Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 364: Lead the wolf into the room

"Let me see."

With a thought, Xiao Lang stretched out his hand and asked Zhao Feng for the ancient book. Zhao Feng didn't think so much. He handed it over and Xiao Lang began to read it carefully.

It can be said that an ancient book is the story of a strong man in the past, recording what they saw and heard after entering the ancient proverb star ruins.

The same is true for this one.

The ruins exist in a mountain cave. The secret road is very complicated in vertical and horizontal directions. The treasure pavilion once asked many warriors who entered that ruin, but failed to simulate its complete map.

There are quite powerful fierce beasts in the crypt. The early period of the era is everywhere, and there are many comparable to the middle and late periods of the era. In the deepest part of the crypt, some people even faced the small perfect beast of the era and broke out. It was a shocking battle.

Seeing these descriptions, Xiao Lang couldn't help but secretly startled.

This is just a four-star relic, and there are fierce beasts in the Era Realm!

This time it is the relics of strong Samsung, what dangers will they encounter?

Distracting thoughts flashed through his heart, and Xiao Lang once again focused his attention on the booklet in his hand. His focus is not on this.

Xiao Lang mainly summarized the observations of the martial artist from all angles of the environment. As Zhao Feng said, this place is really like a prison, but I don’t know why, the people trapped here have disappeared. Occupied by beasts.

"Is it a place where a large sect specializes in cultivating spirit beasts?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help but start his mind.

He knows that in some large families, some beasts will be specially captured, cultivated and domesticated, and grow up together as the guardians of the descendants of the family, and will be more secure in terms of safety.

These are naturally not called fierce beasts, but spirit beasts.

The spirit beast is a great help to the martial artist, after all, it is one enemy two. It's a pity that ordinary casual cultivators don't have such opportunities. Only some big families and sects have such capabilities and potential.

It's really similar!

This reminded Xiao Lang of the legend that Peng Liang told on the first day--

According to legend, the ancient proverb star ruins are actually torn apart from a large gate and turned into countless spaces and ruins, but the entrance is always in one place, because although they are independent and incomplete, they still have inexplicable connections between them. No one has penetrated so far.

Is this possible?


And the possibility is great!

Xiao Lang put down this booklet, grabbed the others from his side one after another, and checked them carefully. Sure enough, he also found similar traces on the remains recorded in other booklets.

"This five-star ruin was discovered 150,000 years ago. It is of very low grade, but the fierce beasts and dangers of the early era have also appeared. Inside this ruin is a big mountain, but there are many buildings dotted with it, and it only accommodates one person. Life seems to be cultivated here, and there are even details and traces of the perception of the avenue on some stones."

"Ascetic monk?"

"No, it's more like thinking over the cliff. On some stones, the regrets of some people are also clearly carved. They seem to have made some mistakes and they are restricted here."

"Similarly, this is also the most common thing in the sect or family."

Xiao Lang grabbed one with clear eyes, then grabbed the next one:

"This is also interesting. It seems that there is a huge magic circle inside. Unfortunately, the level is too high. Even if the top veterans of the Era Realm enter it, they can't understand it. The Venerable’s combat power will also be greatly suppressed inside."

"This is very much like some top families or sect guards!"

Xiao Lang found a lot of traces, which were consistent with the imaginary in his heart and the legend that Peng Liang had said before.

After discovering this, Xiao Lang immediately told his discovery.

"Do you think it is possible?"

Everyone was shocked upon hearing this.

The ancient proverb star ruins that have been opened nearly ten thousand times are likely to be broken into pieces by a super sect in the last era?

This conjecture is really amazing!

Even to the extent that people can't believe it.

indeed so.

Since the first appearance in front of the world, the ancient proverb star has been activated too many times, nearly ten thousand times, and each time is different. If Xiao Lang’s statement is really true, then this exists in the last one. How powerful is the super sect of the era?

But thinking carefully, what Xiao Lang said is not unreasonable.

It is really possible!

"If there is, can we also find some way to enter the true core of this sect?"

"Nearly ten thousand relics, there are many good things in them, and even the whole West Desert Star Sea, so how many horrible benefits will there be in its true core?"

When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help but get excited.

Only Li Xueya was the only one present, who quickly recovered her calm after the shock:

"It is possible, but now, there is no need to think so much."

Li Xueya glanced at Xiao Lang, the calmness of her eyes also infected everyone present, including Xiao Lang, and her calm voice continued:

"Since you discovered the little friend Xiao Lang, the ancient proverb star ruins have existed for so many years and have been opened so many times. Certainly more than one person has discovered this possibility, otherwise this legend will not be spread. But no one has said so Having found or seen the true core location of the ancient proverb star ruins proved that even if it exists, it is not so easy to find."

"This thing is too far."

"What we need to write down right now are the dangers and threats that may arise. As for the benefits, it's useless to think so much."

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank upon hearing this, and the excitement in his heart immediately became much weaker.

Li Xueya made sense.

Now he really doesn’t need to focus on these things. What he needs to pay attention to is the opening of the ancient proverb star ruins.

Strong Samsung ruins are dangerous!

According to the ancient records sent by Peng Liang, there was a strong three-star relic in the ancient proverb star ruins. The death rate is very terrible. Even the top venerables of Dzogchen in the Era realm have death records, not to mention the small perfect and late Era realms. Having said that, the death rate of Xiaozhuan in the Era Realm is as high as 30%, and the death rate in the later period of the Era Realm has even reached as much as 70%!

Such a high mortality rate is enough to awe everyone.

Of course, a large part of this is due to the fact that there are many casual cultivators among the venerables who have entered the ruins. For example, top forces such as Taiyi Sect or Ming Dynasty have a very low mortality rate.

Even so, Li Xueya was under great pressure.

Even if he is a sword repairman, his debating power can even be ranked in the forefront of the era of Xiaoyuan, but in the case of protecting Xiao Lang and others, whether he can achieve perfection is still unknown.

Xiao Lang saw the tension in Li Xueya's heart and spoke to comfort him:

"Senior don't worry, Huang will make a move when the crisis comes."


Li Xueya glanced in astonishment at Huang who stood motionless, and even his expression did not change. He was very surprised.

Didn't Ara say that he was not good at martial arts at all?

How does he protect everyone?

But looking at Xiao Lang's confidence, he focused his attention on the pamphlet at hand after saying these words, Li Xueya did not ask. In his opinion, this should belong to Xiao Lang's secret. Since Xiao Lang hadn't said it, it was inconvenient for him to follow up, but with Xiao Lang's comfort, at least his mind was calmed a lot.

Reading the list of strong men who entered the ancient proverbial star ruins this time, and examining the internal risks after the ancient proverbial star ruins were opened, these two things took Xiao Lang and others a lot of time.

But most of this time was not wasting time. After reading the information sent by Peng Liang, Xiao Lang and others had a deeper understanding of the ancient proverb star ruins, and their hearts were no longer so worried.

"Guardian Peng helped us a lot this time."

Zhao Feng smiled and immediately got Xiao Lang nodding in response.

"It seems that I will give him some benefits when I come back."

Xiao Lang thought in his heart, and immediately dispelled everyone, urging to continue practicing. According to past practice, it takes about three to seven days from the determination of the grade of the ancient proverb star ruins to the complete stability of its space portal. The higher the grade of the ruins, the longer it will take.

Just like this time, it was seven days.

Of course, Xiao Lang and others would not waste such a long time, and the atmosphere of cultivation retreat became even more tense.

Of course, Peng Liang came several times in the past few days. Xiao Lang took the opportunity to inquire about the quota of the Mu family. The answer was naturally that Zhenbao Pavilion did not find the Mu family, otherwise it would have been recorded in The booklet is on.

Every time Peng Liang came, Xiao Lang would ask once, but the questions were quite vague and did not arouse Peng Liang's suspicion.

It wasn't until the sixth day that Peng Liang sent an unchanging answer again, and Xiao Lang finally determined that it was very likely that Mu Family would really not come this time.

"That's fine, there is a lot of trouble left."

Xiao Lang was relaxed.

And this time Peng Liang's arrival also brought a new piece of information--

"Guo Yunchao wants to enter the ruins with us?"

"He dared to go in by himself in the late Era Realm?"

Xiao Lang asked in surprise, Peng Liang sighed:

"It's probably forced to be helpless."

Peng Liang then talked about the things that Guo Qilin had not awakened and the dangerous situation that the Guo family might face in the next few years, which caused Xiao Lang's heart to sigh and sympathize.

Xiao Lang turned his head to look at Li Xueya and others who were surrounding him, and asked:

"What do you think?"

Xiao Lang mainly asked Li Xueya, because Li Xueya was the strongest player in their team, both on the surface and in fact. He was under tremendous pressure. Although Huang's speed is amazing, he is not good at martial arts after all. If you are fighting for chance, you still have to rely on Li Xueya.

Li Xueya glanced at Xiao Lang and sighed secretly, knowing that Xiao Lang had moved with compassion.

"You can let him follow, but there is a premise."

"If there is any danger, I will take the lead in guaranteeing our own lives, and then considering his life and death. And after this time, if we still want to enter the ancient proverb star ruins, we have the priority to purchase the Guo family quota. "

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Li Xueya's consideration is still quite perfect and sensible.

"Thank you senior."

Xiao Lang knew that it was Li Xueya who saw his own thoughts before making such a decision. If it weren't for him, Li Xueya, who was indifferent by nature, would definitely not let an outsider join the team, which also increased his pressure.

Faced with Xiao Lang's gratitude, Li Xueya waved her hand without speaking, and Peng Liang's eyes lit up:

"it is good!"

"I'll go back and tell Guo Yunchao, he will definitely agree!"

Peng Liang knew that Guo Yunchao had been driven to a desperate situation. Now Xiao Lang and others are willing to take him into the ancient proverb star ruins. They are actually helping him. Is there any reason for Guo Yunchao not to agree?

Peng Liang left, and went to inform Guo Yunchao. After Peng Liang left, Li Xueya looked at Xiao Lang seriously:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, only this time."

"You know, it's very dangerous. This time, let's take it as long-term development, not as an example."

Xiao Lang nodded repeatedly, agreeing very well. But what Xiao Lang didn't know was that because of his compassion this time, he had already led the wolf into the room...

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