Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 419: Young Master


The body of the visitor is burly, a bit taller than Yue Undead's differentiated body, his expression is cold, and his aura is like a wave. Everyone feels extremely strong pressure.

But most of this pressure is only aimed at Yue Wudie's differentiation body.

He was too stubborn, suspended directly above Yue Undead's differentiation body, overriding it, extremely domineering, this posture suddenly changed the expressions of Yue Sheng and Sun Wuji.

Especially Sun Wuji, listening to the sudden arrival of the brawny man's voice in the void around him, his heart was shaking.

Fourth brother?

When did Xiao Lang have such a tough brother? How did he never know?


Yue Budie was moved, and the surging pressure from the latter body, even his differentiated body was turbulent. It seemed that he couldn't bear such pressure, especially when he saw the face of the burly man, he couldn't help his face becoming big. change.

"Qin Hai?!"

"Why are you here?"

"Fourth brother? Xiao Lang is your fourth brother?"


Deep fear!

Even if Yue Undying is an immortal realm power, standing at the pinnacle of the martial arts in the great world of Lihuo, at this moment, everyone actually saw a thick jealousy on his face, which made people feel incredible.

Sun Wuji couldn't help his pupils shrinking slightly.

Xiao Lang was even more troubled, his expression slightly changed, but it was not horror, but ecstasy.

Qin Hai is here!

He recognized the third cheapest brother when he became a true disciple of Zhan Taizong!

"Isn't he the strongest venerable, he is still a short distance from the immortal monarch, facing Yue Wudie, he is so strong?"

Xiao Lang was also quite shocked, and what made him even more surprised was that Qin Hai actually shot for him. To be honest, even if they are true disciples of Zhan Taizong, the two of them are only friends in general, and the friendship is definitely not deep, but there is an agreement about the power of the Dao.

If Qin Hai hides from the side and does not show up, he will never find out.

However, Qin Hai not only shot, he still used such a domineering attitude!

How did this make Xiao Lang not moved?

Also more worried.

Because within the scope of his understanding, there is still a certain gap between the strongest venerable and the immortal monarch, he could not help but quickly warned:

"Brother, you..."

However, before Xiao Lang could finish speaking, Qin Hai suddenly lowered his head to look at him, the coldness on his face instantly released, showing a smile, waved his hand, interrupting Xiao Lang's unspoken words, domineeringly:

"Fourth brother, don't worry, leave it to me."

"With me here, this old man would never dare to attack you! If he dares to attack me, I want to see how bold this old man can be!"

"Even if his body is there, there is absolutely nothing to do with my hair!"

So domineering?

Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard the words, and then subconsciously turned his head to look at Yue Fudie. Sure enough, he saw that as Qin Hai had said, he had never taken any action until now. Although his eyes were full of fury, he was still more jealous!


Even in the face of Sun Wuji's challenge, Yue Wudie dared to fight even though he was a divided body. But in the face of Qin Hai, he seemed to have no idea of ​​shooting directly!

But as Qin Hai said, even if Yue Immortal's body is here, he dare not attack him?

Not bad.

Qin Hai did have this confidence.

Yue Budie really didn't dare to make a move!

Similarly, he did not dare to ignore Qin Hai's threat just now.

Xiao Lang and Sun Wuji both said that if you don't die today, you must talk to the Ming Dynasty. In fact, Yue Fudie didn't care about it. As long as Xiao Lang and Sun Wuji did not advance to the position of Immortal Monarch, these words of the two of them would not be considered threats.

With him sitting in the Ming Dynasty, let alone the strongest venerable, even the immortal monarch could not violate at will.

But Qin Hai is different.

He has this confidence and strength!

The strongest person in the space department has this ability!

Entering through the air, coming out through the air, wanton killing, no one can stop, even if he is the immortal monarch, there is no way! Therefore, if Qin Hai is really crazy, even if he sits in the Ming Dynasty, Qin Hai can really slaughter the entire Ming Dynasty, but he can only watch!


Under the eyes of everyone, Yue Wudie's face flushed and his face was extremely ugly, like an eggplant beaten by frost.


"You hate today!"

"What happened today, Yue, remember it!"


Yue Budie said, waving his big hand, his sleeves swept, and Yue Sheng next to him was wrapped in him before he could react for a while, surprised and inexplicably, the next moment, the whole body space suddenly shattered.

"Father, we..."

Yue Sheng was shocked by Yue Wudie's sudden move. He was about to say something, suddenly--

"Shut up, something shameful!"


Before the words came to an end, Yue Budie had already left with Yue Sheng Broken Void, leaving only the inexplicable people thousands of miles away.

what's the situation?

Yue Wudie's differentiation body... escaped?

Why does his last sentence seem to be ruthless? How is it different from those city hooligans who have lost a fight?


Everyone was surprised, and couldn't help but lock their eyes on Qin Hai.

Could it be that he is really the Lord of the Immortal Realm, and he is still the main body?

Otherwise, how could Yue Fudie not even look at Xiao Lang again, and just retreat in embarrassment?

"Qin Hai?"

Someone chanted the name repeatedly in their hearts, feeling a little familiar. And when they were discussing Qin Hai's identity, here, Qin Hai watched Yue Fudie go away dingy, the corners of his mouth curled up, a trace of disdain appeared on his face, as if he was not surprised at Yue Fudie's actions like this.

Then, he lowered his head to look at Xiao Lang, his figure flashed, and he came to Xiao Lang's side, the expression on his face turned into a hearty laugh:

"Hahaha, fourth brother, how is it, your third brother didn't shame you, right?"

"Huh! Just a mere undead Yue, what is the point. When I am promoted to the immortal state one day, I will face him, how to abuse him, and make sure that he will not fight back at all!"

Xiao Lang's expression was stagnant upon hearing this.

He was still in such a domineering shock to Qin Hai just now, but he never thought that the latter suddenly became a different person. At this time, he was showing off everywhere, really that domineering Qin Hai?

Just when Xiao Lang didn't know how to reply, Sun Wuji stepped up, most of his eyes fell on Qin Hai, and said:

"Of course the Young Palace Master has this strength."

"However, this is not a place to talk, let's find another place to talk."

With that said, Sun Wuji looked around, Xiao Lang also noticed the crowd from thousands of miles away, the number of people was increasing, nodded, but before Sun Wuji made a move, Qin Hai had already taken the initiative.

"Go, I'm good at this!"


The surrounding space was shattered again, and Xiao Lang only felt a strong force sweeping over him, wrapping himself up, as if he was about to leave the place with him in the next moment, his face changed drastically.

"Three brothers, wait, there is one of mine..."

But this time, Xiao Lang didn't finish his words. Qin Hai seemed to perceive it long ago. With a lightly hooked finger, the earth and rocks shattered, and a figure buried in it was revealed. Who is Li Xueya?

Li Xueya is not dead yet.

He didn't even fall into a coma, but he was obviously worn out so much that he couldn't even lift the earth and rocks. The green glow on the body surface was the unique light of Wood Spirit Soul. Xiao Lang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw it, and let the power of the surrounding space take him away from this place.


Xiao Lang and others disappeared. People thousands of miles away noticed that they immediately rushed to watch the relics of the war. They were inexplicably excited. They were more curious about Qin Hai, who finally arrived at the end of the battle, and continued to discuss and inquire. .

Finally, after a short while, they learned of Qin Hai’s origins, and their faces were suddenly full of fear...


Xiao Lang naturally didn't know what happened behind him.

He is rushing to somewhere with Sun Wuji's leadership.


Now the leader becomes Sun Wuji.

They just fell into a wilderness.

Halfway through, Qin Hai seemed to realize that he was unfamiliar with the strangers here and didn't know where to go. He still gave Sun Wuji the guidance of the way, and assisted everyone to move forward through the void, extremely fast.

After just a few breaths, they had already arrived on another city of Gu Yanxing and sat in a courtyard.

"This is a stronghold of my Tianfu Palace here."

"Young Master, please sit down."

Sun Wuji was quite concerned about Qin Hai, because he knew the latter's true identity and the title was enough to explain everything.

Qin Hai is the Young Master of the Martial God Hall!

Xiao Lang had also guessed it, and was horrified. He knows the Temple of Martial Arts, and he also knows that Temple of Martial Arts, as one of the most powerful forces in the West Desert Star Sea, is actually the only one, obviously the Qin Family where Qin Hai is located.

Qin Hai can be called the Young Palace Master, obviously his status has already been determined.

He is the future master of the Martial God Temple, the real master!

Deng Chun, Shi Qian and others were even more horrified, and they didn't dare to take a breath when they stood aside. Qin Hai didn't care about Sun Wuji breaking his own identity. After all, he never wanted to hide it before, so he walked forward with a grin:

"Brother Sun is polite."

"I have long heard of Brother Sun's name, and he is even more famous for his first-hand style of Heaven. He was ranked 15th on the Qianlong List. When I saw it today, Brother Sun was indeed well-known and even stronger than the rumors. In my opinion, Sun Brother has at least the top ten strength of Qianlong list, admire, admire!"

"We are only one step away from the Immortal Realm, so don't be so alienated. I am Xiao Lang's third brother again. Let's just be called brothers!"

Qin Hai grinned and took Xiao Lang's hand to sit down. Xiao Lang was embarrassed when he heard the words, and said:

"Three brothers, this is my respected master."


Qin Hai immediately stiffened when he heard the words, his expression was embarrassed, and Xiao Lang stared at him.

He didn't know the relationship between Xiao Lang and Sun Wuji!

This is so embarrassing for him...

Sun Wuji hurriedly rounded the stage, saying:

"It's okay, let's talk about each other."

Qin Hai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and smiled dry cough: "Yes, it's different... our seniority in the cultivation world is sometimes troublesome."

Seeing Qin Hai's face quickly returned to normal, Xiao Lang smiled helplessly, but he also had a deeper understanding of his cheap third brother, or rather, he had already understood it.

"My cheap third brother's temperament is as happy as revealed in the token space..."

Xiao Lang shook his head and sat down beside Qin Hai. Only the three of them were seated in the entire seat. Sun Wuji didn't seem to have any idea of ​​letting others sit down, and when he spoke again, the first sentence was greatly exceeded. Xiao Lang was unexpected.

"Disciple, you can be regarded as famous this time."

"If you have any plans and actions in the future, you must be careful. The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Yue Undying, is a famous little eye among the immortal monarchs. Today we offend him, he will definitely not let it go."

Famous in World War I?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Am I famous now?


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