Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 421: Peak Thunder Fire

"After we separated from you that day, the disciple was depressed, and wandered in the Eastern Region for another month, looking for hope, knowing that there are ancient proverbial relics in the West Desert Star Sea, and it is about to open, so she chose to come West Desert Star Sea. The first random teleportation fell on Longyang Star..."

Xiao Lang spoke carefully, and Sun Wuji listened carefully without interrupting.

He was still quite curious about how the apprentice he had received on the way had changed so much in just twenty years. And when he heard Xiao Lang say that he had occupied the five major mineral veins on Longyang Star and had obtained hundreds of thousands of square meters of the Five Elements Heaven and Earth Treasure, he could not help but open his mouth wide in surprise.

This chance!

Fortunately, he is the strongest venerable.

This kind of opportunity, even the ordinary top venerable can't help it!

Xiao Lang's luck is really good!

Of course, Sun Wuji certainly would not think that Xiao Lang's achievements in this short period of more than 20 years were only because of luck. As expected, when he heard Xiao Lang said that he had inherited power on Longyang Star and entered an independent party. As the space experience, I finally couldn't help it.

"Independent space, and someone exists?"

It was not surprising that Xiao Lang was interrupted, because he knew that Sun Wuji would be surprised. When he concealed the name of listening to Chaohou and decided to speak out the existence of Demon Blood World, he had already thought of how to explain it.


Xiao Lang nodded and looked at Li Xueya and others.

"Senior Li and Tu'er's brothers were all brought out by Tu'er from inside. The Devil Blood World has existed for hundreds of millions of years."

"Zhongtong is the guard of the Hungu mining area, and now he also recognizes the disciple as the master."

Sun Wuji was surprised to look at Li Xueya and others inexplicably. When he received Li Xueya's nod of confirmation, his heart was shaken even more.


"It can create a space for hundreds of millions of years, and the people inside can still live well... this is impossible for even the immortal monarch!"

"Apprentice, the predecessor who sent you to pass on is very likely to exceed the peak of Immortality!"

"The reason why you can stop Yue Wudie's differentiation body is because of this inheritance?"

Sun Wuji thought of the miracle Xiao Lang had created before, and immediately linked these two things together. Xiao Lang was taken aback for a moment, and he chose to nod his head:

"That's it."

"I got a vest that can block a blow from the powerhouse below the third heaven of Immortality."

Xiao Lang also borrowed the donkey from Po Xia to directly count the vestments on Ting Chaohou. After all, he blocked Yue Fudie's blow, not only Sun Wuji knew it, Qin Hai also knew it.

If he said that the clothes were obtained from the ancient proverb star ruins, it would definitely arouse Qin Hai's suspicion. After all, he is also a true disciple of Zhan Taizong, but he does not have such a vestment.

Xiao Lang did this to prevent trouble.

Just as he specially asked True Lord Ice and Fire to turn the token on his waist into the token of the true disciple before coming out of the ancient proverb star ruins, it was also for this purpose.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Sun Wuji exclaimed again and again, and it took a long time to digest all this, but after returning to his senses, he immediately condensed, looking at Deng Chun and Yang Guang who were also shocked, and said sharply:

"What Xiao Lang said today, you must not spread it out. If you let me know, you will definitely not be spared!"

Deng Chun and Yang Guang were awakened when they heard the words, and quickly took an oath, Sun Wuji's expression improved a little, and they looked at Xiao Lang worriedly:

"And you, it doesn't matter if you tell the master about such things, but don't let others know. Your inheritance is quite rare. It must be derived from the power of ancient times. I have never heard of it. In the world of cultivation, the mind There are still a lot of malicious people."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this:

"The disciple understands that I haven't told anyone, because I am a master, so I have no reservations. I have said everything I can say."

Sun Wuji was taken aback when he heard the words, and then his face showed satisfaction.

No one said.

Just tell him this master!

From this it can be seen that Sun Wuji is naturally content with how Xiao Lang's friendship is for him.

"Good good!"

"Come on, you went on to say, what happened after you entered the Demon Blood World and got the recognition of that World World, after the peak of the Early Era Realm."

Xiao Lang noticed Sun Wuji's little pride and smiled, and then he told Li Xueya and others what happened after they came to Gu Yanxing. He also talked about the battle at the Temple of Ice and Fire. He also didn't hide it, because he knew, Before he said it, Deng Chun and Yang Guang must have already talked to Sun Wuji, and there was no need to hide it.

"I accidentally got the inheritance of Zhan Taizong. I have been practicing there for these days, and even got the identity of their true disciple, just like Qin Hai. This is why we know it."

"After that, I will meet you, Master."

It took a full hour for Xiao Lang to finally give an overview of everything he had experienced over the years. Sun Wuji knew that Xiao Lang definitely still concealed it. After all, he said just now, he would tell himself what he could say, and naturally he could not tell what he could not. But even these were enough for Sun Wuji to digest for a long time.

After a cup of tea, Sun Wuji woke up, took a long breath, suppressed the surprise in his heart, and took a deep look at Xiao Lang.


Sun Wuji was amazed by the fact that Xiao Lang didn't choose anything in the last level of the Ice Fire Temple.

How many people in the world can do this?

The ancient proverb star ruins have existed for so many years, and the number of people who can be recognized by the Zhan Taizong is limited. I am afraid there is a big reason for this.

But what surprised Sun Wuji the most was that Xiao Lang received the title of true disciple of Zhan Taizong. After all, according to Xiao Lang, there are only four true disciples of Zhan Taizong in the entire cultivation world so far. Although he only knows one Qin Hai, he knows Qin Hai’s strength, not only because of his amazing background and talents. It's high and terrible.

In terms of potential, Xiao Lang can actually rival Qin Hai?

Sun Wuji looked at Xiao Lang in surprise, and couldn't help asking:

"My good disciple, tell me honestly as a teacher, what level of combat power you have reached now."

Combat power?

Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't expect Sun Wuji to ask him this, but he answered truthfully:

"Back to Master, I really don't know this."

"After my breakthrough, the increase in combat power reached more than ninety-five times in the mid-Era Realm, but how much is it... I haven't really tried it."

"Should be able to cope with the late peak of the Era Realm, right?"

Ninety-five times?

This number suddenly stunned Sun Wuji. Although Xiao Lang said calmly and looked very casual, he could tell by looking at the faces of Li Xueya, Deng Chun, Shi Qian and other people next to him, how terrifying this multiple was. !

Is this really a figure that a warrior can reach in the middle of a small era?

"you sure?"

Sun Wuji couldn't help asking, his pupils widened. Only then did Xiao Lang realize how shocking and horrifying he was, and asked in astonishment:

"Is it very tall?"

"Very high?"

Sun Wuji shook his head repeatedly, seeming to be speechless, and he was about to explain immediately, but at this moment, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he stood up from his seat, his eyes flashing brightly:

"Come on, let's learn from the master and apprentice!"

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this, and instinctively stood up, a little cramped: "This..."

With a wave of his hand, Sun Wuji took the lead to walk towards the open space in the courtyard, and said as he walked:

"It's okay, just learn from each other, just let go."

"I suppressed the martial arts cultivation in the middle of the era, and only used the power of a great road. You can rest assured to attack, and you will never hurt me."

Comparing the same realm?

It seems quite interesting.

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and his fighting spirit splashed. He immediately stopped hesitating, walked to the opposite of Sun Wuji, bowed his hand, and hesitated before taking the shot:

"Master, my moves are quite special, otherwise you..."

Xiao Lang really felt that this was a bit of bullying Sun Wuji. After all, of the same rank, his strongest blow was definitely Dao fusion, but Sun Wuji was the power of a single Dao. It was a bit unfair.

Xiao Lang was about to remind, but saw Sun Wuji wave his hand nonchalantly:

"Because of your mother-in-law, do you really think you are better than the master?"

Xiao Lang was helpless when he heard this, as long as he shut up.

"All right, then master, be careful."

Sun Wuji saw that Xiao Lang was about to make a move, and his eyes became more cautious. Although he had great doubts about the increase number that Xiao Lang said, and felt that this was what the senior of Zhan Taizong had deliberately comforted Xiao Lang, but he still couldn't help but pay attention.

The other party dared to say that, Xiao Lang's combat power would certainly not be too weak.

But what Sun Wuji never expected was that the next moment--


The void trembles, and the power of the avenue roars. I saw Xiao Lang's body, the red blue light suddenly transpired, rushing crazily, rushing on his arm, the lotus mark manifested, and in the center, there seemed to be a purple light Flickering, a huge coercion swept over, making Sun Wuji an instant discoloration.

The power of the great fusion?

Sun Wuji, as the strongest venerable person, is also well-informed, and he can see the peculiarities of Xiao Lang's trick at a glance, not to mention that Xiao Lang is a Taoist, and it is not too surprising that he can perform such a trick.

But even so, Sun Wuji couldn't help his eyes shrink.

"The powers of the great powers of different attributes blend together, is this okay?"

Suddenly, he suddenly thought of the reason why he wanted to accept Xiao Lang as a disciple in the past——

"Dao Spirit Body!"

"Could it be due to the Dao Spirit Body?"

Sun Wuji guessed the truth, but because of it, he was in a daze for a moment. At this moment, Xiao Lang yelled like thunder and already punched out——

"Master, be careful, this is the strongest blow from the disciple, named Leihuo!"

Thunder fire?

Sun Wuji looked at the oncoming red and blue lotus fist shadows, and smiled.

This name is quite appropriate.


Suddenly, Sun Wuji's spear shot, like a dragon from a hole, a bit of cold light like electricity, and greeted Xiao Lang's punch, but at this moment, what he didn't see was the lotus mark on Xiao Lang's punch. In the center, that purple light blooms quietly...

Full blow?


This was indeed Xiao Lang's full blow.

It is not only the thunder and fire blow he showed in the 48th pass of Tongtianqiao, but also contains a trace of the power of the spirit body origin in this punch!

this is--

Peak Thunder!


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