Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 353: Mine at home

Xiao Lang's answer to Peng Liang was not surprising at all.


The number of places is limited, and must be recognized by the ancient saying star alliance, then there is only one way.


After listening to Peng Liang's introduction to the ancient proverb star ruins, Xiao Lang thought of this.

"Is it easy to buy?"

As everyone said, they had already arrived in front of a restaurant, the decoration was very magnificent and luxurious, and it was obvious that there was the engraving of the law of restraint. Standing outside, Xiao Lang did not feel the breath of a noble one, but he knew , There must be a lot of foreign venerables inside, just like them.

Maybe now, many people are observing them.

Peng Liang smiled slightly and said:

"Go up first, go up and talk."

Just as the guest was, Xiao Lang did not follow up. He also knew that in Niujiaocheng, the matter of buying the Gu Yanxing quota must be quite secretive.

But since Peng Liang did not refuse, it means that the opportunity is great.

Xiao Lang pressed his mind and followed Peng Liang into the restaurant, his mind moved slightly.

Even if Peng Liang had other thoughts on purchasing quotas, Xiao Lang had a way to make him obedient.

Everything is arranged with Peng Liang.

Xiao Lang and others were arranged in a suite on the third floor, which of course was also requested by Xiao Lang. If you don't live together in a strange place like Oxhorn City, you really don't worry.

Huang must have followed him, and Xiao Lang was still very relieved of his own safety issues, mainly for Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng.

Peng Liang led Xiao Lang and the others into the suite. He closed the door at the end, his eyes flickered, the corners of his mouth raised, and he turned around as if he was about to say something, but at this moment, Xiao Lang was playing in his hands. The thing was shocked.


A piece of quaint color, with tokens dotted with auspicious clouds, counted down, there are nine!

When Peng Liang saw this token, his eyes widened suddenly, and he exclaimed:

"Tianfu Palace too high elder token?"

Peng Liang subconsciously wanted to probe his spiritual mind, to see whose name was written on the back of the token in Xiao Lang's hand, but unfortunately, the moment he exclaimed, Xiao Lang had already withdrawn the token in his hand.

"Hehe, it seems that Guanshi Peng is also a sensible person. In this case, there are some things that don't need to be rubbish?"

Peng Liang's shocked gaze fell on Xiao Lang, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Only then did he finally understand why Xiao Lang had so much confidence!

The Token of the Supreme Elder of Tianfu Palace!

See it as if the elders came in person!

There are only 18 such tokens in the entire Tianfu Palace. They are exactly the eighteen venerables of the era declared by Tianfu Palace, but there is no doubt that they are all top sages, and among the top sages It is definitely the highest existence!

Since Xiao Lang could come up with such a token, should he still think about his identity?

Peng Liang smiled bitterly:

"It turned out to be my family."

"The villain Peng Liang, I have met seniors."

Peng Liang respectfully saluted, Xiao Lang raised his brows, his smile a little deeper. Of course, the token in his hand was the one given to him by Venerable Wuxiang. Xiao Lang originally used it to deter Peng Liang, but he didn't expect Peng Liang to say the words "his family".

"It seems that the legend is true. The reason why Jumbo Pavilion can become the strongest chamber of commerce in the Lihuo World is the Tianfu Palace."

Xiao Lang still maintained a superior posture, and smiled:

"Housekeeper Peng doesn't need to be polite. Since I am from my own family, don't talk about gossip. This time I went on a trip and accidentally heard that the ancient proverb star ruins were about to open, so I just took a look and didn't have any other thoughts."

"But listening to your introduction just now, I am still very interested. Now let's open the skylight to speak brightly. Tell me what is going on with this ancient proverb star ruins."

Peng Liang heard the words and smiled bitterly:

"What the juniors said just now is true. Seniors can go to anyone in Oxhorn City to ask them. There is no lie. After all, you must also know that our Jumbo Pavilion must act with conscience."

Xiao Lang raised his eyebrows without interrupting.

Xiao Lang still believed in Peng Liang's words, because apart from the Tianfu Palace being its backing, the biggest reason why Zhenbao Pavilion was able to become a first-class chamber of commerce from the Great World of Fire was the reputation of Zhenbao Pavilion.

The goods are not fake, and the words are not false.

"But other than those?"

"Housekeeper Peng shouldn't put his heart to strangers, right?"

Peng Liang smiled bitterly and even bowed a little. If he was able to straighten his back in front of Xiao Lang before that, it was because he was leaning on the treasure pavilion with his back and the big tree on his back to enjoy the coolness. But when Xiao Lang took out the token of the Supreme Elder of Tianfu Palace, the relationship between them was directly exchanged.

Tianfu Palace, but the backstage of Treasure Pavilion!

Even he knew that Xiao Lang was young and his martial arts cultivation was only in the early period of the Era Realm. It could not be one of the Supreme Elders of Tianfu Palace, but being able to come up with such tokens meant that he was very likely to be among those ten. How can a certain disciple of one of the eight dare to be a little brave?

"Senior said that."

"Regardless of the ruins of the ancient proverbial star, the other things that the younger generation knows are limited to legends, and there is no basis in fact. If the older generation wants to know the details, how about the younger generation to invite the branch master of the treasure pavilion? His old man is now sitting here. In the Treasure Pavilion."

Master of Treasure Pavilion?

What is the real thing about Jumbo Pavilion at Gu Yanxing?

Xiao Lang raised his brow when he heard the words, thought a little, and waved his hand:

"no need."

"There is no need to bother that senior. Since you can be responsible for attracting the Venerable, the rank of the treasure pavilion here is not low, right. Tell me, what legends about the ancient proverb star remains?"

Peng Liang felt helpless after hearing this.

Companion with a monarch is like a companion with a tiger.

After all, the status gap between him and Xiao Lang is really too big. However, since Xiao Lang vetoed his proposal, of course he couldn't make claims, as long as he bit the bullet and began to tell some legends about the relics of the ancient proverb star.

Of course Xiao Lang had his own thinking in doing this.

First, he is still not sure whether he has entered the ancient proverb star ruins. If it is really the two-star ruins, he must run far away and won't go in if he is killed.

Although the two-star ruins have many benefits, they also have to be fate!

Furthermore, Xiao Lang didn't want to expose his whereabouts.

The relationship between him and Venerable Wuxiang is limited to the two of them, and few people know about it in Tianfu Palace. In essence, Xiao Lang was not the kind of person willing to trouble others.

Therefore, in this case, Xiao Lang didn't plan to contact the master of the treasure pavilion.

Xiao Lang listened carefully to Peng Liang's completion of the legend of the ancient proverb star, and couldn't help taking a breath.

This legend is quite amazing!

"The ruins of the ancient proverb star is likely to be the location of a super sect in ancient times?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help asking, Peng Guangliang headed:

"There is such a saying."

"According to this statement, in fact, every time the relic of the ancient proverb star is opened, only a part of it is opened, so the difficulty is different, and the opportunity is different."

"For example, the ruins below four stars should be the periphery of the sect, and only the ruins above three stars can be regarded as the core central area of ​​the sect."

"But this is just a legend. After all, according to this statement, if there really is an ancient sect site here, no matter which site you enter, you may open a channel to another site, but until now, no one has entered at once. Two ruins."

Is it really just a legend?

Xiao Lang didn't think so.

He has seen the method of listening to Chaohou, and can even create a space by himself. If the ancient proverb star relics are really a series of small relics formed by the fragmentation of an ancient sect, Xiao Lang really believes it!

It just cannot be verified.

"It's really interesting."

Xiao Lang smiled and nodded, satisfied with Peng Liang's honest answer, and immediately said:

"Then let's talk about the quota."

"Is there a place in the hands of Jumbo Pavilion?"

As soon as Xiao Lang said this, Peng Liang understood the meaning of Xiao Lang's words and smiled bitterly, saying:

"Senior, don’t be kidding me. Our Treasure Pavilion is only a chamber of commerce in name. As a businessman, how can we have a quota. However, this time we also have a team in the Tianfu Palace to enter the ancient proverb star ruins. There are ten places in the floating palace. If seniors are willing to show up, they may get one or two of them."

There is also a team in Tianfu Palace?

But there are only ten places?

Xiao Lang frowned upon hearing this.

He heard that the power of Tianfu Palace in the West Desert and Star Sea is not strong, and now it seems that this statement is very likely to be true. If there are the relics of ancient proverbial stars in the eastern region of Lihuo Great World, the Tianfu Palace may be enough to occupy most of them, how can it be like here, there are only ten?


Too little.

Xiao Lang shook his head:

"What if I want us all in?"

Peng Liang was taken aback when he heard the words, and his gaze passed over Li Xueya and others behind Xiao Lang, and the bitter smile on his face grew thicker.

"The senior is really embarrassing the junior."

"If seniors are willing to reveal their identity, maybe they can only get one or two places, but you want seven... this is impossible."

"I'm afraid that the cabinet master will come forward, and I can't offer so many places, right?"

Peng Liang said carefully, for fear of making Xiao Lang angry, he secretly looked at Xiao Lang, only to find that the latter was still indifferent, as if he had already thought of this.

"It's not difficult for you."

"But one or two places are really useless to me."

"Well, let me buy a place. Seven places, do you have a way?"


When Peng Liang heard the words, his eyes straightened suddenly.

Xiao Lang wants to buy a quota, and just seven?

This is too much!

Xiao Lang frowned upon seeing Peng Liang in a daze:

"Why, you can't even buy seven places?"

Peng Liang was awakened and nodded again and again: "There are seven places! But seniors, the quota of Gu Yanxing is too expensive, especially at this time, the specific rank of the ancient Yanxing relics cannot be determined. A quota has almost been fired to the extent that it is close to the quota for the two-star ruins."

"Are you sure you want to buy seven at once?"

When Peng Liang was speaking, he couldn't help but glanced at Chi Guoguo and Weitong behind Xiao Lang. He could clearly sense that Chi Guoguo and Xiaotong were definitely not venerables of the Era Realm, and Xiao Lang wanted to take them in together, wouldn't it be a waste?

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he smiled slightly, pinched the storage ring between his fingers, and the confidence in his eyes made Peng Liang feel dazzling.

"OK, buy!"

Xiao Lang's decisiveness made Peng Liang frightened again by his irresistible aura.

But what he didn't know was that after Xiao Lang said this sentence, he added another sentence in his heart--

"Anyway, I have a mine at home, and there is more than one mine!"

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