked, how are you now?"

"I know, Venerable Wuxiang has taken you out to experience, you must take care of yourself! Don't worry about us, we have been taken to the headquarters of Tianfu Palace by Master Wuxiang, and the top gold Disciple A cultivated together. Although it has only been a month, the knife and poisonous dragon have touched the barrier of the mid-world realm. I am afraid that it will not be long before they will become silver armor disciples!"

"My progress is also quite big. Venerable Wuxiang has specially found a master for me, he is a Venerable!"

Ning Fu'er's words continued to be heard. From her description, Xiao Lang felt joy and concern. Only then did he realize that Venerable Wuxiang did better than he thought.

Just bringing Ning Fu'er, Xiaodao, and Dulong to the Tianfu Palace headquarters, sharing resources with those top Golden Armor disciples, is quite valuable.

However, Xiao Lang also heard another message from Nymph’s words——

Venerable Wuxiang has left!

Soon after he arrived at the West Desert Star Sea, he left the headquarters of Tianfu Palace.

Where is the Venerable Wuxiang?

As one of the top venerables in Tianfu Palace, and also a master of the immortal monarch level, the status of Venerable Wuxiang in Tianfu Palace is definitely not trivial.

His departure is definitely not ordinary!

However, Xiao Lang did not think about it.

This must have something to do with the plan of the top of the Tianfu Palace, and not much to him. Besides, as long as Venerable Wuxiang can arrange Ning Fuer and the others, Xiao Lang is already satisfied.

As for Venerable Wuxiang, is there any trouble...

Xiao Lang was self-aware, and knew that he had thought about it for nothing. With his current realm and combat power, even knowing that Venerable Wuxiang was in trouble would not help much.

Xiao Lang continued to listen. After knowing that Nymph was not in danger, he was already quite relaxed, sinking into the soft voice of the beautiful woman and unable to extricate himself.

Nymph has a lot of messages.

But perhaps because listening to everything in the Chaohou Mansion isolated from the outside world, Xiao Lang had not accepted it before. The oldest message happened on the day Xiao Lang entered the Tingchao Mansion.

Next, Nymph was like opening the gate of miss, and she kept leaving messages every day.

"Big Brother Xiao, I have realized another magical skill today! Master Qingping said, I am very suitable for this magical skill, and the archer and arrows are also very suitable for me! Maybe in a few decades, I can reach the realm of the era!"

"But decades are too long. Master said, now the demons everywhere are showing signs of emergence, ranging from dozens of years to more than a hundred years, and the next battle between righteous and demons is about to break out. I must join the war! I will go to the Nether Tower for the trial tomorrow, and try to make progress faster."

"I'm telling you, people say that the beasts in the Nether Tower are ferocious, and they are all real and alive! They were captured by many seniors from various places and placed in the Nether Tower for our experience. Used……"


"Brother Xiao, I'm back from the Nether Tower! Hahaha, I'm so happy. I killed a beast of the late world stage together with the knife and the poisonous dragon! The two of them were responsible for the entanglement, and finally I used three arrows to solve it. Isn't it amazing after it?!"

"However, three arrows seem to be too much... Next time I will be more attentive, and I will solve it with one arrow!"


"Hahaha, Brother Xiao, I succeeded, and I solved a fierce beast in the late world stage with a single arrow! But the knife and the poisonous dragon are also really powerful. The two of them cooperate, and the fierce beast can't escape, hehe, In the end, I didn’t want the reward. All were given to the knife and the poisonous dragon. They are also about to break through the middle of the world. When that time, the three of us will definitely be more powerful!"


"Big Brother Xiao, are you okay outside? I miss you."

"The Tianfu Palace headquarters has recruited Jinjia disciples again, and we need to focus on training. I heard from the master that this is the third time that Tianfu Palace has recruited this year, and it is many times larger than before! Coming soon, you must pay attention to safety outside."

"Are you in the secret realm, or where?"

"I start to miss you again..."

Ning Fu'er's message, from one or two a day at the beginning, to a dozen a day later, tells her life in the Tianfu Palace headquarters in great detail. Even if she didn't see it in person, Xiao Lang could make up for it. In her daily life, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but be curved, and she smiled beautifully.

Nymph's current life is very stable.

Xiao Lang was already content.

During this period, Xiao Lang didn't know how many times there was an urge to believe, but he finally restrained it.

Nymph missed him, why didn't he miss Nymph?


"not the right time yet."

Xiao Lang suppressed the throbbing in his heart and sighed.

The crisis is not resolved.

Although he had received the inheritance of Ting Chaohou, the crisis of Huadao had not been resolved. There was no doubt that this was the biggest heart disease in Xiao Lang's heart.

The road ahead is difficult and dangerous.

Xiao Lang didn't want to give Nymph a lot of false hope, because the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Wait a little longer."

"Wait for me to become a top venerable... then I can go back!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, revealing strong self-confidence.

"Fifty years! I will give myself fifty years. In these fifty years, I must become the top venerable and control a great road!"

For other venerables, mastering a complete avenue in fifty years is simply an idiotic dream and simply unrealistic. Normally, even for those geniuses cultivated by the family, it will take at least thousands of years to master a great path from the early era of the era to the peak of the era of small perfection!

The shortest in history, with the exception of the Taoists, is over 2,300 years, which is already a suffocating limit.

In the records of Tianfu Palace, there are only a dozen people who have crossed the crisis of Taoism. Among them, the shortest time is 370 years.

Does Xiao Lang want to reach it in 50 years?

Simply whimsical!

However, Xiao Lang didn't think he was whimsical.

"I have the Dao scroll, and I feel the power of the Dao faster than anyone else! Also, I have the smoky crystal, so I don’t need to worry about the escape of the true spirit. I also have the Dao spirit body, as long as I recover, cooperate with the Dao scroll to understand The speed of the road must be even more terrifying!"

"If others can't do it, I may not be able to do it!"

Xiao Lang's Dao heart was firm and could not be changed. He made an oath, but immediately after that, he did not put down the sound transmission stone and immediately went to practice.

Work and rest.

Xiao Lang needs a rest, and Nymph's voice transmission is undoubtedly the harbor he enjoys most.

Xiao Lang activated the sound transmission stone again, listening to Nymph's longing voice from the beginning, his heart became softer, rippling friendship, and tenderness like water.

Later, Xiao Lang even lay down directly on the ground full of rocks, holding the sound transmission stone in his hand, and listening to the beautiful woman's whisper, his soul relaxed like never before.

How relaxed is it?

Relax so much that even Xiao Lang has no time to control the collapse of the true spirit!

Normally, Xiao Lang strictly controls the speed of the true spirit's collapse, because if he does not control it, he is afraid that the true spirit will be completely disintegrated within a few hours.

But this time, Xiao Lang obviously couldn't care about it.


The true spirit is rippling and blending into the world.

The collapse of power, of course, is nothing. As long as Xiao Lang is sober, a smoky crystal can be restored to its peak state, but at this moment, a new vision appeared.

When Huang saw Xiao Lang lying down, he drew the gourd and sat on the ground beside him, but not long after sitting down, he felt something wrong.


The power of the Great Dao around Xiao Lang suddenly evaporated.

Not only the power of Thunder Avenue, there are others, colorful, and the power of the Five Elements Avenue is also contained in it, so dazzling!

This is the power that bursts out of Xiao Lang's body. The source of all this is not in his body, but--

In the air!

Huang raised his head in surprise, and saw the auspicious clouds above Xiao Lang's head whizzing from the sky and the sun, with an inexplicable charm. Just seeing it made people tremble.

Natural vision!

If there is a Venerable by your side, you will definitely find that the state that Xiao Lang is in at this time is the unity of heaven and man that every Venerable yearns for!

Heaven and man are one.

This is a special state, how it happened, no one knows, but it is more precious than epiphany. Usually, it will only appear on the venerable with extremely deep background, at least the peak powerhouse in the late era of the era.

Because their comprehension of the mark of the great road has reached an extreme, every move may trigger the reaction of heaven and earth.

The benefits of the unity of man and nature are enormous.

This is what it means to see the world.

The true top Venerable, every move is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, with unparalleled power, is truly reaching the realm of seeing the heaven and the earth, and being integrated with the heaven and the earth!

The unity of man and nature, a state that is rarer than epiphany, is another sense of seeing the world. Although he is not a top venerable, but in the state of the unity of nature and man, like a top venerable, he can truly sense the secrets hidden in the mark of the great avenue.

This is a godsend and a kind of recognition.

But this time, it suddenly appeared on Xiao Lang's body.

"this is……"

Xiao Lang was awakened at the moment the heaven and earth vision occurred, and he immediately recognized what was going on.

Heaven and man are one!

The opportunity that every venerable admires and yearns most!

Xiao Lang was also pleasantly surprised, but after a moment, his expression suddenly changed as if thinking of something:


"I'm not ready yet!"

"If it is possible to condense the five element origins of the Great Dao Spirit Body under the condition of the unity of man and nature..."

Xiao Lang regretted.

This is the imperfection in the surprise. He hasn't accumulated enough resources of the Five Elements to reshape the core origin of the Dao Spirit Body. If possible, Xiao Lang would rather enjoy the gift of the unity of nature and man at that time.



Xiao Lang urged the power of Thunder Avenue to prepare for the gift of heaven and earth, but at this moment, suddenly—

Huang on the side heard Xiao Lang's sigh just now, blinked, and seemed to understand something. He suddenly reached out and pointed at the world where Xiao Lang was, and immediately--


Xiao Lang was shocked to see that the world around him collapsed instantly!

Except for yourself.

The auspicious clouds above the high altitude, the violent and uncontrollable power of the great road around the body, and even the strange aura from the sky, are all instantly compressed, such as space stripping, overlapping images, and rapid shrinking, and they become waste in an instant. A small drop on the tip of your finger...

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