Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 352: Quota


There are so many venerables in Oxhorn City!

The entire Bullhorn City is flooded with the power of the great avenue. This is not the result of a certain Venerable exuding its breath, but the influence of heaven and earth caused by the gathering of many Venerables here!

Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, Xiao Lang, and Chi Lian looked solemn.

With so many venerables gathered together, even they felt great pressure.

Mi Tong was even more embarrassed, his knees weakened at the moment he landed, and he almost fell to his knees directly. Fortunately, Li Xueya took care of him, and he was not ashamed.

But Li Xueya's face was not relaxed.

"At least there are more than a dozen Venerables comparable to me."

"Maybe there are stronger ones, I can't find them."

Li Xueya's solemn voice rang in his ears, and Xiao Lang's expression immediately changed slightly.

Era Realm Small Perfection?

There are top nobles? !


Even the number of Xiaowan Venerables in the Era Realm exceeds a dozen. Who can guarantee that there are no top Venerables?

"Are you crazy?"

"It's just a seven-star relic, how come so many powerful people come?"

"With such a lineup, I am afraid that even the three-star ruins can be swept away! The two-star ruins can also be surpassed."

Xiao Lang knew in his heart that it really wasn't these strong men who were crazy, but it must be because of what happened to the ancient proverb star ruins he didn't know!


"Find a place to inquire first."

Xiao Lang did not act rashly, and took the lead out of the teleportation formation. He wanted to find a restaurant to live directly. When it comes to inquiring about the news, it is naturally best to work in a crowded place like a restaurant.

But what I didn't expect was that when Xiao Lang and others just walked out of the range of the teleportation array, someone immediately greeted them.

He was a middle-aged man with luxurious clothes. He looked shameless, but he also had the martial arts cultivation at the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the world.

"Hello everyone, welcome to Bullhorn City."

"I'm in charge of the treasure house Niujiaocheng branch office, Peng Liang, welcome seniors. Seniors are here to participate in the ancient proverb star ruins? All the seniors who come to participate in the ancient proverb star ruins are received by our treasure pavilion. Please also seniors. follow me."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang raised his brows and looked at the shameless middle-aged man in surprise.

Jumbo Pavilion is in charge!

In the Great World of Lihuo, Treasure Pavilion can be said to be the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce, with a large family and a big business. In terms of financial resources, if Treasure Pavilion considers itself second, no one dares to call it first, even Tianfu Palace is no exception.

Jumbo Court even has a branch in Niujiaocheng?

As expected of Jumbo Pavilion!

When Peng Liang spoke, he had already taken out his token. Xiao Lang looked at it carefully and smiled:

"Then trouble Peng in charge."

Peng Liang was surprised by Xiao Lang's politeness and waved his hands again and again:

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what the younger generation should do."

"Dare to ask seniors, what kind of accommodation do you want to find?"

Xiao Lang glanced at Li Xueya and the others. Li Xueya glanced at him calmly. Obviously he had no opinion. Xiao Lang pondered for a moment and asked instead:

"Guardian Peng, what on earth is this ancient proverb star ruin? It's just a seven-star ruin, how can so many venerables of the era come here?"

Peng Liang was surprised when he heard the words, and glanced at Xiao Lang and others in surprise:

"Seniors don't know?"

Xiao Lang shook his head, but Peng Liang was obviously skeptical. In his opinion, Xiao Lang and others were almost all venerables. Since they are here, they must have received some news before that, and it is impossible to know nothing.

But since Xiao Lang shook his head, he still explained:

"The ancient proverb star is indeed called the remains of the Seven Stars, but in fact, we have discovered over the years that it is more like the entrance to the ruins. In it, it is probably more than a ruin."

Entrance to the ruins!

Xiao Lang frowned. It was the first time he heard of this situation.

"That is to say, maybe it's more than a relic?"

Peng Liang was interrupted, but he didn't show any impatience. He continued to explain, shaking his head and saying:

"Do not."

"Every time you open it, only one ruin is opened, but the specific rank is not necessarily. Generally speaking, the ancient proverb star ruins open once in 20 years, and today, it has been opened at least ten million times. The lowest rank is the seven-star ruins, most of which are just seven-star ruins, but sometimes, its rank is quite high, and the two-star ruins have appeared many times."

"I heard that this time, the two-star ruins were also opened. That's why it has attracted so many seniors of the Era Realm."

Suspected two-star ruins!

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly widened.

The relic rank of the ancient proverb star has jumped directly from the seven stars to the suspected two stars?

This is too exaggerated!

"Is this news sure?"

Xiao Lang's face was solemn.

This issue has to be taken seriously. According to the world's experience, the two-star ruins are dangerous places where even the venerables of the small perfect level of the era realm may fall, and the top veterans may also fall.

As for the late, middle, and early venerables of the Era Realm, I am afraid that they will die if they enter, and it will not last long.

If the ancient proverb star ruins were really two-star ruins, Xiao Lang even decided to stay away immediately.

It's not him.

Only a fool can do such a thing as death.

Even if Li Xueya and Huang were around him, Xiao Lang didn't intend to take his own life to risk.

What's more, Li Xueya may not be able to protect themselves even if he enters, how much power is there to protect them?

Peng Liang saw Xiao Lang's seriousness, and said repeatedly:

"It's just a suspicion. No one knows the specific level. I'm afraid it will be possible to tell the difference three days before the opening of the ancient proverb star ruins when the open-air vision appears."

"So, almost all the Venerables who came here are waiting now, no one hastily acted."

Not certainly?

Xiao Lang understood.

At this time, the venerables gathered in Oxhorn City were waiting.

If the ancient proverb star ruins opened this time are really two stars, I am afraid that most of them will leave immediately and dare not stay at all.

Although they are here, they don't necessarily go in.

This is the so-called two-handed preparation.

Xiao Lang nodded, calming down slightly.

"It seems we have to wait here for a while."

Xiao Lang spoke to Li Xueya and others, and Li Xueya nodded slightly to express his understanding, and did not raise any objections. Just wait and wait, for him, it was really no big deal, anyway, they all acted in Xiao Lang's will.

Xiao Lang motioned to Peng Liang to continue leading the way, and asked casually:

"Then the ruins will open, anyone can enter?"

Peng Liang heard the words and shook his head:

"Of course it's impossible. This is also the place where the Ancient Proverbial Star Ruins are very different from other ruins. As long as you have the courage, you can enter the ordinary ruins, but the Ancient Proverbial Star Ruins are different and there are quota restrictions."

There are still places?

Xiao Lang was surprised.

"Who owns the quota to enter the ancient proverb star ruins?"

Before Peng Liang could answer, Xiao Lang already had a lot of speculation in his mind.

Monarch of Immortality?

The ruins of the ancient proverb star can be opened every twenty years, which shows that the treasures contained in it are amazing! Although the weakest is only the remains of the Seven Stars, and the Venerable Realm is not eye-catching at all, but the interval of opening it is short, and when it accumulates, it is quite an amazing wealth.

What's more, it's not that it is the Seven-Star Ruins every time it is turned on. Even the Samsung Ruins have been opened several times. Isn't the wealth in it against the sky?

Even a family with several top venerables might not be able to control the ancient proverbial star ruins. In Xiao Lang's mind, the only ancient proverbial star ruins that can be controlled are probably the immortal monarch.

But to Xiao Lang's surprise, Peng Liang's next answer obviously had nothing to do with the Immortal Monarch.

"In the hands of the Old Proverb Star Alliance."

Xiao Lang was taken aback:

"Old Proverb Star Alliance? How many top sages are there?"

Peng Liang's answer was unexpected again:

"On the bright side, there should be three, and the specific number will not exceed five."

so little?

Xiao Lang was surprised. Perhaps it was because of the change of expression on Xiao Lang's face that he realized something. Perhaps Peng Liang was not the first to explain this. After confirming that Xiao Lang was indeed the first time to come to Gu Yanxing, Peng Liang directly explained:

"There are indeed many opportunities and wealth represented by the ancient proverbial star ruins, and it is not that huge families and forces have moved its mind, but the ancient proverbial star ruins are special not only because it is only the entrance to many relics."

"When the ancient proverb star ruins were opened for the first time, not many people knew about it. What they knew was only some families on the ancient proverb star. They were the first group to enter. By coincidence, they also became the guards of the ancient proverb star ruins. No one can enter without their approval. This is how the Ancient Proverb Star Alliance was formed."


Xiao Lang thoughtfully after hearing this:

"Related to blood?"

Peng Guangming head:

"It has something to do, but it is also related to the tokens opened by the ruins. Specifically, it is more troublesome. Anyway, these places are concentrated in the hands of the ancient proverb star alliance. There were demons who tried to invade their blood and control the places of the ancient proverb star ruins. In these tens of millions of years, three or five families have fallen because of this, but even if they got their blood, they could not control the quota and instead lost many opportunities to enter it."

"In the beginning, the ancient proverbial star could enter three hundred and sixty people at a time, but now, it can only enter 270. The ancient proverbial star alliance still has 15 families left, and each family is in charge of 18. Places."

"But the Ancient Proverb Star Alliance has long reached an agreement with many outside forces. Every time the relic is opened, it will give out twelve places. As a bargaining chip for self-insurance, there are six places left."

"For so many years, this agreement has continued to the present."

To protect yourself?

When Xiao Lang heard the words, his eyes flickered. For this, he didn't need Peng Liang to explain, he could also figure out why.

The Ancient Proverb Star Alliance sounds like a lot of power, in charge of the number of places entered by the Ancient Proverb Star Ruins, but in fact, they are also restricted. It stands to reason that fifteen families are in charge of a ruin, and they have considerable power. After such a long time, they are strong enough.

But things like quota are both benefits and drawbacks.

So many families and warriors who want to enter the ruins of the ancient proverbial star will definitely not let the family in the ancient proverbial star alliance become stronger, because they still need places.

If the ancient proverb star alliance is really the only one family, it can compete with these families and forces, wouldn't the ancient proverb star ruins have their share?

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the old saying star alliance to become strong, and this is inevitable.

What a ruin of success and ruin of defeat!


Xiao Lang sighed in his heart.

This is the cruelty of the cultivation world.

Xiao Lang believed that if the place in the hands of the Old Proverb Star Alliance could be looted, I am afraid they would have been destroyed long ago. As for what Peng Liang said about the past battle of demons...

Xiao Lang couldn't completely believe it.

Is it just magic repair?

With such a big advantage, there are many righteous forces that have taken action.

However, Xiao Lang didn't break through and asked the question that best suits his own interests:

"Then what should we do if we want to be admitted to the ancient proverb star ruins?"

Hearing this, Peng Liang smiled slightly, as if he had predicted that Xiao Lang would ask such questions, and said:

"There is only one way."


"Buy from the Ancient Proverb Star Alliance or other forces that have quotas."

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