Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 391: Give up and inherit

Xiao Lang did not notice the change in the eyes of True Monarch Ice and Fire outside.

Because he couldn't see the outside, even if he saw it, he couldn't see the change in the expression of True Monarch Ice and Fire hidden in the mist and haze. There were only two small inner rooms in his eyes.

Xiao Lang gave up the five objects that contained the power of the Dao's origin.

He doesn't want to go the way of others.

Because it belongs to someone else.

At the moment when he saw himself, Xiao Lang knew that his martial art was the most suitable for him only if he stepped out, and his martial art was completely different from that of other venerables.

But when Xiao Lang's gaze fell on other things in the room, the fluctuations from the purple mist formed by the power of the Dao Spirit Body's source made him frown.

"There are traces of other people?"


The same is true of Hongmeng Lingbao, which contains a complete road.

On the third floor of the Ice and Fire Temple, Xiao Lang couldn't see it, but now, under the blessing of the power of the Dao Spirit Body in his body, he saw that there were artificial traces mixed in it.

This is undoubtedly a great benefit for other epoch realm Dzogchen Venerables, but for him--

"not worth it."

Xiao Lang shook his head.

If he has found his own martial arts, it’s not a big deal to make a choice directly, because he can control his original mind and ensure the clarity of his true self, but once a complete road is refined, what will it do to his martial arts path Xiao Lang is very aware of the impact.

This is also the weakness of the Taoist.

The real spirit of the Taoist is broken, and he no longer automatically perceives the surrounding roads all the time. This is an invisible consumption and temptation. In history, I don’t know how many cultivators are because of this reason. They are too greedy and can’t chew. As a result, they can't achieve anything. They can't become the top veterans. They turn into a grain of sand in a long river of time, unremarkable and no one remembers.

Xiao Lang has not gone through such a detour.

This is his luck.

Because Xiao Lang found Mo Jing when he broke through and became the Venerable Early Era Realm. It was only later that Xiao Lang discovered how lucky he was, and it was precisely because of Mo Jing that he was not lost in the many mighty and chaotic roads.

The soul sinks into the Smoky Crystal to enlighten it, it can help him completely isolate those avenues that he does not want to enlighten, just like before, he wants to enlighten the Thunder Avenue, then in the Smoky Crystal will only manifest the Thunder Heavenly Dao, covering him. It's a sea of ​​thunder.

Later, when Xiao Lang sees his true self, his will is stronger, and he will not be confused by the many chaotic roads. But the most important thing is not this. It is still listening to the Chaohou seal engraved on the road map scroll of the Chaohou Mansion, so that Xiao Lang knows more about the avenue, and at the same time he is more aware of what he should choose.

This is due to the impact of the broadening of horizons.

Therefore, in the world of magic blood, in the treasure-class box, Xiao Lang can strengthen himself, only evolve his own way of comprehension, and then realize the skills of studying martial arts.

This is a gradual process.

But overall, Xiao Lang is lucky.

However, although Xiao Lang was completely confident in comprehending the mark of the Great Dao and the power of the Great Dao, and believed that he would not be confused by other avenues, but Xiao Lang still did not dare to refining the complete Dao in the Hongmeng Lingbao.

Confidence, not arrogance.

Therefore, when he found that all the Hongmeng Lingbao in the two inner rooms had marks left by other strong men, Xiao Lang sighed secretly and fell silent.

Seems to have no choice?

Xiao Lang shook his head helplessly, but at this moment, he didn't see it. The real Monarch Ice and Fire outside saw his movement, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he immediately urged:

"Quickly make your choice."

"There is still time for the last hundred breaths."

The last hundred breaths?

Xiao Lang was shocked, was awakened, and looked around.

"Where is the special opportunity mentioned by True Lord Ice and Fire?"

Xiao Lang could hear from the words of True Monarch Ice and Fire that the special opportunity that the latter said must be on top of the five objects here that contain the power of the Dao's origin.

Xiao Lang used the power of the Dao Spirit Body in his body to sense, but found nothing.

"Has it been obtained by others?"

"Or is it actually contained in the remaining things?"

Xiao Lang was suspicious.

Both of these are possible.

If it is the former, of course it is impossible to get it again. But if it's the latter...

Xiao Lang pondered for a moment, and his pupils gradually became clearer.

"Never mind."

"It's not mine, it doesn't belong to me after all. If it's really in these things, I won't choose."

"In that case..."

Xiao Lang took a deep breath and made the final decision in his heart. He looked outside from his memory and said:

"Senior, I give up my choice."


Xiao Lang gave up!

Xiao Lang knew that although he couldn't see True Monarch Ice and Fire, he could definitely hear his own words. Sure enough, before the voice fell, he had heard the voice of True Lord Binghuo, and seemed to be a little surprised, slightly trembling:

"Are you sure you want to give up?"

Need to check again?

Xiao Lang smiled.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely hesitate when you hear True Lord Binghuo's rhetorical confirmation. After all, it would be a waste to go back into Baoshan without any delay, but Xiao Lang was not like that, he knew what was the best choice for him. Therefore, he did not hesitate at all, almost nodding his head at the moment when True Monarch Ice and Fire settled down.


After Xiao Lang answered, he didn't hear a response from True Lord Binghuo for a long time. Just as he was surprised by this, suddenly, True Monarch Binghuo suddenly became a deep and serious voice:

"it is good."

"Now that you have made your choice, come out."


The voice of True Lord Binghuo came, and Xiao Lang saw that a space portal appeared before him. Xiao Lang felt the stagnation of True Monarch Ice and Fire, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"Mr Ice and Fire won't be angry because I refused to choose?"

Although he was muttering in his heart, Xiao Lang still did not change his mind.

Anyway, you never said before that you can't give up.

Xiao Lang stepped out and walked through the space portal, feeling dizzy for a moment. He already liked it. He immediately stabilized his mind and took a deep breath, preparing to deal with the difficulties that True Lord Ice and Fire might encounter next.

But when he raised his head and looked in the direction in which the figure of True Monarch Ice and Fire appeared in his memory, Xiao Lang was stunned.

He did not see True Monarch Ice and Fire.

Even, he didn't see the familiar space, the fourth floor of the Ice and Fire Temple, what greeted him was a long bridge!

how long?

Xiao Lang didn't see the end at a glance, only clouds and mist, long bridges embellished with jade and unknown spar carvings, hidden in the mountain mist, hovering and swaying, like a long dragon lying here, magnificent and audible The heart is shocked.

This is where?

I'm no longer on the fourth floor of the Ice and Fire Temple?

Xiao Lang looked at the looming long pavilions on the long bridge and was stunned. At this moment, his pupils shrank and suddenly he found a stone stele beside this end of the long bridge in front of him.

The ancient text engraved on it was something Xiao Lang had never seen before, but he didn’t know why, but he recognized the words engraved on it at a glance--


Xiao Lang muttered to himself, surprised.

What is this place?


Is it a test of the ancient proverb star hidden in the dark?

Just as Xiao Lang was guessing wildly, suddenly, a familiar and clear voice rang in his ears:

"Yes, it's Tongtianqiao."

"Congratulations, little friend Xiao Lang, you passed the hidden test of my Zhan Taizong and got the opportunity to board the Tongtian Bridge."

Xiao Lang immediately turned his head and looked behind him when he heard the words, only to see a figure shrouded in mist floating in the void behind him, who is not True Monarch Ice and Fire?

"Senior True Monarch Ice and Fire?"

Xiao Lang subconsciously wanted to ask.

There was too much confusion in his heart, and at this moment, a scene that made him even more surprised happened. I saw the misty fog surrounding True Monarch Ice and Fire gradually dissipated. After a while, a smiling face appeared in Xiao. Before the waves.

True Monarch Ice and Fire actually showed his true face!

Actually speaking, True Monarch Ice and Fire's face is quite ordinary, like an ordinary middle-aged man, if he is placed in a crowd, he will definitely not attract anyone's attention.

However, at the moment when True Monarch Ice and Fire manifested his true face, Xiao Lang's sight was firmly locked between those of True Monarch Ice and Fire, and it was difficult to look away for a while.

What kind of eyes are this!


Endless vicissitudes!

From these eyes of True Monarch Ice and Fire, Xiao Lang suddenly felt the power of time. It seemed that True Monarch Ice and Fire had lived for thousands of years.

Moreover, the eyes of True Monarch Ice and Fire are not the same. The left eye is clear blue and the right eye is red. They contain different characteristics. The blue is cold to the bone, and the crimson is transpiring like fire. It also gives him two different characteristics and strange temperament. .

It can be said that before seeing True Monarch Ice and Fire's lineup, Xiao Lang never thought that there are people in this world who can possess the two completely different temperaments of coldness and eagerness at the same time, and they are so perfectly integrated.

True Monarch Binghuo seemed to be surprised at Xiao Lang, with a smile on his face, and raised his hand:


Xiao Lang was surprised to see that a long pavilion that was exactly the same as on the Tongtian Bridge appeared beside him. True Monarch Binghuo took the lead, sitting on the seat, turning his wrist, starting with a pot of tea, pouring it into the cup, and seeing Xiao When Lang sat down in front of him, he smiled, his eyes fell on the Tongtian bridge next to him, his eyes blurred, like a memory, motionless.

Xiao Lang didn't dare to bother seeing this scene.

After a long time, it seemed that True Monarch Ice and Fire realized that there was someone next to him, waking up and laughing:


"It's just been a long time since I came here, I really miss it."

With a laugh, True Monarch Ice and Fire's eyes fell on Xiao Lang's eyebrows, watching Xiao Lang frowning and looking blank, and said:

"Don't be cautious, little friend. I know you have a lot of puzzles to answer. The reason why I appeared is to answer your doubts."

"But before you ask, let me introduce you here."

Xiao Lang's expression finally became more relaxed when he heard the words.

This is what he needs!

The true king of ice and fire:

"This is a trial place specially prepared by our Zhan Taizong for our disciples, Tongtianqiao. As for why you came here, it is naturally because you passed the test of my Zhan Taizong, so from this moment on, you are already my Zhan Taizong's test. Outer disciple."

"And I am Bing Huo, I am one of the Supreme Elders of Zhan Taizong, or the former Zhan Taizong."

Zhan Taizong!

Xiao Lang was enlightened upon hearing this.


The legend about the ancient proverb star relics that Peng Liang said before is true. This ancient proverb star remnant is indeed the ancestral land of an ancient sect!

"Is it because I chose to abandon those Hongmeng Lingbao, so I passed the test?"

Thinking that he was worried about being punished by True Lord Ice and Fire before, Xiao Lang couldn't help but smile wryly.

It seems that I really think about it.

Xiao Lang abandoned his distracting thoughts and followed True Monarch Binghuo's sight to the Tongtian Bridge not far away, suspiciously recurring:

"So seniors, juniors are here, what should I do, this bridge..."

Xiao Lang felt that there was nothing wrong with his words, but he didn't expect that before he could finish his words, True Lord Binghuo gave him a glance, and he couldn't help swallowing the second half of the sentence. in the stomach.

"Is it so difficult to get along with?"

Xiao Lang was a little confused.


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