Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 408: visit

The heart is like a mirror?

what is that?

Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng and others had never heard of the concept of the state of mind and nature. But I saw True Monarch Binghuo with surprise on his face, but he could no longer look at Li Xueya who was entangled with Lei Jie, his eyes fixed on Xiao Lang.

"I didn't expect him to break through at this time?"

"He hasn't reached the point where his heart is like a mirror before. How did he comprehend so many great avenues of heaven and earth?"

True Lord Ice and Fire originally thought that he had raised dozens of avenues on the Tongtian Bridge to the mid-Era Realm peak level because he had already understood the reason that his heart was like a mirror. But now it seems that things are far from that simple.

He just realized it!

"Doesn't this mean that once he leaves the customs, his combat power will increase again?"

At this moment, True Monarch Ice and Fire couldn't help but stop breathing, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he knew that Xiao Lang had already reached the forty-fifth pass of Tongtianqiao, and only the last three passes were left before the forty-eight pass to become a disciple of the Zhantaizong!

If his combat power breaks through again...

"Teach the disciples!"

"Does he really have the possibility of becoming the first disciple of my Zhan Taizong since the fall?"

Thinking of this, even True Monarch Ice and Fire couldn't help but be frightened by the thought in his heart.

It is really possible!

And hope is great!

"My Zhan Taizong inheritance is hoped to see the sun again!"

The first thing True Monarch Binghuo thought of was this, he was very excited, but he soon calmed down, recovered his calmness, and frowned.

After Xiao Lang's breakthrough this time, it is indeed very likely that he will become the master disciple of their Zhan Taizong, but there is a premise in this, that is, Xiao Lang must have hope after the breakthrough!

How long will he retreat this time?

According to Zhan Taizong's rules, he had only the last few months left in the Tongtian Bridge.

If Xiao Lang couldn't wake up during this period, he could only wait until twenty years later to come here again. But twenty years... the variables are too big!

"You must wake up!"

With the character of True Monarch Ice and Fire, he felt intense anxiety at this time, and his eyes were full of expectation.


Here, True Monarch Ice and Fire began to wait.

He didn't even look at Li Xueya again. Of course, the reason was not only because of Xiao Lang, but also because True Lord Ice and Fire knew that it was only a matter of time before Li Xueya completed this thunder tribulation, and it was impossible to fail.

At this moment, the other side--

Shenchi star.

One of the largest planets in the West Desert Star Sea, and also the most prosperous planet. The reason why there are so many people here is that it is safe enough, and there is almost no war between the right and the demons.

Because since thousands of years, Shenchi Star has belonged to Tianfu Palace.

This is the base camp of Tianfu Palace in the Star Sea of ​​West Desert!

Of course the demonic forces dare not come here, it is just a word when they come—


Today, Shenchi Star has a group of distinguished guests.

The holy city, Tianfu Palace is the largest city on the star of Shenchi and the center of power. I don't know how many Era Realm powerhouses have been stationed here, and there are even many Top Venerable Era Realm Dzogchen peaks.

On this day, Yang Guang, who got the news, came out long ago to wait.

at last.


The teleportation formation in the center of the city flashed, and a team of dozens of people appeared. Yang Guang's eyes lit up, and he immediately followed Shi Qian to greet him with a smile on his face.

"Brother Deng Chun, my little brother finally gave you hope!"

"I haven't seen you for nearly 20 years, man, you can count it!"

Not bad.

The one who came to visit the holy city today is Taiyi, Deng Chun!

The old agreement between the two finally became a reality.

Deng Chun walked out of the teleportation formation with Lin Hao beside him. When he saw Yang Guang and Shi Qian, smiles immediately appeared on his faces, full of apologies:

"Retreat for a while, forget the time, come late, come late!"

"Brother Yang, I'm bothering you!"

After all, they are the companions who fought side by side in the ruins of the ancient proverb star. With just one battle, a deep friendship can be formed. What's more, it is not an ordinary battle, but a life and death battle between the top veterans!

Yang Guang laughed at the words:

"Hahahaha, Brother Deng is polite. If you came a few days ago, I wouldn't have the time to receive you. I haven't been out for a long time."

When Deng Chun heard the words, the smile on his face became stronger.

He doesn't know whether Yang Guang's remarks are true or false, but the other party's words are already quite shameful.

"Go, a few drinks first?"

Deng Chun suggested that only this time, Yang Guang shook his head slightly and smiled mysteriously:

"Hey, brother Deng, don't be polite to me. I know that this time you came to Shenchi Star, but you are not just looking for an old friend to talk about the past, I know your purpose."

"Don't worry, I have all arranged!"

"Let's go straight to the subject!"

"Follow me, I'll take you to meet the person you want to see. I asked when I knew you were coming. Elder Sun has been free recently and is in the mansion. Let's go directly to his mansion!"

Elder Sun!

Upon hearing this, Deng Chun's eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked at Yang Guang gratefully.

On the way he came, he was still thinking about how he would tell Yang Guang afterwards. Unexpectedly, Yang Guang still remembered his old expectations.

"Brother Yang, the situation is angry!"

"Okay! Now that Brother Yang has arranged everything, I'm not welcome!"

Deng Chun's spirit was stunned, and he couldn't help but immediately walk with Yang Guang, his feet were lifted, and then suddenly he thought of the people behind him. They are all the sages of the Era Realm of the Tai Family, and this time following him is to learn more.

"It's just my doormen..."

Yang Guang waved his hand happily:

"Let Shi Qian arrange!"

"Deng Chun won't worry about us, right?"

Deng Chun laughed at the words: "Hahaha, of course I believe it. If I don't even believe Brother Yang, who else can believe?"

Deng Chun also simply signaled that everyone behind him had followed Shi Qian. In the middle, he hesitated and wanted Lin Hao to go with him, but after thinking about it, he still didn't do so.

Too petty.

I said that I believed it, it would be too much to do so.

Moreover, this is the star of Shenchi, the holy city. As soon as he landed, without careful investigation, when Deng Chun landed, he felt that a dozen or so divine thoughts were no less than his own. Perhaps he took it back after seeing Yang Guang greeted him.

If Tianfu Palace really wants to make things difficult for itself and others, or even force it, there is no way for it.

Therefore, Deng Chun immediately wanted to open it and let Lin Hao go with him.

When Yang Guang saw this, his eyes flashed, and his smile became stronger. Without hesitation, he waved his hand:


Yang Guang jumped into the sky.

The holy city does have an order to ban air, and even Venerable Age Realm is restrained. But Era Realm Dzogchen does not need to follow such regulations.


The three rushed up, Yang Guang in front, Deng Chun and Lin Hao in the back, and went straight to the largest manor in the center of the holy city, and fell outside the door.

The expression on Yang Guang's face has obviously become more respectful:

"Inform, Yang Guang brought a friend from Taiyi to visit."

The concierge of the manor obviously knew Yang Guang, so he quickly bowed his hands and said respectfully:

"Elder Yang, my master said that if you come with a friend, you can go directly to the conference hall and wait. The master is dealing with some trivial matters and should be there from time to time."

When Yang Guang heard this, his pupils brightened, and he immediately stepped into the door, signaling Deng Chun and Lin Hao to follow.

The master didn't come out to greet?

Deng Chun and Lin Hao did not show any dislike on their faces.

Because they knew what kind of person they were visiting today, in front of the manor owner, even if they were several times stronger, they might not be enough to see.

That was the strongest Venerable who stood at the pinnacle of the Era Realm, and was only a short distance from the Immortal Realm Saint Master!

Yang Guang seemed to have been here many times. He took Deng Chun and Lin Hao on the road in a light car. Deng Chun and Lin Hao didn't even dare to spread their spiritual thoughts here to check the terrain.

"Elder Sun is busy. I have been busy in Shenchi Star for these years, preparing for the battle of righteous demons. Don't worry, Brother Deng and Brother Lin, let's wait a moment."

Yang Guang explained, Deng Chun and Lin Hao nodded quickly to express their understanding.

Finally, the spacious conference hall arrived. When Yang Guang and the three stepped into it, they suddenly found that tables, chairs and banquets were already placed inside, and servants stepped forward:

"Elder Yang, the master said that he will let you entertain guests first, and he will arrive later."

Yang Guang laughed blankly after hearing this:

"It seems that Lao Sun is really busy. He won't be able to come for a while. Come on, Brother Deng and Brother Lin, you are welcome, let's have a few drinks first and wait for him."

Yang Guang opened the table and chairs and signaled Deng Chun and Lin Hao to sit down. This time it was their turn to hesitate. Deng Chun hesitated:

"Is this... too rude?"

"Want to wait for Elder Sun to come and let us proceed?"

Yang Guang saw the formality on Deng Chun and Lin Hao's faces, smiled, unceremoniously set an example, and sat down first:

"do not worry."

"Elder Sun is very easy to touch and has no pretensions. Normally, we find him to do errands. If he is not free, he will do the same. Let us wait a while. No problem."

"Come, sit down!"

"I haven't seen him in more than ten years. Brother Deng must have improved again, right?"

Seeing Yang Guangshuluo, Deng Chun and Lin Hao looked at each other, but they still sat down. At the beginning, they were a little bit cautious. After all, this is someone else's territory, and it is a super power that they dare not match.

But I couldn’t help but drink for three rounds. Deng Chun and Lin Hao gradually let go. The three of them pushed their cups and changed their cups. They talked about the most. In addition to the progress in martial arts cultivation, naturally there is also what happened in the ancient proverb star ruins. Battle.

"Hahaha, demons, but little Doyle. The fame is great, but the combat power is just like that. Ten years ago, I was able to fight two alone, and now... hey, four of them go together, I'm not afraid! "

Deng Chun said confidently, Yang Guang's pupils lit up when he heard this, and he was quite surprised:

"Brother Deng Chun, have you realized the second avenue of fire?"

Deng Chun's strength increased so quickly, Yang Guang could only think of this reason. Sure enough, Deng Chun hesitated for a moment without concealing:


"It will be almost transparent in a hundred years."


Yang Guang was even more surprised when he heard this.

Hundred years is simply a matter of fingertips to the Venerable Era Realm, and it can almost be ignored. But Deng Chun was about to comprehend the second fire avenue. Yang Guang knew what it meant. His mood was shaken, and he couldn't help raising his cup:

"Then I, Yang, once again wish Brother Deng to be the strongest Venerable!"

Not bad.

Comprehending two complete avenues proves that he can try to merge the avenues! Once the great avenues are successfully integrated, he will be the strongest venerable, and I don’t know how many times the combat power will be increased compared to the powerful who can only comprehend a complete avenue!

Deng Chun waved his hand after hearing the words:

"It's early, without a stroke of horoscope."

But he still raised the cup in his hand: "However, I still have to thank Brother Yang for his good words!"

The wine in the glass was drunk as quickly as possible, and the servant who was waiting on it had filled it up. Deng Chun looked at the liquor rippling in the glass, but could not help thinking of someone in his heart, and exclaimed:

"In fact, to say thank you, the one we should be most grateful to is Xiaoyou Xiao. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be able to get the original power of that silk avenue so easily. After more than ten years, we would find another road."

Yang Guang also showed recollection when he heard the words, and was full of emotion:

"Yes indeed."

"It's a pity that little friend Xiao Lang is not here. If we gather together, it would be so refreshing!"

Yang Guang said, in a complicated mood, he couldn't help raising his glass again, and wanted to drink with Deng Chun and Lin Hao, but just as the glasses of the three of them were about to meet together, suddenly, there was a slightly suspicious voice outside the door. Came:

"Little friend Xiao Lang?"

"Which Xiao Lang are you talking about?"


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