Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 404: Four brothers

The power of the origin of the avenue!

The first time Xiao Lang heard this name was on the fourth floor of the Ice and Fire Temple, and he still clearly remembered that when Deng Chun and others knew that the fourth floor of the Ice and Fire Temple had a magical soldier built by the power of the Great Dao, they were shocked.

Something that shocked even top venerables like Deng Chun is certainly an absolute good thing——

Promotion to immortality, the key to becoming a monarch!

Zhan Taizong actually said to give it away?

I'm just a true disciple!

In the middle of the Era Realm, can you get the power of the Dao Origin?

Xiao Lang was stunned.

Not only because this benefit greatly exceeded his imagination, but also because of Zhan Taizong's lavishness. Even lavishly a little unrealistic!

True Monarch Ice and Fire looked at Xiao Lang's dull look and smiled:

"Hehe, scared?"

"In fact, the power of the Dao’s origin is not as valuable as you think. If an immortal monarch is willing, he can easily gather a hundred and eighty items for future generations to learn and practice. Of course, if so much is gathered, it will have a huge impact on them. Yes. But a monarch of the Immortal Realm, without any influence, can condense about three or five things. As for the specific number, it is related to their level of insight into the origin of the Dao."

"Also, its effect is not very good."

"If the Great Perfection of an Era Realm gets the power of a great Dao of the same attribute, the possibility of being promoted to the Immortal Realm to become a monarch is only one in a thousand, which is nothing. If it is not the power of the same attribute, it can One in 10,000 may be good."

"So, you don't need to think it is so expensive."


Is this probability not high enough?

After all, once transformed, it would be the Monarch of the Immortal Realm! Having unlimited lifespan means that their future has unlimited possibilities!

Seeing True Monarch Binghuo's disapproval look, Xiao Lang could only shook his head secretly.

Of course he knew why True Lord Ice and Fire didn't care.

Four words-

Great family!

Listening to the description of True Monarch Ice and Fire, Zhan Taizong in the peak period had hundreds of immortal monarchs, and he was one of them, of course he didn't care about the power of the Dao's origin.

Level determines horizons.

Xiao Lang knew that if one day he could become the Monarch of the Immortal Realm, he might be the same as True Monarch Ice and Fire, and he would not care about the power of the Dao's origin.

However, he is not yet.


Xiao Lang swallowed and finally digested it all.

How should I choose?

With a calm mind, Xiao Lang fell into entanglement again. I have to admit that the problem mentioned by True Lord Ice and Fire is indeed a big problem for him. For those top venerables of Era Realm Dzogchen who stick to one and have a pure mind, such as Deng Chun, he certainly has no such concerns, and he will definitely choose the power of the fire system.

However, the power of the Great Dao that Xiao Lang enlightened was too much, there were dozens of kinds, even if he only talked about the way of heaven, there were six or seven kinds.

Xiao Lang's choice is difficult.

True Monarch Binghuo saw Xiao Lang's difficulty at a glance, and smiled:

"This question, you can think about it slowly, it's really difficult."

"And there is one point I want to explain to you. If you choose a kind of Dao Origin Power to try to refine and promote, regardless of failure or success, you will not be promoted on any other path. This is also the Great Perfection of many eras. The reason why the pinnacles are unwilling to refine the power of the avenue's origin, they don't just want to achieve immortality on a avenue!"

"So, once you choose this way, you need to give up a lot of things. This should be carefully considered."

"However, you can also choose not to refine them, just perceive them."

The difference between enlightenment and refining?

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he had a clear understanding, and remembered True Monarch Ice and Fire's entrustment in his heart, and his mind moved slightly.

The power of Dao's origin is indeed a good thing.

But do I really need it?

It is a good thing, but as True Lord Binghuo said, the power of refining the Dao's origin, once it becomes the Lord of the Immortal Realm, means reaching the sky in one step!

And there is a saying in the cultivation world--

To gain much, you must bear much risk.

The original power of Refining Avenue is obviously inappropriate for him. Because Xiao Lang knew that he couldn't give up any great power.

"The only way left for me is to comprehend."

"That's fine, you don't have to worry too much about how to choose, just choose one of the five elements and Thunder Avenue."

Thinking this way, Xiao Lang's mood immediately improved a lot.

"Thank you senior for your advice."

True Lord Binghuo saw Xiao Lang's brows stretched, knowing that he had figured out the key, but did not ask. Because even if he didn't ask, he would know how Xiao Lang chose.

For more than ten years, he has been paying attention to Xiao Lang and has already been familiar with him.


This time True Lord Ice and Fire did not evade, accepting Xiao Lang's thanks, and said with a smile:

"And one more thing."

"After becoming my true disciple of Zhan Taizong, you can still continue to challenge on the Tongtian Bridge. And there are additional rewards."

"Twenty-four levels up, as long as you pass six levels, you can get the power of a ray of the great avenue, and you can choose the same attributes at will. For more than thirty-six levels, there is a chance every three levels. As for how much you can get in the end, It depends on your performance."

There is also a reward for the power of the Dao’s origin for breaking through?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard the words, and with a wry smile, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Zhan Taizong is really rich and willful!

"it is good!"

After clearing up his mood, Xiao Lang's eyes flickered.

Since the benefits are in vain, of course we must strive for it. True Monarch Ice and Fire was obviously satisfied with Xiao Lang's fighting spirit, and said with a smile:

"Well, other than that, nothing else."

"By the way, you need to refine your token again. You are promoted to a true disciple. It has a little more interesting things. You can try it."

Something interesting?

What is it?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard the words, but he did what he said, and his divine spirit poured into the token to refine it, but at this moment, suddenly—


Xiao Lang felt his divine consciousness suddenly entered a mighty void.


It's nothingness!

There is nothing inside, a barren, like a world outside the sky, but there is not a single star...No, there is!

Xiao Lang faintly sensed that from a place far away from him, there seemed to be a familiar aura, some faint, some extremely faint...the total amount was more than ten.

Where is this?

Where do those familiar breaths come from?

When Xiao Lang was confused, suddenly--

"Congratulations, Junior Brother!"

"Hahahaha, after hundreds of thousands of years, we Zhan Taizong finally got another junior junior. It's worth celebrating!"

A hearty voice suddenly rang in Xiao Lang's mind, which shocked him.

What the hell?

But when he heard the name in the voice, Xiao Lang suddenly understood.

The familiar auras that I feel are all those who have passed the test of Zhan Taizong and entered the Tongtian Bridge! This voice that suddenly appeared in his mind was also one of them. Like himself, he also got the name of a true disciple of Zhan Taizong!

Xiao Lang concentrated his attention and probed carefully, finally vaguely perceiving the source of the sound, which was similar to his own aura. Of course, it is similar in this world.

He didn't know what martial arts cultivation was the other party.

The breath is similar, because the other party is also a token of the true disciple.

In this barren void, including him, there are a total of four auras of this level.

Why don't the other two speak?

When Xiao Lang was surprised--

"It's really worth being happy."

Another voice sounded, full of laughter, but more calm than the first voice:

"You are the fourth junior brother of Zhan Taizong, so call you the fourth. The one who just talked about is the third, and I am the second. As for the boss... he should be the first one of Zhan Taizong to become a true disciple. I haven't heard the boss say a few times in these tens of thousands of years, and you will get used to it from now on."


Xiao Lang hesitated and responded for the first time:

"Brother 3, Brother 2?"

"Hahahaha, this third brother is really comfortable to hear! The fourth child is really good! Don’t you know, before you showed up, I was the youngest and first here, don’t mention the aggrieved, I have to call brother every day, This……"

The so-called youngest seems to be quite lively and talks fluently, but before he finishes saying:

"The third child, don't talk nonsense. For so many years, except for the boss who said something to you when you became a true disciple, has he taken care of you all these years? That is, just call me alone, and complain, you Do you have an opinion on me?"

When the third child heard this, his voice trembled:

"Second brother... No, dear second brother... How dare I have any opinion, you are the best, alright, you are the best!"

"When the younger brother goes to Penglai Xian Pavilion next time, he will definitely bring a few bottles of good wine to the third brother!"

The second voice came:

"Well, it's almost the same."

"All right, you two brothers, let's talk, so that the fourth child can also understand our circle. I have something else to do. Let's go ahead."

After speaking, the second child's voice was cut off, Xiao Lang was dumbfounded, and he did not react for a while.

Are they so familiar?

Penglai Fairy Pavilion?

Where is it?

They are not only communicating in this place, but also knowing the reality?

Just as Xiao Lang's heart was full of confusion, the voice of the third child sounded again:

"Hey, fourth child, are you still there?"

Xiao Lang was shocked and finally woke up: "Yes!"

The third child smiled:

"Hahaha, I was scared by what our brothers said? Don’t be afraid, my second brother and I are very good at talking. Everyone can be recognized by Zhan Taizong and become true disciples. This is fate. Being able to pass the test of Zhan Taizong shows that we None of my brothers are those with dark personalities, so my second brother and I quickly met. We have known each other for millions of years, and there is a connection between reality."

"I tell you, the second brother is not easy, he is the elder of the Penglai Fairy Pavilion, the power of the Immortal Realm Triple Heaven!"

Immortal Realm, Triple Heaven?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang was stunned.

Do not.

To be precise, it should be scared!


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