Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 396: Ten times increase!

On the Tongtian Bridge, there are still layers of mountains and clouds, and even the glorious vision produced by Xiao Lang's promotion cannot penetrate this shackles. Therefore, Li Xueya and others outside have no idea that Xiao Lang is trying to break through.

Do not.

The word "try" is no longer appropriate.

Xiao Lang is destined to make a breakthrough this time, because his martial arts background is really solid. Some Pre-Era Realm Venerables couldn’t help trying to be promoted when a great Dao reached the peak of Pre-Era Realm. In the past ten years, Xiao Lang has mastered all the great roads he has, more than 70 great great roads. , All have been promoted to the peak of the early era!

If even he can't be promoted, then others have almost no hope of success.

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, full of confidence, and the five groups of light formed by the condensed Five Elements Avenue of Life lingered around his body, spinning uncertainly. The five elements coexist and live endlessly. At the same time, the multicolored lotus imprint engraved on his true spirit finally shines.


Take control!

Strictly speaking, the five-element life avenue that Xiao Lang enlightened was actually part of the multicolored lotus mark on the origin of his soul. According to the normal process, one should first comprehend the five elements of life, before they can be integrated to form a multicolored lotus mark. But when this incident appeared to Xiao Lang, it was the opposite.

When listening to the Chaohou Mansion, because of seeing the pictures of the avenue, Xiao Lang accidentally condensed the imprint of the colorful lotus first, and took another step. In fact, his fifteen years of cultivation and comprehension of the Five Elements Path of Life is actually a check for deficiencies.

Until now, Xiao Lang felt that he was truly in control of the entire colorful lotus mark.

At the moment when the two merged--


An unprecedented sense of control surged into his heart, especially at this moment when Xiao Lang suddenly felt that the escape of his true spirit had stopped suddenly, as if time had stopped.

But in fact Xiao Lang knew that this was just his own illusion.

The true spirit's escape is still continuing, but because of his complete control of the multicolored lotus imprint, his blockade of the true spirit is even better, but the speed is a hundred times slower than before!

Under normal circumstances, even if one does not use the smoky crystals to restore the power of the true spirit, the circulation of the life force of the five elements alone is enough to satisfy the consumption of the true spiritual path.

Of course, Xiao Lang knew that this was also a temporary achievement. As he gradually deepens his understanding of the power of the Great Dao, the speed at which his true spirit escapes will continue to accelerate. At that time, he will still need the help of smoky crystals, and the amount required is definitely a lot!

But for this temporary achievement, Xiao Lang was also quite satisfied.

Soul metamorphosis, colorful colored glaze.

After thoroughly controlling the imprint of the colorful lotus flower, Xiao Lang found that his perception of the Five Elements Avenue was stronger, more than ten times more than before!

"The promotion of martial arts level is really a transformation!"

Xiao Lang agreed.

Moreover, this kind of transformation is not only happening in his soul, but also in the flesh, with colorful brilliance flowing, Xiao Lang's skin glows with fluorescence, and more vitality. In the dantian, the five-element life source of colorful colors is once again. Being activated and infiltrated with vitality, Xiao Lang felt that his physical strength was continuously strengthening and rapidly climbing.

Xiao Lang understood that until this time, his soul and body finally began to match. Based on the five-element lotus imprint and the origin of the five-element life, they were intimately connected. If it were described in one word, it would still be--


At this moment, Xiao Lang even had the feeling of shaping Dao Ling's rebirth, as if returning to the past. But this time, the power circulating in his body had suddenly become a mighty divine power and great power.


The dantian transformed and contained more divine power. The 30,000 6,000 pores of the whole body opened up, desperately absorbing the power of the surrounding sky and earth to supplement the deficiencies in the body.

Xiao Lang looked at himself and looked at all of this calmly. There was no tension on his face, and there was not much joy, because this was originally something he had expected, and the whole process was completely okay before. Imagine it.

But even so, his sight has been locked on his dantian, faintly full of expectations.

The body is perfect, Dao Ling is reshaped.

So, will the original power of the Dao Spirit Body be restored?

Xiao Lang still looked forward to the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin. As early as when he was in the world realm, it had saved himself from danger countless times, and had improved his combat power quite significantly. Of course Xiao Lang looked forward to the reappearance of this kind of power.

Finally, in Xiao Lang's expectation, a thick purple mist floated out from the depths of his dantian. Although it was only a wisp, it was enough to make Xiao Lang ecstatic.


The power of the Dao Spirit Body has really recovered!

"When I was in the early stage of the world, the power of the Dao Spirit Body could raise my combat power to the middle of the world, crossing a small realm. In the middle, late, and even small stages of the world, it still has this. Significant effect. What about now?"

Xiao Lang's eyes were full of expectations.

In his thoughts, the original power of the mysterious Dao Spirit Body in his body should belong to the category of Dao Power, or even higher.

For the self in the world realm, it can help me raise the combat power to a small realm. In the era realm, the effect is definitely better!

Of course, guessing is always inconclusive.

"try it!"

Xiao Lang was decisive, and his eyes flashed and decisively began to try, mobilizing the purple mist into his arm, and then, the golden light shone on his arm, full of sharpness, and he used the power of the gold element's sharp avenue.


Without fisting, but just squeezing his fist, Xiao Lang opened his eyes wide, dumbfounded, unable to believe his feelings.

"ten times?"

"The power that I poured into this fist actually exceeded ten times the previous one?!"

Xiao Lang was stunned.

You know, he has just been promoted to the mid-Era realm, and has not yet begun to understand the power of the Dao, and is still at the top level of the early era. This tenfold bonus has nothing to do with his breakthrough in the mid-Era realm. It is just pure The bonus is only ten times as much!

Xiao Lang was really shocked this time.

"Do not!"

"It is definitely not at the same level as the power of the Dao, and it is much higher than the power of the Dao! It is enough to increase the power of the Dao ten times. Is it really a kind of original power?"

Xiao Lang was inexplicably shocked, almost shaking with excitement.


A huge surprise!

This is something Xiao Lang never expected. He originally thought that even if he could activate the power of the Dao Spirit Body, his combat power would only increase by two or three times, but he did not expect that after he was promoted to the Era Realm, it would fight against himself. The increase in strength has not diminished, but has become stronger!


Xiao Lang's pupils lit up, and it took him a long time to finally react. Although I don't know what kind of mystery is hidden in the original power of the Dao Spirit Body, it is a real deal for the improvement of its own combat power.

And this means...


Xiao Lang's eyes opened in an instant, and his spirits splashed all over, falling on the 17th pass in front of him. The next moment he stood up from the ground and walked straight to the 17th pass.

Xiao Lang now has only one thought in his mind, and that is to check whether his feelings are correct.

But what he didn't know was that his sudden movement shocked True Monarch Ice and Fire hiding in the void.

"What is this kid doing?"

"Continue to challenge?"

"Go crazy!"

True Monarch Ice and Fire is also dumbfounded. It's not that he has never seen a breakthrough in the early stage of the Era Realm. On the contrary, he has seen a lot, and there are many more relaxed than Xiao Lang, but no one has directly ended the retreat after the breakthrough.

This is not only the promotion of martial arts level, but also the promotion of life level.

Breaking into the middle of the Era Realm meant that he had broken the shackles and calmness, and could continue to comprehend the marks of the Great Dao and master more Dao power.

This is also the most common thing done by the Venerable in the middle of the new era realm.

Retreat first after breaking through.

Under the basis and momentum of promotion, the power of understanding and controlling more Dao Dao.

But Xiao Lang...

As soon as he broke through, he wanted to break the next level?

In the eyes of True Lord Binghuo, such a move was indeed crazy. But before he could stop him, he saw that Xiao Lang had already stepped onto the seventeenth floor of the ring. Immediately, on the opposite side of the ring, a figure slowly appeared, wearing a flaming red robe, with a scorching breath, he was obviously a fire-type venerable.

"Oh, forget it."

"It's just to teach him a lesson, so that he can understand the importance of the foundation in the next practice."

True Lord Binghuo sighed and did not show up.

Not bad.

In the eyes of True Lord Binghuo, Xiao Lang is absolutely impossible to win this arena. Not only because of Xiao Lang’s lack of precipitation, but more importantly, with Xiao Lang’s breakthrough, the opponents he encountered on the Tongtian Bridge, the martial arts cultivation base will also change, and now all he encounters is in the era. The mid-term powerhouse, each of them is an ancient genius, and has reached a very high level of control over the power of the Dao.

How can Xiao Lang win?

"It takes at least half a year of precipitation and accumulation before he can break through this barrier."

True Monarch Binghuo made a judgment in his heart, as if an old **** was there, shaking his head and shaking his head, he seemed to have seen the scene where Xiao Lang was directly knocked off the ring. And at this time, he never expected that a face slap would come so quickly—


The opponent had just condensed, Xiao Lang shot directly, stepping out, the wind and thunder burst, fists around the thunder, and directly hit the opponent! The opponent's reaction was not slow either. He was surrounded by flames, with many visions. With a wave of his hand, the cremated mad dragon rushed towards his face. The flames were fierce and burned all things, but Xiao Lang could not avoid the oncoming fire dragon. Hit it with one punch!




At the moment when he saw Xiao Lang's actions, True Lord Ice and Fire, who was following the battle from afar, couldn't help but swear, because in his opinion, Xiao Lang and the power of the Dao of Manual use is not an order of magnitude at all. Five times as much as him!

But at the moment when Xiao Lang's fist collided with the fire dragon, suddenly—


The thunderstorm rang, the blue lightning swept across the ring, and the power of Xiao Lang's boxing watch suddenly soared...ten times! Under the unbelievable gaze of True Monarch Ice and Fire, his fist resembled a spear, severely torn the fire dragon in front of him, hit the opponent's chest, and broke into it!


So cool!

The opponent didn’t seem to expect that Xiao Lang would suddenly explode like this. It was too late to take any precautions. Or, he could not prevent it, because it was only a plane projection. Lang smashed with a punch!


The light and shadow flickered, the opponent disappeared, the clouds and fog in front broke open, and the eighteenth pass came into view.

Xiao Lang, it's broken!

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