Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 344: Escape hole cards


This time, not only Xiao Lang was shocked, even Xiao Lang, who had already experienced the speed of Huang, was shocked.

In an instant, 170,000 miles?

You are teleporting!


A secret technique that can only be mastered by those who are proficient in space avenue. Xiao Lang knew from Afu that the top venerable of the Space Department had mastered a complete space avenue and could teleport.

It is difficult to master other types of avenues.

Space Avenue is also one of the top avenues. You can't get started with non-excellent talents, let alone master a complete avenue!

Therefore, there are very few top Venerables who can master teleport supernatural powers.

As for whether the immortal realm powerhouse could do it... Xiao Lang didn't know, he didn't know. However, the speed that Huang showed at this time was almost teleporting!


Xiao Lang asked subconsciously, and Huang shook his head:

"It's not teleportation, it's speed."

"Master, are you okay? I wrap you up with strength, so you won't feel pressure anymore?"

Huang was so proud to show off that Xiao Lang realized that he did not really feel any pressure this time, and the territory of 170,000 li had already passed.

Xiao Lang nodded numbly, before fully reacting, Huang was already extremely excited.

"Hahahaha, you can have a good meal again!"

Huang had already sensed the full energy in the mining area below, and immediately went down to eat and drink. At this moment, Xiao Lang finally reacted:


Huang stopped and watched Xiao Lang walk up blankly.

Xiao Lang gave him an angry look.

At this time Xiao Lang didn't want to dig out how many secrets there were in Huang's body. The mere display of these before his eyes had already shocked him.

Digging further, Xiao Lang was afraid that he could not bear it!

"You save me some!"

Xiao Lang looked around and swallowed all the ore in the Hungu Mining Area, but his body still remained unchanged, and his eyes flickered:

"Since you can swallow the ore, you can also purify the ore? You can swallow the other ore, but the calendula in it belongs to me!"

Calendula is the metallic heaven and earth treasure that Xiao Lang wanted to reshape the spirit body of the Dao Dao.

After hearing the words, he understood Xiao Lang’s intentions, and immediately nodded. When he walked towards the entrance of the mining area, Xiao Lang did not stop him, so the scene that happened before in the Hungu mining area reappeared here...


Ten hours later.

Three people stood on an endless wilderness.

Xiao Lang, Xiaotong and Huang.

Huang looked excited and looked at Xiao Lang with joy and happiness.

"Hahahaha, it's great to come out, I'm half full as soon as I come out, so happy!"

Huang seemed to finally feel the benefits of following Xiao Lang. Unlike him, Xiaotong hadn't been able to react from the scene of devouring the ore in the Hungu mining area before the barrenness, and he was dumbfounded and full of horror.

What kind of monster is this!

He seemed to finally understand that when he said before that he wanted to follow Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang would say that if he could not bear the pressure, he could leave.



Xiaotong felt that his worldview was about to be subverted!

What exactly is Huang?

Devouring the mining area?

This is too cruel!

And in just ten hours, Huang directly swallowed all the veins in the five major mining areas, not one left!

And the speed he showed before...

Is that really something human can do?

Not only him, Xiao Lang on the side also looked dull, staring at his storage ring dumbfounded.

The space in his storage ring is almost bursting!

One hundred and thirty thousand square wood spirit! 940,000 square meters of calendula...

Every kind of ore is about ten thousand squares. Have you suffered?

Not bad.

After learning that Xiao Lang needed the wood spirits, Huang decisively returned all the wood spirits he had swallowed back. They were put together with the other four five elements, heaven, material and earth treasures, and piled into five hills. Xiao Lang's storage rings are full!

Devour the mining area.

What a talent that is against the sky!

Xiao Lang stared at Huang in a daze, and after a long time he calmed down, questioning:

"Are you really okay like this?"

Compared with these gains, Xiao Lang was more worried about the state of shortage at this time. This was the first time he didn't know how many inquiries, but every time, Huang answered honestly and patiently, this time naturally.

"Don't worry, Master, I'm fine."

"This is the gift of our metal life. Anyone can do it. Don't worry about me. I eat very well."

Huang laughed, soothing Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang finally felt relieved after hearing this. If Huang really fell because of his powerful and peculiar ability, then the real gain would not be worth the loss.

Xiao Lang already had a hunch that in the future, Huang's such sharp speed would certainly help him a lot, and under such circumstances, Huang wouldn't have any trouble.

"Is this prepared to listen to Chaohou?"

"According to Huang, he was transformed by Chaohou. Swallowing ore may be an instinctive talent for metal life, but speed isn't it?"

"The reason why he left Famine and let him follow me is to give me an extra guarantee of survival in distress?"


When he thought that there were still five mining areas that were absolutely rare in the outside world on Longyang Star, Xiao Lang was even more inclined to this kind of guess.

These five mining areas were probably specially prepared by Ting Chaohou, but they were found by accident by the five major forces.


"If this is the case, then I feel more at ease."

Xiao Lang let out a sigh of relief, and finally put aside the shock that Huang had brought him just now, calmed his mind and returned to reality.

Speed ​​is king!

With such a speed, Huang would definitely be safer to break through the West Desert and the stars.

Can't beat, I can escape!

Xiao Lang never thought that running away was a terrible thing. On the contrary, he knew that he could not fight, and he insisted on rushing to fight with others. Such a person is a real fool.

Xiao Lang thought for a while, looked towards Huang, and asked:

"You should be full now, right?"

"How many times can you use the body style and speed just now?"

Huang was still immersed in excitement, and he felt more and more that it was a great thing to come out with Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang asked, of course he did not dare to neglect, and quickly replied:

"I'm full, not only I'm full, but I also accumulated a lot of strength."

"If it's just the speed just now, I can use it more than a hundred times, every time I travel hundreds of thousands of miles without pressure. But if it exceeds a million miles, I need to digest the ore and concentrate my strength. It takes about an hour. ."

More than a hundred times?

Xiao Lang was secretly speechless.

Of course, he was not surprised that Huang could use secret techniques too many times, but too few!

You know, Huang just swallowed all the ore in the five major mining areas one after another! If the power of these ores were all concentrated, Xiao Lang didn't know if he could satisfy the consumption of an immortal monarch, but even an Era Realm Xiao Perfect Peak Venerable like Li Xueya would be enough for him to recover thousands of times!

But on Huang's body, it can only be used more than a hundred times.

Really quite a bit.

"What a humanoid gold swallowing beast!"

Xiao Lang sighed secretly.

However, thinking that he could have more than a hundred opportunities to escape the danger, Xiao Lang's mood became better again.

Anyway, these mineral veins are not their own. These more than a hundred opportunities are also lucky. The result is very good. If you can imagine better, it is really a bit greedy.

Xiao Lang is not an insatiable person, on the contrary, he is content.

Especially the count of gains over the past month is more satisfying.

But Xiao Lang knew that no matter how amazing the speed of Huang was, it was only an external force for himself. If he really encountered that kind of extremely dangerous situation, even if Huang's speed was fast, it might not be enough.

Being strong is truly strong!

"The resources are all, it's time to reconcile the Dao Spirit Body!"


Xiao Lang exhaled a deep breath of turbidity with clear eyes, counted the five kinds of pure energy ores in the storage ring, and then handed the storage ring to Huang.

"Help me protect the law."

Xiao Lang is going to retreat!

Hearing the words, Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned. Even if his martial arts skills were limited, he knew that if he encountered danger, he would not be able to do anything, but he still put on a vigilant posture. Xiao Lang smiled when he saw it and said:

"You don't need to protect the law, let's retreat together."

"Your martial arts cultivation base is too low, see how much you can improve this time."

Hearing this, the child was taken aback.


You retreat, how can I improve?

Xiao Lang didn't explain. He just sat cross-legs and quickly entered the state of seeing the true self. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were calm, like a lot of autumn water, without a trace of waves.

"let's start."

Xiao Lang lightly nodded towards Huang, and Huang immediately understood what Xiao Lang wanted to do. When he flipped his wrist, the strange drop of water that he didn't know where he had placed before immediately appeared on his fingertips, and then Huang's fingers lightly With a flick, immediately——


The water drop broke!

A mysterious power immediately spread to the surroundings, and when it touched Xiao Lang and Wei Tong, they immediately trembled and felt inexplicable.

When this force touched the surrounding void, suddenly--


Lightning and thunder, strong winds.

Fei Tong’s martial arts cultivation level was too low, he could not perceive the specific changes around him, but it was more than that for Xiao Lang. He could clearly sense that the power of various avenues was crazily condensed, and he wanted to move into his body. Flooding.

"If all of these great powers are incorporated into the body, will my great great spirit body be able to directly achieve the peak, completely perfect?"

Distracted thoughts flashed away in his heart, but Xiao Lang did not adopt this method.

Because he knows that the reason why there is so much power of the Dao in his surroundings is because he is a person who transforms the Dao, and also because he is an extremely rare all-attribute physique. Dao spirits are all-encompassing and have all attributes. Can cause such a change between heaven and earth.

If his martial arts cultivation is strong enough and his mind is firm enough, it is indeed possible to do so in one step.

But Xiao Lang knows better, if he really does this now, then the biggest possibility is -

I will be directly bombed by the power of these violent avenues!

Too much!

His body simply couldn't bear it.

Therefore, we can only follow the previous plan.

"Five Elements!"

Xiao Lang was fully absorbed, the true spirit gushing out, abandoning the power of other avenues, directly contacting the five elements attribute avenue, and pulling the five elements attribute avenue into the body, Xiao Lang glanced at Huang, and immediately, Huang realized something and waved his hand. , The five-element ore in the storage ring was thrown out like no money. They were divided into categories and surrounded Xiao Lang.


In an instant, the Five Elements ore shattered, and Xiao Lang was directly submerged by the colorful mist, like a large cocoon, densely surrounded, energy turned into threads, and drilled into his body along his pores.

The power of the avenue is added!

Five elements into the body!

At the moment when the power of these two different levels poured into his body, Xiao Lang immediately discovered that the multicolored lotus mark on his true spirit seemed to be drawn, suddenly bright!


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