Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 418: Never die


When Sun Wuji watched as Xiao Lang with a look of sorrow was pointed at his belly by the golden figure, and he was trapped in the ground, he only felt that his heart was broken instantly!

"Do not!"

The sound of endless pain swept the earth like a wave.

Xiao Lang is dead!


Even if he didn't see Xiao Lang's corpse, Sun Wuji knew that Xiao Lang would undoubtedly die if he continued this finger!

Because, he was attacked and killed—

"Immortal Differentiation!"

Sun Wuji's eyes were breathing fire.

Deng Chun and Yang Guang were still in a daze. They were immersed in Sun Wuji's strength just now, and they did not guard against sudden changes. This golden figure came too fast, and when he made them react, his finger had already landed on Xiao Lang's abdomen.

"Xiao Lang!"

The expressions of the two changed drastically in an instant, and they subconsciously went straight to the ground, looking for Xiao Lang's figure. But at this moment--


A faint but appalling wave suddenly descended from the sky, as if coming through the space, falling on the golden figure, when the two merged into one—


Deng Chun and Yang Guang suddenly realized that they couldn't move. The space around them seemed to be poured with cement, so strong that they couldn't even move a finger!

They are not the only ones unable to move.

Wan Lai was silent.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, everything is quiet.

The same is true for those people who were still talking about this battle from thousands of miles away, their bodies were stiff, and even their breathing was restrained!

What is this method?

Everyone was horrified, especially the top venerables, looking at the golden figure like a ghost.

"Immortal Realm... Monarch?!"


A wisp of spirit of Emperor Daming descended and merged into his divided body! At this moment, it really has the power of a part of the immortal monarch.

Of course, the true Immortal Realm Lord is much stronger than this, and the real body comes, I am afraid that even the entire ancient proverb star will collapse!

Emperor Daming looked at his hand in doubt, swept the big hole under him, frowned slightly, but did not investigate carefully, raised his head to look at Yue Sheng who was embarrassed in the void, his brows immediately frowned.

But nothing said.

When the soul returned to the body, he already knew what had just happened.

Yue Sheng used his own differentiation body to just kill a Xiao Lang?

This is not overkill.


The Emperor Daming was angry but did not send out, a pair of golden eyes fell on Sun Wuji's body, shrinking slightly:

"A fate is worth a fate, so forget about it."

Forget it?

No one would have thought that the first sentence of Emperor Daming's arrival was actually this. Yue Sheng is probably the only person present who is not suppressed by the monarch, his face changed drastically after hearing this:

"No, father, kill him!"

"He almost killed the baby just now!"

Yue Sheng wanted Sun Wuji to die and wash away his shame! Even more, he wants to make his own shot.

But the next moment, a scene that made him dumbfounded appeared——


Sun Wuji's body was blue and majestic, and the power of the wind system was surging. He did not seem to feel the pressure brought by the division of the Emperor Da Ming. He did not look at himself, but looked at his father, and a cold voice sounded:

"Yue Budie, you old man!"

"Kill my disciple, just want to forget it?"

"No, it's not that simple. Today you kill my disciple, Yue Sheng's order is just interest. You'd better not come out of your princes and grandchildren, otherwise, I will kill you all!"


Yue Sheng was shocked when he saw this, and couldn't hide his horror.

what's the situation?

Under the violent pressure of his father's immortal monarch, Sun Wuji could still move? !

Not only could he move, he even dared to threaten his father with words!

Yue Sheng is going crazy.

He never thought there would be such a scene.


In an instant, the coercion from the void became stronger, and the face of Emperor Yue Wudie suddenly changed, and his golden pupils stared at Venerable Wuji, killing intent surging out:

"Sun Wuji, I think you are not easy to practice, and you are still young. I should have not heard what you said just now. But don't let me hear it a second time, otherwise..."

However, he hasn't finished speaking yet--

"Otherwise what?"

Sun Wuji uttered a sudden, and strongly interrupted Yue Fudie's words, coldly speaking, and anger was hidden:

"You have a chance to synthesize immortal waste and want to kill me just because of a different body? It's ridiculous!"

"I think you are afraid, right? I'm afraid that my master will come to the door and wipe out your Ming Dynasty!"

"Don't worry, my Tianfu Palace is upright and upright. If I want to kill you a pair, I will definitely kill you. I won't sit in the immortal realm and kill the juniors like you did in the Ming Dynasty!"

"Or, do you want to practice with me now? I want to see, your differentiated physique can hold it under my gun for a few rounds. Did you kill me first, or I dismantle you first!"


Sun Wuji burst out like Hong Zhong, shaking the sky, everyone was shocked to hear it, and couldn't believe his ears.

In front of a divided body of an immortal monarch, Sun Wuji dared to be so wild?

Who gave him this courage?

Do not!

Not only courage, but also combat power!

Sun Wuji's daring to challenge the division of Emperor Daming, it shows that he has this confidence in his own strength!

Yue Budie... Will he agree?

Yue Budie's eyes shrank suddenly, and he obviously didn't expect Sun Wuji's reaction to be so strong, the golden light blooming in the depths of his eyes, anger swept across.

His majesty has been tarnished!

Sun Wuji was so humiliated to him with such an attitude!

"Sun Wuji, you are too much, do you really think I dare not kill you?!"

But Yue Budie's response was stunned. Sun Wuji humiliated him like this, but Yue Fudie didn't even make a direct shot? Even if his voice is still full of majesty and shocking, but at this moment, all those who saw this scene could not help but breed an idea in their hearts——

Yue Budie's differentiation body did not dare to fight Sun Wuji!

"Sun Wuji, is it stronger than Yue Wudie's differentiation body?"

Everyone was shocked.

Many of them are aware of the existence of the immortal monarch for the first time. They don’t understand this kind of powerhouse who only exists in legends, but now they see many clues——

The immortal realm differentiation body does not seem to be the opponent of some of the strongest venerables!

Sun Wuji smiled coldly, there was already a bright blue glow on the spear in his hand, and the killing intent in his eyes was steaming, and he seemed to have made up his mind to shoot, and Yue Wudie was waiting even more.

If he is here, he really doesn't care about Sun Wuji.

But now he is just a clone, and he is not sure about the outcome of this battle. However, for the glory of the Ming Dynasty and his own dignity, he had to fight!

A big battle, ready to go?

Everyone was shocked, and even more excited and excited.

The battle between Immortal Realm and the strongest Lord!

How many times can you see this kind of confrontation in your life?


The momentum of the two people was violent, shaking the sky, and rising crazily. Even if everyone stood thousands of miles away, they felt the mighty pressure sweeping over them, unable to stand firm at all, and their faces were shocked.

This battle must be shocking!

For the glory of the Ming Dynasty, Yue Fudie will never avoid fighting!

Similarly, Xiao Lang is dead, and Sun Wuji wants to avenge his disciple, and he will definitely not give up this revenge battle!

However, just when everyone, including Yue Budie and Sun Wuji, believed that this battle must be divided into life and death, suddenly -

"Master, don't shoot!"

A hoarse voice suddenly came, causing Sun Wuji and Yue Budie to lose their spirits. Looking at the deep pit that Xiao Lang had just fallen into, they saw a blood-stained figure in front of them. The blood was never wiped away, and he was extremely embarrassed, but when they saw him at the first glance, both Sun Wuji and Yue Budie couldn't help but their eyes shrank suddenly.


"Brother Xiao!"

"How is it possible that you are not dead?"

Sun Wuji's spiritual formation, Li Qingshan and others who were immersed in grief were also in shock, including the void Yue Sheng, who couldn't help but exclaim in shock at this time.


It was Xiao Lang who crawled out of the cave.

A terrible Xiao Lang in a mess!

But the most important thing is-

He is not dead!

Still alive!

At this moment, Xiao Lang's eyes were blood-red, full of endless killing intent and tyranny. He ignored everyone's exclamation, his eyes fell on Yue Wudie's body, his eyes were like electricity!

"Hehe, I'm troubled by the immortal monarch clone's shot at me, Xiao Lang's face is really great!"

Xiao Lang's cold voice spread throughout the audience, which made people throb.

What is he doing?

Sun Wuji no longer had the urge to shoot, after all Xiao Lang was still alive. He originally thought that Xiao Lang wouldn't let him make a move for his safety, but he didn't expect that Xiao Lang's next sentence came out and directly detonated the audience——

"Master, you don't need to come, one day, I will kill him myself!"

"It's not just your father and son, everyone in the Ming Dynasty, it's best not to let me meet. See one, I kill one. See two, I kill one pair!"

Xiao Lang's body was so angry that his killing intent was terrifying!

"If I don't die today, your Ming Dynasty will die!"

Everyone can see that Xiao Lang is completely ruthless!

But the problem is--

He is not the strongest person!

To threaten an immortal monarch with the martial arts cultivation at the peak of the mid-era realm?

Is he looking for death?

But Xiao Lang obviously didn't care about the people's horrified and astonished gaze, and his strong killing intent went straight to Yue Fudi. Yue Budie's complexion changed a lot, his anger was steaming.

Provoked again?

It used to be Sun Wuji. He thought he was invincible and didn't want to ignore it. But now, even Xiao Lang, a small mid-Era Realm Venerable, dare to desecrate his majesty as the mighty monarch of the Immortal Realm in full view?


With anger, there is fear.

Yue Budie never expected that Xiao Lang would not die when he took a finger from himself head-on!

There is only one explanation-

Xiao Lang has treasures against the sky!

Take the martial arts cultivation in the middle of the Era Realm as a treasure that can stop the immortal monarch level!

And it also means that Xiao Lang has a powerful inheritance, at least the inheritance of the immortal monarch level!

At this moment, Yue Budie was really jealous, because he knew that Xiao Lang dared to say these words in full view of the public, he must have such confidence and trump cards.

Xiao Lang, it might really be a big trouble for his Ming Dynasty in the future!

Since it is troublesome, you can't stay!

"you wanna die!"

Yue Budie’s fingertips suddenly lit up with golden light, bright and dazzling, and Sun Wuji couldn’t help but feel jealous. When he instinctively raised the spear, he did not choose to attack, but turned to look at Xiao Lang, reminding him to flee. .

Yue Budie is going to kill someone!

Although Sun Wuji was sure to kill Yue Wudi one-on-one, but if there were Xiao Lang and others around him, he could not exert his full strength and might not be able to save his life!

However, before he waited for his loud roar, suddenly—


Above everyone's heads, the void exploded, and a violent voice whizzed through the world--

"Yue Budie, you old man, do you dare to touch my fourth brother?!"

"Believe it or not, I will slaughter you the Ming Dynasty tomorrow?!"


With a loud roar, the sky quashed, and everyone looked at the suddenly broken void and the huge gap in space with fear.

Broken Void!

Because of a Xiao Lang...a mid-Era Realm Venerable...just...

Is there another immortal monarch coming?


Under the horrified gaze of everyone, a figure strode in the shattered void and appeared in front of everyone...

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