Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 422: Dao Will

Peak Thunder!

Even Xiao Lang's blow at the 48th pass of Tongtianqiao was not as good as this one, and it was far worse!

If you were to discuss with Li Qingshan and others, Xiao Lang would never use the power of the Dao Spirit Body in his body, because its combat power increase was too strong. If you are not careful, Li Qingshan and others may even be killed directly. dead!

But now the opponent is Sun Wuji, the strongest among the strongest venerables. Xiao Lang naturally doesn't have so much dread, so this punch is quite unrestrained, free and vivid, and even makes Xiao Lang new to Thunder Fire. Comprehend.


Void bursts, more powerful!

As the strongest venerable Sun Wuji, he could naturally see that Xiao Lang's fist was different from when he had just thrown it. His pupils brightened and he couldn't help shouting:

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang is about to break through the battle, he is certainly happy as a master.

But even so, Sun Wuji still did not rush forward, and he did not feel much pressure on the long spear gathered by the power of the wind system.

Even if he had suppressed his martial arts cultivation base at the mid-Era Realm peak, just like Xiao Lang, he still didn't think Xiao Lang was his opponent.

Strong increase in combat power exceeding 95 times?

It's really strong!

At least better than Sun Wuji's achievements in the middle of the era. Sun Wuji remembered that when he was at the peak of the Mid-Era Realm, the increase in combat power had just exceeded eighty times, and he could already be called a peerless evildoer.

But he is different now.

Now he is the strongest venerable, whether it is the mastery of the power of the great road, or the improvement and tempering of the physical body, it is far from the peak of the mid-epoch realm.

Therefore, he suppressed the martial arts cultivation in the middle of the Era Realm. In fact, he felt that he was already looking at Xiao Lang highly, so he was so confident.

"I was young and vigorous, and I have had such a big improvement in such a short period of time. I should have experienced some setbacks as a disciple. Let me be a master as a villain."

Even Sun Wuji had the idea of ​​deliberately sharpening Xiao Lang.

At this moment, the long spear in his hand finally collided with Xiao Lang's punch——


Void trembles, gold and stone roar!

At the moment when the two collided, Sun Wuji, who was not impatient or impatient, felt something was wrong.


Sun Wuji's eyes shrank sharply, and he watched Xiao Lang's fist as if it was damaging, and he took the lead in defeating his sharp spear tip, and the power of this fist did not weaken at all, feeling a surging force swept over him. , The power of destruction broke out!


Under the same horrified gaze of Deng Chun, Yang Guang and others outside the battle circle, they saw the brilliance on the surface of Xiao Lang's fist, and at the same time a coercion that made them feel quite familiar, but should not have appeared on Xiao Lang. Born, they couldn't help being shocked and even exclaimed:

"Dadao Will Blessing?!"

Sun Wuji also changed in surprise, and his movements suddenly stopped, showing the surprise and shock in his heart. And at this moment, the long spear in his hand was completely crushed and crushed by Xiao Lang. When he fisted in front of him, Sun Wuji even clearly saw the confusion and puzzlement on Xiao Lang's face. He seemed to be surprised by Sun Wuji's shot. So weak.

Sun Wuji was helpless.

"It turns out that my disciple is so strong, no wonder I'm so confident."


There was a muffled sound in Sun Wuji's body. The next moment, the majestic aura erupted. Under Xiao Lang's induction, Sun Wuji's thin figure seemed to swell ten million times in an instant, like a giant standing between the sky and the earth, towering majestic. , So that he felt a sense of invincibility.

what is this?

Xiao Lang felt he was suppressed.

Inexplicable suppression.

He can't even understand it!

But he still gritted his teeth, the peak thunder fire broke out, and the red and blue light mastered his work, but he saw that Sun Wuji was only sticking out one hand, spreading his five fingers, and moving slowly and slowly, so he firmly took the punch in his hand.


There was a muffled noise, and everything in the battle circle changed from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet.

Only Xiao Lang's face was astonished, at a loss, and even more than half of frustration.


It was clear to me just now... I have the upper hand!

What happened just now?

What martial skill is that?

Xiao Lang looked at Sun Wuji in shock. The latter's majestic figure standing between the sky and the earth still remained in his heart and could not be forgotten. At this moment, looking at Xiao Lang's complicated eyes, Deng Chun, Yang Guang, and even Li Xueya outside the battle circle looked at each other and smiled. As top venerables, they certainly knew how Xiao Lang felt now.

Sun Wuji originally held the idea of ​​suppressing and tempering Xiao Lang, but at this moment, seeing Xiao Lang looking lost his soul, he couldn't help sighing inwardly, and said:

"Don't stand stupid."

"This battle was lost for the division."

"I really didn't expect that not only did you climb the martial art realm so fast, you also reached this level of control over power, almost 100%, right? You have reached the level of a mirror like a mirror?"

Sun Wuji returned to the place and sat down, Xiao Lang's heart was shocked when he heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Sun Wuji gave in!

"I won?"

Xiao Lang hurriedly followed, only then did he see the smiles on the faces of Deng Chun, Yang Guang, and Li Xueya, and the cast of eyes, his mind trembled again.


This is not the first time that Deng Chun's smiles are facing each other, but this time is obviously different from before. Maybe even the three of them have not noticed. There is more recognition in his eyes, as if he is watching. Same as the warrior of the same rank!

"Could it be because just now..."

At the moment when the peak thunder fire completely erupted, Xiao Lang actually felt that his punch was different from the previous one. It seemed to be a lot stronger at once, only because the impact of Sun Wuji holding his full punch with his bare hands was too strong. He didn't think about it for a while, and it was only then that he felt a little abnormal.


Xiao Lang's words were urgent, and his eyes were full of expectation. Although he didn't ask anything, Sun Wuji certainly knew what he wanted to ask. He smiled slightly, and looked at Xiao Lang like he was looking at a child who has finally grown up. :

"You want to ask about the change of Qi just now for the teacher?"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly:


"Master, how did you do it?"

Sun Wuji smiled when he heard the words, and shook his head: "This is not a martial art, not just me, but Deng Chun, Yang Guang and the Li Xueya beside you can do it too."

They can too?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked at the three of Deng Chun, a flash of light flashed in his heart.

"The top nobles can do it because they have mastered a complete road?"

Hearing this, Sun Wuji seemed to be satisfied with Xiao Lang's sharp mind, his smile on his face deepened and nodded:


"Era Realm Xiao Perfect can also do it."

Xiao Lang was naturally more curious when he heard the words, but after that, Sun Wuji did not immediately explain what he wanted to know, but looked at him several times and admired again and again:

"You said before that your combat power has increased by ninety-five times, and you still don't believe it as a teacher, but now you really believe it as a teacher."

"More than that, your current combat power increase should be more than a hundredfold, so you can get the blessing of Dao Dao Will."

Dao will!

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank upon hearing this.

He heard these four words from Deng Chun just now.

"Master, what is the blessing of Dao Dao Will?"

What Xiao Lang didn't expect was that Sun Wuji shook his head when he heard the words and said:

"I don't know as a teacher."

"You can treat it as the recognition of heaven and earth. The blessing of Dao Dao will can make your combat power stronger and even undergo a qualitative transformation. This is also for the reason why the Xiaozhuan strong in the era is better than the strong in the late era. There are almost qualitative differences between the two."

Sun Wuji sighed, but Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of the battle in the Demon Blood World, and couldn't help but nod his head repeatedly, quite approving.

At that time, he felt that the pinnacle of Era Realm was really strong and a bit too much. I am afraid that the late stage of the Era Realm could not kill a pinnacle of Era Realm.

It turned out to be the blessing of Dadao's will.

At this moment, Xiao Lang was startled again, his eyes confused:

"But I don't have a complete road."

Sun Wuji laughed at this:

"Hahaha, my stupid disciple, the teacher has never said that only by comprehending a complete avenue can you get the blessing of the dao will. This is just the most common and common method, and there are many more. For example, you, in the middle of the Era Realm, the combat power increased by more than a hundredfold, is one of them."

"I have also practiced as a teacher for nearly 100,000 years, and I have only seen you who have increased their combat power by more than a hundred times in the middle of the Era Realm."

With that, Sun Wuji's eyes looked at Xiao Lang more satisfied.

Xiao Lang was even more shocked.

Only me!

Do not.

Absolutely more!

Xiao Lang suddenly thought of Tongtianqiao. In the forty-eighth level, he encountered an opponent whose combat power increased by ninety times. There are still many levels behind. In the history of Zhan Taizong, he must be as strong as himself. Appear!

But Xiao Lang was already content, and his eyes flashed brightly.

"Master, do you mean that my current combat power has reached the level of the Era Realm Small Perfection?"

Sun Wuji looked at the excited Xiao Lang and smiled:


"With the combat power of the punch you just now, you can be said to be invincible below Era Realm Xiao Wannian. Even if you are in the early Jin Dynasty Era Realm Xiao Wan, you still have no absolute control over the power. You should be able to compete, but There is still a gap between the veteran Era Realm Xiaoyuan peak powerhouse."

"Dadao will blessing also has strong and weak points."

"Under normal circumstances, Dadao will blessings are divided into four types..."

Four kinds?

Strong or weak?

When Xiao Lang heard the words, a pair of ears stood up immediately and listened. He had heard about the blessing of Dadao Will for the first time today, and immediately felt that a new door had opened before his eyes.

Moreover, it is still a door opened only for the real strong!


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