Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 403: The benefits of true disciples

"Perhaps it really is because of Smoky Crystal."

Xiao Lang recalled that he had just been promoted to the level of the Era Realm Venerable, entered the Hungu mining area to practice, and when he first discovered Smoky Crystal. At that time, he hadn't seen the true self, but as a Taoist, when he was comprehending the marks of Thunder Avenue, he had never been affected by the marks of other attributes.

Then, in the early stage of the Era Realm, I had already seen the real self, and naturally he was satisfied with the mood level of True Monarch Ice and Fire. Even without the help of Smoky Crystal, he would not be affected by the marks of other great roads.

During this period of time, after I was promoted to the middle of the Era Realm, I realized that the cultivation of Dao Trace was all completed in the Smoky Crystal.

Does it really work?

Xiao Lang's method of verifying this was quite simple. He immediately sank into the comprehension of the Mark of the Great Dao, entering the state of seeing the true self, and comprehending the Mark of the Thunder Great Dao. It was only an instant that he felt pressure.


The scars of the Five Elements Avenue linger around the body, unable to isolate, so that one cannot enter the whole body.

"It seems that the smoky quartz is really useful."

"As for the level of my mood, I haven't reached the level of the second level of mind like a mirror. I still need to continue to improve."

Xiao Lang did not slack off because of Mo Jing.

Indeed, it can indeed help oneself to ensure that one's mind is pure when comprehending the marks of attainment, and will not be affected by the marks of other great roads, but if one day, the smoky quartz is exhausted?

So far, Xiao Lang has never found any other resources comparable to Mo Jing.

It cannot be replaced.

Therefore, Xiao Lang must of course plan ahead.

Only one's own strength is truly confident. Foreign objects are always just things outside the body.

In addition, Smoky Jing can now help himself to understand the marks of the Great Dao. If one day, his martial arts cultivation reached the peak of the late Era Realm, and his comprehension of the marks of the Great Dao reached the limit of the late Era Realm peak-90%. When you want to break the critical point and understand a complete road, can it still have such performance and effect?

not necessarily.

At least Xiao Lang was not sure of this.

Therefore, both hands should be prepared.

But how to improve the level of mood?

A new concept was unfolded in front of Xiao Lang, only to discover that True Monarch Ice and Fire hadn't said a way to raise the level of his mood, and Xiao Lang was helpless.

Why did True Lord Ice and Fire slip away again?

But he didn't get too entangled in this issue. Now that he has raised all the marks of the Great Dao that he has mastered to the mid-Era Realm peak level, there is no need to comprehend the marks of the Great Dao, unless he has mastered the power of the new Great Dao, which does not seem to be needed now.

Next, he only needs to challenge one layer after another on the Tongtian Bridge.

"Forget it."

"Ask him when Senior Binghuo reappears."

Xiao Lang converged his mind, stepped off the ring, and walked towards the next level of Tongtianqiao. However, Xiao Lang, who had boarded the arena to adjust his state and prepared for the next arena battle, did not notice. Just in the void above his head, which was thousands of meters above him, True Monarch Ice and Fire was shaking his head helplessly:

"This little lunatic... is really a monster!"

"Inheritance is also evil! There are so many treasures of heaven and earth to supplement the true spirit, and the state of mind has reached the level of seeing the true self..."

The shock that Xiao Lang brought to True Monarch Ice and Fire was so much that he was even surprised. But think carefully...

"Perhaps, this path is really the most suitable for him, but the level of mood... it is really not good to improve. If he can even reach the fourth level of the level of mood... Venerable, no, it is very likely that once he is promoted, he will enter the camp of the strongest Venerable, at least the two-star Venerable!"

"I really look forward to his future achievements!"

Xiao Lang didn't know that he was already regarded by True Lord Ice and Fire as the strongest vener in the future. At this time, he was completely immersed in the arena battle of the Tongtianqiao test.

And what made True Lord Binghuo feel helpless again is that Xiao Lang started the previous way of breaking through again. After passing this level, Xiao Lang will walk down and choose to do it again...

Xiao Lang is testing the power of the moves that integrate the power of the Dao.

Although the power of the Dao has been elevated to the top level of the current martial art realm, it is not a simple matter to integrate the power of the Dao, and it must be gradually increased.

Xiao Lang was going through this process at this time.

And is still studying the new fusion of the mark of the road.

In the void, seeing Xiao Lang focusing on this, True Monarch Binghuo rolled his eyes and didn't worry. Anyway, Xiao Lang didn't have many levels from the twenty-fourth level of becoming a true disciple. With Xiao Lang's current strength, passing the twenty-fourth level and becoming a true disciple of the Zhan Taizong was completely ironclad.

The only thing that True Lord Binghuo couldn't predict at this time was how far Xiao Lang could finally go on the Tongtian Bridge.

After all, time is getting shorter, and the enemies in the following levels are getting stronger and stronger!

at last.

In the seventh month after Xiao Lang showed off the powerful combat power that merged with the power of the Great Dao, and in the seventeenth year after he came to Tongtianqiao, Xiao Lang finally ascended the 24th pass.

The result was exactly what True Lord Ice and Fire had expected, Xiao Lang won easily and defeated the enemy!


The power of heaven and earth on the Tongtian Bridge evaporates, shining brilliantly, and disappears in a flash, falling into the token on Xiao Lang’s waist, the token brilliance flashes, its appearance has changed greatly, and it is more gorgeous. The two core characters on it are also Become a true biography!

True disciple, it's done!

Xiao Lang was even more surprised to find that his points had reached 46,000 points, and the twenty-fourth level alone had brought him as many as 30,000 points!

"This is a reward?"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

According to what he learned from True Monarch Ice and Fire, Zhan Taizong's points are quite valuable. At first, when he was only in the early stage of Era Realm and had thousands of points, True Monarch Ice and Fire said that he could exchange many good things.

With more than 40,000 points, wouldn’t it be better?

Just as Xiao Lang was surprised, the figure of True Monarch Ice and Fire, who had been prepared for a long time, flashed and reappeared next to Xiao Lang. Seeing the latter's face with surprise, he smiled:

"Not bad."

"It seems that you have already got the first benefit of being our true disciple of Zhan Taizong."

"With the addition of these 30,000 points, your points should reach almost 50,000 points. You can indeed exchange a lot of good things. If you are willing to spend it all at once, you can even exchange for good things that make the monarchs of Immortal Realm eye-catching. "

Xiao Lang was even more surprised when he heard this. At the same time, he also felt the power of Zhan Taizong.

This is the foundation of the top sect and the reason why many casual practitioners want to join the top sect.

The benefits are too much!

You don't need to work hard, as long as you reach a certain level, then the sect will be willing to spend a lot of resources to support you. Of course, the premise is that you must have this strength!

But outside, even if you have this strength, you may not be able to get so many benefits at once!

"Inheritance is really important!"

Xiao Lang also understood better, why every time a ruin opens in the West Desert Star Sea, so many venerables of the Era Realm have to enter at the risk of life and death.

Because the benefits are too much.

Fly over the dragon gate, get rich in one day...

It's all right to describe it like this, it's all the same anyway.

"Thank you senior."

Although Xiao Lang hadn't seen the benefits yet, he was the first to salute True Monarch Ice and Fire to thank him. True Monarch Binghuo turned on his side and escaped Xiao Lang's salute, smiling:

"Don't be polite to me. To achieve today's achievements is the result of your own hard work."

"This is your good fortune and luck. Although it is also related to my Zhan Taizong, the old man is just a janitor of Zhan Taizong. You don't need to thank me."

"However, since you have become a true disciple of my Zhan Taizong, I still have to give you other benefits."

Are there other benefits?

Xiao Lang was pleasantly surprised and did not interrupt True Monarch Binghuo. He listened respectfully.

"You have already got 30,000 points. Before you leave, you can come to me to redeem things at any time. This is the first benefit of my Zhan Taizong to the true biography disciples, it is resources."

"And the second benefit is opportunity!"

"From your departure this time, every 20 years, you can come here once with the token that proves your identity to participate in the test of Tongtianqiao. Of course, if you come again, you won’t have double points, but the benefits are also Many. And besides that, you can also ask me for advice, answer questions, and if I know it, I will tell you."

"Except for the first time you enter, you can only stay here for five years at most every time you enter."

"Of course, if you can become the master disciple of my Zhan Taizong, it will be different. At that time, everything in my Zhan Taizong will be yours. You can stay here as long as you want!"

Master disciple?

Hearing the temptation in True Lord Binghuo's words, Xiao Lang smiled bitterly.

This time he felt that he had no hope.

"Maybe it can be done in the future."

Anyway, you can come once in twenty years, and you don't need to get tokens from other people, you have a place yourself. Tongtianqiao, I will definitely come again. It would be better if you could become the master disciple of Zhan Taizong, but if you couldn't...then there was no way.

After all, the ancient proverb star ruins have existed for such a long time, opened once in twenty years, but no one can become the master disciple of Zhan Taizong, there must be a reason.

The above challenges will be even greater!

Seeing Xiao Lang saying this, True Lord Binghuo smiled slightly:

"Yes, don't put so much pressure on yourself. As long as you become my true disciple of the Zhan Taizong, you will still have a chance in the future. But I forgot to say that although you can come in once every twenty years, it must be Only after you have broken through your small realm, will you have a chance."

"That is to say, next time you come, you must be promoted to the late Era Realm, and you have a chance. After the Era Realm small perfection and great perfection, and promotion to the immortal monarch, you also have a chance, but you don’t need to break through the small realm. I'll talk about it after you are promoted to the immortal monarch one day."

Still have such a requirement?

Doesn't that mean that you have only a few chances to come in when you are full of calculations?

Although True Lord Binghuo said he would not let himself be so stressed, Xiao Lang couldn't help but feel some pressure, shook his head, and drove these distracting thoughts out of his mind:

"Junior wrote it down."

Xiao Lang thought he would only have these benefits after becoming a true disciple of Zhan Taizong, but he did not expect that True Monarch Binghuo smiled mysteriously and continued:

"The third benefit is also the biggest benefit for you to be promoted as a true student disciple. This requires you to choose carefully. For others, it may be easy to choose, but for you... I am afraid you have to break your head."


and also?

The biggest advantage, still choose?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard the words, his heart trembled suddenly, as if he had guessed something, his expression exaggerated, and his eyes widened to look at True Lord Binghuo. True Monarch Ice and Fire also seemed to see that Xiao Lang had already guessed, and nodded slightly, revealing the final answer:

"Yes, it is the power of the origin of the avenue!"

"After becoming my true disciple of Zhan Taizong, you can get a ray of power from the origin of the Great Dao. As for the attributes, you can choose by yourself."

As soon as True Lord Binghuo said this, even if Xiao Lang had guessed in his heart, he couldn't help being stunned.

This gift is really too big!


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