Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 423: Lord of Heaven

"The first and the weakest is the one you have achieved."

Seeing Xiao Lang's appearance of a good-looking baby attending the class seriously, Sun Wuji smiled and continued:

"The second type is that when a martial artist in the Era Realm is promoted to a small perfection and completely masters a complete Dao, he will also be blessed by the Dao's will, which is slightly stronger than the first type."

"However, as long as you have Dao Will blessing, you can pose a threat to opponents who also have Dao Will blessing. This is inevitable. The effect of Dao Will blessing is huge. The lower the martial art level, the more obvious."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this.

He has a deep understanding of this, but it is not because of the will blessing of the Dao, but the increase in the original power of the Dao Spirit Body in his body.

When he was a world realm powerhouse, the power of the Dao Spirit Body's original power could probably help him improve to a small realm, but now, it doesn't have such a powerful effect, it can only act on the increase in combat power.

Xiao Lang did not interrupt, and Sun Wuji continued to speak.

"Similarly, when you achieve the Great Perfection in the Era Realm, you will also get a blessing of the will of the Great Dao, but the effect is much stronger than that of the Small Perfection in the Era Realm."

Much stronger?

That is natural.

After all, Xiao Yuanman and Dzogchen have different control over the complete road.

Xiao Lang nodded subconsciously, but suddenly he was enraged, and he noticed a problem. He exclaimed in surprise and couldn't help interrupting Sun Wuji:

"Can the Dao Will blessing be superimposed?"

Sun Wuji heard the words and smiled, seemingly satisfied with Xiao Lang's insight into this, and nodded;

"Yes, the will of the Great Dao can be superimposed, so the strong are always strong!"

"Just like you, if you break through to the Era Realm Small Perfection level, you will definitely look down upon the heroes and be much stronger than the same level."

Xiao Lang's spirits shrank, and finally understood why Sun Wuji was so satisfied with his progress. This means that as long as he does not die, he will be blessed by a greater will than others in the future!

This advantage is too great!

Xiao Lang himself couldn't help but feel excited.

"If I break the shackles of combat power in the later period of the Era Realm, and get the blessing of the will of the great Dao..."

Xiao Lang couldn't help but imagine, Sun Wuji just pierced his mind with a glance, and said with a blank smile:

"The shackles of combat power are not so easy to break. The higher your level of martial arts, the more difficult it is. However, it is a good idea to have this kind of idea, you can work hard for it, but don't be stubborn. , This is not pretty."

Sun Wuji was obviously very tolerant to Xiao Lang. He was only admonishing and did not forcibly stop it. This was also an expression of love. Of course Xiao Lang could appreciate it, and he nodded immediately after hearing this:

"Yes, disciple remember."

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, Xiao Lang felt that he still had a chance. After all, his martial arts path is different from other people's. He can integrate the power of the Dao before he masters the complete Dao. Every time he integrates a bit of power, his combat power will change once.

"Have the opportunity!"

"It seems that we will spend more time on the integration of the power of the Dao in the future."

Xiao Lang muttered to himself, listening to Sun Wuji's narration continued:

"The blessing of the fourth kind of Dao will comes from the integration of the complete Dao."

Sun Wuji Road.

Xiao Lang was startled when he heard this, and he was not surprised by the answer, he had just guessed it. The blessing of the third kind of great will reached the era of great perfection, and the fourth kind of course belongs to the strongest venerable!

"Every time a complete Dao is merged, the Dao’s will blessing will increase by one point. Therefore, there is also a big gap between the top and the strongest, which is even larger than the late era and the small perfection. ."

Xiao Lang nodded immediately when he heard the words, deeply agreeing.

Certainly so.

Moreover, some of the strongest nobles have not only merged with a great way, the increase in the will of the great way is even stronger!

At this moment, Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of the horrible figure he had seen from Sun Wuji before. He was shocked and couldn't help asking;

"Master, how many roads have you integrated?"

As soon as Xiao Lang said this, he immediately felt the fiery eyes of Deng Chun and others next to him, but they were not looking at themselves, but Sun Wuji.

Xiao Lang immediately realized that he had asked too much, and immediately followed:

"Master, I..."

Sun Wuji also noticed the gazes of Deng Chun and others, smiled, waved his hand, interrupted Xiao Lang's explanation, and said:

"It's okay."

"Although this belongs to the martial arts secrets, it is generally not known to others, but I am your master, you can ask if you ask, but do not ask the other strongest venerables this question, they will think you have ulterior motives, or even So death is possible."

Xiao Lang nodded quickly upon hearing this:

"Yes, Master, the disciple knows."

Xiao Lang's eyes were dim. He thought that Sun Wuji would not say any more, but he did not expect that the next moment Sun Wuji's voice came:

"As for me, I was pushed to the bright side by the Tianfu Temple a long time ago, and my combat power has almost been thoroughly studied by a caring person. It's okay to tell you."

"Being a teacher ten thousand years ago, five avenues of wind were integrated."


Deng Chun and others couldn't help but lose their color when they heard this, and Xiao Lang was also shocked. He knew that Sun Wuji was very strong, but he didn't expect the latter to be so strong.

That's five complete roads!

Xiao Lang's mind was turbulent.

"Doesn't that mean that the master only needs to merge the two avenues to master the entire wind system heavenly path?"

Xiao Lang thought so, suddenly felt something wrong.


For example, the Five Elements Tiandao, each of which has seven avenues, but with different wind systems, it has as many as nine avenues!

Sun Wuji is still far behind.

But this is already scary!

Xiao Lang looked at Sun Wuji, his eyes flickering. And getting this answer also leads to new questions:

"Master, there are nine avenues of the wind system, but there are only seven avenues of the gold system. Wouldn’t those who practice the avenues of the gold system suffer a bit? That's it."

Of course, what Xiao Lang said at this time was the blessing of the will of the great Dao. Sun Wuji did not misunderstand. He smiled and looked at Xiao Lang and said:

"You are right."

"But it's not right."

"Actually, there is no strong or weak between the heaven and the path. The five elements can be divided into seven avenues and the wind system is nine. Of course, the blessing of the wind system is not as good as the five elements avenue. Can you understand this?"

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank upon hearing this.


The total amount remains the same, but the amount of differentiation is different.

Seeing Xiao Lang nodding, Sun Wuji's eyes also flashed bleak, saying:

"Therefore, it is not a good thing that there are many great avenues. The Five Elements Heavenly Dao only needs to master seven great avenues to become the Venerable Heavenly Dao, and the wind system requires nine insights, which is too complicated."

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

A person who masters the way of heaven is called a person of heaven?

The name is really easy to understand.

But is there really such a strong man in the world?

Xiao Lang has always been very curious about this question. In fact, it's not just him, anyone who knows the existence of the strongest venerable has this confusion in his heart.

However, no one else could ask, but Xiao Lang did. When he had doubts, he asked directly.

Xiao Lang did not expect that Sun Wuji's answer was so decisive and straightforward:


"We have Tianfu Palace, not just our Tianfu Palace..."

Sun Wuji said, looking at Deng Chun on the side, Deng Chun was taken aback, his face changed slightly:

"It's said that Big Brother might...Could it be..."

Sun Wuji smiled upon hearing this.

"It's not just your big brother."

Deng Chun's face changed drastically when he heard this. This time it was more than a guess, it was more shock and horror.

more than?

This means that they have a second heavenly master?

who is it?

At this moment, Deng Chun was scratching his heart, desperately wanting to know the answer, but it was a pity that Sun Wuji had already turned his head, obviously not going to tell him that Deng Chun was helpless in his heart, and could only think about it.

Venerable Heaven...

This was also the first time Xiao Lang knew of such existence, and couldn't help but imagine:

"Venerable Heaven...How strong are they?"

Sun Wuji glanced at Xiao Lang with a strange look, and said:

"Very strong!"

"Venerable Heavenly Way, you can contend head-on with the Emperor of the Immortal Realm! The blessing on them is no longer the will of the Great Dao, but the Will of the Heavenly Way like the Emperor of the Immortal Realm. In the last era, even the Lord of Heaven was killed The matter of the immortal monarch."

The Lord killed the monarch?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.


This is a higher order killing! And it was the immortal monarch who claimed to be Shou and Tian Qi!

so smart?

Xiao Lang was stunned for a long time before sighing:

"It's amazing! No wonder so many venerables are chasing the path of the heavenly path, if they break the shackles and achieve immortality..."

Xiao Lang no longer dared to think further, but at this moment, he didn't see Venerable Wuji's face sinking, his expression was solemn and said:

"Do not."

"When they set foot on the path of Venerable Heavenly Dao, they will have no destiny for the immortal realm. You can regard them as the fighting power of the immortal realm, even stronger than the ordinary immortal realm, but they are destined to miss the immortal realm. , There will be a day of birth, old age, sickness and death."


Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this, and looked at Sun Wuji in surprise:


"Being able to become Venerable Heavenly Dao, their understanding and talents should be superb, why..."

Sun Wuji's expression was dim, but he quickly returned to normal:

"I'll tell you about this matter when you become the top venerable. In short, this road is almost impossible. Don't step in rashly. There is still a choice to become the strongest venerable, but once you become the venerable of heaven, There is almost no way out."

Sun Wuji did not say.

Xiao Lang's heart was shaken, and he couldn't ask any more, but at this moment, he couldn't help but think of listening to Chaohou's inheritance.

"Ting Chaohou made me become the top venerable before going to the Chaohou Mansion to accept the inheritance, and also let me know the existence of the strongest venerable. It seems that Ting Chaohou wants me to be the strongest venerable! But ...What is the strongest?"

Xiao Lang suddenly realized that the strongest person who heard what Chaohou said was probably the **** of heaven!

After all, this is just a title.

Just as in the Demon Blood World, Xiao Wan in the Era Realm is the top venerable that has been passed down by word of mouth, in the Great World of Lihuo, only Dzogchen in the Era Realm is the top venerable.

"Isn't the strongest Venerable who heard Chaohou say the Venerable Heaven?"

"If so, does he have a way to promote Venerable Heavenly Dao to the immortal realm? It must be, otherwise, his descendant is just a Venerable, and even his life is limited. Isn't it a joke?"

Xiao Lang's thoughts were mixed, and he was lost in thought for a while, and his heart could not be calm for a long time, until he was awakened by Sun Wuji's voice again.

"Don't think about it, you are only the peak of the mid-Era Realm, and it's still early on that day, don't worry."

Xiao Lang raised his head and saw that Sun Wuji's face had returned to normal, with a smile on his face, but Xiao Lang couldn't help but trembled.

Sun Wuji is also the strongest Venerable, and there are as many as five avenues of integration! What is his goal?

Is it the monarch of the immortal realm or the **** of heaven?

Xiao Lang was puzzled, but he didn't ask more, because he knew that even if he asked, Sun Wuji couldn't tell him, but he couldn't help but get a bump in his heart and couldn't solve it.


"Next, where do you decide to go?"

Where to go

Xiao Lang was taken aback for a moment, a beautiful shadow appeared in his heart, and his heart trembled suddenly, almost without any hesitation, he answered directly——

"Come back home!"

It's time to go home.

He missed Nymph.


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