Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 376: True Lord of Ice and Fire

"Not many choices."

Xiao Lang's mellow voice sounded indifferently, which surprised Li Xueya.

His own secrets were leaked, and it attracted the attention of so many top powers and top veterans, Xiao Lang was not even worried?

Do not!

Saying not to worry is absolutely false.

Just now, Li Xueya saw the change in the expression on Xiao Lang's face, which was extremely ugly, indicating that he must have hesitated, but after asking that sentence, Xiao Lang suddenly calmed down.

Could it be that Xiao Lang has found a specific way to deal with these people?

Li Xueya was surprised, hesitated to ask, at this moment--

"Senior, don't think too much."

"These days are so tiring, let's find a place to rest quickly."

Li Xueya was stunned when he heard the words. He heard it. Xiao Lang didn't want to say anything. He nodded and took Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng and others to find an open space nearby. Everyone sat on the ground just like everyone else and rested.

No words for a while.

This strange space immediately quieted down.

For the next three days, Xiao Lang and others stayed here, just like everyone else. Taiyimen, the Ming Dynasty and Tianfu Palace obviously did not give up, and they sent people to talk to Xiao Lang almost every day, but unfortunately, none of them achieved their goals.

"Oh, little friend Xiao Lang, if you don't eat hard and soft like this, it makes us very difficult to do too much."

Zhou Xian shook his head helplessly and touched the closed door again.

The Ming Dynasty was not so polite anymore, and even the persecution was short of direct action, but Xiao Lang kept his eyes closed and calmed down, without even looking at them.

The Ming Dynasty was also frustrated.

Seeing Xiao Lang sitting still in place, he remained motionless for three days. Whether it was the temptation of Taiyi Family or the persecution of the Ming Dynasty, Xiao Lang was not moved at all. Other people in this space were watching. Naturally, there are all kinds of evaluations, both praise and criticism.


"The various methods that can withstand the three top powers are not moved at all. Although this Xiao Lang is only the Venerable of the Early Era Realm, he is still the number one person."

Some people admire.

Naturally some people express disdain.

"Hehe, that's only the beginning of Era Realm. It can't be weaker. Due to the rules here, no one can do anything to him, but once he can do it, you see how terrible he will die!"

"The Daming Dynasty will definitely do it. Don't look at Taiyi. Tianfu Palace is now showing politeness. If they really do it, they won't necessarily be half hesitant than the Daming Dynasty!"

There are both praise and criticism.

The discussion was endless, Xiao Lang listened to his ears, but there was no change in the expression on his face. He hadn't even opened his eyes for three days.

Let you talk.

Don't care, ignore it.

This was Xiao Lang's attitude at this time, let alone others, Li Xueya and others didn't know what Xiao Lang thought for a while.



A thunderous tremor suddenly sounded in the sky above this space, spreading to everyone in this space, making them feel shocked and unable to help their spirits.

Finally something happened!

They have been waiting here for too long. The first group of people who came here have been waiting here for a full ten days! In addition to the warning sound that sounded before, this was the first time they heard other sounds appear.

Is the next test about to begin?

Xiao Lang couldn't help but open his eyes, his eyes flickered. He saw a red and white figure gradually appearing above the sky where the red and white were shining. It was still hazy, but everyone could vaguely see that he It looks like a person!

Is the owner of this ruin?

Everyone guessed, at this moment--


"Welcome to my world, you can call us True Monarch Ice and Fire!"


True Lord of Ice and Fire?

Isn't he just alone?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this, and the others frowned.

True monarch?

What is this name?

There is no mentally retarded presence. Almost everyone knows that there is a higher level of existence above the Venerable Era Realm, that is, the Emperor of the Immortal Realm. Although most of them had never seen a true immortal monarch, it was certain that the immortal monarch was really crude.

True Monarch...

Is it the monarch?

The owner of this ruin turned out to be an immortal monarch?

Everyone's spirits shrank, and the pupils of the eyes shone brightly.


This is really unexpected. If the owner of this ruin is really an immortal monarch, it means that the treasures in this ruin must be extremely precious!

Everyone's eyes were eager, looking at the phantom floating in the sky with expectation, True Monarch Ice and Fire seemed to smile, and said:

"I know where you came from."

"You can come here, it is enough to prove your strength, and you are qualified to receive the reward we leave to future generations. In that case, I will be straightforward and let you see what we have left for you."

Straight to the point!

Before the words of True Lord Ice and Fire, before everyone could react, suddenly——


I saw that the two walls of ice and fire surrounding the crowd separated suddenly, flames gushing, and the ice and snow were extremely cold, opening like a gate to the sky. This scene was indescribably shocking.

However, the most eye-catching thing is the road that unfolds in front of everyone.

And a magnificent palace at the end of the avenue!

An intertwined ice and fire, I don’t know what material was used to build the palace, I saw flames around it, covered with frost, the power of the avenue, tearing the space, full of space cracks, but it sits in a void full of space cracks During this time, he was unharmed, not even the slightest tremor.

Everyone was astonished, their eyes were like electricity, and they instantly saw the plaque engraved on the gate of the palace——

"Temple of Ice and Fire!"

Ice fire?

Everyone's spirits shrank.

Isn't that the two spaces they just broke through?

The polar region is full of danger!

Everyone subconsciously cast their gazes to two distinct spaces on both sides of the avenue. On the ground, they suddenly found two stone steles that they had never seen before, each engraved with three characters——

Quenching state.

Melting Realm!

The name was ordinary, but at this moment everyone couldn't help but feel ripples, and Xiao Lang couldn't help it.

"Quenching, smelting... aren't these the two most important steps in the refining process? These two spaces are actually named after such names, can it be said..."

Xiao Lang started to guess, but couldn't believe what he had guessed. He stared at Li Xueya blankly, and he was dumbfounded to see that the latter seemed to have guesses too.

With a cross of eyes, Xiao Lang knew that he and Li Xueya guessed that they had gone together—


There is no doubt that this True Lord Ice and Fire is a powerful refiner! And this ruin, to put it nicely, is a world, but in fact, it is very likely to be just a refining furnace!

Inherent world, tolerating ice and fire!

"We were just running in a refining furnace?"

Xiao Lang couldn't believe this, but the clues he got told him that his guess was probably true!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help lowering his head, his eyes fell on the broken blade that he had been holding in his hand for the past few days, and his eyes were bright.

Is it a broken magic weapon?

Do not!

Xiao Lang did think so before, but now he doesn't think so.

This broken blade is probably just a piece of material that burst in the quenching state during the refining tool of the ice and fire, because it is too small to even cause the ice and fire to care, so it has been in the quenching state. , But because of the special environment, strange changes have taken place over time.

Although it is affected by the environment and time, this broken blade has such a powerful ability, but it can also be seen that True Monarch Ice and Fire is powerful together with the refining tool.

A piece of scrap iron can have great power, so how powerful should the magic weapon he refines?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help raising his head, looking at the Ice and Fire Temple in front.

Inside, is there a gift from True Monarch Ice and Fire?

Everyone thought of this and looked at the Ice and Fire Temple, their eyes burning, full of endless desire. Some people even couldn't help it now, and with a sudden step on their feet, they were about to rush towards the Ice Fire Temple, but at this moment—


A fire from the sky came and directly killed him!

"Hehe, don't worry."

The heavy words of True Monarch Ice and Fire sounded, making everyone energetic again, the same voice, but the scene that appeared before them made them no longer able to get close to True Monarch Ice and Fire, only awe!

"No rules no standards."

"Before I open the temple, I have to give you a good introduction."

There was no sound among the people, only the voice of True Monarch Ice and Fire rang out one after another:

"The temple has four floors."

"The first and second floors are absolutely safe. They are the benefits and rewards we leave to you. To be able to come here, you must have spent a lot of work, even risking life and death. , We are all rewarded to you."

"After the magic weapon in the second layer is taken away, you can face two choices—"

"One, keep going."

"Two, leave directly."

"I can tell you in advance that the third level is quite dangerous. If there is no martial arts cultivation base of the era realm, it will be useless to enter. The possibility of death is extremely high!"

Four floors?

The first two floors are absolutely safe?

Hearing the words of True Monarch Ice and Fire, everyone's eyes flashed brightly, keeping these words firmly in their hearts, for fear of forgetting and missing them. These words are likely to be life-saving at the critical moment!

What about the next two floors?

What are the benefits of the third and fourth layers?

All the Venerables at the Era Realm and above couldn't help but **** their ears and listened to the introduction of the two floors below by True Monarch Ice and Fire, but at this moment, the voice of True Monarch Ice and Fire stopped abruptly.

"Well, I have already introduced enough, so let's get here first."

"Now, you can enter the first floor and get your reward."


Stop talking?

Can you directly enter the first floor?

Everyone stayed, but didn't react for a while, until -

call out!

A lightning-like light and shadow suddenly rushed out of the crowd, awakening everyone directly.

Grab it!

Since True Lord Ice and Fire has said, the first and second levels are not risky and cannot be used. After all the magic soldiers on the second level are taken away, they can choose to stay. This means that as long as they are obtained The first and second tiers of magic weapons, no one can **** them from their own hands!

This is a must!

Who doesn't scramble?


For a moment, the power of the avenue on the entire avenue was unmatched, and everyone exploded with all their strength and rushed towards the gate of the Ice and Fire Temple. But at this moment, some people were not in a hurry.

Including Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang fell behind, looking at the people rushing forward like a fool, his eyes full of jokes.

"So simple?"

"Do you think True Lord Ice and Fire is really a philanthropist?"


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