Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 410: Order of the Emperor Ming

Ming Dynasty.

As one of the five ancient martial dynasties, the top power of the West Desert Star Sea, the Ming Dynasty occupies a very wide area, occupying several star regions, forming a space of its own, almost isolated from the outside world.

They have such confidence.

Because it's strong enough!

Even more because they have an immortal monarch-master level powerhouse-Emperor Ming!

As the emperor-lord of the immortal realm, Emperor Ming has a superb status and has long been no longer involved in the internal management of the Ming Dynasty. But no one in the Ming Dynasty dared to disrespect him.

He is the mainstay of the entire Ming Dynasty, the existence of the strongest!

The Ming Dynasty hasn't made waves for a long time, because they have little contact with the outside world, and their internal forces are extremely stable, and it is true that nothing major will happen.

But today is different.

Emperor Ming is out!

There are very few people who know, but as long as they know, they gathered in the palace of the Daming Palace today, standing in line, silently waiting.

Those who are qualified to stand here are naturally at least top-ranked existences, and the strongest ones occupy most of them. They are all descendants of Emperor Ming.

Like other ancient Wu dynasties, the Ming dynasty was extremely concerned about family unity.

When the Ming emperor left the customs, everyone gathered together, which was the custom of the Ming Dynasty.

But similar to most of the previous situation, Emperor Ming was not present.

Everyone had been waiting here for three to five days since they knew that Emperor Ming was about to leave. Finally on this day, at noon, a steady and heavy voice came from nowhere, spreading through the entire hall.

"It's all here, why don't you see Yueshan?"

Everyone was shocked with joy and joy.



"Congratulations to the ancestors for leaving the customs!"

Respectful greets are endless.

As the dynasty ruled by the family, it is not enough to have the ability alone. The Guwu dynasty believes that only the bloodline passed down is the purest. Most of the people present are Empresses of the Ming Dynasty.

Yue family.

Master of Ming Dynasty!

Yue Shan is the seventh great-great-great-grandson of Emperor Ming, and the most dazzling one of the seventh generation. He became a top sage at a young age, and he still has some weight in the family, mainly potential.

If Yue Shan could become the strongest venerable, his status would naturally be even higher.

But he obviously has no hope.

After congratulating, a middle-aged man in a python shirt stepped forward, bowed and saluted the empty throne, and replied:

"Back to the ancestor, Shan'er's soul monument suddenly shattered nineteen years ago."

Yueshan is dead?

Not many top sages of the Ming Dynasty died.

This is also because they often do not participate in external disputes. The death of a top venerable person is indeed a rare event for the Ming Dynasty. This is also the reason why the Ming Emperor can find out that Yueshan is not there in the first time.


Emperor Ming's voice sounded, his voice was calm, and there was no sadness or joy.

As the immortal monarch-lord, he has lived for too long. He has already seen through the life and death of people. The only thing he can't let go is the whole family.

Just the death of a descendant of seven generations will not cause him much psychological fluctuation. Of course, if it was his son or third-generation grandson who died, it would be another matter.

Passed down by blood, of course, the closer the distance, the deeper the relationship.

"How did you die?"

The middle-aged mang Yi bowed his head and replied respectfully:

"My son found out."

"Nineteen years ago, the ancient proverb star ruins opened, Shan'er led the team to enter, and the war broke out with the top veterans. Shan'er was killed."

"The Hidden Demon Sect was also involved, and one person survived, named Qiu Yan. More than ten years ago, under the leadership of the Hidden Demon Sect Master Mo Discizi, I visited the Ming Dynasty and told me the details."

"Participants include Deng Chun and Lin Hao from Taiyi, Yang Guang and Shi Qian from Tianfu Palace. But Shaner's death was done by a young man named Xiao Lang. What treasure did the ancient proverb star ruin get, kill Shan'er with one blow."

"This young man named Xiao Lang is very weird. He is accompanied by an astonishingly fast Senior Master, and he takes over all the magic soldiers on the first and second floors..."

The middle-aged Mang Yi explained everything he knew in detail without concealing it, especially to Xiao Lang.

Because according to the description of the Hidden Demon Sect, Xiao Lang was the culprit who killed Yue Shan.

The middle-aged mang Yi knew his father's character that Jai Xuan must report, and he would definitely not let this Xiao Lang go. This is why he said so in detail.

"This Xiao Lang suddenly rose, but after our investigation, he went to Longyang Star before going to Gu Yanxing and found five major mineral veins. The five major mineral veins were once occupied by several unknown small families, but he found opportunities to kill them all. My son estimated that the amount of wood essence, mudstone, etc. he got was at least one million cubic meters, which is a staggering amount."

"But regarding the sect behind him, the son did not find out."

If Xiao Lang heard these words from the middle-aged man in python, he would definitely be shocked.

He knew that the fact that he had monopolized the Longyang Star mine could not be kept for long, but he did not expect that the Ming Dynasty had investigated it so clearly.

However, this is not all.

"Can't find the sect?"

Emperor Ming's voice sounded calmly.

"Then just kill it."

Emperor Ming downplayed it, as if he was not talking about a human life. The middle-aged man in python lowered his head when he heard the words and continued to answer:

"We are preparing."

"It's just that since Shan'er's death, many people have indeed come out of the ancient proverb star ruins. Deng Chun and others have all come out, but Xiao Lang and the people around him are the only ones."

"The son has sent someone to wait, but I don't know if they are still inside."

Haven't been out for 19 years?

The Emperor Ming also seemed surprised when he heard this, and laughed:

"It seems that he got the inheritance of Zhan Taizong by chance. It doesn't matter. Twenty years have passed, he will naturally come out, kill him, and sacrifice for Shan'er."

Emperor Ming knows the inheritance of Zhan Taizong!


Although the existence of Zhan Taizong is unknown to most of the cultivation world, it must be hidden from top powers such as the Ming Dynasty. Venerable Wuji knew it, and it was no surprise that Emperor Ming knew.

Emperor Ming's instructions are very clear--



The honor of the family must not be lost!


The middle-aged man in python still lowered his head and continued to ask:

"Deng Chun and Lin Hao from that one family and Yang Guang and Shi Qian from Tianfu Palace..."

The middle-aged man in python showed hesitation on his face.

He is the strongest venerable.

Deng Chun, Lin Hao, Yang Guang, and Shi Qian are just top sages. In terms of combat power, he can kill the four of Deng Chun alone, let alone the power of the entire Ming Dynasty.

If you are idle, you will kill if you kill it.

But the four of Deng Chun are not casual cultivators.

There are big forces behind them, and the power of these forces is not under the Ming Dynasty. Because they also have the Immortal Realm Monarch-Lord!

The immortal monarch-lord like Emperor Ming!


Emperor Ming hesitated a bit, but he quickly made a decision: "They ignored the authority of my Ming Dynasty. They killed Shaner and they crossed the line. Even if they died, Taiyimen and Tianfu Palace would not say anything. "

"Find a chance to kill them."

"Then Xiao Lang is the first goal, and the others are the second goals. Just do it, don't be afraid."


call out!

An quaint jade came out of thin air and fell into the hands of a middle-aged man in python.

"This is my differentiated body, take it. If an immortal old ghost makes a move, it can stop a moment."

The middle-aged man in python was shocked when he heard the words, and immediately overjoyed, holding the spar firmly and bowing his head:

"Thank you father!"

He knew that Emperor Ming had entrusted this matter to him. As for this differentiated body, it seems to be to protect itself, but in fact it is only to support itself.

Both he and Emperor Ming knew that this differentiation was not needed for this operation. It is just a shock.

Frighten one party for the family!

"Use with caution, but don't be reluctant."

The voice of Emperor Ming said:

"My Ming Dynasty has not been born for so many years. I am afraid that many people have forgotten us. The unknown Xiao Xiao dared to kill the descendants of my Yue family. This kind of thing will never happen again."

Ming Huang's words couldn't be more clear. The middle-aged man in python quickly nodded when he heard this:

"Yue Sheng understands!"

Emperor Ming knew that Yue Sheng understood what he meant, so he cut off his voice:

"Okay, it's all gone."

With a word, everyone bowed their heads and saluted again:

"Send to the ancestors!"

They stopped for a long time, seeing that there was no more words from Void, then they straightened up and looked at Yue Sheng who was standing in place, with envy in their eyes.

It is also an honor to be able to do things for our ancestors!

And just such a trivial matter, to get the differentiation of the ancestors, to promote power for the Ming Dynasty, which is equivalent to standing in the bright place.

This kind of opportunity makes them envious.

But they also knew that this was what Yue Sheng deserved. He was the first son of Emperor Ming, and he resembled a prince in the Ming Dynasty. Apart from him, who else is eligible to take the Ming Emperor differentiation body?

"Congratulations uncle!"

"Congratulations grandpa!"

With constant congratulations, Yue Sheng couldn't help but raised the corners of his mouth, with a look of joy and constant responses.

"The family depends on you. I will go to Gu Yanxing to do this right away."


Yue Sheng was dispatched.

The entire Ming Dynasty, including Emperor Ming, did not take this matter to heart. For them, Xiao Lang was just a lucky kid, a small upstart.

Nineteen years ago was only the pre-Era Realm, and it was nothing at all.

I don't know how much the entire Ming Dynasty can kill him.

The reason for killing Xiao Lang was to prevent the reputation of the Ming Dynasty from being tarnished, and to deter the major forces, the latter being the most important.

Moreover, it was Yue Sheng who shot this time.

He is the prince. Although he is not the strongest venerable of the Ming Dynasty, he has already reached the ranks of the strongest venerable due to the resources of the Ming Emperor. There are countless ways to save his life. Lord, if you have the Emperor Ming, you can also protect yourself.

This thing is indeed a cheap job for him.

On the same day, Yue Sheng left, and rushed to the ancient proverb star with a dozen top veterans under his command. During this operation, the Ming Dynasty knew very few people, let alone outsiders. Venerable Wuji and others knew nothing.

But they are all waiting.

Wait for Xiao Lang to come out of the ancient proverb star ruins.

At this time, Xiao Lang was still in retreat.


A month.

Two months!

"Not awake yet?"

True Monarch Ice and Fire stared at Xiao Lang who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, frowning. Li Xueya and others stood behind him, looking at Xiao Lang equally worried.

Li Xueya's Thunder Tribulation had passed long ago. At this time, he was already a top venerable one alone, but from the outside, he did not change much.

"Time is running out."

There are still the last three months!

"It's time to wake up too!"

"Enlightenment heart can be as slow as a mirror? This kid, isn't he enlightening martial arts!"

True Monarch Binghuo became a little impatient, and he guessed in his heart that he couldn't help but try to wake Xiao Lang directly. But in the end he held it back.

"Wait for you another month!"

True Monarch Ice and Fire secretly gave Xiao Lang an ultimatum in his heart.

at last.

On the last day when his patience was at its limit, Xiao Lang finally woke up!


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