Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 397: Create method!



This was the only feeling that Xiao Lang had swiped this punch and directly killed his opponent.




A tenfold increase is too powerful!

Much stronger than he thought! With this punch, Xiao Lang only mobilized the power of the Thunderstorm Avenue, and even before reaching the peak, it caused such a violent lethality, which shocked him.

"how did you do that?"

Familiar voices poured into his ears, and he even brought some uncontrollable fluctuations. When Xiao Lang heard the words, the corners of his mouth aroused, and he recognized the identity of the person.

"True Monarch Ice and Fire still pays attention to me."

Xiao Lang was about to turn around and salute, but at this moment--


An unprecedented sense of prostration rushed into his mind. Xiao Lang didn't even have time to make any adjustments and preparations. His face turned pale, and his whole body lost his strength. The next moment, he was already like a rag doll that had lost his bones, kneeling on his knees and prostrate. Down, his face was as pale as paper.

what happened?


For a while, Xiao Lang could hardly determine exactly what happened to him, but he still made the quickest and most correct response, using his surviving trace of reason to activate the storage ring hidden in his stomach. The spirit and the smoky crystal were sacrificed as if they didn't need money, and the force of the mighty life and the power of the true spirit gush out, finally making Xiao Lang feel a lot more comfortable.

This time, when Xiao Lang looked at himself again, he suddenly realized that the strength in his body was indeed empty, and the consumption was not normal!


It's just that the simple punch just now directly consumed 90% of his body's divine power and true spirit power!

"what happened?"

"Why consume so much?"

"I have now been promoted to the middle of the Era Realm. It stands to reason that both the divine power and the true spiritual power have been greatly increased. If it is tilted and empty, it is impossible to have only this power?"

"How are they consumed?"

Xiao Lang's complexion gradually returned to its normal color, but his brows were furrowed, and his expression became more confused and perplexed.

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly fell in front of his eyes, and True Monarch Ice and Fire was also taken aback. It was not until Xiao Lang's face returned to normal and he was obviously lost in confusion and perplexity. Then his eyes flashed and said:

"You have a special bloodline?"

"That punch just now was the result of using the special blood in your body?"

Special blood?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard the words and looked at True Lord Binghuo.

Can this also be seen?

Is Dao Spirit Body considered a special bloodline?

Should be considered?

After all, the former Venerable Wuxiang also described it this way.

"Senior means..."

Xiao Lang had swallowed the power in the wood spirit and the mojing at the fastest speed. After just over ten breaths, he recovered to his peak state, but when he thought of the feeling of weakness and weakness, he still couldn't help being afraid for a while.

True Monarch Binghuo glanced at him deeply and said:

"It seems this is the case. No wonder the punch you just now can be increased tenfold, to such an extent."

True Lord Binghuo believed that Xiao Lang was like this, and said to himself:

"It is quite normal for your bloodline to recover during the promotion process of the martial artist. Especially you, you finally awakened your bloodline in the middle of the Era Realm, which proves that the bloodline in your body is really good. The power of the punch just now can also be used. Prove it."

"However, the power of the bloodline is not so easy to control. Fortunately, your kid doesn't have much power of the bloodline. Otherwise, with the punch just now, you yourself may be killed directly!"

So scary?

Xiao Lang was taken aback, but when he thought about it carefully, it was true.

If he hadn't had the help of Mu Jingpo and Smoky Crystal, he would still be on the verge of death. This time, Xiao Lang respected True Monarch Ice and Fire a lot.

"Please also seniors for advice."

True Monarch Binghuo glanced at Xiao Lang and nodded slightly, seemingly satisfied with his attitude, and said:

"Actually, it's not a secret. You have a special bloodline. Sooner or later you will know it. It's just the first time.

"If I'm right, the special bloodline in your body should be stronger than the power of the Dao. Therefore, when you activate it, this move will be based on it. Whether it is the power of the divine or the Dao, it will become It replenishes part of its power, and the overall power it exerts is naturally small."

"To give an image example, if you want to use the strength of a three-year-old child to lift a long knife weighing hundreds of kilograms, I am afraid that you can't kill the opponent, and you will be exhausted. You can understand this meaning. Right?"

Is it so?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang suddenly realized.

The level of the power of the Dao’s spiritual body is above the power of the Dao. This is also a guess that Xiao Lang can only have. He didn’t expect that True Lord Ice and Fire was so knowledgeable, he guessed it just by looking at his embarrassed appearance.

But soon, Xiao Lang frowned again.

"Does that mean I can't use it anymore?"

True Lord Ice and Fire heard this and shook his head:

"Do not."

"Having this kind of bloodline power is your blessing. As far as I know, in our era, all the strong with this kind of bloodline power will eventually become the immortal monarch. One day, it may become you The most powerful weapon above others. Therefore, you must not only use this power, but also use it more to adapt earlier."

"Although you don't have enough control, you've seen this terrifying increase in bloodline power. It's quite powerful, and it's difficult for the venerables of the same rank to resist. This is your trump card to kill the enemy."

"So, you have to use this power frequently, adapt to its power early, and strive for full control as soon as possible. After that, you want to be invincible at the same level, it is very simple. It is just such superficial control, even if you can strike Killing the opponent, in some complicated situations, once you lose your combat power, you will become the fish under the sword of others."

"But I also want to give you a suggestion."

"On the Tongtian Bridge, if it can be used, it is best not to use it!"


Use it more, but don't use it on the Tongtianqiao?

What is the logic?

True Monarch Ice and Fire seemed to be contradictory, but Xiao Lang still understood.

The power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin is indeed a great magic weapon for defeating the enemy, and it is best to adapt and become familiar early. But in Tongtianqiao, the key is not to kill the enemy, but to sharpen oneself.

As a Venerable Era Realm, the power of blood is the trump card, and the use of the power of the great road is the most critical.

The power of the great power and the power of the great power, this is the foundation that can exert the power of the blood to the maximum intensity! Only by thoroughly mastering them can you make this hole card stronger!

This is the whole purpose of True Lord Binghuo's words, he is pointing himself!

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he nodded his head appreciatively and respectfully saluted True Monarch Ice and Fire:

"Thank you senior for your advice!"

True Lord Binghuo saw Xiao Lang's thoughtful expression and immediately knew that the latter had already understood what he meant, and he nodded in satisfaction:

"Russ can be taught."

"You still have five years. In the eyes of the old man, if you use the power of your blood, it shouldn't be a problem for you to become a true disciple in five years. If you use it openly, use the strength of the punch you just made to pass One month is enough for the twenty-fourth pass."

"But I hope that you can break through the levels with your own strength over the years. If you can overcome the twenty-four levels with your own strength, you can at least rush to the thirty-six level with your blood."

"As for whether you can rush to the forty-ninth pass, become a master disciple, and accept the inheritance of the entire Zhan Taizong, it depends on your good fortune."

The ninth pass, inner disciple.

The twelfth level, the core disciple!

The twenty-fourth level, true disciple!

Only at the forty-ninth level can you become a disciple of the Zhan Taizong master, get the highest inheritance in the entire Zhan Taizong, and even hope to become the head teacher of the Zhan Taizong era!

As the number of levels increases, the difficulty will increase.

This is something Xiao Lang has known for a long time.

But as for the result...

Xiao Lang didn't particularly care.

The inheritance of Zhan Taizong may not be suitable for him.

But even so, facing the expectations of True Monarch Ice and Fire, Xiao Lang nodded obediently:

"I will work hard."

True Monarch Ice and Fire does not know how many billions of years old an old monster has lived, how can he not see anything from the changes in Xiao Lang's expression, he smiled and said:

"It seems that you really don't understand how much benefit you can get if you can get the title of the master disciple of Zhan Taizong."

"But for you now, these are indeed secrets that are not secret. When you become my true disciple of Zhan Taizong one day, you will know a little. At that time, the old man will have to see if you can still maintain such a calm and unpretentious manner. Faintly."

After speaking, True Monarch Ice and Fire left without even asking what the special bloodline in Xiao Lang's body was. It seemed that the power of the bloodline increased tenfold was nothing to him.

But what he didn't know was that the original power of the Great Dao Spirit Body in Xiao Lang's body didn't just appear at this time. When Xiao Lang was still weak, it had rescued Xiao Lang from danger countless times. Moreover, as Xiao Lang's martial arts realm continued to rise, its blessing to Xiao Lang's combat power did not show any signs of weakening, but it became stronger and stronger!

If True Lord Binghuo knew this, he would definitely be extremely curious about the so-called "power of blood" in Xiao Lang's body. Unfortunately, he didn't ask, nor did Xiao Lang take the initiative to say it.

"True disciple?"

Xiao Lang also didn't realize the significance of the power of the Dao Spirit Body to his own combat power increase, but because of the last words of True Lord Ice and Fire, he focused his attention on the inheritance of Zhan Taizong.

"Do I really underestimate the Zhan Taizong inheritance, it is not just a simple relic from the ancient times?"

Xiao Lang thought for a while, shook his head, and drove these distracting thoughts out of his mind.

It's useless to think about it now.

True Lord Binghuo said that after he became the true disciple of Zhan Taizong, he was qualified to know higher-level things.

Xiao Lang has never been too far-sighted, so he immediately focused on the present.

"I have already been promoted to the middle stage of the Era Realm, and I should once again focus on the power of the Great Dao and the practice of martial arts."

Xiao Lang was not in a hurry to practice martial arts.

Because he knows that the power of the great road is the foundation, and the foundation is the most important.

As a result, Xiao Lang directly walked off the seventeenth ring, sat cross-legged, and sank into the cultivation state again. The black crystals floated out of the storage ring. Xiao Lang directly blocked the multicolored lotus mark on the true spirit and entered the "Complete Path" mode"……

"Let me take a look, how terrifying is the Huadao mode in the middle of the Era Realm!"


For a time, Xiao Lang's body shook thunderously, and thunderous ocean manifested itself, even if he already knew that as his martial arts cultivation level increased, the calamity of the disaster would become more and more serious, and the power of the true spirit would be consumed more and more. , But, when he unlocked the multicolored lotus mark on the true spirit, and completely sank into the mode of transformation, he was still surprised.


Almost instantly, the power of the true spirit in a smoky crystal was completely consumed by him, and its consumption rate was almost ten times that of Xiao Lang's early promotion to the Venerable Era Realm!


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