Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 351: Bullhorn City

Ancient proverb star relics.

The remains of the Seven Stars.

Suitable for the ruins of the world's top warriors.

It was originally Xiao Lang's first goal when he came to West Desert Star Sea, but now...

"The ruins of the ancient proverb star seem to be nothing."

Xiao Lang glanced at Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, and Li Xueya in front of him, especially when he lingered on Li Xueya.

Li Xueya is a small consummation in the era, and the four-star ruins can dominate. I am afraid that the ruins of three stars and above will cause a little pressure on him. With him, if only to go to the seven-star ruins, it is indeed a little overkill.

Not to mention Li Xueya, Xiao Lang alone is not very interested in the ancient proverb star ruins.

No matter how great the harvest in the ruins of the ancient proverb star is, is it better than the five complete veins that he obtained in Longyang Star?

But if you don’t go to the ancient proverb star ruins, where do you go?

Xiao Lang hesitated.

"Forget it, let's go to the ancient proverb star first. I heard that the ruins of the West Desert and the stars in the sea are about to become a kind of culture. There are many rules. First go and see and increase your experience. Otherwise, go to the higher ruins and get smashed. I don't know anymore."

Xiao Lang finally decided to take a look at Gu Yanxing.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang told Li Xueya and the others about his decision. Of course, Li Xueya and others would not have any opinions. For them, the world away from Huohuo was novel everywhere, and it was the same everywhere.

Li Xueya, Li Qingshan, and Zhao Feng asked Xiao Lang many things about the Great World of Lihuo. Xiao Lang knew about it, so naturally he would answer any questions. If he didn’t know, he would ask nothing. After all, Xiao Lang was not in Lihuo. How long the world stays, it's only a hundred years.

While chatting, Wei Tong finally woke up.

Seeing that there were so many people around him suddenly, he was immediately shocked. Fortunately, Xiao Lang introduced that Xiao Tong finally felt at ease, and he was constantly surprised.

All are Venerable!

Even if he has been in the Mu family for a long time, he has never seen so many venerables!

Especially for Li Xueya, Fei Tong couldn't help trembling just seeing the blood knife in his hand. And when he saw that Li Xueya and others were faintly focusing on Xiao Lang, he was even more surprised, and even more grateful for his vision and decision.

"Able to chase with so many sages, am I the number one person in the world?"

The child brags himself.

Xiao Lang certainly didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, but since he was awake, he should naturally leave. But before leaving, Xiao Lang still went to the five major mining areas.

The arrival of Mu Kuiyuan and others also made Xiao Lang aware of a mistake he had made earlier.

He exposed his appearance!

This is a very fatal thing, if he encounters people from the five major forces outside, he is likely to be exposed. The enemy is in the dark, I am in the light, the threat is quite big!

Knowing Xiao Lang's concerns, Li Xueya immediately proposed that all the people in the five major mineral veins of Longyang Star could be killed.

Only the dead will not reveal the secret!

Of course, Xiao Lang also agreed with Li Xueya's suggestion, but in the end he still failed to take it seriously.

Xiao Lang's killing intent was not strong.

Xiao Lang finally decided to use the soul control mystery skills learned from the Flame Demon Lord to erase the memories of these people. When he made his own decision, Li Xueya's expression was very complicated. It seemed that he was lamenting Xiao Lang's indecision. Fortunately, the Devil Blood World was acquired by people like Xiao Lang.

If it is a person with a very serious desire to kill, I am afraid that when he is in charge of the entire Demon Blood World, he will kill everyone and occupy all the resources in the Demon Blood World.

Therefore, Li Xueya was fortunate and helpless for Xiao Lang. Of course, in the end, he did what Xiao Lang wanted. Within a day, under the leadership of Li Xueya, they walked through the five major mining areas, eliminating everyone's memory, and finally stopped in the core area of ​​the barren ancient mining area.

The storage ring of the three of Mu Kuiyuan has fallen into Xiao Lang's hands. He quickly set up the teleportation array and threw it into the wood spirit to activate it. With the star map in his hand, he set the teleportation target on the ancient proverb star. on.


Xiao Lang activated the teleportation array, and everyone immediately stepped forward.


The transpiration of white light was accompanied by spatial fluctuations. In the next moment, Xiao Lang and others had disappeared in place. After a long time, the guards of the Hungu mining area heard the explosion rushing in, and saw the empty teleportation array, with a blank face and muttered to himself language:

"Where is the mine?"

For how the ore in their own mining area disappeared, and for the arrival of Xiao Lang and others, their memories were blurred and they had all forgotten.

However, they did not forget their responsibilities, and quickly contacted the Mu family far away.

The Mu family became the first family to descend on Longyang Star after Xiao Lang left, and was also the first family to discover that all the five major mineral veins were taken away. For a while, everyone was burning with anger and shaking.

The roots of the family have been dug away, who can bear it?

For the first time, the Mu family contacted the other four families.

The mines are gone, and there is no point in occupying Longyang Star. The Mu family didn't want to be the object of common doubt and targeting by the four big families.

Of course, even if they took the initiative to do so, the Mu Family still suffered huge suspicions, until someone discovered traces of the tragic death of Mu Kuiyuan and others.

Although they were dead, even their bodies were no longer there, but traces of the battle were still there.

The five big families and forces finally realized that it was not the Mu Family who was in trouble, but that someone really got them in trouble, and they had already escaped before no one could react.


"Be sure to find him out!"

"I want to see who dares to break ground on the heads of our five major forces!"

A mighty investigation began in this way, but no matter how they investigated, they could not find the traces and traces of Xiao Lang and others. The memories of all the guards of the mine were erased, leaving no trace.


The five major forces are quite aggrieved, and there is nowhere to go. In the past few days, they don't know how many times they are almost about to fight. If it weren't for the high-level rationale, a big battle would have broken out.


Nothing can be found.

The five big families can only swallow this breath fiercely.

Longyang Star was gone, and the five big families all started secretly looking for other benefits, but the reward for Xiao Lang was always hanging in the family.

However, many people, especially the senior members of the five big families, knew in their hearts that things like this, something that the other party could not find even the slightest clue, almost became an unsolved case, unless Xiao Lang took the initiative to show up, they would never find it.

The West Desert Star Sea is so big, where do they find it?

It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

What's more, if the other party leaves, he may not stay in the West Desert Star Sea!

After being busy for more than ten days, the five major forces almost evacuated Longyang Star’s men and horses, but what they did not expect now is that they will encounter Xiao Lang in the near future...


Xiao Lang didn't know what had happened on Longyang Star since he left, but he could also imagine that the five great families and forces must be looking for him frantically.

But Xiao Lang didn't care.

The West Desert Star Sea is so big, it's a strange thing that the other party can accidentally hit him.

In the past few days, Xiao Lang, Li Xueya and others have been walking with each other, walking on the ancient proverb star.

The ancient proverb star is a three-star planet, controlled by Venerable Age Realm. It is much more lively than a star ball, Longyang Star. There are countless towns and large cities. At least it looks peaceful on the surface, which really opened the eyes of Li Xueya.

It is completely different from the Devil Blood World.

Because the Devil Blood World is full of tyranny, even in the Devil Blood City.

"that's nice!"

Walking on the road of a town and admiring the surrounding excitement, I don’t know how many times Zhao Feng has sighed. Xiao Lang laughed at the words:

"It just looks better."

"In fact, in some dark corners, I don't know how many dark things are hidden."

Zhao Feng was not surprised by Xiao Lang's words like this, and nodded:


"But as long as you are not too lucky, it is very possible to die in such a town. Unlike the Devil Blood City, security is always temporary. You also need to worry about the battle of the Devil Blood Proving Ground. Relatively speaking, The people here are already very happy."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this.

Zhao Feng's words do make sense.

Relatively speaking, the Devil Blood World is indeed not suitable for living.

But Xiao Lang knew that this was all temporary.

Once the battle between the right and the devil starts, the tens of thousands of stars in the West Desert will definitely not be in peace. The battles are repeated, and no one can be ignored. Countless people have left their homes, and the lives of all places will be destroyed.

"It's a pity that there is a battle between Masamune and Demons."

Xiao Lang sighed that Li Xueya and others had recently heard Xiao Lang say that there have been several battles between the righteous and demons. Knowing the meaning of this battle is also a lot of emotion in their hearts.

This is the cruelty of the cultivation world.

Peace is always temporary.

Several people were silent for a while, and Li Xueya suddenly said something to break the calm:

"It's almost time to go shopping."

"I think there are a lot more Venerables on the ancient proverb star in the past few days, and the journey is in a hurry. Is the ancient proverb star ruins about to begin?"

"When shall we leave?"

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank upon hearing this.

What Li Xueya discovered, he also discovered. As early as the first day, Xiao Lang discovered that there were more Venerables on the ancient proverb star than he had imagined, which made him feel quite strange.

After all, the ruins of the ancient proverb star are only the ruins of the seven stars, which are of little significance to the venerable epoch realm, but what has been seen and heard in recent days is obviously not the case.

Is there any secret that I don’t know about the ancient proverb star ruins?

After Xiao Lang discovered this, he didn't ask everywhere, because here was the West Desert Star Sea, where the people were sturdy, and random inquiries would inevitably cause a lot of trouble. Even with Li Xueya by his side, Xiao Lang did not do so.

"Okay, go to Oxhorn City."

Niujiaocheng has a simple name, but it is quite famous in the ancient proverb star, because it is the entrance of the ancient proverb star ruins. When the ancient Yanxing relic first appeared hundreds of thousands of years ago, Niujiaocheng was not a city, but a small town, very inconspicuous, but since the ancient Yanxing relic was born, Niujiao Town has gradually developed and turned into the ancient Yanxing The most famous city.

This makes people feel that chance is too important.

If there were no remnants of the ancient proverbial star in Niujiao Town, it might still be a small town until now, and it is more likely to disappear directly in the turbulence of ancient proverbial star for hundreds of thousands of years.

It is precisely because of the existence of the ancient proverb star ruins that it became famous.

Isn't it the case with the warrior?

Strength, opportunity.

The two complement each other and promote each other. This is also a major reason why so many warriors pursue opportunities and explore everywhere!


Xiao Lang suggested that Li Xueya and the others would of course not raise objections. These days, they have been shopping enough on Gu Yanxing, so they immediately searched for the teleportation formation and headed to Oxhorn City.

An hour later.


In the Bullhorn City teleportation array, white light lit up, and Xiao Lang and others appeared in it.

As soon as they landed, Xiao Lang, Li Xueya and others discovered the difference between this place and other ancient star cities...

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