Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 392: True Lord Ice and Fire's expectations

"Don't call me senior."

True Monarch Ice and Fire looked bad, and said solemnly:

"Now you are an outer disciple of my Zhan Taizong, and I am the Supreme Elder of Zhan Taizong. You call me senior, don't you want to join me Zhan Taizong?"

Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard the mistake, and helplessness surged in his heart.

It turned out to be angry because of this?

Xiao Lang was helpless, but looking at True Monarch Ice and Fire with anger in his eyes, how dare he refute, tentatively:


True Monarch Ice and Fire heard the words, the frost on his face was relieved a bit, and he nodded coldly:


"It's almost the same!"

"Well, I'm too lazy to explain to you, just ask if you don't understand."

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

Are immortal monarchs so temperamental?

But Xiao Lang was also really angry with True Lord Binghuo, and he left himself here, ignored everything and left directly, and asked quickly:

"Elder, since I am already an outer disciple of Zhan Taizong, can you tell me what Zhan Taizong is?"

Upon hearing this, True Monarch Binghuo seemed to be satisfied with the sect that Xiao Lang's first question was asking him, his face was more soothed, a trace of recollection flashed under his eyes, and he replied:

"Zhan Taizong... Speaking of our sect, we must talk about the last era."

True Monarch Binghuo glanced at Xiao Lang deeply and said:

"You now call this world Lihuo Great World, right?"

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, and was not surprised at all that True Monarch Binghuo had to start from the last era. Because this is a relic, even if it is a relic of a sect, it is definitely not of this era.

A trace of depression flashed through the eyes of True Monarch Ice and Fire:

"Before 300 million years ago, this world was not called the Great World of Lihuo, but the Great World of Five Elements."

300 million years!

As soon as True Monarch Ice and Fire exited, Xiao Lang was immediately taken aback by this order of magnitude.

So long!

Just hearing this number makes people frightened, the sense of oppression is really too strong!

But Xiao Lang did not interrupt True Monarch Binghuo's memory, listening to him continue to say:

"Three hundred million years ago, the Five Elements Great World was the same as your current Lihuo Great World. There were many top giants, but the two biggest sects were undoubtedly the Five Elements Shenzong and our Zhantaizong. The ancestor is the guardian of this world, so it can take the lead. Although our Zhantai Sect does not have the power of the ancestor of the Five Elements, there are more than 100 monarchs in the Immortal Realm, and even the Five Elements God Sect is no better than us. It is well deserved."


Hundreds of immortal monarchs?

Xiao Lang was completely stunned when he heard this.

So powerful!

Is Zhentian Realm a realm above the immortal monarch? Xiao Lang had never heard of it, but he knew the monarch of the immortal realm. Although he doesn't know how many immortal monarchs there are in Lihuo Great World, one sect has a hundred immortal monarchs...

Is that a joke?

When is Immortal Realm so worthless!

What True Monarch Ice and Fire said is too exaggerated!

After Xiao Lang was surprised, his first reaction was not to believe it, but obviously, True Monarch Ice and Fire didn't care whether he believed it or not, and said to himself.

"Actually, the second one is pretty good. The tree attracts the wind. I just didn't expect that the Five Elements Patriarch is so useless. It's just that he will die within 400 million years!"

True Monarch Ice and Fire showed disdain and said fiercely. It was not the same style as before. Fortunately, Xiao Lang was very used to the changes in True Monarch Ice and Fire, but he was still taken aback by what he said.

The ancestor of the Five Elements is dead?

The Heavenly Zhen Realm should be a stronger existence than the Immortal Realm. The Immortal Realm is enough to live forever and live the same life as the heaven and earth. The ancestors of the Five Elements will die in the Heavenly Zhen realm?

Who was he beheaded?

Unfortunately, Xiao Lang didn't get the answer from True Monarch Ice and Fire, but saw the latter gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"That old Piff is dead, but he didn't expect that his big apprentice was useless, and he lost the most important stone of the town boundary. Without the stone of the town boundary, the Zhentian stage cannot be born, unless It’s a pity that a new town boundary stone is created, but it’s so easy to create that thing."

True Monarch Ice and Fire shook his head again and again when he said this, his face grim:

"So, the Five Elements World collapsed under such circumstances. It was so sudden that even our Zhan Taizong failed to prepare in time. The immortal monarchs fell one by one. Fortunately, before the Five Elements World completely collapsed, we used ourselves The kingdom of God had put together the space and barely managed to save some things."

Having said this, True Lord Binghuo looked at Xiao Lang and asked seriously:

"You know, what is the most important thing for a sect?"

What is the most important?

Xiao Lang never expected that True Monarch Ice and Fire would suddenly ask questions at this juncture. He was taken aback, and he subconsciously answered not knowing, but at this moment a flash of light flashed in his mind and he instinctively answered:


True Monarch Binghuo immediately raised the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, as if he was very satisfied with Xiao Lang's answer, his eyes changed.

"Well said."

"It's inheritance."

"When the disciple of the Five Elements Patriarch lost the stone of the town boundary, we knew that Zhan Taizong would definitely not be able to complete it. The reason why we even dedicated our own kingdom of God was because we wanted to leave Zhan Taizong's inheritance. "

"Just as the tests you have accepted are part of it."

"I just didn't expect that you actually passed this time."

True Monarch Ice and Fire shook his head and sighed, Xiao Lang's face turned green when he heard this.

What do you mean?

Look down or what's the matter?

But when I thought that True Monarch Ice and Fire was a veritable Monarch of the Immortal Realm, although he didn't know how strong he was, whether he was alive or dead now, Xiao Lang didn't touch his mold, and put his unhappiness behind him, cautiously said. :

"Elder, this is the inheritance on the bridge?"

True Monarch Ice and Fire was awakened and nodded subconsciously. When he looked at Xiao Lang, even though Xiao Lang had been hiding well, True Monarch Ice and Fire still saw his little emotions and laughed:

"Boy, do you think the old man looks down on you?"

"You think too much."

"I Zhantaizong has no kind of teachings. As long as you have the ability, no matter whether you are in the true gods, the world, or the top sages, I Zhantaizong will treat you equally."

"It's just that the inheritance placed in my Ice and Fire Temple was actually meant to be reserved for a genius who is good at refining. According to our original setting, he must be an unborn refining genius, who disdains the refining room. Those crude soldiers, so they refused to choose and were sent here. But I didn't expect that you actually passed the test."

True Lord Ice and Fire shook his head and said:

"I don't look down on you, I just have regrets."

"And to be honest, if I could choose by myself, I would definitely not choose you. Because you are not suitable for my Zhantaizong inheritance, or to say, my Zhantaizong inheritance is not suitable for you."

True Monarch Ice and Fire was blunt, Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately understood.

It's really not suitable.

Because I refused because I was unwilling to choose the path of others, True Monarch Ice and Fire sent himself here, working hard for the continuation of the inheritance of Zhan Taizong...

This is obviously contrary to my own mind.

Xiao Lang felt a little bit in his heart and couldn't help asking:


"The elder wants to send the younger generation away?"

True Lord Ice and Fire waved his hand upon hearing this:

"how is this possible."

"Since you have passed the test left by my Zhan Taizong, you are the outer disciple of my Zhan Taizong. This cannot be changed, and I will not do such a thing."

True Monarch Ice and Fire seemed extraordinarily atmospheric at this time.

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

At this time, he finally believed that Zhan Taizong was the second largest sect of the Five Elements Great World, the predecessor of the Great World of Fire, and that the number of immortal monarchs even exceeded the Five Elements Shenzong.

True Monarch Ice and Fire can have such a great aura, and Zhan Taizong must be the same!

Not bad!

And just as Xiao Lang recognized Zhan Taizong from the heart for the first time, he saw True Lord Binghuo look at him seriously:

"However, the rules of the sect are so, and I have another request. I know, you don’t want to go the way of other people, but if you can get the inheritance from the Tongtian Bridge, I hope you can teach it to other people. It is not in vain that I have been waiting here for hundreds of millions of years."

To others?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang couldn't help but respect True Monarch Ice and Fire.

This old man deserves admiration!

"The disciple agrees!"

Xiao Lang bowed and saluted, respectfully. True Monarch Ice and Fire was able to say these words, enough to win his respect. In the face of Xiao Lang's ceremony, True Monarch Ice and Fire did not evade, he straightened his back and accepted, hearing the change in Xiao Lang's own name, his face became more smiling.

"it is good!"

"The old man didn't see the wrong person!"

True Lord Ice and Fire laughed freely, but soon became serious again:

"However, it is not that simple to cross the bridge and get the inheritance of our Zhan Taizong. You must be a core disciple to be possible."

Core disciple?

Xiao Lang became curious when he heard the words.

Speaking of Tongtianqiao!

Sure enough, True Lord Binghuo took the initiative to introduce:

"In my Zhan Taizong, all the disciples did not go through the back door, because they obtained the corresponding status and resources through their own hard power. And the place where they proved their salute is in the bridge."

True Monarch Binghuo said, looking at Tongtianqiao again, his eyes blurred, he seemed to remember the glorious years of the past when many talents gathered in Tongtianqiao, but he did not remember much time this time, and soon recovered to Qingming, and continued:

"My disciples of Zhan Taizong are divided into five levels: outer, inner, core, true biography, and master disciple. The outer door is the lowest and has the right to exchange points. Apart from that, there are almost no more benefits and benefits."

"Inner disciple, you can benefit from the sect, and you can get a cheat that matches your martial arts cultivation. Just as you are in the early stage of the Era Realm, you can get a powerful martial arts move."

"The core disciple is the mainstay of my Zhan Taizong, and has many benefits. Of course, the more honorable the status, the better the welfare. This is inevitable, and I won't introduce it to you one by one. You should first become the core disciple before talking about it. "


Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

A sect that once had more than a hundred immortal monarchs, would the benefits bestowed on disciples be less?

Certainly not!

Xiao Lang's heart rolled over, his eyes full of warfare when he looked at Tongtian Bridge.

True Lord Binghuo couldn't help but smile when he saw Xiao Lang's appearance, and said:

"You can go now."

"However, you only have twenty years. In twenty years, you can reach that level, it depends on your efforts and good luck."

Only twenty years?

Xiao Lang looked much more serious when he heard this.

Twenty years, for Venerable Era Realm, it was indeed a matter of a moment when Bai Ju passed the gap. However, he did not directly board the Tongtian Bridge as True Monarch Ice and Fire had thought, but stopped and asked another question——

"Elder, what about my companions?"

"Can they come in, too?"

As soon as Xiao Lang said this, True Lord Binghuo immediately knew that Xiao Lang was talking about those people, and his brows wrinkled slightly...

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