Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 411: see through


Xiao Lang's awakening was sudden, and suddenly even the True Monarch Ice and Fire who had been staring at him was taken aback, his eyes opened suddenly, calm and calm, like a drench of autumn water.

"Woke up!"

True Monarch Binghuo was shocked by his own voice again, of course, no one noticed except himself, Li Xueya and others surrounded him.

Xiao Lang stood up from the ground, seeing the worry on the faces of Li Xueya and others, his heart warmed:

"Sorry, I worried you."

"Congratulations, senior, make every effort to make progress."

Xiao Lang knew at the moment Li Xueya that the latter had successfully overcome the catastrophe. Because True Lord Ice and Fire had already said that Li Xueya would either fail and die this time, or succeed in achieving the top position.

Now that Li Xueya was still standing in front of him, naturally he had successfully overcome the catastrophe.

"Thank you."

The unsmiling Li Xueya raised the corners of his mouth to respond. Obviously, Xiao Lang was quite happy to wake up. As for the other part, it naturally stems from his successful promotion.

Seeing Xiao Lang and Li Xueya greeting each other, True Monarch Binghuo had long been unable to bear his temper, so he directly interrupted:


Xiao Lang was also surprised at True Monarch Ice and Fire's eagerness, but he answered immediately.


"The last three levels..."

True Monarch Ice and Fire is full of expectations. Li Xueya and others were surprised when they heard the words. They had no idea what the last three levels of True Monarch Ice and Fire represented, because on the Tongtian Bridge, they only had the qualifications to break through, and they could not get the various benefits of successfully breaking through. Reward after passing a certain level.

Xiao Lang pondered for a moment, then nodded:

"more or less."


True Monarch Ice and Fire immediately showed ecstasy upon hearing this. After so many years of contact, he already knows Xiao Lang's character very well. Xiao Lang is not the kind of wild character that he has one point but can be said to be three points. On the contrary, he often holds a cautious attitude towards certain things. It also includes his evaluation of his combat power.

Xiao Lang said that it was almost the same, that is really hopeful!

How does this make True Monarch Ice and Fire endure his temper?

"Go, try it!"

True Monarch Ice and Fire grabbed Xiao Lang by the arm, and was about to pull him onto the Tongtian Bridge to the 46th pass. Just as soon as he lifted his foot, the peripheral light swept past Li Xueya and others, a glimmer of light flashed under his eyes.

"Forget it, the time is coming anyway, today I will make an exception and take you to take a look."


As he said, they didn't see how True Monarch Binghuo acted, everyone only felt a strong force rise from under him, and clouds and mist passed under him, over hills, and finally settled on one of them.

Level 46!

Xiao Lang was familiar with this place.

But when Li Xueya and others saw the figures carved on the stone stele on this mountain, their eyes shrank.

"Forty-six levels!"

In just a few short years, has Xiao Lang actually reached the 46th level?

You know, apart from Xiao Lang, the one of them who has the most levels to pass through is Li Xueya, which is only thirty-six levels.

Li Qingshan thirty-three pass.

Chi Lian twenty-eight passes.

Chi Guoguo is a venerable of the Light Element, and he is not good at attacking, only eighteen levels.

Zhao Feng was also not good at attacking and stopped at 17 levels.

Of course, this is also the result of their failure to continue for more than a year. I have been practicing in retreat for more than ten years, and the most progress has been in this last year.

Especially that thunder disaster of Li Xueya.

Not only did Xiao Lang understand his heart, he realized that his heart is like a mirror, but Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng and others also have their own gains, but they have not yet expressed these gains and improvements on the level of Tongtianqiao.

Of course, they also have self-knowledge, knowing that even if they pass through the level now, they cannot climb to the forty-sixth level.

This number is terrible!

"The last three levels?"

"It means Xiao Lang is going to pass the forty-eighth level? What rewards will you get if you pass that level?"

Everyone is curious.

At the same time, Xiao Lang had already jumped into the void at the urging of True Monarch Ice and Fire. Looking at the forty-sixth pass in front of him, Xiao Lang's expression was calm, without a trace.

He was not like this a year ago.

A year ago, he struggled with all his strength, made dozens of attempts and finally found a chance to kill his opponent and passed the 45th level. For these forty-six levels, Xiao Lang didn't even have the courage to step on it.

But not anymore.

"Check the results of my retreat."

Xiao Lang stepped out with long legs and landed directly on the ring. Immediately, on the opposite side of the ring, a black figure appeared, enveloped in heavy black mist.

As soon as he appeared, Li Xueya and others immediately looked at Chi Lian.

What a coincidence.

Xiao Lang's opponent in this level is absolutely the Dark Dao!

"So strong!"

Chi Lian's face was solemn, but he couldn't help his face turning pale when he sensed the aura from Xiao Lang's opponent on the ring. It was also the peak of the mid-Era Realm, and it was also the Darkness Venerable. When he felt the aura of the former, Chi Lian even felt afraid to face it.

Although Li Xueya and others are not dark-type venerables, and their feelings are far less profound than Chi Lian's, they can still feel his goodness.

"His combat power increase, I am afraid it has reached forty to fifty times!"

Forty or fifty times?

True Monarch Binghuo heard Li Qingshan's sigh, his eyes flashed, but he didn't explain.

More than forty or fifty times!

The opponent’s combat power increase in level 37 reached forty to fifty times. This is the forty-sixth level. The opponent’s combat power increase in level 37 is -

Eighty-four times!

It's more than half of the 80 times in the 45th level!

Can not ignore this half.

Especially when the combat power reaches a certain level, even a tiny bit of power is enough to affect the direction of the entire battle. That's what the straw that crushed the camel meant.

True Lord Binghuo did not explain, his eyes were locked on Xiao Lang, full of excitement and anxiety.

Is the next moment to witness the miracle?

At this time, Xiao Lang on the ring smiled.

"Eighty-four times, more than I thought."

True Monarch Ice and Fire was suspended in the void, and he was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he was ecstatic.

Xiao Lang saw through the opponent's true combat power!

What does this show?

It shows that his strength is definitely above eighty-four times! As the saying goes, it will be the top of the mountain, and you can see the mountains and small mountains. Only when you stand high can you clearly see the scenery below.

Xiao Lang's position was obviously higher than his opponent!

And at this moment, under the eyes of True Monarch Ice and Fire, Xiao Lang seemed to be random, stepping out in one step, and suddenly, the opponents on the ring had a feeling, and he shot instantly!


The black mist evaporated and enveloped the entire arena, and the opponent disappeared in an instant. Although Li Qingshan, Chi Lian and others watched the battle, they suddenly became blind at this moment, and only the two of Binghuo and Li Xueya looked down with solemn expressions.

Oh, yes, there is still a shortage.

Huang stood still, expressionless, and didn't seem to worry about Xiao Lang on the ring at all.

Where did the opponent go?

can not see it!

Li Qingshan, Chi Lian and others were at a loss, and at this moment--

"Ha ha."

"It turns out that the peak strength has reached an eighty-four times increase in combat power."

Xiao Lang’s chuckle came from the black fog, not only Li Qingshan and Chi Lian were surprised, but even True Monarch Ice and Fire was taken aback when he heard the words. He saw that Xiao Lang’s opponent on the ring turned into an ink line and struck along the surface. , The dagger was in his grip, and the strongest blow was about to erupt immediately. But at this moment, Xiao Lang chuckled and stepped out gently. Thousands of ghosts suddenly appeared behind him, and they merged into one in an instant, suddenly bursting out with extreme speed. Step on it!


The ring is roaring!

The opponent was forced to show up, dagger horizontally, trying to cut through Xiao Lang's throat, only to see Xiao Lang's complexion relaxed, he didn't care at all, he stepped out again, like running clouds and flowing water easily dodge, ignoring the sharpness of wiping his skin. The edge, a punch, the lotus blooms, and the dark thunder is hidden!



one strike!

The black-clothed young man with a dagger in his hand gave a sudden halt and turned into fly ash under the horrified gaze of True Monarch Ice and Fire. The smoke disappeared, and the ring regained clarity. Only Xiao Lang just turned around and stepped off the ring. His back was confident, making True Monarch Ice and Fire. Can't help but move.

What did he see?

"The power of the three great avenues blend together!"


At the moment just now, Xiao Lang suddenly merged into the power of three kinds of Thunder Avenue!

The meteor and the violent Leilian exploded with more than 86 times the ultimate combat power, directly blasting the opponent!

Moreover, looking at Xiao Lang's calm and calm appearance, he obviously didn't use his full strength.

"The transformation is so big?"

True Lord Ice and Fire was stunned.

But it was not only these that shocked him most, but Xiao Lang's performance before he bombed his opponent.

The ultimate combat power increased by eighty-four times!

What does it mean?

This means that Xiao Lang not only sees through the peak combat power of his opponent, but even sees through his tricks!

The so-called increase in combat power, generally speaking, is the peak and ultimate combat power, just like Xiao Lang's opponent just now. The moment the dagger was swung, the increase in combat power was the most terrifying, reaching eighty-four times.

But under normal circumstances, it is not that strong.

Such as Xiao Lang, without using the power of the three Thunder Avenues to blend, his combat power could not reach the terrifying 86-fold increase.

"How did he do that?"

"A sense of power of the avenue?"

"But he's not a Dark Venerable either!"

True Lord Binghuo was puzzled, but before he had time to ask, Xiao Lang had already set foot on a new ring——

Forty-seventh level!

The second to last hurdle to become a disciple of Zhan Taizong!


The opponent manifested, the golden light was dazzling, and he was a gold-type sage, with a sharp aura, which made Li Xueya and the others uncontrollable. Xiao Lang didn't care, and smiled slightly.

"Eighty-six times!"

Not bad.

Xiao Lang once again saw through the opponent's peak combat power!

Just like True Monarch Ice and Fire had judged, he did see through based on the strength of the power of the road lingering around his opponent. In fact, the reason why Xiao Lang was able to do this was far less mysterious than True Lord Ice and Fire imagined.

After the xinxing level reached the heart like a mirror, Xiao Lang found that his control and perception of the power of the great Dao had indeed gone to another level, which was equivalent to that he had 100 points of strength before, but when he exploded in combat power, It can only reach seventy points, and the remaining thirty points are gone.

The heart is like a mirror, so that Xiao Lang's control of his own power has reached 100%!

If it were outside, Xiao Lang would definitely not be able to see through the opponent’s true combat power instantly, just because it was a bridge, and every level was a procedural existence. When the opponent was condensed, everything about him was revealed to Xiao. Before the waves.

Just like the one in front of him, holding a long spear, in Xiao Lang's eyes, the most terrifying part of him is at the tip of his spear. The increase in combat power has reached 86 times, but the golden light in other places is slightly dim, and the increase in combat power is only Six or seventy times.

As for why Xiao Lang is not a Darkness Venerable, he can see through the opponent's combat power, this is naturally because he is a Taoist and possesses a great spirit body!

Great spiritual body, inclusive of all things.

Xiao Lang on the Dark Avenue can still be easily sensed!

"Go to the last level."

Xiao Lang stepped out in one step, his body was like a phantom, the afterimages blended, and the Thunder Lotus bloomed. Under the stunned gaze of True Monarch Ice and Fire, he walked down the ring and walked towards the 48th pass.

The last level!

As long as he has broken through, Xiao Lang will be the first inheritor of the Zhan Taizong to be awarded the title of master disciple in the past hundreds of millions of years!


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