Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 375: Win over

What stood up was one of the peaks of the Eight Era Realm of Taiyi.

Zhou Xian!

Xiao Lang recognized the other party’s identity at a glance, because Xiao Lang has the deepest research on the three major forces of Taiyi Sect, the Ming Dynasty, and the Tianfu Temple, especially the strong people above the Xiao Consummation level in the Era Realm. Xiao Lang has read his personal information many times.

At the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm, he is already regarded as the number one big man in the West Desert Star Sea, even in the top powers such as Taiyi.

Zhou Xian is one of Taiyi's Outer Sect elders. He is the number one person in Outer Sect. He is responsible for communicating with the outside world, including all kinds of transactions.

What did he come to wait for?

Xiao Lang's mind was shocked, standing still, watching Zhou Xian come forward, smiling and looking kind, but Xiao Lang knew that Zhou Xian was definitely not here to talk gossip, because Zhou Xian got up. At that moment, Xiao Lang saw that there seemed to be someone in the team of the Ming Dynasty and the Tianfu Palace who wanted to stand up, but Zhou Xian was the first to get it.

In fact, Xiao Lang had already vaguely guessed something at this time, but he was not sure.

In the same way, that was the last possibility he wanted to face.

Finally, Zhou Xian walked in front of him and stopped ten feet away from Xiao Lang and others. With a polite manner, he bowed his hand to Li Xueya and smiled, but finally his eyes fell on Xiao Lang. Smile more:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, when we met for the first time, I was disturbed."

"My dear Zhou Xian, one of the elders of the outer door, would you like to ask the little friends to go to the camp for a comment?"

Xiao Lang's eyes trembled when he heard the words.

It’s not because Zhou Xian reported his family, nor because of Zhou Xian’s attitude, but because--

Zhou Xian directly said his name!

Xiao Lang thought that he should be very inconspicuous among all the people who entered the ancient proverb star ruins. Self-defeating.

It is absolutely impossible for a force like Taiyimen to notice himself and others.

In particular, I told Peng Liang specifically that I must never record the names of myself and others in the book.

But how exactly did Zhou Xian know his name?

When Xiao Lang thought about it, there was only one possibility, and it was the reality he was least willing to accept——

It was promoted by the Wood Leopard!

Apart from Peng Liang, the only ones who know their own names are Guo Yunchao and Mu Leopard! Since it is not Peng Liang, there are only these two people. And now, Guo Yunchao is dead, and Wood Leopard...

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly shrank.

Isn't the wood leopard dead yet?

He was saved by too?

And he advertised the secret of looting Long Yangxing?

This is the reality that Xiao Lang most want to face.

Zhou Xian was taken aback when he saw Xiao Lang's expression cold, but he was also the one with the most acute mind. In just a moment, he realized what Xiao Lang had guessed, and said quickly:

"Little friend misunderstood."

"The wooden leopard is dead."

"Just before he died, he announced a message to everyone here through the token of the ancient proverbial star."

Zhou Xian's eyes flashed, and halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped, observing the changes in Xiao Lang's expression. When he heard that Wood Leopard was dead, Xiao Lang's heart was indeed relieved suddenly, but when he heard Zhou Xian's last words, Xiao Lang's heart shook again.


Even if he thought with his toes, Xiao Lang could guess what the news came from the Wood Leopard before he died!

It's news about the five major mineral veins of Longyang Star!

The Wood Leopard really passed it on!

At this moment, Xiao Lang could not wait to turn his head and return to the Frost World, find the wood leopard's corpse, whip up his heart, and vent his anger, but when the rest of the light reached Zhou Xian's eyes, Xiao Lang immediately became energetic and realized that The severity of the problem.

Can't admit it!

Can't admit it!

To say that when he was at Longyang Star, Xiao Lang still didn’t know what it means to have so many heaven, material and earth treasures in the five major mineral veins, so he spent so long in the ancient proverb star, especially when he traded with wood spirit souls. Everyone knows how amazing the wealth he has accidentally obtained!

The top power is very large, but even if it is them, I am afraid that there are not so many treasures!

Huaibi is guilty!

Xiao Lang could completely imagine what the consequences would be if he really admitted to possessing so many treasures of heaven and earth.

Must die!

Not only in the outside world, even in a place where no noise or force is allowed, someone will risk mortal danger to kill himself!

Because there is a time limit from shot to punishment.

The others, Xiao Lang, were not sure, but he knew that Taiyimen, Ming Dynasty, and Tianfu Palace were capable of doing it. They are fighting for the price of death at the pinnacle of Xiao Perfection in an era, and they will certainly fight for their storage ring!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's heart trembled, realizing how dangerous his current situation was.

Especially the next answer, if you are not careful, you may put yourself in death!

Thinking was only a moment, but Xiao Lang's back was already full of sweat, frowning and looking at Zhou Xian who was watching him, said:

"What wood leopard?"

"I'm afraid the senior has admitted wrong, right? The junior is indeed called Xiao Lang, but the wood leopard...please redeem the junior and don't know it.

With regard to the sound transmission of the Wood Leopard, Xiao Lang didn't even say a word!

Zhou Xian frowned deeper when he heard this.

"do not know?"

"Little friend Xiao Lang, you may not know the seriousness of the problem."

"Don't get me wrong. The reason why I came is mainly to convey the meaning of adults. I hope that the little friend can cooperate with us too. The little friend may also see that the world that I have spent before is just ordinary It’s just that difficult test. Next, the ruins must be dangerous and dangerous. Not to mention casual cultivators, even one of us is not completely sure that we will not die, let alone the team of little friends."

"We too want to cooperate."

"If the little friend is willing to provide resources, we too are happy to protect your safety."

"If the little friend is not willing to answer now, we can wait too long, but we can't wait too long."

As he said, Zhou Xian bowed his hand again. He didn't really wait for Xiao Lang to answer, he seemed to turn around and leave, only halfway around, a ray of sound suddenly sounded in Xiao Lang's ears:

"Oh, yes, I forgot to congratulate my little friend."

"Congratulations to the little friends for arriving here without injury."

In fact, when Zhou Xian finished speaking those words, Xiao Lang was ready to grit his teeth and not relax, and continued to deny the news that he was carrying a huge amount of treasures, even if Zhou Xian threatened him no matter how much he did.

However, when Zhou Xian's last words came out, Xiao Lang's heart immediately shook, his face was unprecedentedly ugly.



Is Zhou Xian really celebrating?

Do not!

The focus of his words is on the words "no injuries to all"!

You know, Taiyi also chose to travel through the Frost World to come here. Their team is guarded by the top venerables of Dzogchen in the Era Realm. There are still people who are seriously injured, and they have not fully recovered until now, but they and others arrived unharmed. This is enough to expose a lot of things!

Xiao Lang knew that from now on, no matter how he denied it, Taiyi and other forces would definitely believe that he had such treasures as the Wood Spirit Soul!

The only thing they can't tell is the number of treasures on their bodies!

Because the exact number is not even known to the Wood Leopard.

But since the Wood Leopard wants to harm himself in this way, the number he said must be so huge that it makes too many high-level people suspicious!


Xiao Lang couldn't help but gasp.

Big trouble!

At the beginning, he was worried that if the Wood Leopard spread the news that he was carrying a huge treasure, everyone knew that the five major forces would definitely know what kind of chase he would encounter if he left the ruins.

But now it seems that I think too much.

I can't even pass the level of the ancient proverb star ruins!

Seeing Zhou Xian returned to Taiyi's camp and sat down cross-legged, and then smiled softly at himself, Xiao Lang couldn't laugh anymore. What's more, he saw that someone in the camp of the Ming Dynasty also stood up and stepped forward.

The Ming Dynasty was obviously more stiff than the Taiyi School. Xiao Lang was not allowed to say half a word and said his own request. It was nothing but to let Xiao Lang join the team of the Ming Dynasty and exchange resources for protection. , He added another sentence:

"I know too one guy is also wooing you."

"My daimyo Dynasty doesn't care, but boy, remember, you only have one chance. If you can't grasp it, see you in the future, just stop blaming us for being rude!"

This is not a discussion, but a threat!

The envoys of the Ming Dynasty spoke in words throughout the whole process, and everyone could hear them. Li Xueya and others knew what trouble Xiao Lang had encountered when they heard the words. Especially when they heard the former's rude words, Li Xueya, Li Qingshan and others were even more troublesome. He was furious, but was held back by Xiao Lang.

"Don't do it."

"Don't forget where this is!"

Li Xueya and Li Qingshan's movements became stiff, and they stopped, looking at the envoy of the Ming Dynasty who shook their heads and walked back, furious.

"Then what to do?"

"We can't let them bully!"


Listening to Li Qingshan's complaint, Xiao Lang and Li Xueya smiled bitterly and shook their heads slightly.

Where is this bullying?

This is a crisis!

Since they entered the ancient proverb star ruins, the biggest crisis!

What is the most terrifying in the cultivation world?

Not dangerous.

It's not fierce beasts, life and death robbery, thunder robbery, heavenly punishment...

These are all possible. There is only one that will never be peaceful once it is handled improperly, and that is-

People's greed!

"Fortunately, they don't know how many treasures I have. If they knew, I'm afraid they would have rioted long ago?"

This is the only thing Xiao Lang is grateful for.

How to deal with it?

Xiao Lang's brain was spinning rapidly, and he happened to see that the strong man in the Tianfu Palace camp also stood up and stepped forward...

Nothing new.

The conditions are similar.

Xiao Lang still answered with the attitude of not knowing, not knowing, not knowing, asking three questions. The messenger of Tianfu Palace was still good-tempered, not as bossy as the Ming Dynasty, and also said what he said to Zhou Xian at the end, so that Xiao Lang thought about it and turned and left.

But what they think in their hearts, only they know.

Including Taiyimen and Ming Dynasty, the same is true.

Immediately afterwards, there is casual repair...

Xiao Lang also had to admire their courage to step forward, and even the three major forces asked about it. They still dared to step forward. This also made Xiao Lang once again comprehended the truth that people die for money and birds die for food.

Finally, almost all the forces or groups with the top Venerable Era Realm Dzogchen came up and walked around. Xiao Lang and others finally ushered in silence, sitting cross-legged, but Xiao Lang could still perceive the countless pairs of eyes falling on The feeling in myself.

Including Li Xueya and others.

Li Xueya knew that it was inappropriate for him to speak, but couldn't help but ask:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, how do you choose?"


When Xiao Lang heard the words, his heart was calm.

Can you guarantee the absolute safety of yourself and others just by choosing?

Absolutely not!

Unloading the mill to kill the donkey, is this really rare in the cultivation world?

Choice alone is not enough!

"We must find a way to frighten them so that they dare not attack me!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed brightly and his brain swiftly moved. Suddenly, his aftermath fell on Huang who was honestly sitting aside, and was the only one who didn't show worry on his face. Xiao Lang's eyes lit up immediately.

It seems that there is a way!

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