Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 409: Each has actions


The sudden sound from outside the door immediately shocked Yang Guang and the three of them. Yang Guang was the first to react and immediately put down the wine glass and stood up from his seat.

Deng Chun and Lin Hao also reacted.

The owner of this manor is here!

The two immediately got up and looked at the door of the chamber, only to see a small black old man who looked thin and without any imposing momentum came quickly. From the surface, there was really no imposing momentum at all, but when Deng Chun, Lin Hao's gaze fell on him, but his heart trembled suddenly.

As Venerable Era Realm, they have long known that people can't just look at the surface.


This black and thin old man's aura is really too strong, just walking towards him, he actually gave Deng Chun and Lin Hao the feeling of a mountain craving, a landslide, and a sense of oppression. The hair is terrifying, 36,000 people. The pores are erected, like facing a peerless beast!

This is the strongest Venerable!

The Supreme Elder of Tianfu Palace!

It's not that Deng Chun has never seen the strongest Venerable. As a matter of fact, as the top venerable one of the Taiyi family in recent years, he has visited many of the strongest veterans, and Taiyi also has this level of existence, but compared with the black and thin old man in front of him...

Nothing compares!

"Even among the strongest sages, he is considered the top existence!"

Deng Chun and the two were shocked, and it was not until the old man walked closer that they suddenly woke up and hurriedly bowed their hands in salute:

"I have seen Elder Sun!"

"Meet Venerable Wuji!"

If Xiao Lang saw this scene here, he would be surprised.

Not bad.

The owner of this manor is Venerable Wuji!

Venerable Wuji was similar to what Xiao Lang did when he first saw him in the past, with ordinary clothes, but from the surface, he couldn't see his speciality at all.

Facing the salutes of Deng Chun and Lin Hao, Venerable Wuji would certainly not sit idly by. Even if he was very curious, why suddenly he heard Xiao Lang's name at this time, he still responded immediately.

"Deng Chun, Lin Hao, right?"

"These old men also want to visit Taiyimen, but they are too busy and have no time. It is the first time to contact you here, and it made you wait for half a day. It's because the old man is not well mannered and hopes to forgive him."

How dare Deng Chun and Lin Hao really accept the apology of Venerable Wuji, waved their hands again and again:

"Senior is polite, Brother Yang treated us well."

Venerable Wuji nodded when he heard this.

"That's good."

"But I heard Yang Guang just talked about a little friend named Xiao Lang? Why, he is also related to your experience at Gu Yanxing?"

From the words of Venerable Wuji, Deng Chun and Lin also heard that Yang Guang had already told Venerable Wuji what happened to the ancient proverb star ruins.

Of course they don't care.

They will do the same.

In fact, they had already done it. After leaving the ancient proverb star ruins and returning to the sect, they immediately reported everything that had happened.

When Yang Guang was pressed, he couldn't help but stunned, and then quickly answered:


"Elder Sun, when I told you before, I didn't talk about little friend Xiao Lang?"

Seeing Venerable Wuji shaking his head, Yang Guang was annoyed:

"That's what I forgot, it's my negligence."

"We did meet a little friend named Xiao Lang inside, and we were able to have such a big gain that time, thanks to him. It's a pity that when we came out, he was no longer there, and we didn't ask him to go. Where is it."

Yang Guang then recounted everything that happened in the ancient proverb star ruins in great detail, sighing again and again:

"Little friend Xiao Lang is really courageous, rich and powerful."

"Bravely used the martial arts cultivation in the early stage of the Era Realm to smash the top venerables and seek the lives of everyone in the Hidden Demon Sect and the Ming Dynasty. In order to let Brother Deng Chun and I act, I even paid the price of 20,000 wood spirit According to my analysis with Brother Deng, there should be a powerful family and power in his body, and there must be an immortal monarch! The speed of the puppet next to him is really terrifying that I have never heard of before!"

Courageous and strategic, rich and powerful?

Venerable Wuji frowned slightly when he heard this.

Is it him?

Hearing what Yang Guang said about Xiao Lang's martial arts cultivation, Venerable Wuji felt very similar. But using the martial arts cultivation in the early stage of the Era Realm to smash the top venerable frontally, is this really what Xiao Lang he knew could do?

And also has his own team, faintly headed by him.

There is money and power...

Venerable Wuji almost overthrew the guess in his heart when he heard it, but at this moment, his inspiration flashed and said:

"So what does Xiao Lang look like?"

Yang Guang immediately used his supernatural power to condense Xiao Lang's image, and immediately took shape:

"It's like this."

"Tsk tusk, it's too young to be too young!"

Yang Guang looked at Xiao Lang and sighed, Shi Qian and Deng Chun did the same, so they didn't see the Venerable Wuji who was standing behind them suddenly shrank his pupils, and a flash of astonishment flashed under his eyes.

"Really him?"

"My little apprentice who will go his own way?!"

Venerable Wuji recognized Xiao Lang!

After all, Xiao Lang hadn't changed his appearance, he was so familiar. In addition, Venerable Wuji believed that there would never be anyone pretending to be Xiao Lang, a martial artist in the early era, and no one would care about it in the West Desert Star Sea. How could it be possible to pretend to be him?


"What happened to him all these years?"

"No! Not these years, just three or four months!"

Although he and Xiao Lang have been separated for more than ten years so far, Venerable Wuji suddenly remembered that the Xiao Lang mentioned by Yang Guang and Deng Chun was Xiao Lang ten years ago. At that time, they were separated only three or four years ago. Months only.

Is Xiao Lang already able to enter the ruins of a strong Samsung?

And with the help of the special weapon in his hand, beheaded a true top venerable?

Beside him, there also appeared a super slave whose body skills reached extreme speed, beyond the reach of Yang Guang, Deng Chun and others?

For a time, even with the experience of Venerable Wuji, this moment could not help but feel a little confused.


Has he ever seen a person improve so quickly?

Even if this person is his apprentice...

But Venerable Wuji soon woke up.


"He must have got something against the heavens! Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a powerful achievement in such a short time!"

Venerable Wuji was still knowledgeable, and he found the truth and key points all at once. But even so, it couldn't relieve his shock.

"My disciple, it's against the sky!"

"General inheritance is definitely not going to allow him to get to this point in such a short period of time. Could it be that he got the inheritance of an immortal monarch?"

The more Venerable Wuji thought about it, the more scary he became, and he couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart.

At this moment, the eyes of Yang Guang and Deng Chun were all focused on Xiao Lang's image, and they did not notice the change in Venerable Wuji's expression. When Yang Guang turned around, the expression on Venerable Wuji's face had already returned to calm. .

"Elder Sun, do you know him?"

Yang Guang finally realized that it was strange that Venerable Wuji always asked Xiao Lang, and asked bluntly.

Venerable Wuji hesitated, shook his head and said:

"do not know."

"I just listened to what you said was magical, and wanted to invite him to join our Tianfu Palace."

Yang Guang smiled bitterly upon hearing this:

"Don't think about this. I asked him once in it. Not only me, but Brother Deng Chun also sent out an invitation under the name of Taiyi, but he refused them all."

"I think he must be supported by a large family or force behind him. It is very likely that he belongs to the Temple of War, but it is not convenient to say."

Yang Guang curled his lips, Venerable Wuji couldn't help laughing when he heard the words.

Temple of War?

The Temple of War does not have this capability!

As for rejection...

How does he accept?

Because he was originally from our Tianfu Palace!

Venerable Wuji smiled, feeling very relieved that Xiao Lang had made such a huge improvement in such a short time when he came to Xingchenhai in West Desert.

As early as when the two were separated, Venerable Wuji still worried that Xiao Lang would be devastated because of this, and now it seems...

"It's because I thought too much."

"Perhaps even if the master makes a move, he can't live so wonderfully, right?"

Venerable Promise immediately converged with a thought.

In any case, it is always wrong to slander your master...

Venerable Wuji rationalized his thoughts and said:

"I think I can give it a try."

Yang Guang’s proposal to Venerable Wuji is not surprising at all. After all, Venerable Wuji is best known for his love for talent, and said helplessly:

"But I can't find it."

"They should have been inside when we came out, but they should have left long ago."

"I have asked someone to inquire about them over the years, but unfortunately, I didn't find out about them. Maybe it's because they are worried about the Ming Dynasty's revenge. They are hiding well."


Venerable Wuji frowned slightly. Although Yang Guang said that he had searched for it and Deng Chun did the same thing, Venerable Wuji still felt that he had overlooked something. He meditated and suddenly flashed in his mind:

"There is another possibility—"


"He got the inheritance of the True Lord of Ice and Fire in the Temple of Ice and Fire, so he didn't come out."

Yang Guang and Deng Chun were shocked when they heard the words. Under the reminder of Venerable Wuji, they immediately thought of some legends about the ancient proverb star. They looked at each other and saw each other's eyes.

"You always mean that he has the inheritance of the ancient proverb star?"

"There is indeed such a thing in history. Someone came out after a full twenty years after entering the ancient proverb star ruins. Is this also the case with little friend Xiao Lang?"

Although there was still a lot of hesitation in the words, Yang Guang, Deng Chun, and Lin Hao had already believed in these words.

Is it possible?


And the possibility is not small!

At this moment, Yang Guang and Deng Chun also thought of the "strongest chance" that True Monarch Ice and Fire said when they and others entered the fourth floor of the Ice and Fire Temple.

"Does it mean the inheritance of the ancient proverb star?"

"Did you get it by Xiao Lang?"

While Yang Guang, Deng Chun and others were still surprised, Venerable Wuji had already made a decision--

"A few months before the twenty-year period expires?"

"We'll know when we go there."

Venerable Wuji is going to find Xiao Lang?

Yang Guang was shocked when he heard the words, but thought that Venerable Wuji's favorite thing was to recruit various geniuses into his sect, and he was relieved immediately.

"no problem!"

It hits it off.

Here, Yang Guang, Deng Chun, and Lin Hao are still looking forward to meeting Xiao Lang again, not seeing Venerable Wuji with a stronger smile in his eyes:

"My good apprentice, I didn't expect to meet you like this. It seems that the relationship between you and me is deeper than I thought!"

Venerable Wuji looked forward to the reunion with Xiao Lang even more.

But what they didn't know was that there was also a conversation about Xiao Lang on another planet that was hundreds of millions of miles away from Shenchi Star.

Only this conversation was far less relaxed and pleasant than the four of them.

On the contrary, there is infinite murder in it!


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