Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 406: Do your best

The edge of the West Desert Sea of ​​Stars, which is not known from the ancient proverb star, is an independent star field. On the largest planet, a rugged, sturdy man slapped himself on the face.


"It's stupid!"

"Brother Xiao Lang has just become a true disciple of Zhan Taizong, of course they are in Gu Yanxing!"

Not bad.

He is Qin Hai who is communicating with Xiao Lang in the token world.

After slapped himself, he quickly said:

"Ahem, Gu Yanxing!"

"When will you come out, fourth brother? I'll look for you!"

Xiao Lang thought for a moment:

"Two years, to be more specific, it should be one year and one month. I am going out."

Qin Hai raised his brows when he heard this, and said decisively:

"it is good!"

"In one year and eleven months, we will see you on the old saying! I will definitely be there! Fourth brother, what power of the Dao origin do you need?"


A quarter of an hour later, Qin Hai withdrew the token from his waist, his eyes flashing with excitement.

"Hahaha, it's done!"

"Fourth brother, Xiao Lang! It's really my lucky star!"

Qin Hai squeezed his fist, extremely excited. As for the original power of the Thunder System Dao and the original power of the Fire Dao required by Xiao Lang, Qin Hai didn't regard it as the same thing.

It wasn't that he was going to break the contract, but it was a breeze for him to get the power of these two avenues.

"The power of the origin of the Fire Element Avenue, go find Uncle Seven!"

"The power of the origin of the Thunder System Avenue, Uncle Six is ​​enough."

"Hahahaha, it's really no effort to get through the iron shoes without finding any place!"

Qin Hai stood in the void for a long time, and suddenly frowned:

"However, it took two years...that is to say, it took the Xiao Lang brothers 18 years to finally reach the twenty-fourth level. This speed is a bit slow. It seems that the Xiao Lang brothers' qualifications, um... …It’s not very good. It’s a genius, but it’s not top-notch."

"He helped me a lot this time. Although it was a deal, I still made a profit. I can't go empty-handed when my brother meets my brother?"

"Go and talk to your second brother, if there are any good things, just treat them as gifts!"

Qin Hai said, flipping his hand, and a sound transmission stone appeared in his hand. While transmitting the sound to the second brother, he also waved his hand to break through the void. When he reappeared, he was already thousands of miles away and swept towards the transmission formation.

It's a long way to go to Gu Yanxing from where he is. Even if he is the top sage of the space department, it is impossible to break through the space like this, the speed is too slow, and he can't do it.

The space teleportation array is the most convenient.

But even so, rushing to Gu Yanxing within two years is not small for him. Just thinking about my own gain this time, these troubles are naturally nothing.


Over there, Qin Hai has already set off for the appointment.

Xiao Lang had also left the token world after completing the transaction, and immediately saw the smiling face of True Monarch Ice and Fire.

"The deal is concluded?"


Xiao Lang didn't hide it, because he knew that True Monarch Ice and Fire could guess even if he didn't say it.

"Well, in that case, I will replace the power of the Dao Origin that you deserve with the space system."

"There are less than two years left, and you can continue to break through the level. At this last time, you don't want to hide your clumsy anymore, and do your best to sprint."

Do your best?

After watching True Lord Binghuo finished all this, his figure disappeared from his eyes, and the expression on Xiao Lang's face also became serious.

I really have to do my best.

Xiao Lang heard it, and when he repaid his expectations, True Monarch Ice and Fire did not talk about teaching his disciples. Obviously, in the eyes of True Lord Binghuo, two years are not enough to complete the 48th level.

In other words, at a certain level in the middle, you are likely to fail.

"Forty-eight levels, is it so difficult?"

Xiao Lang raised his head and looked at the road ahead covered by the clouds and mist of Tongtian Bridge, his eyes flashed, and all distracting thoughts were swept away instantly, and he stepped up.

Until now, it's boring to think too much, just rush!

Of course Xiao Lang will not give up. After all, the levels above not only have points, but also rewards from the power of the Dao's origin!

Break through!

Xiao Lang started his journey through the barrier again.

Compared with Li Qingshan and others, Xiao Lang’s biggest advantage lies in——

He doesn't need to rest at all.

The true spirit consumes, there is smoky quartz.

Divine power consumption, there is wood spirit!

It can be said that Xiao Lang has always been at the peak state, and he has completely recovered the moment he stepped off the ring after a battle.

Of course, such a process has one feature-


Of course, even if he didn't need to worry about recovery, Xiao Lang didn't waste the Smoky Crystal and Wood Essence so lavishly. Most of the time he recovered by himself. Apart from the battle, he was also simulating the fusion of the power of the Great Dao to create fusion magic skills.

In this way, although Xiao Lang also wasted a lot of time, it was still much faster than Li Qingshan and others.

In the first month, Xiao Lang was the fastest, breaking six levels in a row!

"It's another avenue where the power of the origin has arrived!"

Continue to run wild.

Three months later, Xiao Lang broke through the thirty-sixth pass, and the power of the second avenue was obtained!

The results are extraordinary.

However, after stepping off the ring, Xiao Lang's expression was not excited, but even more solemn.


At the thirty-sixth level, he finally felt the pressure.

It was at this level that he used Explosive Leilian to combine the power of Thunderstorm Dadao and Lei Zhifeng's Explosive Leilian. Although he successfully tore his opponent apart, Xiao Lang was not in a good mood.

There are still twelve levels before the forty-eight levels!

The opponent behind must be getting better and better!

The fact is that at the thirty-ninth level, the opponent's combat power skyrocketed again. Xiao Lang not only used Burst Leilian, but also Meteor, and finally killed the opponent before the power of the true spirit was exhausted.

In this battle, Xiao Lang realized the strength of the top martial arts that True Monarch Ice and Fire said before.

With Burst Leilian and Meteor, Xiao Lang's combat power increased by forty times, but it was only barely beheading his opponent.

But Xiao Lang did not rest and continued to break through.

In the tenth month, before Xiao Lang arrived at the 42nd level, this battle took him a full day!

This is a hard fight!

Xiao Lang played his cards in a row. In addition to Burst Leilian and Meteor, he also used two other magical fusion skills, both of which he developed during these years——


The power of thunderstorm avenue and the power of thunder avenue blend together!

Leiguang Movie——

The power of Thunder Light Avenue and the power of Thunder Light Avenue merge!

The four big hole cards were exhausted, and hundreds of smoky crystals were consumed before Xiao Lang finally found the opportunity to behead his opponent with Burst Leilian.

This battle has made True Monarch Ice and Fire quite surprised. During this time, he has been following every battle of Xiao Lang on the void. When Xiao Lang walked down from the ring in a mess, True Monarch Ice and Fire looked solemn and his eyes filled with regret.

"He still has the power of the bloodline that he hasn't used. If he uses it, his combat power can be increased, but it is limited."

"His limit is at level 45."

"Unfortunately, if you can give him more time, even if only for one year, maybe he can really break through the 48th level!"

forty five.

This is the limit that True Monarch Ice and Fire can judge Xiao Lang to reach.

Facts have proved that True Monarch Ice and Fire, as the monarch of the immortal realm, has a very vicious vision.

Two months later, when Xiao Lang broke through two consecutive levels and half a day after the fierce battle at the 45th level, Xiao Lang broke out with all his strength, his body almost collapsed, and all his cards in the first battle were revealed, but in the end, he still lost.

Those who lose have no temper.

The opponent that manifested in the 45th level is also in the middle of the Era Realm, and is comparable to Xiao Lang's martial arts realm, but his martial arts is strong, and his combat power has increased by seventy times!

Even if Xiao Lang got all his cards, his combat power would only increase by sixty-eight times.


"Then there is hope!"

True Lord Binghuo was surprised, even if Xiao Lang lost, his performance in this battle was far beyond his expectations.

"His bloodline power has increased? Is there still potential to be tapped?"

This is the fact.

In this battle, Xiao Lang used more power from the Dao Spirit Body, and his combat power increased by as much as twenty times!

The loss in this arena is not because of inferior skills, but bad luck.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang did not give up, and after a quarter of an hour to recover, he climbed again.

The more you fight!

Xiao Lang is also trying to break his limits!

Six days, eighteen games!

This is Xiao Lang's persistence, and finally, in the eighteenth battle, he won with difficulty. Not because of the crushing of combat power, but because of the right opportunity.

"Seventy times the combat power!"

"This should be my limit."

Xiao Lang did not step off the ring, but lay on it directly, not wanting to move a little finger, his eyes were exhausted, helpless, and unwilling!

The last three levels are still short!

But Xiao Lang knew that for him these three hurdles might really be a chasm and a moat that could never be crossed.

Today's battle has already demonstrated his current extreme combat power.

His unwillingness is the same as True Monarch Ice and Fire thought--

not enough time!

"If there is time, my physical body can continue to be tempered, and I can use more of the power of the Dao Origin. It is easy to increase the combat power by several times."

"There is also the fusion of the power of the Dao. As True Lord Ice and Fire said, I can even try to merge the power of the three Thunder Dao at the same time. The explosive power must be more terrifying, and it is not difficult to break through the power of 80 times!"

This is very unacceptable.

Not enough time, it's hard.

However, rules are rules.

Xiao Lang knew that even True Monarch Ice and Fire couldn't change the rules of this place, saying that it was 20 years, that is, 20 years.

Although there are still a few months left, Xiao Lang knew that this time was not enough for himself.

"But I'm still making money."

Xiao Lang got up and smiled bitterly.

Indeed earned.

From the twenty-fourth level to the forty-fifth level, it is not considered as a true disciple's gain. He has a total of six more powers of the Dao origin. This is the temptation that the top venerable Dzogchen in the outside world cannot resist.

"But, I'm still not reconciled!"

Warriors must fight!

But it is also conditional.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible for me to make any improvement. How to fight for it?

Xiao Lang looked sad. And when True Monarch Ice and Fire saw the expression on Xiao Lang's face above the void, he couldn't help but frown.

Xiao Lang's mood was affected!


"I put too much pressure on him? If this continues, he is likely to lose his confidence in martial arts!"

Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't be so fragile, but True Lord Binghuo worried that such a thing would happen, and immediately got up to appease Xiao Lang, but at this moment, suddenly--


In the distance, at the entrance of the Tongtian Bridge, a rush of thunder suddenly descended from the sky. In an instant, the power of the surging heaven and the earth descended, and the dark clouds covered it.

True Monarch Binghuo's body froze suddenly, and he looked surprised, and when he realized what had happened, he was even more shocked.

"this is……"

The power of the heavens and the earth was transmitted to this place, and even Xiao Lang felt it, awakened from the messy thoughts, and when he saw it, he felt a familiar aura rising continuously, and Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly:

"Senior Li Xueya!"

"Thunder Tribulation?"

"He broke through?!"


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