Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 343: Devouring veins

"Master, you are back!"


The distance was still quite far, and the boy fell directly to his knees, with a big round face almost buried in the ground.

Xiao Lang had long been accustomed to the timidity and shame of the child, and shook his head and walked forward. Huang looked at Fei Tong curiously.

"Get up."

"Is the mining area okay?"

Xiao Lang asked casually, walking towards the entrance of the mining area, Xiao Tong quickly stood up, followed closely, and quickly replied:

"Back to the master, it's okay."

"Everyone is trying their best to mine. Now the number of Wood Spirit Soul has reached 70,000 cubic meters, and some mines have been hollowed out."

Seventy thousand square meters?

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He was also quite surprised by this number. Because Xi Tong said before, the monthly output of Mujingpo in the entire Hungu mining area is only about 10,000 cubic meters.

From the time I left to the present, it took only 13 or 4 days to dig out 70,000 square meters of Wood Spirit Soul, which is enough to show that these days, Wei Tong and others did not slacken.

"Not bad."

"Fetch them all."

Xiao Lang didn't bother to enter the mining area anymore. It was too dark inside, and he didn't like to stay inside.

Hearing this, Mi Tong was taken aback, his eyes widened. Although Xiao Lang didn't say a few words after returning, he had already heard something from Xiao Lang's only words.

"Master, are you leaving?"

Rarely, Mi Tong didn't immediately execute Xiao Lang's orders, and asked boldly, his face flushed, it seemed that he had gathered considerable courage.

Xiao Lang smiled and glanced at him:

"Why, do you want to go with me?"

Wei Tong did have such thoughts.

In fact, when he first discovered that Xiao Lang was a Venerable Era Realm, he had this idea in his mind. With his martial arts cultivation base at the peak of his world stage, in the Mu Family, he can only be regarded as a non-staff personnel, not to mention that it is not enough for the resources required for daily cultivation.

The martial artist is dependent on the strong, which is quite normal in the cultivation world, especially in the West Desert Star Sea. Fei Tong had long thought of this.

He had to speak.

Because he was afraid that if he didn't speak again, he would never have a chance again.

Hearing Xiao Lang's rhetorical question, Wei Tong's eyes suddenly became firm. He gritted his teeth and said:

"I hope the master will take it in!"

"The villain knows that the villain’s martial arts cultivation is low, and the master may not appreciate it, but the villain also has many advantages. The villain grew up in the West Desert Star Sea, the seven star regions of the West Desert Star Sea, I have been there. Although I don’t know much, I can definitely help the owner."

"If the master encounters some idle things, the villain is happy to help, and the master is guaranteed to have no flaws!"

At the request of Xiao Lang, his words not only revealed his own shortcomings, but also revealed his own strengths. Xiao Lang couldn't help but his eyes brightened.

He is a smart man.

The child is very clever.

Xiao Lang discovered it when he first met Xiaotong. Soon after the two met, Xiao Lang really had this idea that he could leave with the child. If he went outside, he would directly handle any trivial matters he encountered.

But now that there are Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, Li Xueya, Chi Lian and others, there is actually no shortage of people around Xiao Lang, and along the way, he is thinking about how Zhu Tong should arrange it.

Leave it alone?

Xiao Lang would not have much psychological burden due to this.

But since the child has said so sincerely...

Xiao Lang hesitated for a moment and said:

"it is good."

"Since you are going with me first, then I will give you this opportunity. However, your martial arts cultivation is indeed a bit low. If you feel a lot of pressure to be with us at that time, you can leave at any time, and so can I Give you freedom."

Hearing the words, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly fell to his knees again:

"Thank you Master for taking in!"

"As long as the master doesn't drive the villain away, the villain will never leave. I would like to serve the master all his life!"


Xiao Lang smiled disapprovingly when he heard that, and didn't say anything. He just greeted Mi Tong to do business. Then Mi Tong hurriedly went down to the crypt, and returned after a while and handed Xiao Lang a storage ring.

Xiao Lang counted and found that there were 70,000 square meters of wood essence inside, nothing less.

"70,000 square meters of wood spirit, should it be enough for me to reshape the spirit body of Dao?"

Xiao Lang transferred the Mu Jingpo to his storage ring, and didn't plan to stay anymore.

Anyway, there are only so many, no matter if it is enough, it is impossible to dig more in a short time. Besides, Xiao Lang estimated that these must be enough.

You must know that the One Wood Spirit Soul is already enough for the early Venerable Era Realm to fill up the state instantly. Even if your own Dao Spirit Body is against the sky, it won't use too much, right?

"These wood spirit souls, I am afraid they have been accumulated by an ordinary family for a hundred years."

With Mu Jingpo in hand, Xiao Lang was more confident, and he was about to leave immediately to go to other mining areas, concentrate the benefits in his hands, and complete the task of reshaping the spirit body of the road.

But at this moment--

"Master, wait."

Huang, who had not spoken since he arrived, suddenly spoke, looked at Xiao Lang in surprise, and said:

"Master, there are so many delicious foods, don't you want to just give up?"

Xiao Lang looked at Huang in surprise, suddenly thinking of something, and asked instead:

"Can you take it away?"

"how much time is required?"

Huang smiled shyly: "I can't take it away, but I can eat it!"

"One hour, at most one hour is enough!"


Xiao Lang was quite comfortable with these peculiar descriptions of Huang, and he was not surprised, and immediately nodded:

"Okay, eat as much as you can, I'll wait for you one hour."

One hour can still wait.

As for Wei Tong, he had long been standing next to him with a hooded face, and he could not understand the dialogue between Huang and Xiao Lang until he saw Huang walking towards the mining area with excitement. Huang first walked towards the abandoned mine in the Hungu mining area, and it was also the first time Xiao Lang came to the Hungu mining area where he stayed. He stood at the entrance of the mining area and raised his hand to the mighty mining layer inside. A scene of horror happened--


Divine transpiration!

The concentration of divine power in the mining area was originally quite amazing. When Huang stretched out his hand, it was like dropping a stone in a quiet lake...

Do not.

It's a huge meteorite!

Xiao Lang originally thought that Huang was a metal being. What he said he was eating the ore in the Hungu mining area was just absorbing the essence for his own use. However, he did not expect that the scene before him was completely different from what he had imagined. same!

Huang is really eating ore!


The mines fell down one by one, driven by the surging divine power, rushing towards the entrance of the mining area, even Xiao Lang was shocked and couldn't help taking a step back, fearing that he would be crushed by these ores.

Although it will not die, it is also quite uncomfortable.

But then, Xiao Lang discovered that his worries were completely unnecessary.


When the howling ore touched the palm of Huang’s outstretched hand, an amazing scene happened. Thousands of ores melted and turned into waves, directly submerged into the palm of Huang, like the Yangtze River, but did not flow into the ocean. , But fell into a bottomless trench!


Even if Xiao Lang had some understanding of Huang's peculiarities, he didn't understand until now that he knew nothing about Huang!

too frightening!

This is the real devouring mining area!


Under the horrified gaze of Xiao Lang and Zhitong, the abandoned mines collapsed one after another, turned into a torrent of ore, and poured into the waste body. Unlike the expressions of the two of them, they laughed happily:

"Hahaha, it's delicious!"

"Thank you Master!"

Xiao Lang was thanked, but he was not happy at all, because he was shocked now, how can he have the time to be happy. At this moment, Xiao Lang finally realized the feeling that some people felt when they learned that they had achieved the peak of the Great Perfection of the World Realm from the early stage of the World Realm in a century.


Huang is even more monster than himself!

I just practice faster, but it's still within the scope of the world's understanding of others. But what Huang did now was beyond the understanding of the world!

After a long while, seeing that the ore in the abandoned mining area, no matter what type, was almost swallowed by waste, Xiao Lang finally had a trace of worry in his heart.

"You won't be supported... exploded?"

Xiao Lang originally wanted to talk about bursting, but when he thought that Huang was not a normal person, but a metal life, he immediately changed his view. Laughing wildly:

"Master, don't worry, that's a lot."

"Go, let's go deep, I sensed that there are good things down there!"

While talking, the entire abandoned mining area was completely clean, and it was even cleaner than someone specially cleaned it up. Xiao Lang and Xiao Tong dumbly followed Huang to the mining area under the Hungu mine, watching the same thing happen again and again. Once, until an hour and a half later, the entire Hungu mining area was empty!


It's all empty!

It was also the first time that Xiaotong knew that the Hungu mining area turned out to be so big!

In the depths of the mining area, countless people stood there stupidly just like them. They don't know what happened, but they can feel that they are experiencing this "catastrophe of the ancient mining area". The ore has turned into a torrent, and the front is already empty.

"Haha, the estimation is wrong."

"This mining area is really big... It took an hour and a half, Master, you don't blame me?"

Huang touched his head like a fool and looked at Xiao Lang cautiously.


Xiao Lang hadn't recovered yet, he never expected that Huang would actually swallow all the ore in this muddy ancient mining area!

Until Huang's next sentence woke him up:

"Master, didn't you say that there are four mines? Let's go quickly, I'm not full yet!"

Not full yet?

Xiao Lang was really speechless this time. Seeing that the people in the Hungu mining area had finally reacted, even if they were not afraid of these people, Xiao Lang decided to leave immediately.


"One hundred and seventy thousand miles west, it's another mining area. Huang, you take us both."

When Huang's pupils lit up, he immediately set up Mi Tong with one hand, and Xiao Lang with the other, and instantly disappeared from the place, as if teleporting.

Although he is not full, how fast can Huang, who has recovered a lot of energy, raise his speed to the extreme?

This time, Xiao Lang finally knew the answer to this question——

Nearly two hundred thousand li, just a moment!


As soon as the feeling of dizziness and swelling came to my mind, it disappeared immediately. Xiao Lang opened his eyes and found that the surrounding scenery had changed drastically, and he had already reached another mining area...

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