Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 363: Strong like clouds


Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng and others couldn't help but gasp, even Li Xueya's eyes shrank, shaking inexplicably.

There is naturally only one kind of person in the Era Realm that can make Li Xueya's mind shaken--

Era Realm is complete.

Top Venerable!

Not one, but two!

What is more surprising is that these two are from the same force.

"Deng Chun, the elder of Taiyi Sect, the title of Pure Yangzi, Great Perfection Venerable in the Era Realm, the right path of the fire attribute, the creation of the red sun magical power, burns the filth of the world, and has strong combat power. He proclaimed the way for 37,000 years. Kill the three top Demon Lords!"

top notch!

And is the top of the top, the super power at the level of the Venerable Wuxiang!

Looking at his record, Xiao Lang, Li Xueya and others were shocked and unable to self-confidence.

too strong!

Deng Chun's strength can be seen in the 37,000 years of proving the Dao, and once beheaded three Demon Venerables of the same rank. Because each of them understands that it is easy to win a battle of the same rank, but it is too difficult to kill.

But Deng Chun did it, not only did it, but also killed three!

"What a pervert!"

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth secretly, suppressing the shock of his heart, forcibly looking away from Deng Chun's name, and looking down, his pupils shrank again.

"Lin Hao, Taiyi Sect elder, no title, Great Perfect Venerable in the Era Realm, the earth system has a profound and important way of proving the Dao, and the ink-gold sacred body of one hand can be called first-class and one-favored in the world of fire. The defense is amazing, and the proof is five thousand years. ."


One more elder!

There are two top venerables in Taiyi!

Lin Hao and Deng Chun are definitely incomparable. After 5,000 years of preaching, he is considered young among the Dzogchen Venerables of the Era Realm. This can be seen from his lack of any outstanding achievements.

However, he is also a top venerable no matter what!

"Too one is so strong, it deserves to be one of the top sects in West Desert Star Sea."

Xiao Lang was secretly speechless and continued to look down.

Too one.

The following is still too one.

Not only this page, but also the second and third pages. All records are Taiyi. The martial arts cultivation bases range from the highest Deng Chun and Lin Hao to the four Xiaowan people in the Era Realm, and the eight in the late Era Realm. Mid-Era Realm...twenty people!

Just one too one, occupy a full thirty-four people!


This number is terrible.

There is no doubt that this also represents the strength of Taiyi.

To be able to occupy so many places in the ancient proverb star ruins is a clue to the power of Taiyi.

"Such a quota allocation..."

Xiao Lang faintly saw something, his pupils widened, and his heart became even deeper:

"They are training soldiers?!"

Li Xueya heard Xiao Lang's exclamation, apparently thinking of this a long time ago, and nodded silently:

"It is indeed a trial."

Everyone was speechless.

After spending so long in Niujiaocheng, Xiao Lang and others also knew how difficult it was to get a spot in the West Desert Star Sea. The reason they were able to buy seven spots at one time was because of the decline of the Guo family. , It's a drastic change, so so many places are available at once.

Coupled with Peng Liang's promotion in the middle, this transaction can be concluded.

In other words, Xiao Lang was very lucky.

Others, even in the late Era Realm, it is almost impossible to get a spot.

But Taiyi occupies thirty-four places exclusively, just to give the venerable a chance to try...


Others may be shocked by these methods of Taiyi, but for Taiyi, this may just be an unusual thing.

what is this?

This is the confidence and resources of the top family!

The things that San Xiu dreamed of were just ordinary in their hands.

"It's really impossible to evaluate."

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head, and once again felt the energy of the top sect of the West Desert Star Sea. Compared with Taiyimen, the ten-member team of Tianfu Palace is nothing at all.

"It seems that Tianfu Palace is really not good at being mixed with stars and seas in West Desert."

"But in terms of overall strength, Tianfu Palace is definitely better than Taiyi. After all, most of the forces in Tianfu Palace are in other star regions away from the Fire World."

Xiao Lang was conceited in his heart and turned to the fourth page.

There was another new force, but when he saw the name of this force, Xiao Lang couldn't help but stunned.

"The Ming Dynasty?"

"Encountered the hidden dynasty of West Desert Star Sea?"


This is also a unique force in the West Desert Star Sea. Xiao Lang had long heard that there were five dynasties in the West Desert Star Sea, the Ming Dynasty, the Da Qin Dynasty, the Da Xia Dynasty, the Da Chu Dynasty, and the Da Xia Dynasty.

The name is very vulgar.

But their origins are quite amazing.

It is rumored that they were scattered from a super dynasty in the previous era before the birth of the Great World of Fire. The old era was annihilated. Although many things disappeared, some inheritance remained.

The five dynasties all have part of the inheritance and background of that powerful dynasty, but in the end, no one accepted, and finally created their own forces, hidden in the world, almost no dealing with the outside, but constantly fighting each other.

Unexpectedly, I encountered one of them this time.

The strength of the five dynasties is amazing, and the strength of any party is not below the top sect of the West Desert Star Sea. And this time the ancient proverb star ruins opened, they obviously also came with a trial attitude. Although there are not as many places as Taiyi, there are only twenty-six, but they are also quite powerful. The strongest combat power is also in two eras. The top venerable of the Great Perfection!

Taiyimen, Ming Dynasty.

These two forces alone occupy 60 of them!

A quarter.

It doesn't look like a lot, but there are already many.

According to the statistics of Treasure Pavilion, among all the 223 Venerables who participated in the ancient proverb star ruins this time, the number of top Venerables has reached 18. There were more than a hundred people, except for those under the Taiyi Sect and the Ming Dynasty, most of them were in the late Era Realm.

This is still on the bright side.

No one knows the level of martial arts of people like Xiao Lang, and there are many casual cultivators. They can't even determine their identities. No one knows whether there are magic cultivators hidden in them.

"It's complicated!"

After finally turning over the entire pamphlet, Xiao Lang couldn't help but sigh, including Li Xueya and others nodded in agreement.

It is complex and very strong!

Seven of them were in it, almost inconspicuous, belonging to the weakest kind. But even so, Xiao Lang did not dispel the idea of ​​entering the ancient proverb star ruins.

Because as Peng Liang said earlier, looking for opportunities in the ruins does not necessarily have a strong martial art realm. No one can see through such things as chance.

Of course, if the two sides compete, it will definitely depend on the strength of the force.

However, Xiao Lang was not afraid that he would die in it. Although Huang didn't have much combat power, his speed was unmatched, and even the top venerables of Dzogchen in the Era Realm were far behind. This was Xiao Lang's greatest life-saving support!

Xiao Lang continued to flip through the pamphlet in his hand.

At the end of the booklet, those people or families who got the quota but didn't know why they haven't shown up, according to Peng Liang, most of them have not come.

Xiao Lang didn't care much about these lists at first, until, he suddenly saw a few words accidentally--

Ling Juxing, Mu Family!

"The Mu Family where Mu Ming is located?"

"They actually have a quota?"

Xiao Lang was really taken aback. This was something he never expected, and he couldn't help but gasp. He didn't expect that he would see the Mu family's name here.

"No one from the Mu family?"

Xiao Lang repeatedly confirmed that the Mu Family's name was indeed on the last page, which was the list that Peng Liang had clearly marked but did not come to the list, but even so, his mind could not be settled.

What if it comes?

Is it possible?


"But it is also very possible that the Mu Family is still investigating the disappearance of the mineral veins on Longyang Star, and there is no time to send people. If so, it must be the best, but if it really comes..."

Xiao Lang looked solemn:

"He may not be able to spot us. After all, no one knows our appearance, even if they stand in front of them, they are unlikely to recognize it."

"Think of it this way, the danger may not be great."

"However, just in case, I still have to ask Peng Liang to investigate carefully to see if there is anyone from the Mu family!"

Xiao Lang's brain turned rapidly and he made plans immediately. Even so, Xiao Lang still did not give up entering the ancient proverb star ruins.

The opportunity is not to be missed.

Besides, Xiao Lang knew from Mu Ming’s memory that the Mu family could only be regarded as a middle-class family in the Xingchenhai of West Desert. Even if it really came to an Era Realm Xiao Perfection, Xiao Lang was not afraid of him.

There is no need to take a shot, Li Xueya alone is enough.

Besides, the depths of the ruins are vast, whether you can find yourself or not. In the three-star ruins, even those who are at the top of the Era Realm Small Perfection do not necessarily guarantee self-protection.

"Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover, we cannot give up this opportunity because of this uncertain factor."

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang had calmed down again. But with the attitude of the person in charge, he still told Li Xueya and others about the incident. Li Xueya and others were slightly surprised when they heard this, but didn't say much.

It doesn't matter.

Especially after seeing the staffing of Taiyimen and the Ming Dynasty, after a small era of small perfection, they really don't care anymore, as long as they don't offend these two and the teams with top nobles.

In addition to the two top powers, Xiao Lang and others naturally made various discussions. It took a long time for Xiao Lang to come up with other materials about the ancient proverb star relics given by Peng Liang.

It is the experience of predecessors.

For thousands of years, the ancient proverb star has opened too many times, and there are naturally countless records in the treasure pavilion, from the lowest seven-star ruins to the strongest two-star ruins.

Xiao Lang and the others read one by one, and they kept talking, and they couldn't even notice that there were already moon stars outside the window.

There are many dangers.

But with this experience, Xiao Lang estimated that he also had a general understanding of the dangers of the ruins at different levels, and just as the discussion became more heated, and the worry about the Samsung ruins opened this time became less and less, suddenly, Zhao Feng I grabbed one of the brochures and said in surprise:

"Hahaha, this ruin is so interesting, it turned out to be a cave with various chain magic circles inside, like a cage!"


Others didn't care about it, and smiled. Xiao Lang didn't care about it at first, but suddenly, he thought of a legend about the ancient proverb star ruins that Peng Liang said before, and his spirits were shocked.

Is it possible that the legend is true?

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