Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 365: Two Heavens

"Hahaha, this stupid kid, he is lucky to live till now!"

In the middle of the night, in a rather ordinary and hidden courtyard in Niujiaocheng, there was a sudden burst of laughter, full of disdain.

It's a wood leopard.

There are three people in the courtyard, besides him, there is Guo Yunchao kneeling in front of him, beside him, there is a figure dressed in a black robe, whose entire face is hidden in a black cloak, quietly hidden in one piece. In the dark, if you don't look carefully, you won't even notice his existence.


Wood Leopard looked at Guo Yunchao with satisfaction and said:

"If we can't send it to a place, leave a good mark and pay attention to my voice transmission. When we really do, I will pay attention to your safety."

When Guo Yunchao heard the words, his body stiffened and nodded silently. He kept kneeling and bowed. He exited the courtyard for a full dozen miles. When Guo Yunchao raised his head again, his face was full of complexity and struggle. .


Guo Yunchao had learned from Peng Liang that Xiao Lang had promised to take him into the ruins. This was of course the wooden leopard’s strategy, because the wooden leopard felt that it was too unsafe to track by the token breath alone. The luck of Xiao Lang and the others was really bad. As soon as they entered the ruins, they encountered danger and died directly inside. Then he was in trouble.

Not found is secondary.

If the danger is not even able to withstand the Era Realm Small Perfection, even if he really finds Xiao Lang's body, but can't get close to him, and obtains the latter's storage ring, then he is really losing money!

That's why Wooden Leopard came up with such a way to let Guo Yunchao follow directly.

In fact, Wood Leopard didn't have much hope in whether this plan could be implemented successfully, until Guo Yunchuan came through and Xiao Lang and others had agreed, he was naturally overjoyed.

"What a bunch of fools!"

Guo Yunchao cursed secretly in his heart, his expression struggling.

When he knew from Peng Liang that Xiao Lang and others had agreed to his request, he also heard Peng Liang say that Xiao Lang and others only agreed because they heard about his Guo family's experience, and they were moved with compassion.

Xiao Lang and others wanted to help themselves, but they...

The conscience in his heart constantly impacted Guo Yunchao’s mind, making him even have an urge to directly tell Xiao Lang and others the causes and consequences of this incident, but when he thought of the possible consequences of doing so, his Guo family is now facing A ray of evil light flashed across Guo Yunchao's eyes, and his hesitating heart suddenly became firm again.

"No way!"

"can not say!"

"Even without me, they will definitely die after they enter. My responsibility is not great, it is not my fault!"

"I want to live, the Guo family wants to live! So..."

Guo Yunchao bit his lower lip with blood across the corner of his mouth. At the moment he bit his lip, he completely gave up his conscience.



When Guo Yunchao stepped forward again, his footsteps had become particularly firm, and he ran directly towards the residence of Xiao Lang and others that Peng Liang had told him.

When Guo Yunchao arrived, Xiao Lang and others were already making the final preparations before entering the ancient proverb star ruins. For his arrival, Xiao Lang and others only roughly expressed welcome. As for Li Xueya, they didn't even bother to say welcome.


Almost all the Venerables in Oxhorn City who are waiting for the stability of the space portal of the ancient proverb star relic are making the final preparations. At its current steady speed, they think it will end completely during the day, but what everyone did not expect is midnight. Hour--


The sky quashed, and a strange wave came from the sky. Xiao Lang and others immediately felt that the ruins tokens around their waists suddenly became hot. Everyone was surprised to look up at the sky, only to see the space portal emitting a silver radiance, just like another. A moon is really beautiful, and around it, there is no longer a chaotic entanglement of the power of heaven and earth.

The space portal is completely stabilized, and they can enter!

Fortunately, they have made various preparations in advance. As for Guo Yunchao, except for Fei Tong's kindly asked, everyone else did not care.


For the first time, there was a thick and explosive shout in Bullhorn City. Then, under everyone's astonished gaze, more than thirty figures rose from the ground, the power of the avenue flowed, extremely gorgeous, and towards the space portal high in the sky. Swept away.

Their costumes are roughly the same, with only subtle differences that make people recognize their identities at a glance.

Too one!

The leader is the top venerable Dzogchen in the Two Epochs of Tai One!

Too much is out!

"It's so bold!"

Xiao Lang couldn't help sighing.

Frequent visitors to the ancient proverb star ruins like Taiyimen are really not as bold as those newcomers who have come to the ancient proverb star ruins for the first time.


Under everyone’s gaze, Taiyi’s team, like a long rainbow, pierced through the sky, and walked straight into the space portal without looking back, just like walking into an extraordinary portal, without causing any other fluctuations. , It also made Xiao Lang's mind more stable for those newcomers who participated in the ancient proverb star ruins for the first time.

Taiyi has already entered as the first wave.

Ruins are the incarnation of chance. Who doesn't scramble for first?

There is a first wave, and there is a second wave.


The mighty momentum revived, and more than twenty people stepped into the air from Niujiaocheng. This time it was the turn of the Ming Dynasty. They were almost the same as Tai One, and they fully demonstrated the courage of the top forces. They walked straight into the space portal. The whole process even There is no idle noise, and the steps are unified, like the most disciplined army.

The third wave belonged to the Tianfu Palace. Although there were only ten people, it couldn't be compared with Taiyi Sect and the Ming Dynasty in terms of number. However, even the weakest martial arts cultivation level was the small perfection in the era, which was shocking.

After all, the Tianfu Temple came this time, not for training, their team configuration has also been explained, they only came this time for one purpose-

Seize the opportunity!

In just a moment of effort, the three major forces that came to Oxhorn City this time all entered, and suddenly, the entire Bullhorn City was boiling.

Casual repair!

The remaining more than a hundred powerhouses, although they all came from big families, compared with the three top Europeans, Taiyi Sect, Ming Dynasty, and Tianfu Palace, can only be regarded as casual cultivators.

They were in awe of the three top giants, but they would never be convinced by each other. Suddenly, more than a hundred brilliance rushed to the sky, rushing towards the gate of space, racing against time, for fear of falling behind.

Opportunity must be contended!

Whoever goes first has an advantage.

No one is a fool at the scene, since he dared to enter the ancient proverb star ruins, he must be a hero. However, at this time the hard power of each team was immediately revealed.

The ones who rushed to the forefront must be those who are at the top of the Era Realm Dzogchen Peak. As the top veterans, no one dares to compete with them, and they are in the first sequence.

After that, there will be a team of small perfect players in the Era Realm.

Xiao Lang and others...

They did not compete.

Even if Xiao Lang knew that if he let Huang make a move, even Taiyi would have to be jealous, and he could directly rush to the first portal to enter the space.

This can be done, but it is not necessary.

First they are newcomers.

Second, from the ancient books about the ancient proverb star relics sent by Peng Liang, Xiao Lang knew that after entering the space portal, everyone landed randomly, and only the team connected by the Qi machine would settle down.

Since it is random, of course there is no need to compete.

Therefore, Xiao Lang and others honestly fell to the back, not fighting or grabbing, and they were the last batch to enter the space portal. What disappointed Xiao Lang was that the moment he stepped into the space portal, he did not feel any fluctuations, and the portal around him was really just like the most ordinary door.


Dazzling, dizzy, like teleportation, Xiao Lang had known that there would be such an experience for a long time, and he was quite calm, his aura had been connected to Li Xueya's vitality, never broken.

Not only him, but also others.

Because only then can they be teleported to one place.


With his feet on the ground, he came faster than Xiao Lang imagined, but before he opened his eyes, Xiao Lang had realized his heart.

They definitely entered another space.

Because the body sensations around are different.

While the heat wave hits your face, while the air-conditioning is violent?

What's happening here?

Xiao Lang was surprised and immediately opened his eyes, but everything that came into his eyes suddenly surprised him.

Two days of ice and fire!

Xiao Lang was surprised to see that he and the others were now standing on a long narrow avenue, stretching into the distance, with no end in sight, but on both sides of his body, there were completely different worlds.

On one side, the sky is full of ice and snow, and the chill is dreadful, especially in the very far place, penetrating the ice and snow, Xiao Lang and others can even see the standing iceberg, straight into the sky!

But on the other side, there is a completely different world, with flames in the sky and extremely hot. Even standing on the edge, the temperature here is not tolerable by ordinary people. I am afraid that you will be roasted as soon as you come here.

Similarly, through the flames, everyone can vaguely see the end of this side, which is a volcanic eruption, which makes people tremble.

One world, two distinct characteristics?

Xiao Lang regained his gaze on the hallway below his feet, suddenly enlightening.

"Probably, all of us have fallen on this corridor!"

However, they can't move on this tunnel!

Xiao Lang found that he was standing in place, seeming to be controlled by inexplicable rules, completely unable to move forward, there were only two choices——

Enter one of the worlds of snow or fire!

what is this?

Test it?

Xiao Lang was surprised, and then looked at the world on both sides separately, and suddenly discovered that two roads appeared in front of him, each leading to an unknown end.

"It seems that we must choose one of these paths."

As the combat power of the entire team, Li Xueya took the lead to break the peace, squinting his eyes to look at the two worlds around him, and then falling on everyone.

"You choose."

"The two worlds must go deeper and the test will become heavier. You have to think about it. Qingshan and I are instrumental repairs. It doesn't matter which side you choose, so it's up to you."

Everyone glanced at each other.

"I don't care."

Xiao Lang responded first.

He did.

What Xiao Lang is best at is the Thunder System Avenue, and there is not much difference between the flame world and the ice world. Huang is even more indifferent, because he is a metal life.

Zhao Feng didn't even know what the avenue he had taken to break through the Era Realm and comprehend, and he had no right to speak, so in the end, everyone's eyes fell on Chilian and Guoguo.

Chi Lian looked difficult:

"Guoguo is the Bright Avenue, she can do anything, but the power of my Dark Avenue...maybe the most suitable world is Frost World?"

The focus of the decision finally fell on himself, which made Chi Lian very embarrassed, but Xiao Lang and others obviously didn't think it was anything.

"Okay, then let's go to Frost World!"

Li Xueya made a final decision, stepping out first and stepping into the cold snow, followed by others. Li Xueya took care of everyone's choices, but he ignored Guo Yunchao.

Guo Yunchao followed at the end of the team, and there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

ignore me?

I'm a fire fighter!

Li Xueya's indifference to him undoubtedly increased his unhappiness and hatred. Before Peng Liang had said to him that Xiao Lang and others were good, he was instantly turned away from him, no one saw him, his right hand hidden in his robe quietly I pinched a seal and left it on an ice cube under my feet...

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