Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 407: Lei Jie Epiphany

Xiao Lang felt Li Xueya's breath.



Full of anger!

The power of Li Xueya's Blood Fiend is so distinctive that it can be clearly identified. Moreover, his breath is constantly rising and transpiring, even the confused mist on the Tongtian Bridge seems unable to isolate its expansion.

Li Xueya broke through?

Is he going to break through the era of small perfection and become the top venerable?

Xiao Lang was surprised, and for a moment he forgot the troubles he had just now. He stepped on the thunder and ran towards the initial entrance of the Tongtian Bridge, and the lightning flashed.

When Xiao Lang arrived, he found that Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, Chi Lian and others had gathered together, staring dumbfounded at everything in the distance.

"Brother Xiao!"

They noticed Xiao Lang's coming and greeted them quickly. Xiao Lang only nodded in response, but was also attracted by the mighty vision of the distant world, and it was difficult to leave for a while.

Too magnificent!

I saw that the entire sky was about to be wrapped in dark clouds, and in it, thunder was galloping and thundering! Even if Xiao Lang majored in Thunder Heavenly Dao, with the exception of the Thunder Sage, all the other Thunder Avenue were in control, but at this moment, when he saw the thunderous thunder in the dark clouds and felt the strong pressure of Heavenly Dao, he still couldn't bear it. It's hard to be self-conscious if you feel trembling.


If an ordinary person stood here and saw this scene in front of him, I am afraid they would only feel the majesty of Tianli. Only Xiao Lang, who controls some of the power of the Great Dao, can truly sense how terrifying the power contained in it is!

Tianwei is ruthless!

Xiao Lang had no doubt that if he stepped into it, he would be wiped out in an instant, and he couldn't resist its power at all.

At the same time, Xiao Lang also saw Li Xueya.

I saw Li Xueya holding a knife in one hand, the blood that filled the whole body was breathtaking, full of sullen aura, standing on a peak of the Tongtian Bridge, facing the heavy dark clouds above his head, his face was serious, but his eyes were bright and scary, full of determination and indomitability.

This thunder tribulation must be a battle between heaven and man!

But can Li Xueya survive to the end?


"Where is the thunder robbery?"

"Era Realm Small Perfection is promoted to Dzogchen, is there such a thing as Thunder Tribulation?"

Xiao Lang asked the confusion in his heart.

He has never heard that Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm will have to go through this test!

Li Qingshan and others were also puzzled:

"I don't know, maybe..."

But without waiting for Li Qingshan's hesitation, a hoarse and steady voice suddenly sounded, interrupting him:

"The general era realm Xiaoyuan breaks the realm of course, of course, there will be no Thunder Tribulation, but he definitely does."

Xiao Lang and the others were taken aback, turned their heads quickly, saw True Monarch Ice and Fire floating in the void behind him, and greeted them quickly.


True Monarch Binghuo waved his hand and continued, only this time, his sight fell on Li Qingshan.

"It's not just him. When you reach the pinnacle of Era Realm Small Perfection and want to break through Dzogchen, you will also encounter Thunder Tribulation."

Will Li Qingshan meet?

Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard the words, and suddenly a bright light flashed in his mind:

"Because they are repairers?"

True Lord Binghuo glanced at Xiao Lang with satisfaction, and said:

"Yes, precisely because they are instrument repairs."

"Wei repair was also called soldier repair in ancient times. This is just a different name. In fact, it means the same thing. If you don't cultivate the way of heaven, there is only one magic weapon in your hand to surpass the world."

"Qi Xiu has his own Dao, or when they are promoted to the Era Realm Small Consummation, they create their own Dao. But this path is not in the Heavenly Dao."

"Therefore, when you want to fully control this avenue and want to manifest them in this world, you will definitely encounter suppression and resistance from this world."

"Or, it can be said that this is a test, a test of whether you are qualified to exist in this world."

"If you hold it through, the Dao will add to your body, and your combat power will far exceed the same level! If you can't hold it, the Dao will kill you!"


Xiao Lang understood the words, after all, True Monarch Ice and Fire's explanation was quite detailed.

After the real Lord Binghuo finished explaining, he looked at Li Qingshan who was dumbfounded and said:

"But don't worry, the Thunder Tribulation you will encounter in the future will definitely not be stronger than his. Because he is practicing the power of the blood evil spirit, which is against people and harmony. It is normal that the power of Thunder Tribulation is stronger."

Li Qingshan was speechless for a while.

Therefore, I have one more calamity than a normal practitioner. Instead of complaining, I should be thankful?

Of course, Li Qingshan also understands that since his choice is the way of cultivating tools, he must bear this hurdle.

This can be regarded as a test for their almost same level of weapon repair.

"Thank you Senior Binghuo for your advice!"

Li Qingshan thanked him, True Monarch Ice and Fire nodded slightly, and said nothing more, but the lingering light of his sight fell on Xiao Lang. When he found that the latter's gaze was concentrated on Li Xueya, his eyes were full of worries, and he had never been at Tongtianqiao before. When I was depressed, I let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good, at least it can make him less stubborn."

True Lord Binghuo comforted himself in his heart, suddenly his brows trembled:


What's coming?

Of course it was Li Xueya's Thunder Tribulation!

Xiao Lang and the others trembled together, their eyes focused on the center of the dark clouds.


Without any struggling, a thunderbolt fell from the sky like this, and a thunder with a thickness of several feet screamed directly at Li Xueya's face door, with an aura of destruction!

But does Li Xueya need signs?

No need at all!

In the process of thunder tribulation condensing, his mental strength has maintained a thousand percent concentration. Although this thunder came abruptly, it was completely within his reaction time.

"Hahaha, good job!"


Accompanied by a wild laugh, Li Xueya picked up the knife, and for a while, the blood was evaporating, attached to the long knife, and turned into a light of tens of feet, the knife moved with the shadow, and fell together!

Are you going to bomb me?

I will chop you!

Li Xueya didn't seem to have thought of how to defend, and directly attacked the thunder robbery above the sky!


Knife light burst, Raikage burst!

Under the horrified gaze of Xiao Lang and others, Li Xueya soared into the sky one step at a time, and even rushed directly into the dark clouds against the falling thunder!

One word--


Li Xueya wants to smash Thunder Tribulation?

Xiao Lang and others were frightened by Li Xueya's impulsive actions. However, when True Monarch Ice and Fire saw this scene, he couldn't help but nod secretly:

"Not bad."

"He knows where his strengths are."

"He is not good at defensive. If he just blindly let the thunder smash it, he will definitely not be able to resist it. Lifting the knife and fighting head-on is the most correct way."

"Of course, this kind of consumption is also great, but it is indeed the best way for him to overcome the tribulation. If one of you wants to overcome the tribulation one day, you must think about your own advantages, do what you want, and not be confused by others. Excuse me, all bets will be the result."

"The experience of other people is just experience. If you copy the experience of the predecessors, you will definitely die!"

Xiao Lang and the others were startled when they heard the words, but they didn't expect that True Monarch Ice and Fire would actually recognize Li Xueya's way of crossing the Tribulation, and their spirits were startled.

"You mean, Second Uncle, he should be able to successfully overcome the catastrophe?"

True Monarch Ice and Fire smiled upon hearing this.

"No, I'm just saying that he is more likely to succeed in crossing the Tribulation, not that he has no possibility of death."

"This is the case with martial arts. Nothing is certain. This is the greatest charm of martial arts. Just like that sentence, do your best and know the destiny."

"The same is true for monasticism. For some things, you can do your best, so why care about the result? Just like Li Xueya, he probably put his life and death out of control before deciding to do this. Sometimes the more you think about it, the easier it is to fall into the quagmire. , It's better to give it a go."

Li Qingshan and others were at a loss upon hearing this.

In a word, you are not sure if it is enough, why bother to say so much?

Only Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, thoughtfully.

He heard it, True Lord Binghuo said these words to him!

True Lord Binghuo knew that he had failed on the Tongtian Bridge, and it was precisely these words that were used to educate him.

Xiao Lang admitted that these words were really effective for him. Some things are indeed doing everything, knowing the fate. Compared with just stepping on the Tongtian Bridge, Xiao Lang also noticed that his mentality was getting more and more impetuous, not as stable as before.

But, is the result really not important?

Xiao Lang couldn't help but fell into contemplation, but part of his mind still fell in the **** light in the dark cloud. Li Xueya was crossing the catastrophe, of course he couldn't care less.


The thunder roared, and the power of heaven and earth shook.

Li Xueya's sword light and blood became more and more vigorous, almost piercing through the dark clouds and piercing the sky. But the same is true for Thunder Tribulation, the thunderbolt falls, and it is endless. Standing in the distance, Xiao Lang and others can even see vaguely. Li Xueya's coat is ragged, with blood falling down, and he is obviously injured!

Tianwei cannot be shaken!

Li Xueya almost can't hold it?

Do not!

Obviously not!

"Hahahaha, you want to take my life, take my power?"

"My life, you can take it away! But my power... it's mine! Life, it's mine, death, it's still mine!"

"You recognize it, it is mine, if you don't recognize it..."

"It's still mine!"


Li Xueya's fierce roar sounded, and the blood became brighter, and it seemed that he was already fighting desperately. Li Qingshan and the others couldn't help being frightened and worried for Li Xueya when they saw this scene.

But at this moment, they didn't realize that when these words of Li Xueya passed into Xiao Lang's ears, Xiao Lang's body trembled suddenly, as if struck by lightning, his eyes were completely lost.

"my power!"

Xiao Lang seemed to lose his mind at once, but no one knew that when Li Xueya's roar came, like Pangu opened the world, the great axe fell, cutting away the entanglement and unwillingness in his heart, and also smashing the endless confusion!


"My power! I always feel that my power has reached the limit, but that is my limit, is it their limit?"

Xiao Lang fell into a bit like a demon. It suddenly occurred to him that when he realized the sharp power of Thunder, he would try to control his first power of Dao. The power of Dao of Thunder was circulating around his body, and the feeling of cheering and excitement came like a bird found. I found my lair, rejoicing.

At that time, Xiao Lang really felt that he and them were one.

That is his power and part of him.

But later, as he entered the Ting Chaohou Mansion and practiced in the Demon Blood Proving Ground, everything changed. Xiao Lang never felt the "emotions" of his own power again, but desperately improved his control of power.

"I just reached the limit of my power control. This is just my limit."

"But for them, is this really the limit?"

Xiao Lang suddenly felt that he had taken the wrong path before.

He has been trying to control power, but never felt that they are part of himself. Finally at this moment, he was awakened by Li Xueya's explosive roar.

"The recognition of martial artist by power is different from the control of martial artist by martial artist."

"So, before I thought about it, they are just tools. They are my tools to improve my combat effectiveness. No, they are not!"

"Actually, they have always been a part of me!"



Xiao Lang, realize it!

I saw him sitting cross-legged on the ground, the power of the true spirit dissipated, and in an instant, the surrounding colorful light was shining, the thunder circulated, dozens of powers of the avenue swarmed, wandering around his body, and familiar feelings surged in his heart.

Xiao Lang smiled.

"This is me, the complete me."

At this moment, Xiao Lang had no distracting thoughts, and even forgot that Li Xueya in front of him was crossing the catastrophe, immersed in the power of the great road, as if lost, but his heart was clear, like a plume of autumn water after autumn, quiet No waves.

"this is……"

Li Qingshan and the others immediately noticed Xiao Lang's changes and were surprised, not knowing what happened to Xiao Lang. Only True Monarch Binghuo had a glint in his eyes, feeling the power of Xiao Lang's surging spirit, and he was surprised:

"The heart is like a mirror?!"


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